Val's Cafe
Aidan the cats are going to the coast tomorrow (come rain or shine I hear :shock: ) Lytham. To see this cat:
Serious rainwear is en route via catazon prime :shock:
Joan I think that's the way of Churches these days sadly...… Shame about the rain t111055 I'm sure it was dry this time last year :roll:
Toni xxx0 -
I'm skipping and dancing today. First because of mig's fantastic news that DD passed on to us, and because our telephone came back at ten past ten this morning.
Yes Toni the fault was theirs - phew. Now we have to try and catch our neighbour to ask her to pop to Co-op for us. In this rain. :?
Carol, more gorgeous photos - shame I can't remember names. :shock:
Aidan, thank you for the wonderful mushroom and egg breakfast pastry (Please sir, can I have some more?)
Barbara, Stay in the dry and warmth we don't want you falling.
As it's so cold, let's have someting warming. Vegan Irish stew with savoury herby dumplings.
For the Stew
3 tablespoons olive or canola oil, divided
1 pound cremini mushrooms, cleaned and coarsely chopped
2 medium celery stalks, diced
2 medium carrots, diced
1 large onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 (12 ounce) bottle vegan stout beer (such as Sierra Nevada Stout)
2 cups vegetable broth
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 cups chopped cabbage
1 small russet potato, peeled and diced
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
For the Dumplings
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons finely chopped chives
2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
1 cup + 2 tablespoons unflavored soy or almond milk
3 tablespoons olive or canola oil
Begin by making the stew. Coat the bottom of a large pot with 2 tablespoons of oil and place it over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the mushrooms in an even layer. Avoid crowding the pan and cook them in batches if needed. Allow the mushrooms to cook for about 5 minutes, flip, and cook 5 minutes more, until lightly browned on both sides. Remove them from the pot and transfer to a plate.
Add the remaining oil to the pot. When the oil is hot, add the celery, carrot, and onion. Sauté for about 10 minutes, until the veggies begin to soften.
Stir in the garlic and flour. Sauté about 2 minutes more, until the garlic is very fragrant and the flour evenly coats the veggies.
Stir in the stout, broth, tomato paste, cabbage, potato and thyme. Return the mushrooms to the pot. Raise the heat and bring the liquid to a boil. Lower the heat and allow the mixture to simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. The veggies should be a bit firm at this point. You can add up to a cup of water during simmering if the broth reduces too much.
While the stew simmers, make the dumpling dough. Stir the flour, nutritional yeast, baking powder, salt, thyme and chives together in a medium mixing bowl. Stir in the milk and oil to form a soft and sticky dough. Be careful not to overmix.
After the stew has simmered for 10 minutes, taste test the broth and season it with salt and pepper to taste. Then drop 2-3 tablespoon dollops of the dough into the stew. Make sure you've got plenty of room, as the dumplings will expand as they cook.
Cover the pot and lower the heat. Allow to simmer for about 15 minutes more, until the veggies are tender and the dumplings are fluffy.
Ladle into bowls and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
And back home again - along with the rain t111055 t111055
Mother saw to it that we had a parking spot, yards from Specsavers Toni, also a few yards from Nero's, so very good. She kept the rain away too - well dome Mum and Dadt4591 t4591
Neither of us had to wait, we were seen earlier than our appt times, B was worried about the flash across his vision, but the Optician said all was fine, flashes and floaters are nothing to worry about. He needs another check with the drops in, to dilate everything, but you cannot drive for a while afterwards.
His prescription glasses are already done, they rang when we got home :roll: :roll:
Mine won't be ready until Sunday, as they had to order a second pair of the same frames, buy one get one free thingy. My reading vision has deteriorated since the last visit, which is no surprise. All ok with retina etc.
So, we were off to Nero's in good time for early lunch, Dennis who went over to manage the store in Ilkley, has come back to Skipton, so it was lovely to see him again, he is a crazy but lovely guy.
I had the goats cheese and beetroot panini - then a cappucino cake
I will try the falafel wrap on Sunday
It made a change, going to Skipton and not having to pop into Kwik Fit :? :? Beatrice behaved impeccably
Families are odd indeed, we just leave people to it. Everyone is welcome here and they know that, we don't do any politics or he said she said - don't want to know, as long as everyone is ok.
Well done Charley, did she intend to loose a stone, or is some of that a lot of worry and upset, me thinks so........... t4591 t4591
Absolutely we will look for you at Wimbledon, will keep pausing and re winding to see if we can spot you
Bless, telling the Vicar that you had cake at home
So Rev Delphine is not far off retiring, oh dear, just like the wonderful Rector in Skipton, she has retired and gone now
It is sad, to see so many Churches struggling. They tend to amalgamate them, so one Vicar will cover so many parishes, like my Dad used to.
Sleek did enjoy a lot of sweets, without a doubtMothers tray has been immaculised, so fresh litter quidditch at siesta time I think :roll: :roll:
We left the heating on for Mother today, was a bit chilly for her old bones. She loves the radiators :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Hope little Yorkie is ok, sending more sparkles, bless t115006 t115006
Glad you enjoyed the cheesecake, with clotted cream, of course
I forgot about the poppy seed cake/bread :shock: :shock: of course, it is opium based, but nothing like the drug itself, But, it would show on a random testing. :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops: ooops
Dad has this weeks dossette box, so we will see how he has gone on today, when we pick him up in the morning. We are glad that something is being done, to raise the issue about his memory problems.
So our duo are off to Lytham tomorrow, to see Mystic MogShould be interesting :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue Hope you are both ok and the doggies too. I bet you have had a lot of rain, it is flooding in some parts of the country t111055 t111055 t111055
We did enjoy our trip out to Skipton, thank you. Glad our eyes are sorted and new glasses later this week.
Hi Kath, it is wonderful news that Mig has come to the end of her chemo, it will have seemed endless, for her, bless.
You are all back on the phone again, that's good too
Hope you managed to catch your neighbour to pop to the Co Op for you, she is very kind, good neighbours make such a difference to our lives
You can have as many portions of the mushroom and egg pastries as you like, then a double choc magnum
Veggie stew and dumplings, thank you, I could just sit down to that in a flash.
Just had a hypo, so throwing chocolate down as fast as I can. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Some anti ouchie magic squares are on the way, just in case. t4591 t115006
Hi to Barbara, hope you eyes not too bad today, some extra ((())) will not go amiss.
Did you go out today, GC maybe, or the lovely pub, for a gorgeous lunch................
Hi Carol - is it knit and natter, or is that on a Wednesday? Any more pictures for us to look att4591 t4591
Well, I had best be pottering a bit more. Washing done, dryer going, dusting done, B will vacuum later, I am too dithery at the moment, with my blood sugar being down.
Big hi to everyone else, in and about. I will pop back later. In the meantime, take care, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
To compliment Kaths lovely veggie stew, a blueberry steamed pudding, with toppings of choiceXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..rain and more rain.. :shock:
Had my blood results today kidneys a slight improvement..very unusual for Kidneys think it might be all the red grapes.. peppers and greens I have been eating..creatin ok but vit D just borderline..
Toni its a good job you warned me about the poppy seeds..I had 4 slices ..thought i felt quite relaxed..
good for Charley bet she feels better for the weight loss..I hope she is getting there bless her... t4591 so your reverend is due to retire..our 2 churches have one vicar between them will be at Wimbledon brilliant..think you went last year has well..
Kath the news on Mig is good I really hope the chemo has done the job for will know the worries..glad your phone is back on..and thankyou for the stew just the job for this weather..
Joan my eyes one has a cataract and slight glaucoma and both have macular degeneration..the dry no cure.but the wet one is worse...all found at my first ever eye test last year :shock: never mind I can see for now..
Aidan thankyou for the mushrooms and egg breakfast pastrie...and the blueberry steamed pudding..
Family can be strange but its good you are there for your niece..better to stay clear of what goes on between them ..and dad has taken his meds bless him I did read about memory clinic in the paper today..not sure what they would make of me
So Bea headed for the GC the poor lady that had her car broken into..must say there have been quite a few near us..the cost of replacing the you had your eyes thing out of the way..glad that things were mostly ok..and off you went to Nero's..nice to see old friends there..and glad to hear that Bea is behaving..forgot to say our alarm was a loose wire in the door that was sorted thank goodness..
I think its getting warmer to the weekend..
Right better move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Not so wet today only one session this afternoon, I had been having a chill out with a coffee after doing a bit of shopping in a nice little bar place near home. put my coat back on to go home looked oust of the window and it was pouring so sat down again and waited until it stopped did not fancy getting wet today as well.
ouchies are a lot better today thank goodness. Thursday is our fortnightly meal out with the church people. mind you there will be less of us tomorrow as a couple cant make it.
Aidan so glad you are enjoying the piccies don't worry I
still have plenty Mr T took over a hundred some are repeats but a lot are not, and thats without any that other people took. it was the same at Graycies and Lillies Christenings I will have to look them out then I can show you all three of them in the same christening dress and bonnet. so you have been to Skipton and eyes all tested and sorted I have to have mine tested again in August. more expense. But needs must we only get one pair of eyes, so we must look after them.
It is knit and natter tomorrow (Wednesday) Tuesday is usually one of my less busy days. My sister and me have always been told we are alike I am the eldest by nearly 7 years. and we both are like our dad who passed away many years ago he was quite young. it is a nice little church all three girls have been christened there. The lady vicar was lovely. Lillie has helped at both Christenings at Graycie's she led everyone down the aisle to the font at the back of the church. and this time with the water.
Toni Yes me and sister are very alike not sure about twins though as there is nearly 7 years difference in our ages not sure about Rubie being the family entertainer as all the littlies are entertainers believe me. our congregation is very small in fact only two of our regulars were not there as the are away on holiday. it is sad to watch it going downhill.
Joan So you have had the rain too. yes children can be very funny indeed.
Kath there are plenty more piccies for you to see don't worry about not remembering names believe me i am always getting the names confused.
ok a couple more piccies for you.
christening itself Rubie did not want to be on her back se was more interested in the water
The kiddlewinks having fun on the bouncy castle.
Graycie getting caught out by great grandad eating all the pringles
must a pottering go
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - it is pretty wet :shock: t111055 t111055 t111055 I think Carol has sent all the rain up north
Hi Barbara - that is good news, improvement in your renal functions - they can improve, without a doubt
Red grapes are very good for us, I won't go into all the chemical things. Red wine is good for you too, in moderation of course.
The brighter the fruit and veg, usually the better it is for us (says me, who is allergic to fruits and veg ) :roll: :roll:
Creatinine ok, that's good, vit D borderline - I assume borderline low levels??
If so, then these can help
Spend time in sunlight. ...
Consume fatty fish and seafood. ...
Eat more mushrooms. ...
Include egg yolks in your diet. ...
Eat fortified foods. ...
Take a supplement. ... if your Dr recommends it.
Steady away with the poppy seedsThey can lead to a positive opiate test result, like Paul's :shock: :shock:
The breakfast is perfect for your vitamin D and the pudding, is just perfect anyway
It was nice and quiet in Skipton, no market, a damp day, not many people about. Coffee and cakes, all good
Eyes not as good as they were, but that's par for the course as one matures :? :?
Yes, we steer clear of any grumbles in the family clan, everyone knows that we are not ones for getting involved, get on with it, sort it and move on
Dad has to have a run of blood tests (this Friday), then we wait until the hospital sends an appointment for his memory tests. They take about an hour or so, quite in depth. I would likely fail spectacularly :shock: :shock:
Glad the garage didn't have to take your car apart, to sort out the alarm fault. Easy fix, which is good.
I think after Monday, it suddenly gets much warmer, as it normally does, here's summer and we all melt :? :? :shock: :shock:
Niamh will be with you later today - ready to hide the laptop
Hi Carol - we have all your rain now, lots of it t111055windy too.
Apart from the one shower that you avoided, by stopping a while in the nice bar / coffee house
Good to hear that the ouchies are improved, some more t115006 t115006 to help keep them at bay
That's fine, we love the pictures. We all feel part of an extended family which is lovely
Eyes, yes, more expense. My tests are free, as I am daibetic, but the glasses are not :roll: but as you say, we have to look after our eyes, as far as possible.
Enjoy the knit and natter today, I will try and remember that Tuesdays are a quiet day, which we all need, but seldom get for one reason or another :? :? Retirement - huh, there are never enough hours in a day :shock: :shock:
You and your Sister are SO alike, which is lovely
Bless, Graycie leading everyone down the Aisle, to the fontThen assisting the Vicar with the warm water
The picture of Graycie is lovely, gorgeous dress, with roses on. Girl after my own heart, I could eat all the pringles too - they have magic powers that make you eat more and more:? :?
Rubie certainly liked the water in the font t4591 t4591
And everyone in a heap on the bouncy castlenote to self, never go on a bouncy castle :shock: :shock:
Hi Toni, hope you are all as ok as can be. Sleek said Mummy had been bizzy dooing thyngz :?
Their sleep spell worked this evening, I was in need of a rest of the bones.
They were watching Love Island :shock: :shock: on catch up - not sure Mother was impressed at all - much preferring SYTTD and nice homey programmes
I think they are going through the gate, to get to Lytham, to meet mystic puskin. Paw reading and crystal ball messages :shock: t115006 t115006
:shock: :shock:
If the weather permits, they will have some fishy treats, possibly under cover, by the boating lake. Sleek has all the wet weather gear and warm wraps, for Mother t4591
I am at the podiatrist this morning, then will potter the few yard to meet up with B and Dad, in the T room. Possibly lunch and definitely a cake.
A little shopping, then that will be enough for the day, well, the going out bit.
Right, I need to move and potter a little. So I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
Take care XXXXX Aidan
Bagels and Egg BakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning Aidan I love the sparkley moon and what a breakfast not in the least bit bad for us all
Kari is building an Ark
Sleek and Mother have been out and had their fortunes told by Mystic Mog (well DONE Aidan!!! ) already!!! They even had a hot fishy latte somewhere, but they aren't saying :? lips sealed
I think they were trying to get a message from/to Pepe maybe. Whatever it was, Sleek is on top of the world and has brought Mothers sopping wet weather gear here to dry on the airer with her own. Save Tosca's Daddies a job Mummy she said :animal_busy:
Sleek loves Love Island. In the end she did a spell on the TV so that everyone's bottoms were covered up and tops too in respectable T shirts!! Mother was happier after that!!
That's the thing with eye tests it's not the test it's the specs!! Soo expensive these days :roll: puts people off. Good ole Mum and Dad getting you a space near specsavers and keeping the rain off too!! t111055 was probably a large invisible brolly!
Nice to see old staff members back isn't it? Especially the funny ones! Yes try the wrap on Sunday they are fab u lous!
The cloak is it for Dad on Friday or maybe Joan??? we'll know when we appear somewhere I suppose!
Hope podiatry goes ok and enjoy the T roomsWe have a mobile foot lady coming here to our village! We are all going to book in!
Yes some of the weight loss for Charley was no doubt the diet of **** and coffee for the first weekShe's already being chatted up by a friend of a friend. MOT for her car today fingers crossed!
Carol it rained solidly here!! Hopefully the drier weather will come our way soon. I do not blame you staying in the coffee place a little longer :roll:
It is sad to see congregations diminishing isn't it? Still those who are left here are lovely I expect the same with youMeal Thursday then.
Lovely pics! A bouncy castle how fabulous. Good to see the actual Christening look at her what a good girl she is! Graycie loves pringles then?!! I don't blame her.
Not twins...7 years that would be a miracle wouldn't it?
Barbara I am thrilled to hear your kidney function improved!! Well done you
Charley is being chatted up via text by a lass from Nottingham! She's certainly brought a smile to her face which is lovely to see. She is happy with the weight loss yes thanks
Isn't it great Mig has nearly finished her treatment? I remember kids with lymphoma the chemo was only about 6 months but it was tough so she's done well t4591
Kath I am so pleased the phone is all sorted well done BTGlad it was 'their' problem! I hope the neighbours were able to nip to the Co-op for you?
Thanks for the vegan stew it sounds YUM!! Just right to take on board Kari's Ark
Joan poor you! You have to walk the dogs whatever the weather don't you? Sleek quickly nips out, has a wee and comes back in bless her!
Right best be getting on. Charley will be back from work and I am not even dressed yet!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Carol Aidan Barbara
. Toni we don't take the dogs out when the rain is fast we have a big garden. That's nice Charley has a new girl friend((((((()))))))
. Kathleen good you have your phone back((((((())))))
. Carol have a good day(((((())))
. Aidan sorry you had a hypo good luck with your Dad's tests.((((((())))) Dad ((((((()))))
. Barbara sorry about your eye's is it a slow thing ((((((())))))
. take care all Good news about Mig((((((()))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I know where the Sparkle Sisters got their fishy lattes from 'cos I watched them on the CCTV, but I'm sworn to secrecy. The only clue I can give is that it's a new place which is in the field just through the magic gate that leads to the magic woodland. Hoomans not allowed. I only know about it because spids are welcome. Rosie and the gang often hang out there on their days off. There's a secret room in the base of an ancient Oak tree that even the pusskins don't know about (except perhaps Mother). Silver certainly knows all about it as does the king and queen of the Owls. They are the guardians of the spids.
Carol, those photos are delightful. I love Graycie's dress of Roses.
Joan, I bet the doggies love running around in your garden. They will have oodles of fun and exercise.
Toni, Charley has done so well losing weight, and did I hear she has a new gf? Go Charley. t4591
Barbara, I'm so pleased your blood tests have come back good. Well done for improving them by improving your diet. As Aidan says, 15 minutes outside in the sun (even in cool weather). Bare arm and legs, that should help boost your vitamin D. Oily fish is super too. Has your GP precribed you with vitamin D?
Aidan, I know it's good news that mig is coming to the end of her treatment, but for a few months I was so anxious that I was no longer "doing anything" to keep my cancer away. So if she doesn't let negative thoughts get in the way, she should be fine.
Bagels and egg bake mmm, smashing. t4591
Vegan eggy bread
1 tbsp egg-replacer powder
125ml/4fl oz/½ cup Soya Milk, homemade or store-bought
1 tbsp maple syrup, plus
Extra to drizzle
A pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
A pinch of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp coconut oil (or cooking oil of your choice), plus extra for frying, if needed
4 slices of brown bread, white bread or baguette (French bread)
To serve:
1 batch sweet Raw Cashew Cream
200g/7oz/1¹⁄³ cups mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries)
Icing (confectioners’) sugar to dust
Cooking Instructions
Put the egg-replacer powder in a large bowl. Add the milk, maple syrup and spices and mix well until smooth.
Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Quickly dip one slice of bread into the ‘egg’ mixture and turn until well coated. Add to the pan and fry for 3–4 minutes until well browned, then flip over and brown the other side. Remove from the pan and keep it warm while you repeat with the remaining slices, adding more oil to the pan as needed.
Divide onto plates and top with a spoonful of Raw Cashew Cream, if you like. Drizzle with extra maple syrup and add a good handful of berries, then dust with icing sugar and serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all
It stopped raining, eventually, with more on the way tonight and all day tomorrow Toni - so, if Kari wants to sail the Ark up here, we will get on board :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055
Breakfast was very healthy, of course:? :?
Mother is very quiet, after the trip to Lytham to see Mystic Mog. Tight lipped, save to say it was a worthwhile visitation t4591 t115006
Thank Sleek for drying Mothers wet weather gear, it was a bit blowy on the sea front - lots of sea mists, which they gathered while they were there.
The boating lake was closed, so they had their drinks in a nice field :?: :?: :? , I think they had a whelk latte in there
Mother was a little put out with the amount of flesh on show, on Love island, being demure and delicate of disposition, she was grateful for the spell, having grumbled that they were all shameful and showing off to the kameraz :? :?
Yes tests are fine, well, mine was free, it is the frames - I wasn't paying a fortune for "designer" ones, £70 for two, is more than enough.
I think there was a big invisible brolly over Skipton, to keep us dry
We won't be able to go over on Sunday, BIL and SIL are coming over as it is Fathers Day, we will meet them at Shackleton's for lunch with Dad.
Dad has his bloods done this Friday, before his memory clinic appt can be made. Joan is at the hospital soon............I have forgotten the date.
I am floating on air now, very deft of foot (said no one, ever )Feet feeling much more comfy. The young lady who does them, we get on very well, she is the best one, does them "properly" if that makes sense.
Glad you have a mobile one coming to the village, yes, get booked in, the whole village, keep her nice and busy.
Way to go Charley, being chatted up by a lass from Nottingham, my old home town
Hope her car passes its MOT t115006 t115006
Did you manage to get dressed before Charley came home, sleek said Mummy iz in her peejarmarz :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue - it is good that you have a big garden for the doggies to run around in and do what they have to do, when it is bad weather t111055 t110007 t111055
Thanks for the hugs, my hypo was soon sorted, I caught it in time.
Waiting now for the appt for Dads Memory Clinic appointment. He has to have a run of blood tests done on Friday, to check there is nothing amiss, that could add to any confusion.
This field, it is a new place for sure Kath. I asked Mother about an old Oak tree and she said, oh yes, that, we used to play in there, on day trips from Hogwarts, many of the wands are made from that tree, it is festooned in magic t115006 t115006 who knew :shock: :shock: Sleek has not been inside, not yet, but she said she will take her. t4591 It is very hallowed ground from all accounts.
No place for hoomans at all, especially if there are spid-- in there.
The owl King and Queen are very special, they are guardians of the woods and all creatures in there, keeping an eye on all that goes on, reporting to Silver and to Hermione.
If they are anything like the owls in our woods here, they make a heck of a racket :shock:
I totally understand about finishing your treatment and feeling like you have let everything stop fighting the cancer. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Keeping a positive mind set, can be very difficult at times, even more so when you are at a lower ebb, due to the recent run of treatments. We will keep sending lots of support and strength to Mig t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044 and cups of T too.
Thank you for the vegan "eggy" bread. We were looking at the vegan egg in the health shop in Skipton
Ta mi duck - as it ginn up chuckin it darn t111055
Hi to Barbara - I am guessing Niamh will be visiting, for her roasty dinner, with extra yorkshiresHide the laptop, quick as you like :shock: :shock:
A picture of our baby wisteria's - they are quickly going over, with all the rain, they are not happy, being soaked through all the time
Hi to Carol - hope you had a nice knit and natter group, with plenty of coffee
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
Time I was fussing in the kitchen. Washer has just finished.
Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Upside Down Sticky Toffee Pudding with extra Maple SyrupXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..
had my hair cut and Coloured this feel much younger..not that I look it though
Aidan the toffee cake was to die the GP told me to get out in the sun then started laughing has it was pouring down..but I will I do love being outside..
So your glasses are ordered..they are so OH has worn glass all his life ..he gets the 2 for onelike you say sight deteriorates with age.. :roll: and you are foot free..nice when they do a good job of them..not been to Skipton for many moons and it was busy then ..must have been market day... :shock: Niamh hasn't been today she has a poorly off school daddy went to see her after work..your little wisteria is looking good even though its been drenched poor thing
Carol mu apologies I forgot to mention you yesterday ..I saw the pic so nice for all 3 little ones to wear the same gown..and a bouncy castle what more could they ask forthe rain has been the same here stops one mins then the heavens open..
Joan I just hope my eyes take there time going I need my comp..Im having lots of greens to help them..this came from the eye clinic..I hope you have not had all this rain its horrible
Kath the secret oak tree..tell me more..I have to keep telling Niamh these story's about the pussykins..not that I remember it all..thankyou I am glad to hear of any improvement in these kidneys..and there are eggs in your recipe for my vit D
Toni I am so pleased Charley is smiling again bless her..its not easy being young ..I have been a good girl with my diet ..well I do try sometimes I am tempted..its wonderful news for really is..and Kari is building an Ark..must say its needed..
will leave you all for now have a good evening
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
We have had rain again today but not so bad as Monday it did not stop then we are also due for some tomorrow late afternoon and evening just when we are out for our fortnightly meal with the church
oh what fun as because the buses are very busy at the time we go out I only take one of my crutches out with me and not the walker. and I hate crutches in the rain. Oh well we will see what happens may even take the 2 crutches for a change if its raining. hope some of you have had better weather. my laptop decided it wanted to update last night when I switched off and its taken me ages to get back into certain things so I have not had a chance to catch up on your post so I will not do that now I will catch up tomorrow but I have as promised Aidan found pictures of all girls in the christening dress. so here goes
Lillie first
Graycie next
and lastly Rubie and Rubie.jpg?dl=0
I must a potter as I have been sitting for so long Trying to get this laptop sorted
so I will get up before I take root in the armchair
love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Its me again
Sorry its photo overload tonight but I just had to post these 2 piccies as well
Lillie leading everyone down the aisle to font on Graycies Christening
Me and our gorgeous Lillie at Rubies Christening
will post again soon as really must move.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all
Not raining, yet............ :? :? But looking at the forecast, we will need Auntie Kari's Ark t111055 t111055
You are looking at least 20 years younger Barbara - without a doubt, just as I was after my trim last week.
Glad you enjoyed the sticky toffee cake, with it being upside down, I think all the calories have already fallen out :? :? :?
I don't mind being outside, if there is a bit of a breeze and it is not too hot. We both melt come mid summer though (which is on the 24th :shock: :shock: ) 6 months to Christmas :shock: :shock: :shock: no, forget I said it...........
We will go over to Skipton next Monday, take Dad with us, to pick up our glasses and he wants to have a nosy at the market. Mondays markets are usually pretty quiet, later in the week it gets silly busy.
Poor Niamh, bless her, with a poorly eye, sending (((()))) and some t115006 t115006
The wisteria is so cute, about 6 foot tall already. A bit like the petunia's, they don't like too much rain either. t111055 t111055
You are doing all you can to help your eyes(((())))
The secret oak tree is a very revered tree, famous for its ability to provide many wands, to Hogwarts students. Mother imparted a little more information. They travelled to the sacred Oak, by balloon, only on a full moon night would they find the wands. By day, it was a place to climb and play.
Mother has said she will take Miss Sleek, on the next full moon, the wands appear, like icicles on the branches, truly magical t115006 t115006
I fibbed about it not raining, t111055 t111055 :roll: :roll:
Hi Carol - I see you are due some more rain, just when you are going out for your Church meal, typical eh. :? :roll: I would go with the 2 crutches - I admit, they are a bit scary in wet weather, you have to watch what surface you are on, otherwise they will slide...........
Sometimes the updates can slow the computers down, for some unknown reason, it seems to take them time to catch up with whatever info they have been given.
Oooh, more piccies, thank you - Oh Lillie, looking surprised, "you taking a picture, of ME"?
Graycie looking very intently at the lady who was talking to your GD
And Rubie, giving a knowing look
Lillie was doing an excellent job of leading everyone down the Aisle and a lovely one of you both, at Rubies Christening. t4591 t4591
Thank you for sharing them
Hi Toni, hope you are all ok. How are the village flowers fairing in this rather inclement weather - my petunia's are very upset :shock: :shock:
Mother said it is tu wett to gow owt tuday, but she is having a coffee morning, in the rooms behind her mustard cushions, so Mrs D and Sleek will be over at some point.If I smell fishy latte.........
Choir practice tonight I assume, best remind Barbara - the Sisters are on the way down from the outer Islands of Scotland.
Well, time I was pottering a little. I can hear the rain clattering on the roof :shock: :shock:
At home today, fussing and doing some pressing..........
Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Eye health breakfast this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I'm best Kept Village judging today - in this :shock: :roll:
So might not get in later because I'll be straight off to choir when I get home.
Love to you all - hope everyone is well
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
. Kathleen lexi is 9 now she plays with her dumbbell pepper runs around chasing anything he sees. have a. Good day.((((((()))))
. Aidan did your Dad get his tablets sorted have a good ride to Shipton((((((())))))) Dad((((((()))))
. Barbara I think the optician mentioned that word to me last time. Sorry about Niamh having a sore eye((((((()))) Niamh((((((()))))
. Carol your grand children look like you((((((()))))
. Toni have a good day judging((((((())))) Charley((((((())))))
. Joan xx. love to Mig ((((((()))))take care
joan xx0 -
Tables full of party food for mig's BEANO I hope all on VA will turn up (and their pets.) Vegan, vegetarian are provided with some 'normal' grub."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Well, it's dry at the moment but I'm not holding my breath.
Lexi is quite a mature lady at 9, I know about her favourite dumbell. I hope you're bringing both doggies to mig's party. t4591
Toni, hope you will manage a quick visit and aunty Kari too. Good luck with the judging.
Aidan, may we add your fabulous cakes to our do later please, Tosca has told me that Sleek is bringing her in the sidecar. I expect they will both be dressed to the nines beneath their wet weather gear bless.
Barbara, I hope Niamh's poorly eye soon recovers, we don't want a clever girl like her missing any schooling. I've told you all I'm allowed to tell about the ancient Oak tree. Our spids get quite rowdy when they've had a few glasses of Cobweb Juice, but the Owl Royal family constantly fly around to keep their eyes on the proceedings. If things get too out of hand, His Majesty will perch right outside with his eyes open wide and they soon calm down.
Carol, more beautiful photos. They are such pretty girls. Think of the wonderful weddings when they're grown up."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Absolutely having a BEANO Kath for our Mig
I will sort some more goodies in a tick.
Hi Toni - I hope the judging went well. If it was as wet with you, as it is here, you might need a snorkel and flippers :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055
Pendle has vanished into the mists and we are very very wet. :roll: :roll:
Does this mean that there will be judges in your village, or will that be in July? I forget. I think you said July. :? :?
Sleek said Mummy was bizzy in sum villidgez wyth a clipp borrd
Mother and Sleek are popping over to the "do", in their finery. Mrs Darcey will be there along with Tommy Thumb. Mother taking Sleek to the Magic Oak, will be another day.
Barbara will be there for choir practice, she has some yummy biscuits and cakes, from Mig's party selection.
Hi Joan and Sue - So Lexi plays with her dumbbell while Pepper chases anything and everything
Dad has the rest of this weeks tablets, then will start again with another pack, or we can take them round every morning if needs be.
He has his bloods tomorrow morning.
Skipton will have to be Monday, with family coming over on Sunday. Dad enjoys a trip to Skipton
Thank you for the hugs t4591 t4591 to both of you
Kath, the tables are groaning under the weight of party food, but, there is always room for more cakeTo go with the strawberry blancmange - mmmm, lovely, ta mi duck. Right let me go find the cakes.
Do we need more :shock: :shock:
Hope any ouchies are minimal ((())) t4591 t4591
We seem to have quite a spread :shock:
Barbara - hope you are all ok, don't forget it is choir tonight. Best take a hair dryer, Toni will be drenched through, from judging in the pouring rain t111055 t111055
Hope Niamh's eye is improving, is it conjunctivitis ? A common thing with young ones. Some sparkles to help it get better asap t115006 t115006
Hi to Carol - it is Church meal today, I hope you were not drenched and you managed safely, on your crutches. t4591 t4591
Hi to Mig and to everyone else, who pops into the cafe. If you have not been in before, don't worry about our posts, they will appear slightly odd :? :? With talk of our pus cats adventures and lots of magic and sparkles. Talking of which, it is time for me to leave some and have another potter. t4591 t115006 I have gone very sleepy :animal_busy: fybro, oh the joys................. :roll: :roll:
Love to all, catch up again later XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
evening all ..not stopped raining today ..till and hour ago
Oh my goodness glad I popped in all those goodies..Kath you have been busymig will be thrilled..bless her I will tuck in..
So there are spider in the oak tree.. :shock: good we have the owl royal family to calm things.. thankyou Niamh has drops for her eyes ..not sure what it is
Joan so Lexi is little dog was 17 when she left us ..she had cod liver oil all her life..thankyou I am sure Niamhs eye will soon recover..
Toni its judging then or are you judgingdont worry I will be at choir
Aidan I forgot to mention the lovely sparkly moon and thankyou for the sparkles and the lovely pic..xx they are not sure what is wrong with her eye so she has drips and has to go back in a few you will be going to Skipton on Monday..I didnt know they had 2 market days hope you get something nice..and enjoy your visitors this is Mandy doing I hope she is recovering well..
Yes choir cant miss the biscuits..
Carol the children are adorable and Lillie's face on the first one..and taking charge showing people to there seats have a lovely family and must say they all look alike..
Today we have been downsizing ..trouble is my OH wont let me throw anything :shock: . I worry that the time is near we will have to moveafter 44 years here..
Right better move
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all
It stopped raining during the evening - now it is just drizzling again :? :? I am sure I heard Auntie Kari shouting coooo eeeeee as she sailed past :shock:
Hi Barbara - it has been a tad damp, to say the least. With more rain on the way t111055 t111055
It is quite a buffet for Mig, lots and lots of goodies to eat, take a doggie bag, for Mr B too
Hope you had a good sing, at choir. Was Toni still wearing her judges wigRather fetching, with all those curls
I am sure Niamh's eye will be better very soon, with her drops. Is she ok with medicines etc. I know some young ones are not always the best patients.
You are welcome to all the sparkles from moons etc t115006 t115006
Skipton has a market Mon Wed Fri and Sat. Obviously it is busier in the summer months. In winter there is not much of a market when the weather is bad, wet and windy is not ideal. I remember one of the covers had loads of water in it and the wind blew it up, all the water went over the lady looking at the stall. I know, it was wrong to turn away and laugh, but, I could not help it t111055 t111055 :? :?
Dad is after a new carpet runner for his kitchen, from the man on the market, who has had a stall there, since Adam was a lad.
Mandy is ok, I think the shock and the upset has caught up with her a bit, so she is just resting a log and sleeping. No more chest pain since starting the new pills, which is good.
Now, Mr B, it is best to have a decant of things that are not used. If you have not used them in the last 6 months, or they have no sentimental value, then out them can go. There are a few lovely park homes for sale44 years in your house, a long time, with lots of memories too. t4591 t4591
Hi Toni, I bet you are tired tonight and will have not been late to bed. Hopefully you didn't get totally soaked while out Judging t111055 t111055 That can really make the ouchies in ones back, start to zing - so some extra strong sparkles to help t115006 t115006
I think Mother nipped over to see Sleek, in her ickle house, at Siesta time, I noticed she was missing from her bed, next to me. Apparently there was a spell that Mother wanted to "discuss" with Miss Sleekness. :shock: :? :? t115006
Hi Carol, hope you are all ok, that the rains have ceased, at least for a while.
Hoe did you get on with your crutches, in the wet weather. I am always extra careful, yorkshire stone is terrible for the rubbers to slip on.
Hi to everyone else, in and about, lots of love and thoughts and cups of T to Mig t4591 t4591
Time I was pottering a bit.
Dad has his blood tests this morning, then off to Sainsb. Will get some croissants and come back here for coffee and lunch, seeing as we are out on Sunday, with BIL and SIL and Dad, for Fathers Day.
Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Twists with Vanilla GlazeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan
. Kathleen I hope your ouchies are not to bad with all this rain (((((((())))) yes we are all coming to Mig's party.
. Barbara are you thinking of moving to a bungalow it will be easer for you love to Niamh (((((((()))))))
Aidan have a good time out on Sunday love to your Dad(((((((())))))
. we are going to the pub with a friend today((((((())))))))
. take care all have a good weekend. love to Toni Carol Mig (((((((((((()))))))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Barbara, not sure but Niamh's drops might be Chloramphenical (just as hard to say as to spell). I was given them regularly when I had my umpteen eye infections. I had one that stung, I hope they haven't given her that!
Aidan, we had drizzle this morning but it seems to have stopped for now. Yes, Aunty Kari was hiding behind the Hippopotami, but I saw her hand pop up to wave as they sailed by.Mandy is ok, I think the shock and the upset has caught up with her a bit, so she is just resting a log and sleepingJust joking mi duck, ta for the Chocolate Twists with Vanilla Glaze - yum.
Can't wait to hear how Toni got on judging, love the wig.
Oh Lovely, Joan and Sue will be here with Lexi and Pepper. I'll put some extra water bowls down for the doggies.
I know it's a bit early, but here's some Vegan tea time treats."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Kath that's the one my girls both had for eye infections too when they were little Klor am fen ikol.
Kari is mucking about is she? sorry about that, but she'll come out from behind the hippos for her vegan treats
Judging was good (wet though :roll:) we judged 3 (yes 3!) villages. Two were so tiny like ours probably and the other a bit larger. It was near Drayton Manor park??
Joan I hope your lunch out was lovely
Aidan that was Kari - she has several extra cats dressed as various other animals on her ark. If it carries on she said we can all jump on board!
Still raining here today her but we have seen some sunshine too :?
How did you get my wig? :shock:
Judging was fun, but very wet I'm afraidand misty here too We judged 3 villages 2 tiny like ours and one larger that one was on the way to Tamworth near Drayton Manor Park. None of the pubs were open for something to eat or even a trip to the ladies until we got to the last village luckily it had THE best pub with fab food so YUM
No extra marks awarded for pubs or lack of or good food though
We have already been judged for June next visit to us won't be until July.
Today has been a slow one slow start slow middle and early bed I think. Last night I don't even remember getting in! Thanks for the sparkles most necessary some back for you t115006 t4591
Yes Sleek invited Mother over. Mother's advanced spell-making skills meant she was through the gate in her with a click of her paws and a flick of her tail. No idea what they were doing, but I think they sleepy spelled me!!
I'm so glad to hear Mandy is doing ok now bless her she should be fine now ((()))
Hope Dad's bloods went ok today.
If necessary you can take Dad's tablets round daily of course you are that nearby.
Sleek had really missed her Mummy much shrieking when she saw me homeSuch a good job there was a 'do' to distract her she and Mrs D and Tosca looked am ayz ing in there best clothes. It was on all three of their catsnap stories t4591
Did I think you took enough cake to Mig's do? well maybe but there's always room for an extra slice
Bless her Barbara arrived as usual just in time for the tea and biccies
I hope poor Niamh feels better soon. I bet they won't let her into school :?
Having a good clearout!? well done you. Paul is a bit the same with passing stuff on to charity :roll:
Not me though apart from all the stuff from when Lucy was ill - I feel sort of superstitious and don't want to temp fate. Stupid me.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all - I have run out of hours in the afternoon - Mandy and hubby called in, after they had been for a gentle walk, so we had a catch up and a cup of T
As you do.
Then you spend time, catching up on what you were going to catch up on earlier :shock: :shock: :? :? :roll: :roll:
That was a good typo I wrote there Kath, well spotted, Mandy and her resting "log"
I will write more later, Mother said she needs your wig Toni, as I have skalped her behind her ear, there was a lug, that needed to come off. Of course, clippers, they vibrate and make cats ears flap like mad - she is NOT HAPPY AT ALL :roll: :? :? Sleek has been summoned, at siesta time :shock: :shock: She has a cauldron out and her ancient spell book :shock: :shock: :? :?
Big wave to Kari, saw her sailing back, upstream this time.
Many hugs lots of love and sparkles, until later XXXXXX Aidan
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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