Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..had lunch out with my niece today , she works mores hours now so I dont see her has much :( but when we do meet we have such a laugh.. :lol:
    Toni the judges sneaky, Aidan and I hadn't time to paint the rd works signs.. :roll: still I am sure all is looking fingers crossed..yes the grafted wisteria are suppose to flower the first year..they are due in Aldi at 9 pounds I think..sorry no pound sign..hope your bloods are ok, and Lucy loves her nails.. :D
    Joan I always think about you and Sue has you do us..I think I said they took our ring and ride away..but someone has said it might come back I hope so
    Kath how good that your DN is back..Martin did you say..its nice when you know who you are getting..and its so nice of you to think of asking your young neighbour to do some errand for you..i bet the extra money really helps out..
    Aidan the pancakes were delicious thankyou...I agree it nice to go somewhere that you are familiar with..I get panicky if I dont know a place, especially new hospitals :shock:
    I must look out for SYTTD, is it on Sky hope not we dont have it.. :roll: I hope that Mandy is doing ok ..I can imagine she is scared of having another one..hopefully not with the stent.. t4591
    Apparently the grafted wisteria flower the first year..think its getting a bit late though , if I see one I will get it for next year..
    must say I do like the state occasions..just the queen though :D
    right better move
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
    Love to everyone
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Hope you are all feeling as well we Arthur can. I have had a few more ouchies than usual but am thinking that it is because I had been very busy started with a hectic visit with family and the christening. arrived home on the Tuesday back into to the busiest part of my week. and straight into the weekend again. since Sunday lunchtime It has been much more relaxed, and ouchies are easing. m T and myself are both ok and despite then ouchies we both are feeling better for the time away. We now only have about 3 weeks before we go on our holidays for a week in Weymouth so looking forward to that.

    Aidan yes GD has her memory stick and I am waiting for Mr T to put the photos off his ipad onto a stick for us then I can show you some of his. ooh no no smalls on the line please not for all to see.

    Talking of photos here are a couple more taken by others

    Rubie enjoying her ice cream 27-05-2019, 21 20 25.jpg?dl=0

    Mr T and our Youngest daughter 27-05-2019, 21 26 58.jpg?dl=0

    GS and Youngest GD 21.23.17 - Copy.jpg?dl=0

    Kath yes we are all doing well thanks. Its nice to have nice neighbours like that

    Toni our Rosie has it all under control with the s****r all will soon be thoroughly checked.

    sorry if I have missed anyone out but I cant remember any more of peoples posts so will not try.

    time for a potter and a nice cuppa tea

    so love and sparkles to you
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol the photos are great Rubie is loving her ice cream but your youngest daughter is the spit of Mr T!!!!

    Rosie has been over then left me with a 'team' to sort the house out :)

    3 weeks till your next break bless you you have hit the ground running :shock:

    Kath such good news! Michael is back now all will be well forever. You can't replace a good nurse can you :wink:

    Thanks for the smoothie lovely several of our 5 a day :)

    I hope the neighbour will help out sometimes that might just help you all out :D

    Barbara no the signs were normal :roll: , but not to worry we had cake on the cart to distract the judges.

    You can get some SYTTD on freeview….try Paul says Quest red???

    Nice to eat out with your niece and always to have a good laugh.

    Hello to our Aidan. Be ready for Mother to be a bit of a diva tomorrow morning you know what she's like when they are due out.

    I hope you and B are well and that Dad is too. OUr love to Mandy and some flowers t69044


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to al, wet again, fine by me, we need the rains t111055 t111055
    I started this in the afternoon and now it is gone 11pm :roll: :roll:

    So, the Judges were lurking then Toni - :shock: :shock: FOUR of them. Pom was quick on the draw and got in touch asap. As you say, everything was in order, as perfect as you could possibly make it.
    No wonder Mother was SHRIEKING her head off this morning, waking me up to tell me of the villidge inspekchon :shock: :shock:

    Of course you should win, we are all rooting for Sleeks village to win. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Did you eat a few too many of the puddings and pancakes, :mrgreen: oh dear, some fizzy pop, that will settle things :D:D

    We are SO French, with our wisteria's in flower, the bees are crazy for the nectar, which is lovely to see. We try and have as many plants as possible, for the bees and butterflies, birdies too.

    We had to download the catch up for SYTTD UK. Series 24 :? :? , for some reason we don't seem to have seen them, goodness knows how we could have missed them :shock: :shock: don't tell David, he will be fuming :lol::lol::o

    It was aynchent alkemy that sent me to sleep - the old ones are still the best so Mother says.

    Mandy didn't come home at all, they said no, not until the pains she was still having, had settled - well, they are settled now, (cardiac spasms) so she IS now home and have nattered to her this evening. When I rang earlier and spoke to her Son, I said is Mum there, or resting. She's in the car now. Car? Why? They kept her in - OH right.........but she is ok and will be back soon.

    TTO's were the bane of discharges from wards. Now, they seem to have departure "lounges" :shock: :shock: where people languish, whilst waiting for their medication to arrive :roll: :roll: They have them at Blackburn, the most depressing rooms................... :? :?

    Mother sent some parcels over, Sleek was super quick at hiding them in her ickle house. Like lightning she was. All big surprises for tomorrow's meeting with the Silver's. t115006 t115006

    A spi--- on your dressing table - oh my :shock: :shock: was there anything left of the bedroom :lol::lol::lol::lol: well done Paul, you are a very brave man. Rosie will have a sweep of the house done, they can pop round here, best to keep a check.............. :? :?

    We are waiting for a ring back from my GP, he is covering for Dads GP who is on hols. Dad has blister packs for his meds, morning and evening. Dad rang to say he had run out - what, you had two full days left, Tues and Wed..........nope, they are gone, so he has doubled up, twice, in less than 7 days. :shock:
    Spoke with pharmacy and she said call his GP, let him know there is a problem :? :?

    Spoken to GP, he is on the case - my GP doesn't mess about and they need to know that things are becoming more challenging.

    Hi Kath - way to go, Martin the lovely nurse is back, that is wonderful news, I bet you and a lot more patients besides, are more than pleased. I hope they offered him a pay rise too :D:D:D
    He came and did your bloods and your BP, which is ok in my old nursing mind. There are always new guidelines for what a BP should be :roll: :roll: so things have changed umpteen times over the years.

    I am so glad he is back, to look after you all.

    That was kind, one of your neighbours went to the shops for you t4591 I am sure she will help you again, no problem. A little treat for the children, that will go down very well I am sure. :D:D Kind folks restores your faith in human nature.

    I hope you are both ok, not too many ouches and both feeling as settled as possible - some extra strength and hugs (((()))) t115006 t115006

    Thank you for the smoothie, I will miss out the nana's :mrgreen: but the rest of it is gorgeous, ta duck.

    Hi Barbara - it seems a long time since you mentioned your Niece. Working all the hours bless her.
    Good that you had a catch up and a laugh - just the tonic :) t4591 t4591

    You are welcome to the pancakes t4591 we need our treats. I am ok with places I know too, strange places do make me very anxious.
    I am ok ish with hospitals, having been in them all my working life, they are almost second home.

    SYTTD is on TLC, which I cannot see on freeview. It is on Youtube TV, so you can watch it on the laptop.

    As you will have read, Mandy didn't come home on Monday at all - Tuesday tea time instead. They had to make sure her pains had stopped and re jigged her medications a bit more.

    She sounded ok, but was tired and looking forward to her own bed. t4591
    There is always that fear, of another, I know just how she feels. :? :? But, we carry on, you have to.

    The State Banqueting Hall is something to behold, priceless silver gilt dinner service and HUGE candelabra's etc. Her Majesty had her best diamonds on, as did Kate. It was quite a do.

    The banquet at the US Embassy was quite a do as well - I must say HRH and the Royal family namely Charles and Camilla have made the President and First Lady most welcome.

    Hi Carol - glad that the ouches are easing a bit now, after your mini break and hitting the ground running, as they say, when you arrived home.
    A bit of r and r for you both, will not go amiss. Three weeks will soon pass, before your trip to Weymouth (lovely place as I recall). We will have to start a countdown shortly...............:)

    Gd has all the pictures from Mr T :) Very good

    Smalls on the line is a no no, absolutely not. Even though they are super tiny :shock: :lol::lol: said no one, EVER :lol::lol::lol:

    Thank you for sharing the pictures, getting in a mess with ice cream, just the best way to enjoy it t4591 t4591

    Hope you enjoyed your cuppa, cannot beat it.

    Hi again Toni - nope, you cannot keep a good nurse down :D:D:D Gold dust we are, gold dust :lol::D t115006 t115006

    Ah, so you can get TLC, on Freeview, that's good, Barbara will be able to watch SYTTD t4591 t4591

    Mother is getting her rest in, before the big "do" at the Silver's. What with state occasions and the like, then our puskins all meeting up with the Silver family
    I did notice that Mother had left one present out, ready to take with them............


    Hermione let me have a secret peek at the gift for Mrs Silver, it is perfect, with a rainbow on it too............ t4591 t115006


    They will be back before we are in from shopping, I am sure Mother Glitter Sparkles will have me awake from silly o clock :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the ((())) for us all and for Mandy too t4591 t4591

    Picking Dad up, then into town, my shipping order of pills is ready to pick up, T room will be ready to visit :) and Sainsb will follow that.

    Time I was pottering again, so I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    Sleek and Mother said we had to have Unicorn Breakfast Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Sleek was here a minute ago not sure where she vanished to :? poof! just like magic - gone! She was peeking over my shoulder admiring the unicorn pancakes :wink:

    Yes they will be off while you are shopping and collecting pills etc Aidan. All parcels are beautifully wrapped aren't they? and that necklace (solid gold I am told :shock: ) is to represent Silver's love for MRs Silver :D Apparently there are 'horn rings' too to match :? like earrings with 'Im it ashun' rainbow droplets on them! Mrs D also imported some rainbow hay to go underneath some rainbow beds which Tommy is going to present to them. Sleek said Mother said he will look 'egg stra kewt' because the parcel is large and he is smawl.

    Dad is taking to many pills. Oh dear. Are the blister packs marked with the day? Of so then I would suggest buying some daily dosette (the plastic ones?) and delivering them daily.

    I do hope Barbara can find some Say Yes to the dress on freeview. Paul says it's there, but he really isn't sure it's the bang up to date ones. Lips are sealed :| David shall not find out you missed a whole series :shock: but how lovely you can binge watch some :D

    Let's hope our village was smart enough to get us through to the next round fingers crossed.

    Poor Mandy staying an extra night I bet she was upset, but maybe nest if she was still in pain? I bet she was out for the count last night ((())) for her. I wouldn't wait in any discharge lounge nope not me can't think of much worse. I bet you would be the same :lol: Homeward bound I would be :wink: Show me any door and I'd be out of it :lol: TTOs or no TTOs :oops:

    I cautiously put the bedroom back to it's usual order once I was sure Paul had taken small person outside and after Rosie had done her 'sweep' I felt safe after that :? just!

    Right a quick wave to Joan a010.gif

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen that's good you have a neighbour to help you((((((()))))))
    . Barbara that was nice seeing your niece and having a good laugh((((((()))))))
    . Carol good photo's Weymouth is lovely((((((()))))
    . Aidan That's good Mandy is home she will feel more relaxed now.
    . love to your. Dad good job he has you to care about him((((((()))))))
    . Toni when will you know if you have won((((((()))))))
    take care all love to Mig((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Edible unicorns Aidan, thank you, will eating one (some) drive my ouchies away? Can't put my weight on my right hip. It feels as though the bones are grinding together. :roll: Instead of napping this morning, we watched the D-Day Remembrance. Rosie told me she'd sent a team of spids to check out the venue. She didn't want any naughty rogues bothering Sheridan Smith as she was singing. We don't want any cobwebs in our busbies, and wasn't Sir Willard White amazing?

    Carol, what beeautiful photos of your family. t4591

    Oh my goodness, I think I just saw Sleek sneaking through the magic gate. I wonder what she's up to Toni?

    Vegetarian stroganoff pasta bake with mushroom and spinach
    A pasta bake doesn't need a lot of time in the oven. Rather, grill it just long enough to melt the cheese on top.

    500g dry penne pasta

    50g butter

    1 onion, halved, thinly sliced

    2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

    3 sprigs thyme

    400g each Swiss brown and button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

    1 tbsp olive oil

    3 cups baby spinach leaves

    50g tomato paste

    2 tsp sweet paprika

    ¼ cup plain flour

    3 cups vegetable stock

    250g sour cream

    ¾ cup grated cheese

    2 tbsp finely shredded parsley, to serve

    freshly ground black pepper, to serve

    additional salad leaves, lightly dressed, to serve

    Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Cook the pasta according to packet instructions until al dente. Drain, rinse with cold water and transfer to a 2½-litre baking dish.

    Rinse the saucepan and return to medium-high heat. Add the half the butter and the onion, garlic and thyme and cook until golden, about 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Increase the heat to high, add half of the mixed mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms are browned and softened. Transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl.

    Add the oil to the pan, then stir in the spinach for a minute until it is wilted. Remove spinach from the pan and set aside, allowing any moisture released to drain away. Add the remaining mushrooms to the pan and cook until browned, about 5 minutes.

    Return the first batch of mushrooms to the pan and mix well. Reduce heat to medium, add the tomato paste and paprika and cook for 1 minute, then add the flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Gradually stir in the stock over medium heat until a thick sauce is formed (this takes about 5 minutes). Stir in the sour cream and wilted spinach and turn off the heat.

    Preheat your grill to high. Stir one-third of the sauce through the pasta to combine, then pour over the remaining sauce to cover. Scatter very lightly with cheese and grill until the cheese is golden, about 5 minutes. Scatter with chopped parsley and serve with some green salad leaves on the side.
    tip: When cooking pasta for pasta bakes, you don't need to seriously undercook it – al dente is fine. It will soften further by absorbing moisture from your sauce.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mother was there and then gone, now back, ahead of our return from Town. :shock: :shock: She was shrieking her loudest, not only for her gourmet chicken, but because of the meet and greet with the Silver family t4591 t4591 t4591 I am assuming that Sleek was rather vocal as well Toni.

    Solid gold gifts for the First Lady, Mrs Silver - rainbow bedding for the youngsters t115006 t115006 from Mrs Darcey and Tommy Thumb.

    Our three ladies were presented with emerald and diamond rings :shock: :shock:


    Tommy was given a special note book for him to write down the spells that he learns. He is over the moon and back and he didn't faint :) The notebook is already instilled with the words "and harm ye none". :)


    Each of them were given a group photo of the Silver family, taken very close to Rainbow Bridge t115006 t115006 Duly reminded that it is close to a year since Pepe crossed the bridge t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591


    Mother is sleeping like a baby at the moment, recovering from the excitement.

    Silver did mention to them that a group of Unicorn, is called a Blessing t4591 t4591 t4591

    We were in the T room when Dr rang again, so B went outside. He has made an appointment for Dad to see his new GP, in a week or so's time. His pills were in order today - :? :? it might well come to daily dose boxes.

    Gathered my huge pile of repeats. Had lunch in the T room, plus a slice of extra chocolatey chocolate fudge cake - :) wonderful

    Yes I hope Barbara can find some SYTTD on freeview. Meanwhile we can binge watch the series we missed :shock: :shock:

    I am sure Sleeks village will sail through to the next round t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Yes, Mandy was going to bed, as soon as she had finished nattering to us two. I am sure she slept well, not seen her today.

    Wait in the "discharge lounge" not a hope, either keep me on the ward until my pills are ready, or I am going straight to the main entrance and out of here. :lol::lol: I would even struggle to get on a bus if I had to.

    Glad your bedroom is back in order, always best to demolish a room if there is a spi--- lurking and you cannot see it :shock: :shock:

    Hi Joan and Sue - Hope you are both ok and the lovely doggies too (((()))) thank you for the hugs and kind words for us all and for Mandy too, I am sure she will have slept well last night, much needed - hospitals are not designed for restful sleep :roll: :roll:

    Absolutely, the edible Unicorns will help with the inner ouchies. Sending some extra hugs and lavender pats, for that ouchy hip (((())))
    Most of the time, I think our bones are grinding together :roll: :roll: :roll: only when you have it, can you sympathise with another. t4591 t4591

    I was reading about the D day celebrations and the 300 servicemen that were there, 75 years ago today. An emotional time for them, bringing back such memories. We owe those who served, our freedom. t4591 t4591 God Bless them all.

    The Queen spoke from the heart and thanked them, on behalf of her country and the nations allied to our forces. We watched Sheridan Smith singing, on you tube, she has a lovely voice, she looks a lot better now, having put a little weight on. She was so thin at one point.

    Oh the puskins have been here, there and all over the place, through your gate, into the enchanted forests, meeting with Silver and, magic, wonder, it's all going on :lol::lol: t115006 t115006

    Thank you for the veggie pasta bake, gorgeous gorgeous, I am in there with my spoons, ta mi duck XX

    Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are all ok. Do you have to wait long for blood results? I know we can ring, after a couple of days, as long as the Dr has seen them, the reception staff will tell you.

    Hi to Carol - was it knit and natter today - or is that Wednesday? I forget :roll: :roll: which is nothing new. :lol::lol:

    I should make a move and do some more pottering. My slippers have finished in the washer - I have many spares though.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone in and about. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Will call back later :)
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Had to put our treat on another page :)

    Double Decker Pumpkin & Caramel Pie - (booth is warmed up ready)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..Niamh has just gone home after her roast dinner.. :lol: M&S with extra Yorkshire pud...
    Toni I am sure cake on a cart was a good distraction for the judges.I was hiding in the bushes ..just to see if they left any :lol: fingers crossed..and I will look for the say yes to the dress..sure I will find it somewhere
    Joan..I love meeting my niece...and its more speacail now she works longer hours..hope you are all ok...
    Kath Sheridan Smith is such a good sent shivers down my spine.hips are so painful , have you had it xrayed...I hope it eases for you soon...x
    Aidan all those lovely pics..I want the unicorn necklace :D and the Emerald rings my favorite colour :D
    So Mandy stayed in for another night..I know the discharge lounges like you say they are so just want to get out in the fresh air :shock:
    I have an appointment for the 11th for my results..fingers crossed
    Poor dad taking to many tablets..say me that has done it a few times..or took the wrong ones :o I agree the queen has a lovely speaking voice :) I keep thinking that all these people that didnt want Trump to come are forgetting the Americans lost nearly half a million solders in WW2 helping us out.. :(
    My dad went over on the 7th with his tank regiment..he came back or I wouldn't be here it was nice to remember them all today.. :cry: god bless them...
    Carol the pics are lovely.. :D no wonder you have been sore but hopefully some rest before your holiday..its a long time since we went to Weymouth..would love to go back
    Think I had better make a move
    love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - is it me, or has it been chilly this evening, had to pop the heating on for a while :shock: :shock:
    Next week it will be all the fans going :roll: :roll: :? :?

    Hi Barbara - I was wondering if Niamh was coming over, or if she was coming Wednesday -
    Glad Niamh enjoyed her roast dinner, with extra yorkshire puds. She has a good appetite :)

    Glad you liked all the pictures, of course you can have a Unicorn Necklace and some Emeralds with diamonds all around t115006 t115006

    Yes, Mandy was in another night, the Consultant insisted they had to get the chest pains under control and the spasms to ease. I know my cardio has talked about cardiac spasms, which I get too. :? :?
    Toni and I are not going into any departure lounge, we have decided - I would rather sit outside in the rain. t111055

    We will be under the cloak on the 11th, when you get your blood results - remind us though.........Toni will remember for sure.

    Fortunately the pills that Dad is taking, are not overly problematic if he does take a double dose. All was in order today and the surgery have booked him in to see his new GP, along with B, where "concerns" can be raised.......... :? :?

    Oh I am terrible sometimes with my pills, the times I start getting my morning pills ready, at 11pm pill time.........and the night pills, I have to put them out on the counter, or I would not remember if I had taken them :shock: :? :roll: bless, it's a shame :roll: :lol::lol: it happens to us all

    Sheridan Smith does have a good voice, with the lead role as Cilla Black in the movie.

    I think the Queen was quite emotional to be honest, remembering D day all too well.

    Oh the stupid protests, against the President, what a joke they were, an embarrassment to the nation. Most people who were going to protest, didn't bother to turn up.

    Like you say, the number of US troops that perished, alongside our own, should never be forgotten. They have long been our allies, regardless of people's opinions about the President. OK, I will get off my soap box, or I will still be rattling on come morning.

    Remembering your Dad too, in the tank regiment. It must have been a terrifying experience for everyone :cry:

    Hi Toni - I hope you and yours are all ok, Sleek says she is having a much needed rest, whilst admiring her emerald and diamonds, deep within the vaults of her ickle house. t4591 t4591

    She spoke (loudly), with Mother, Mrs D and Tommy, at siesta time, having tried all sleepy spells and alkemmy, to no effect, they gave up and just carried on nattering about their time with Silver and family - a Blessing of Unicorns t4591 t115006 t115006
    Mother has used her Emerald and Diamond ring, as a little loop, for her light silk scarf. It is hidden in her rooms, behind the new cushions.
    Mrs D is just admiring her new gemstones and Tommy is busy away with his new notebook for spells. Practising his kaligraffy :shock: :lol::lol:

    As far as I can gather, they are stopping at home today :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Hi Carol, so we are on less than three weeks now :) before your holidays - The waterfront at Weymouth is lovely


    Well, time I was moving, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Blueberry and cream cheese breakfast bread
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just eating my breakfast bread thanks Aidan

    WHAT a racket Sleek was making yesterday shrieking like a banshee alright :roll: I think Kath saw her going through the gate on her way to meet Silver.

    She also shed a tear about her one love Pepe t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t4591 She said it was tooo longg agow and she wants him back bless her :(

    Mrs Silver had told her something secret in her ear though which she remembered and smiled. I think t might have been a message from Mr Ragamews himself :?

    She adores her ring! Can't stop looking at it this way and that and talking selfies. She told me Tosca had made Tommy's book extra magical s any 'praktis ryting' which Tommy isn't happy with can vanish - just like that!

    I hope the Dr can help with Dad bless him. I thought you'd have already thought of daily dosettes.

    I am with you as far as 'escaping' from hospitals. No way no discharge lounges (holding bays) for us! I have in the past and will happily get on the bus again. Between us though we could maybe run to a taxi?

    Mandy will surely have slept on and off all day you don't get much rest in hospital do you?! Is she on her own at home? I hope someone is with her. t69044

    The pumpkin cake was fabulous!! the booth had serious work to do!!!

    It's dry out there I think my slippers can go in the machine too ;):mrgreen:

    Barbara Paul say freeview channel 39 my nephew has it. You better put your feet up with a cuppa you will LOVE it!!! Usually on in the afternoons as my niece in law watches it!!

    I am sure Niamh enjoyed her M&S roast with the essential extra Yorkshire.

    Choir tonight? Don't forget will you :)

    I don't watch the news at all anymore nor read it. Nope I suppose I will have to if Brexit doesn't go through and we have riots :roll:

    Kath I didn't watch the remembrance although an old boy I know was there on the ship having a fabulous time :)

    Good idea sending Rosie's team in.

    Love the pasta bake t4591 ta v muchly :)

    Joan we will know we are through to the next round if we see the judges here in July then the winners are announced in August. Hope you are ok?


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen how are you feeling today not too many ache's and pain's I hope((((((())))))
    . Aidan there is a lot of rain coming I've read love to everyone and pepe Lexi is 9 to day ((((((()))))))
    . Barbara how is Niamh and her skating and her house work doing((((((()))))))
    . Toni that's a long time to wait. How is Lucy getting on((((((())))))
    . take care all love to Carol Mig((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've been in the departure lounge 3 (maybe 4) tmes all together. :roll: Full of little old ladies comparing their treatments.

    Joan, yes I heard about the coming rain, I think that's why I've been so ouchy. Thank goodness for the Lavendar squares. Hope your little family are all keeping well.

    Toni, I guessed Sleek was off visiting someone important, she had her ortigraff book and kammra with her.

    Aidan, thank you for the breakfast bread, I had a slice or 6 plastered with best butter. I hope dad is getting to grips with the tablets. I sometimes get confused with mine too. I hope Mandy is sleeping like a log. f030.gif

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    The weather here today is rather pleasant, thought it was going to ran just after lunch but it was only about half a dozen spots and it stopped again sun is out again now and nice blue sky.

    Kath those nutty granola bars were so yummy so our Rosie sent out a team of spids to check out the d day venue good thinking Rosie she is so super organised. hope the ouchies improve soon I'll send some bush babies over just have the Jammie dodgers ready :lol: send a few hugs ((((()))))and a bottle of Silvers extra strong sparkles. yes the picture are lovely the ones I have posted so far are ones other members of the family have taken and posted on FB. I am waiting for mr T to give me our memory stick so that I can show you some of his.

    Joan Glad you like the photos. happy Birthday to Lexie. yes Weymouth is nice we have been there before.

    Aidan It can get a bit chilly in the evening when the sun goes down I haven't had to switch the heating on though. hope Mandy's chest pain and spasms will ease soon so she can return home. hospitals are not the best of places to be. departure lounges are a no for me too I would sooner call a cab. I see all the pusskins are very busy looking at emeralds and diamonds and tommy is practising his kaligraffy skills. yes less Than 3 weeks to go for holidays in fact it is 2 weeks and 4 days. and believe it or not it is the same amount of time and the first half on the year is gone. I like Weymouth we have been there before it's a holiday camp a short bus trip to Weymouth sea front. They have chalets, Caravans and lodges we will be in one of the lodges. plenty of nice places for a little stroll and sit for a coffee of course. so much exercise on the cards for that week along with some rest a relaxation. then it will be looking forward to new GGS being born at the end of July beginning of August. The breakfast bread went down a real treat with a nice cuppa. glad the booth was on and warmed up after that Pumpkin and caramel pie. yes Knit and natter was on Wednesday my friend wasn't there this week so I could natter without being interrupted. :lol: mind you I think she is getting the message by the way I am behaving with her lately.

    Barbara yes between the family we have some gorgeous pictures of the christening mr T has over 100on his I pad as GD had ask him to take them inside the church, outside before we went in and at the little get together in the pub after, and he also added pictures of people coming out of the church in fact I hardly saw him all afternoon he kept going off to take more photos I think he was quite enjoying himself. :lol::lol:

    Must have a little potter but will post this so that I do not lose it . and I may be back later

    Love and sparkles to all
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all we have had thunder on and off :shock: with plenty of rain..
    Aidan thankyou for the Blueberry and cream cheese breakfast bread very tasty indeed..
    Glad that dad has an appointment to see the Dr....and I hope that Mandy recovers well.. t4591 I bet she feels safer with you nearby..
    I have watch the remembrance most of the very sad to hear all the story's , we got very little out of dad apart form his unit were ambushed and he lost many friends.. :cry:

    Toni tell Paul thankyou..i will certainly watch it keep wonder what I am missing..and I dont blame you for not watching the news..just wish I didnt have to ..oh would have it on all day..thats is a while to wait to see if you have won BKV..oh yes choir I will be there..
    Kath the nutty granola sounds good..hope that hip is behaving ...x and have you met your new neighbours yet :?:
    Joan Niamh will be going skating this Saturday.. :D I would love to have a go...many years ago I lived on my roller skates..not safe walking any more :lol:
    Carol we had a log cabin when we last went to Weymouth..not far out..I remember the ferries taking people to Jersey..and the lovely long beach...I cant wait to see more pics of the Christening..
    Sorry this is short but my brain isn't working well today..mind you its most days.. :lol:
    Love to everyone..sleep well
    :animal_busy: t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One of those days, where you start off ahead of things, then by the early afternoon, everything has gone to pot :roll: :roll: :? :?

    Anyway, I am here, finally.

    Glad the breakfast bread was a hit, it looked so good, just the one slice then Toni :wink::lol::lol:

    I think Mother has shrieked herself hoarse :roll: :roll: much visiting of the cushions and then under her blankies. t115006 t115006

    There was a bit of coming and going through Kath's garden, as they headed off into the forest

    We all want Pepe Ragamews to come back, but, over rainbow bridge is a beautiful place, where time is not even a concept, just being, in peace, surrounded by love t4591 t4591 Even Mother was a little teary eyed :cry::cry: knowing that Pepe crossed rainbow bridge on the 9th June last year.

    The Silver family are able to see and hear, from across rainbow bridge, so a message from Pepe Cookie and Eric, would be quite likely. t4591 t4591 And deep breath Aidan :cry: :? :?

    Tosca is equally delighted with her emerald and diamonds - a lot of selfies have come through to Mothers Catsap :lol::lol:

    I wondered what mother was pawing over, in her ancient spell book, a spell to erase any mistakes in Tommy's new book, just perfect. He will soon get a paw on it with some practice :)

    I am sure my GP, will have spoken to Dads new GP and voiced our concerns, prior to his appointment. We are doubting that he takes any of his medication, apart from his new anticoagulant........... :roll: :roll: but, you cannot force the issue. Difficult, but, crossing one bridge at a time.

    We would have shared a taxi to anywhere, as long as it was away from the hospital "JUST DRIVE" :lol::lol::lol: To the nearest coffee bar.

    No, Mandy has OH there and her Son and his GF.

    She rang just after lunch, her PC had gone squiffy, after it was dropped off the desk :shock: :shock: . So we both went round, B was back and forth, trying to sort her computer. The hard drive is fried basically, after trying for hours and hours to fix it.

    We had a spare all in one pc in B's magic cupboard of electronics, so she is going to have that. He is still on with it now, fresh windows install.
    All her info on the other hard drive is kind of lost, nothing was backed up, apart from some pictures. :? :? Not a great deal you can do, he has tried every way to get the info off the drive, but not a chance.

    I came back home after lots of nattering, chatting about heart matters and the like. M is very tired, it is only a week, since her MI, so not a surprise. Taking things easy and letting everyone else do the chores. t4591 t115006

    The booth was steaming, must have been the pumpkin pie clean up :lol::lol:

    My slippers are dry and on again, spares back in the cupboard. They need "refreshing" from time to time :mrgreen: :roll:

    It was forecast to be dry today (Thursday), it was, apart from the thunder and pouring rain :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    I hope choir practice was good, with cakes and or biccies to aid the vocals - I am sure Barbara will have made it in time :)

    I only read a bit of the news, in the Mail online, we never have it on the tv. at all.

    I am sure the Judges, will be back in July t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue - happy Birthday to Lexi, 9 today, I bet there were some lovely treats for her
    Thank you for the hugs and love to us all. We send the same back to you both (((()))) t4591 t4591 There is storm Miguel coming.
    Suesday today :)

    Hi Kath - yep, that's what departure lounges are like. They didn't exist when I was nursing. Patients stayed on the ward, usually in the day room, watching tv etc. The ones at Blackburn hospital could not be any further from the main entrance if they tried :? :? :roll: :roll:

    There are some more lavender pats for the ouchies, plus magic squares, hugs and some gentle massage from the Bush Babies t4591 t4591

    Naturally, the breakfast bread needed to be slathered in best butter, we need all the calcium we can get :lol::lol:

    Dad and his pills, is a "work in progress" shall we say - if he is not taking 90% of them, there is not a lot we can do, but encourage and explain the need for taking them.

    Thank you for the Granola bars, much needed, ta mi duck.

    Hi Carol - looking forward to seeing some more pictures, we need to ask Mr T to get a wriggle on with his memory stick :lol::lol:

    It is chilly again tonight, so the heating has just come on. Strange weather, so clear now, but it was black as soot in the afternoon with thunder clattering and our neighbour dithering - she hates storms :shock: :shock:

    Mandy is home, we spent most of the afternoon there, as you will have read. Tired and needs to kick back and rest and recover, without being tempted to do too much - says me :roll: :roll: :roll:

    All the puskins have been resting, after their adventures into the enchanted forests. t115006 t115006 Admiring the jewels etc.

    Two weeks and 3 days now :D:D:D That will be lovely, to stay in a lodge. There are quite a few lodges on our park, (residential, not holiday ones). Our neighbours on the other side have a lodge.

    Handy that there is a bus to take you the short distance to the sea front, for tea's, coffee, cakes, a little wandering around the shops and marina - lovely. I want a holiday :? :roll: :roll:

    Of course, your GGS will be joining the family soon, only a month away, that will fly by.

    You enjoyed your knit and natter, without interruptions, I bet it made a change, hope that doesn't sound horrid, it isn't meant to be.
    The penny sounds like it is dropping, which is good.

    Hi Barbara - Mandy has always said, we can never move, what would they do without us next door. Bless. She is doing ok, we had a good natter and ate lots of chocolates :D:D:lol::lol:

    I have read some of the stories of the D day landings and it is almost impossible not to be moved. Like your Dad, so many have never been able to talk of their experiences and the loss that they endured, for our freedom. We owe them more than we can ever give. t4591 t4591

    Glad you made it to choir :) Skating this week end, for Niamh - best you don't put any on, as you say, keeping our feet going in the right direction is trouble enough :shock: :? :roll: :roll:

    Well, I think it is time I was pottering again. B is still busy with the pc that M is going to have. I just keep making drinks, some of which have ended up on the worktop :roll: :roll: :roll:

    GC this morning, with Dad. Some shopping for the week end. That will be enough. Not sure is BIL and SIL are coming over, will find out today I guess.

    Love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    pan roast potatoes, crisp sweet peppers, and kale, under a layer of melted cheddar :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning :D

    Overcast so far and rumour has it it's going to chuck it down later :roll: I am going to take some pics for you all to see of the scarecrows in the village.

    Erm only one slice of breakfast bread yesterday Aidan? did I say that? :oops: AS for the pan roasted spuds for today's breakfast just one plateful (no mention of the size of the plate) thanks :) The booth would be steaming!!!

    I would imagine the anticoagulant it Dad's most important tablet along with his water tablet and maybe painkillers will be thought of when he is in enough pain??? Would a patch be possible for any of them?

    Poor Mandy being without her PC ad how kind of B to try to fix hers and now spending hours setting up and improving your old one with software and her pics etc :D she will be over the moon :)

    Sorry about Tosca's catsap :? Sleek just can't help it her emerald needed looking at from so many different angles....I think it was a message from Pepe for you too because he would know that he would be in your minds very much just now t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 ((()))

    Popped in to see Kari yesterday for a cuppa. She said that Tommy's Mummy and Daddy had seen him practising his writing in his book. Sounds like the spell is working :wink:
    Enjoy the GC maybe a Beth special is in order - after all it is Friday :wink:

    Barbara the news is rarely good these days is it? Poor you OH watching it constantly...does that mean he discusses it too :shock:

    Bless Niamh I think she would love to see her GM every day t4591

    Well done for sneaking in the back of choir last night I could hear you but not see you. We did well didn't you think? What did you think of our new proposed 'casual' dress??

    Carol hello! we had spots of rain yesterday too nothing 'real' I had to water our pots :roll: Today will be different for sure.

    Weymouth is a classy seaside resort I think rather lovely I am certain you will have a great time. You two certainly live your lives to the full!

    I expect you did more knitting at knit and natter this week and enjoyed chatting to other people minus your friend's interruptions :lol:

    Once the holiday is over it will fly by until GGS arrives t4591

    Kath the little old ladies like to compete don't they about their treatment and look at us 'young uns' and wonder why we are there :lol:

    Oh yes Sleek was off to see VIPs and she took lots of pics on her kammra and some selfies on her phone :roll:

    Lovely granola bars I took some to choir practise I hope you don't mind :?

    Lucy is doing really well thank you Joan she's handed in her notice at the school :shock: She wants to work full-time at the residential home :D Hello Sue happy birthday to Lexi!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Carol Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen yes I have ouchies when it's cold and wet I think we have rain next week.((((((()))))))
    . Carol not long till July babies are so sweet I don't know how people can hurt them ((((((()))))))
    . Barbara you go steady it's so easy to lose your balance I know once I fell in the dog bed I had pain from lexi getting excited and jumping at me it stopped me getting up.((((((()))))))
    . Aidan it's nice for Mandy having a computer it keeps her mind busy so much to look at love to you both and your Dad((((((()))))))
    . Toni that's nice Lucy doing the nursing full time good carers are needed. have a good weekend((((((((()))))))
    . take care love to Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Carol Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen yes I have ouchies when it's cold and wet I think we have rain next week.((((((()))))))
    . Carol not long till July babies are so sweet I don't know how people can hurt them ((((((()))))))
    . Barbara you go steady it's so easy to lose your balance I know once I fell in the dog bed I had pain from lexi getting excited and jumping at me it stopped me getting up.((((((()))))))
    . Aidan it's nice for Mandy having a computer it keeps her mind busy so much to look at love to you both and your Dad((((((()))))))
    . Toni that's nice Lucy doing the nursing full time good carers are needed. have a good weekend((((((((()))))))
    . take care love to Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xxx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ay up duckies t4591 Well it's still nice and sunny here. It will probably start chucking it down just as Tesco arrives. :roll: Aidan, how kind of B to set a computer up for Mandy. Thank you for the tasty pan roast potatoes. I've had 3 platefuls (NA NA NANANANA Toni :P )

    Joan, babies look sweet but can sometimes be little wotsits, but I agree, how could anyone hurt them? BUT THEY DO. GRRR r010.gif

    Thank you for the Lavender pats, bushbabies etc. Much appreciated. My doc has just rung me. She's increasing my dose of BP pills. So now it's still Felodipine 10mg daily, Doxasosin 8mg daily. :o

    Creamy Cauliflower, Mushroom & Kale Pasta Bake {vegan option}

    1 small head cauliflower, , outer leaves removed, cut into medium florets
    1 small potato, (~100g), sliced 3mm thick
    250 g wholemeal penne pasta,
    3 tbsp olive oil
    2 tbsp plain flour
    200 ml semi-skimmed milk or unsweetened non-dairy milk,
    200 ml vegetable stock
    1 tbsp Dijon mustard
    black pepper
    250 g chestnut mushrooms, , sliced
    5 cloves garlic, , crushed or finely chopped
    6 sprigs fresh thyme, , leaves picked & stems discarded
    100 g curly kale, , chopped into bite-sized pieces
    4 tbsp breadcrumbs, (see notes)
    30 g Parmesan cheese, , grated
    4 sprigs fresh thyme, , leaves picked & stems discarded
    a drizzle of olive oil

    Bring a medium pot of salted water to the boil. Add the cauliflower and potato. Bring back up to the boil over a high heat then turn the heat down to simmer – leave to cook for 8 minutes until the cauliflower and potato are soft. Use a slotted spoon to remove the cauliflower and potato from the water to a large jug or bowl – set aside for later and keep the pot of water on the stove.
    Add the pasta to the pot of water and bring back up to the boil (add more water to the pot if needed to cover the pasta). Once boiling, turn the heat down to simmer and leave the pasta to cook for 5 minutes until only just barely cooked on the outside with an uncooked centre. Drain the pasta and rinse it under cold water in a colander. Set aside in the colander for later. Return the pot to the stove.
    Add 2 tbsp of olive oil to the pot along with the flour. Stir over a medium heat until smooth and cook for 1 minute. Combine the milk and stock together in a jug – gradually mix this liquid into the flour-oil paste in the pot, stirring in between additions until smooth. Once all the liquid has been added, bring the mixture to a simmer over a medium-low heat and let it cook for 2 minutes – it won’t be very thick right now but don’t worry!
    Pour the hot contents of the pot and the tablespoon of mustard into the jug/bowl containing the cauliflower and potato. Blend using a hand blender until completely smooth and thick. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Set the sauce aside.
    Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F).
    In a medium frying pan, heat the remaining 1 tbsp of olive oil over a medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and let them cook, stirring occasionally until they’ve shrunk down and are releasing liquid (about 5 minutes). Add the garlic, thyme and a pinch of salt to the frying pan, turn the heat down to low and cook for 1 minute. Add the kale to the frying pan and cover with a lid or large plate. Leave to steam for 5-7 minutes until the kale has wilted down. Remove the lid and take off the heat.
    In a medium casserole dish or roasting tin, mix the pasta, mushrooms, kale and sauce. Mix the topping ingredients (except the olive oil) in a small bowl and sprinkle over the pasta. Drizzle with some olive oil, slide the dish into the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until the topping is slightly browned. Divide between bowls and serve hot.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - just starting to turn wet here t111055 t111055 with lots of rain on the way apparently :? :? No watering of pots needed this week end t111055 t111055

    Cannot wait to see some of the scarecrows around Sleeks village Toni :) I bet there are some lovely ones, none as lovely as Rabunzel in her tower though :D:D:D

    I am sure it was just the one loaf, sorry, slice, of breakfast bread :shock: :lol::lol:
    Pan roasted tatties are a firm favourite in our cafe - lots on the go, so everyone fill your boots :)

    Dad does not often complain of a lot of pain, some grumbling from his RA, but keeping up with his sulfa is important for that, which we keep reminding him about.
    Sol paracetamol seem to help, as and when. GP doesn't want him to have codeine if he can help it.

    B has just about finished updating the all in one pc, it has been updating since we went out this morning -
    Doubtful anything can be done about the info on the "fried" hard drive :? :? Oh the importance of backing things free do great plug in drives, that automatically backs up, docs, pics, emails, etc. Just running mine, as we speak................

    There were so many selfies coming through, Mother had to play catch up with them. All those facets on the emerald, have to be caught, from every angle :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: t115006

    I am sure it was a message from Pepe, he knows that he is on our minds - the point of nearly bawling at the drop of a hat. t115006 t115006 we know he is just fine though t4591 t4591

    Hi to Auntie Kari - good to hear that Tommy has been practising with his note book. Pawligraphy is very tricky to master at times.

    How did you know that two Beth specials, were the order of the day :lol::lol::lol: we are easily pleased :)

    Then I just had to have this

    Chocolate Orange Fudge Cake and Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream - oh my, I had to eat it with a T spoon, to make it last as long as possible :lol::lol:
    I managed to slop some down my nice white shirt :oops: :oops:

    No news on our tv, imagine having it on a loop :shock: :shock: - you are very patient Barbara :? :?

    Casual dress, for the choir :shock: that is what the Sisters were going on about. They rang Mother Superior :roll: :roll: No wimples, oh my :o:o

    Great choice Lucy, I am sure you will enjoy it very much. Both the schools and the care homes, always need people to help, both are rewarding and challenging at the same time, for different reasons.

    We often found that student nurses who had had some experience of working in the care field, prior to starting training, fared much better. t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you managed to get into town before any rains started.
    Thank you for the hugs, some for your both too ((())) t4591

    Mandy likes her computers, she plays candy crush, I guess it keeps your mind occupied - have never even tried it, but millions of people do play it.

    m0150 m0150 Sunshine Kath, I bet it aint there for long duck, it'l be raining stair rods soon :roll: :roll:
    B is used to sorting out neighbours computers, it can take days sometimes, but he doesn't give up - me, I would throw it out of the window and be of to Curry's :lol::lol::lol:

    I think you might have beaten Toni on the breakfast tattie dish, although we don't know the size of Toni's plate :? :? :lol::lol:

    The increase in your BP pills, should certainly help, watch out for a bit of potential postural hypotension, as you get used to the change in dosage. No leaping out of your chair :shock: :shock:

    Hope any ouches are minimal XX ((())) t115006 t115006

    Thank you for the veggie Cauli mushroom and kale pasta bake. Sounds wonderful :)

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, Niamh will be there later, ready for her skating tomorrow t4591 t4591 Promise you won't be roller-blading :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Hi Carol - I am guessing you will have been out for lunch with Mr T and maybe a catch up with your friend, for coffee's :)
    will it be Church open morning tomorrow?

    Now, has Mr T given you some piccies for us to look at :)

    Hi to Mig, sending strength, hugs and strong cups of T t4591 t4591

    Well, I had better go fuss a bit, shirts all washed and dried, no evidence of me slopping ice cream down the front :) There are no stains in this house :D:D

    Mother has just started shrieking, she knows it is coming up to T time and siesta. We didn't have a nap yesterday, due to computer fixings :? :roll: :roll:

    SYTTD with David, is on again tonight :) Sleek and Mammaaa will be glued to it I am sure, plus, there is Curvy Brides Boutique, which is really good. Jo and All, who have had weight struggles themselves, are SO kind and supportive in making ladies with a fuller figure, look totally amazing for their weddings. t4591 t4591

    Will pop back later, in the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Now, what shall we have after the lovely veggie pasta bake...................... :D:D

    The ultimate chocolate-caramel treat. With layers of ROLO brownies, caramel mousse, gooey caramel, chocolate mousse, chocolate sauce. Oh my............

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all late has not stopped raining today, Niamh is here again she asked mum could she have sleep over so here she is :D
    Aidan thankyou for the roast potatoe breakfast..very filling indeed..and just spotted the caramel chocolate treat. :o .oh my goodness..I have had a sugar rush :lol: and I see you had cake at the Tea rooms..or was it the GC...
    How kind of Bill to sort Mandy out with a comp..the poor thing losing all her photos though..maybe if she could get the hard drive out they can be restored...I see you had a nice long natter... :D nothing to dad like you say one bridge at a time bless him
    Kath thankyou for the pasta recipe..hope the rain stopped for the Tesco delivery..horrible weather..
    Toni I am glad that Lucy has decided on the jobs she wants..I know she will be so caring and a real asset..I enjoyed choir..especially has I have a few notes now.. :lol:
    Joan I adore little baby's but we don't have any in the family..not yet anyway.. :) so Lexi was jumping all over you, bless she must have thought you were playing.. :lol:
    Better move Niamh is off to bed and I wont be far behind.. :lol:
    Sleep well everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - yep, still raining here too Barbara t111055 t111055 I know we need it, to fill the reservoirs, but our Petunias are far from happy :? :? :roll:

    Bless, Niamh wanting another sleep over with Nan and Gdad. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    You are welcome to the feasts of the day :) Sugar rush, perfect :lol::lol:
    The cake was at the GC - we were sat at a different table today, looking at the cakes and the ice creams - I think I ate some of everything, in my mind - how sad is that :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    B is just finalising things with the computer for Mandy. Disk cleanup is taking an eternity.
    We have tried every piece of disk equipment we possess, to try and salvage things from the frazzled hard drive - to no avail :? :?

    Very much one stage at a time, with Dad. He was ok today, enjoyed his trip to the GC and a giant Eccles cake. He had already eaten breakfast, so didn't want anything savoury.

    He will be round for croissants and coffee this morning, as is the Saturday tradition. Best to keep a routine. :D:D

    Watched curvy brides boutique, tennis was rained off in Paris, due to storm Miguel.
    Golf on in the background, as I potter about, time for another tramadol me thinks. Ouchy back, which is nothing new :roll: :roll:

    I hope the heavy rains have not battered the lovely flowers and scarecrows in the village Toni :shock: :? Rapunzel will need a blow dry :o:o

    Sleek was here at siesta time. The sleepy spell was not as complex this time, they soon knocked me out t115006 t115006 so they could watch SYTTD and eat LOTS of sweets. :roll: :roll:

    Sleek has seen this and is looking for a fish tiara, on catazon :roll: :lol::lol: Bless :roll: :roll:


    Hi to Carol - have you had a busy Friday, which is rolling into the week end............
    Two weeks and errrrm, 3 days? until your holidays t4591

    Hi to everyone else, in and about.

    Time I was pottering again. Lots of love and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan


    Danish Almond Swirls

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Kathleen yes I know babies and children can be screamers but I don't see how anyone could hurt them((((((((()))))
    Aidan I bet that made a mess of your shirt. love to your Dad and Mandy B ((((((()))))
    . Barbara have a good weekend I have never done candy crush I do puzzles and cards ((((((())))))
    . take care love to Toni Carol Mig ((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx