Val's Cafe
Evening all
Thank you all for the comments on the photos I am glad you are enjoying them. With Graycies Christening GD had a friend who took the photos and lots of them, but he was unavailable this time thats why Mr T did them for her. We are a very close knit family even though we live at such a distance from one another, so when I hear of people say they are at odds with their children and never get to see their Grandchildren. I consider us as very lucky with our gang. They are not perfect but then who is and even if it is us that make all the visits to them at least we see them all.
Aidan I think we needed Auntie Karis Ark on Monday it was awful here it rained all day non stop we have had rain every day since at some point but really only showers. Last night was ok I when we went out it was not raining but I did take both crutches as rain was forecast for later in the evening. and it did rain just before we were ready to return home so dodged most of it . got on ok with the 2 crutches and felt much safer as the pavement was still damp. oh yes Lillie loves making funny faces always the comedian when you are taking photos,we do have one of us exactly the same as the one I posted but without the funny faces. She did really well on the leading us to the font at Graycies Christening as she was only just 4. If you ask GD to describe the type of child they are she says Lillie Angel child. Graycie devil child and Rubie is just Rubie as she is only still a baby as yet.
I love the wisteria it is so cute.
Barbara thank you for your nice comments about the girls and we love them to bits and yes that was very serious business lead people to the font on Graycies Christening even mummy had to walk behind albeit holding Lillies hand.
Toni loving the wig vey apt for judging. hope you are ok.
Joan hope you, Sue, Lexie and Pepper are all ok. Yes there is a strong resemblance around the family.
Kath loving Migs Beano food. Thank you I think the girls are pretty but then I am bias but well hey I am their great NannyIf they follow my GD and my daughter I have a feeling there will not be many weddings it seems to be the fashion nowadays for people to just live together, Daughter has been with her partner for about 27/28 years now and all GC have the same dad. GD with her partner since Lilliie was 6 months about so thats just over 6 and a half years. GS with his GF about 18 months together and the next GGC due in about 6 weeks is his. Oh yes its a good job the spids have the Royal owl family to keep them in line when the cobweb juice flows.
just a few more piccies
Our 2 youngest Grand children 21.23.17.jpg?dl=0
Myself and youngest Daughter
Some of those who attended christening out side the church
it is now time to potter
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all
Thank you all for the comments on the photos I am glad you are enjoying them. With Graycies Christening GD had a friend who took the photos and lots of them, but he was unavailable this time thats why Mr T did them for her. We are a very close knit family even though we live at such a distance from one another, so when I hear of people say they are at odds with their children and never get to see their Grandchildren. I consider us as very lucky with our gang. They are not perfect but then who is and even if it is us that make all the visits to them at least we see them all.
Aidan I think we needed Auntie Karis Ark on Monday it was awful here it rained all day non stop we have had rain every day since at some point but really only showers. Last night was ok I when we went out it was not raining but I did take both crutches as rain was forecast for later in the evening. and it did rain just before we were ready to return home so dodged most of it . got on ok with the 2 crutches and felt much safer as the pavement was still damp. oh yes Lillie loves making funny faces always the comedian when you are taking photos,we do have one of us exactly the same as the one I posted but without the funny faces. She did really well on the leading us to the font at Graycies Christening as she was only just 4. If you ask GD to describe the type of child they are she says Lillie Angel child. Graycie devil child and Rubie is just Rubie as she is only still a baby as yet.
I love the wisteria it is so cute.
Barbara thank you for your nice comments about the girls and we love them to bits and yes that was very serious business lead people to the font on Graycies Christening even mummy had to walk behind albeit holding Lillies hand.
Toni loving the wig vey apt for judging. hope you are ok.
Joan hope you, Sue, Lexie and Pepper are all ok. Yes there is a strong resemblance around the family.
Kath loving Migs Beano food. Thank you I think the girls are pretty but then I am bias but well hey I am their great NannyIf they follow my GD and my daughter I have a feeling there will not be many weddings it seems to be the fashion nowadays for people to just live together, Daughter has been with her partner for about 27/28 years now and all GC have the same dad. GD with her partner since Lilliie was 6 months about so thats just over 6 and a half years. GS with his GF about 18 months together and the next GGC due in about 6 weeks is his. Oh yes its a good job the spids have the Royal owl family to keep them in line when the cobweb juice flows.
just a few more piccies
Our 2 youngest Grand children 21.23.17.jpg?dl=0
Myself and youngest Daughter
Some of those who attended christening out side the church
it is now time to potter
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Right, finally, I can have a little natter
Hi Joan and Sue - I hope you enjoyed your lunch out, is there something you like as a favourite ? Always good not to have to prepare things and then do the washing up
Thank you for the hugs, I am sure we will have a nice time on Sunday. It will be busy at the GC, always is at the week end, especially on Fathers Day. t4591 t4591
Hi Kath, I spotted Kari, peeping out from behind the Hippo's (not sure if that is a safe place to stand though :shock: :shock:).
I am being careful and watching out for any glaring typo's - I usually glance back, obviously I am not paying attention :roll: :roll:Poor Mandy and her log
The wig was great
Thank you for the vegan tea time treats t4591 t4591 I hope you have not had too many ouches, some sparkles, just in case. Always nice to have some in reserve. t115006 t115006
Hi Toni - Sleek was right, you were bizzy in the wett t111055 t111055
Three villages - one of which was near Drayton Manor Park and Zoo :shock: :shock: It must be the early 1980's when I last went there.
Ah, the wig, Sleek found it airing after your day of judging in the rain. She sent it to Mother, who thought it was most regal
We have had a little sunshine today and it is dry on the decking
I was melting in the afternoon, I think my blood sugars were a bit low, which didn't help.
No facilities :shock: until the last village, thank goodness they had a lovely pub and wonderful grub. Shame they cannot have some extra scores for the best food and hospitality
I kind of knew that some extra sparkles would be needed, after a long day - an early night will help recharge some batteries. Sleek said that Mummy looked verri tyerd :?
Mother is very quick through the gate, more so than our other puskin families. Something to do with the magic tail flick, flash, and she has gone t115006 :shock: :shock:
They did sleepy spell you, which seemed to work a treat
As you will see, with Mother having a lug removed from behind her ear, she has had her cauldron out, with her ancient spell book :shock: :shock: I was a little concerned, none of their spells can hurt, but she can make the clippers go faulty - which she has done :shock:
Sleeks shrieking rivalled Mothers, without a doubt - what a din. They love Catsap, always on it, Sleek loves her selfies
Thank you, Mandy is ok, taking time, but getting there. Glad they popped round and had a cuppa. t4591 t4591
Dads bloods were ok, they always struggle to find a vein - I wish they would let me do it............but they are not allowed. :roll: :roll:
He is ok with his current pills, all up to date, no missing or early ones taken.
B will start with daily pills from next week. We see him at least 4 times a week, so it is no trouble, we are very close by, takes B less than a minute to pop round - takes me 20 :roll: :roll: with a lot of huffing and puffing.
There was just enough cake for Mig's "do". :shock:
we are with you, if you have not used it, seen it, or are attached to it, out it goes.............clears the mind too.I think we are off to the tip today at some point. Recycling centre should I say.
Hi Carol You are more than welcome to the comments, all the pictures are lovely.
You all get together as often as you can and have a great time. Social media has made the world seem a smaller place, compared to say 30 - 40 years ago.
We nearly had to get on board Kari's Ark, it has been a wet week and no denying. t111055 t111055
Glad you managed ok with your crutches and avoided the worst of the rains, when out for your Church meal.
I like your GD description of her children
Thank you for the piccies - and you were not looking at the camera in the group shot, I think you were chatting with your Sister
Hi Barbara hope you are all ok, how is Niamh, is her eye a lot better now t4591 I hope so. Some extra sparkles t4591 t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
We went to the T room this morning, I had had one coffee while waiting for B and Dad, then it was a scone with all the trimmings pour moiand two more coffee's :? - I was pretty wired by the time we left :shock: :shock:
At home today, fuss and immaculise, ready for Sunday, when B and SIL come back here, after lunch. They have not seen our newly revamped lounge
Time I was pottering - again. Leaving lots of love and even more sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut Cookies (vegan)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone a little late in as I have had a migraine aura this morning..grrr! Will probably have a series of these before the actual headache :roll:
I am recovered more or less from the judging thanks Aidan. Tosca will probably look after the wig until I need it againShe is amazing her speed...yes that tail flick then - gone!! :shock: She 'broke' the clippers?
They do recycle at the tip these days near us they have a shop with all the decent stuff you just can't fault their efforts. Still a bit whiffy there though!!
If B can get to Dad's in minutes I think you are wise to pop with meds. Glad the bloods were done I know frustrating when you could have his veins in a second :shock:
Nice biccies ta for my breakfast I will have some of those ta v muchly. Perfect with my coffee
Good luck getting ready for visitors for Father's day
Hello to Joan I hope lunch out was lovely and you see some sunshine m0150
Carol thank you I am ok recovered pretty well from a busy day on Friday. Tosca is looking after my wig
I know a lot don't get married these days it's such a shame isn't it for us who enjoy a good 'do'! So long as they are committed which they seem to be to each other and clearly to tehir children I doesn't matter a jot!
Youngest daughter definitely can see you in her, but she is a lot like her Dad - what a fabulous family and friend turnout for the christening t4591 They 2 youngest grandkids look lovely the GD a little shy I think. I can see you in her I think :?
I am enjoying all these pics!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol
. Kathleen I'm pleased to read about Mig((((((((())))) have a good day(((((()))))
. Aidan have a good day tomorrow and B and your Dad(((((((()))))))
. Toni I will never forget when Lucy was ill (((((((()))) have a good weekend ((((((())))))
Carol how many sisters have you got.((((((()))))
. take care love to Barbara Mig((((((())))))))
. Joan xx. Hello Toni sorry about your migraine((((((())))))take care
joan xx0 -
Well today began nice and sunny but it's looking definitely iffy out there now. Aunty Kari, get that ark ready please. :?
Toni, sorry to hear of your migraine. I had an email from Emily yesterday cancelling our weekly phone call as she had one of her cluster headaches.
It seems that mig is suffering after her final treatment. I sent a parcel of goodies from the party, I hope it cheers her up a bit.
Joan and Sue, I hope you are having a good weekend.
Aidan, I'm always making typos, so I tend to notice them when others do them It's a nuisance amending them, but if I didn't nobody would understand a word said, a bit like the way I speak.gobbledygook. Thank you for all the sparkles and the Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut Cookies .
Oh goody, more photos from Carol. I love the group one outside the church.I hope Barbara hasn't eaten too much at the party, or perhaps she's in the shed. Think I'll pop for a paddle with the manatees and Dugongs, perhaps she's down there.
Enchanted vanilla pancakes
Dry Ingredients
1 cup (120g) whole wheat pastry flour/plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
Wet Ingredients
1 1/2 cups (269g) cooked white beans or 1 can (425g), rinsed and drained
1 1/2 cups (355 ml) unsweetened non-dairy milk (vanilla, if possible)
1/2 cup (40g) rolled oats
2 tbsp (28ml) olive oil
2 tbsp (26g) sugar or (40g) agave nectar
1 tbsp (14g) ground flaxseed mixed with 2 tbsp (28ml) warm water (this is optional: you can use three tbsp of whisked aquafaba instead)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Peach compote ingredients
5 peaches
1 tsp cinnamon
¾ tsp cardamom
¼ tsp allspice
¼ tsp nutmeg
Sweetener of your choice, to taste
To prepare the dry ingredients, mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
To prepare the wet ingredients, add all the ingredients to a food processor and purée. Add the purée to the dry ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon until thoroughly combined.
Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. You can cook a few at a time, but make sure not to crowd them in the pan. Cook until you can see a few bubbles on the top and the edges are dry, then flip and cook a few minutes more until the pancake is cooked through.
To prepare the peach compote: Cut the peaches in half, remove the stone, and remove the peel. Cut into small pieces. Add all of the compote ingredients to a saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Decrease the heat to low, cover, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the fruit is cooked through
t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello all Im here at our roundabout at the bottom of the rd was flooded..and our rd is like a all, comes off the fields at the top of the rd..
Toni we need Kari and her ark here at the min..hope there is room ..saying this those poor people in Lincoln with the did look very fetching in the wig and I am proper proud of you..a juge already..
sp glad the last vilage has a nice pub ..dont think I would have made it..toilets I mean..I know how you must feel about the clothes that Lucy wore..bless her..x
Kath we dont know the name of the drops mum forgot to pack them..but must say her eye a little red..but ok..thankyou for the pancakes..and sorry I had to dip into Migs bag of goodies..
Joan I hope you both enjoyed your pub meal ..nothing nice than having someone cook for you...and thankyou Niamhs eye is a little better..she always says Im alright honest
reminds me of you and Sue..
Aidan..thankyou for the walnut cookies..has above Niamh is doing ok and just gone home with daddy thankyou for the sparkles..and I love the pic..
So you are all ready for your visitors tomorrow bet you cant wait to show them round..I see that dads bloods are ok
..and you all got to the T rooms..but you had sunshine..not even for a min here.. :roll: I am glad that Mandy is doing ok , but like you say things are catching up with her now..bless her..maybe if we get sun she will be able to get out more..nice that you can checked up on dad so often..
Carol your daughter looks just like you..and I agree no family are just make the best of things I know we do..your 2 youngest GC are they twins they do look alike..
Right I am off for a cuppa there any cake...
love to everyone
t111055 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Well, it was this morning and now, it is 11 at night :shock: :shock: :? :? :roll: :roll: I think we had a Saturday...................will catch up on that later :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni - I hope the migraine can be stopped in its tracks, we don't want you poorly t115006 t115006 (((())))
Glad to hear that you are about recovered from the judging. Mother was wearing the wig this morning, frightened the life out of me :shock: :shock:she thinks it very very regal.
Her tail flick is famous at Hogwarts apparently, she used it to make the finer shots, when playing Quidditch - who knew :shock: Now, it makes up for her wobbly pins and can get her where she needs to go, in a flash
We haven't told her that we have spare clippers - sssshhhh. She will cast spells on them all otherwise :roll: :roll:
A shop at the recycling centre, how cool is that. B would be rooting around there, to see what he could up cycleHe is busy at the moment, doing some delicate seed beading.................
We have a family of peacocks at our recycling centre, they hold court and shout at people. They are good for raising the alarm, if someone is about, "out of hours" - what a racket they can make. :shock:
They did look good those breakfast biccies, walnuts are good for us, as you know, the French often eat them after a meal
We are ready, just about, for today's visitors. Glad that we are not catering and the GC can look after us all.
I don't know what Sleek and Mother have been up to, as B has been under the sink for most of the afternoon.................. :roll: :roll: discovered that the waste pipe was dripping, quite by accident, one of my MANY cloths, was wet................ :roll:
4 hours later, two trips into town, new O ring washers (that don't fit) half a mile of PTFE tape, every cloth in creation used is still leaking, only a drip, drip.............when you use the sink.
So, upshot of all that, take said U bend and pipework, to Screwfix, as they have the same part, in stock. So we will gather that today, before we go to the GC.
Until then, there is an old baking tray under the waste pipes :? :? :roll:
That was our afternoon. Gone.
Just catching up now with immaculising the laundry and all surfaces that can be bleached, have been bleached. That has set my pompholyx off, big time - it's all go...................................
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, have you had any more rain? some places have been awash, with rivers bursting their banks.
Thank you, we will have a nice time at the GC today. I am sure I will be having a piece of cake after lunch(((())))
Hi Kath - I did read that Mig is not having a very nice time after her last shot of treatment - kind of the worst part, at the end of the treatment, you are totally wrung out and pretty damned low.
I am sure the parcel of goodies, will cheer her up. I will put a big sparkle at the end, for us all, I think we need one.
Poor Emily having cluster headaches, they are horrid things. (((()))) for her to feel better as soon as possible t4591
Typo's are classics sometimes. The phones are best, when they decide to put what they think you want to say. Then you click send and realise what a load of drivel you have written.I have had to type another one out very quickly, to apologise for the stupid predictive text :shock: :shock: :shock:
I think Barbara was out looking for Kari, in her Ark. t111055 t111055 Also on the hunt for more cakes
Enchanted Vanilla Pancakes, how utterly delectable mi duck, ta love.
Hi Barbara, there you are, amidst all the water. I hope you are well back from the flooding roads and roundabout. It has poured here, a deluge on more than one occasion. t111055 t111055 t111055 t111055
A bit like here, it is all draining off the moors, we can hear our streams, raging away, the river will be up to the top of the bank by this morning. It was forecast to be dry overnight, but, it has started pouring again :roll: :roll:
I have seen the floods in Lincolnshire, poor people, they have have the army helicopters out to try and shore up the river banks.
I am glad that Niamh's eye is getting better. I would guess they are chloramphenicol drops t4591
You are welcome to the sparkles, I will be seeking out another one, for us all to gather under
We are all but ready for guests, B will be under the sink again, fitting the new pipes, while I make T and coffee. We are pretty tidy again - not like the afternoon, the kitchen looked like a free for all - I was most whittled about it.
Yes, Mandy is doing ok, her best friend came over to see her today, so that will have been nice. They were going to pop round, but I am glad they didn't to be honest, with the kitchen upside down.
Mandy does like to sit in the sunshine, perhaps a bit more of a chance next week.
We will be taking Dads pills round on a daily basis, so that there is no more mix ups with his blister packs again.
I didn't get chance to bake a cake, apologies. Thank goodness there was a goody bag and some lovely pancakes from Kath
Hi to Carol - hope you are all ok. Have a pleasant Sunday, feet up time in the afternoon perhaps
Well, I had better move about a little. The dryer has finished, so I can potter in the kitchen.
I will find us some sparkles, before I go.
Lots of love to all t4591 t4591 t4591 XXXX Aidan
Blueberry Bran MuffinsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Happy Father's day To all Dad's Grandads and fur children Dad's too
I hope everyone has a good day.
Sun is out again so far. Kari Paul Charley and me all went to the open gardens and managed 3 before we gave up. I now have trench foot :shock:
You were wet inside and out then Aidan. :roll: It is a good job B is so 'handy' and I hope the last pipe seals perfectly today.
Thanks for the blueberry muffins - yum!
Thank goodness for the GC to feed them all, but I know you are all bleached and primped ready anyway.
Tosca does love my wig! Sleek reckons Minerva wants Mother to be a judge there for the alchemy awards at the end of term....She will no doubt demonstrate the tail flick there. She is teaching Sleek oh my goodness she's inconsistent!! She was after some sweets and I was popping them down (she taps my paw for them!), flicked her tail in excitement and she was poof the other side of the room
Remember my grass overseeding? It's all run off the lawn into the boarders where it's grown beautifully :roll:
Tosca and Sleek were at Mrs D's while you were sorting out the sink - painting. Kari had left her art stuff out......
The Ark is back out sailing will happily pick up anyone Kath...I hope Emily feels much better ((()))
I am ok this happens from time to time :roll: Thanks for the pancakes we needed them because the cafes were full due to those visiting the open gardens needing to dry off/warm up :roll:
mig will love the parcel I am sure and this is it she's done itHopefully the nightmare is over.
Barbara those poor people in Lincoln. It's so flat there though :?
I had restricted my fluid intake in preparation for judging which helped, but honestly I had to go first before even looking at the menu at the pub!
Poor Niamh I hope her eye is all better now ((()))
Joan no like you I will never forget Lucy being ill. It was a long old haul wasn't it? Then those surgeries afterwards too
Still she's really well now isn't she?
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
. Kathleen it's good to know Mig has finished that part good luck for the rest of it((((((((())))))) I hope you have a good day((((((())))))
. Barbara that's good Niamh's eye is getting better(((((((())))))))
. Aidan have a good day all of you I hope you can find room at the Garden centre(((((((((()))))) B(((((()))))))Dad(((((((((())))))))
. Toni yes I remember it well it does not seem long ago(((((((((()))))))) Lucy(((((((()))))))
. take care love to Carol Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxxtake care
joan xx0 -
I'm busy munching on Blueberry muffins (thank you Aidan) while watching an old episode of Midsomer Murders. I love Sykes, the dog in it. He is so clever and funny. He is written out of the latest episodes, there's a new dog in it now, named Paddy. He's still a baby, but learning fast.
Yes, Aunty Kari sailed by and asked me aboard. But it was nap time, so I declined and she sailed on, but she did have a cuppa.
Anita went to cook dad a Father's Day roast. He was telling me that he had a game of table tennis at the Friday Club. HE'S 88 FOR GOODNESS SAKE! How the eck does he do it? Mind you, he said the ball landed on the floor Most of the time.
OOO get you Aidan, you can spell Chloramwotsit properly.Did they have spelling classes at nurse training?
Sending lots of love and hugs to Joan and Sue, Barbara, Carol, mig, Toni and all on VA forums pets, members, and admins.
Vegan Peanut Butter Cup Pie
1 sleeve graham crackers (or sub similar gluten-free cracker/cookie)
4 1/2 Tbsp melted vegan butter or coconut oil
12 ounces firm silken tofu (slightly drained and patted dry)
1/2 cup creamy salted natural peanut butter
1/4 cup agave nectar or maple syrup (or sub honey if not vegan)
1 14-ounce can full-fat coconut milk OR coconut cream (1 can yields ~1 3/4 cups // chilled overnight // no shaking the can- you want the cream and liquid to remain separate)
1 cup semisweet dairy-free chocolate chips
1/3 cup non-dairy milk (I used full-fat coconut, but almond milk is fine, too)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 C) and lightly oil a standard glass pie pan (8 inches x 1 1/4 inches // as original recipe is written).
Add graham crackers to a food processor and process until you achieve a semi-fine meal. A little texture is OK, just remove any large pieces that didn't get ground. Add melted butter and pulse to combine.
Add to greased pie pan and press down with your fingers to flatten. You can lay a piece of plastic wrap over the top when pressing down to ensure a more uniform layer. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and set aside to cool.
Add tofu, peanut butter, maple syrup or agave to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth, scraping down sides as needed. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed, adding more agave for added sweetness or a pinch of salt if your peanut butter wasn't very salted.
Next, scoop out the cream of your coconut milk or cream and whip into whipped cream in a large, chilled mixing bowl. Find trouble-shooting tips here. Optional: sweeten with a little powdered sugar and vanilla.
Fold the peanut butter-tofu mixture into the whipped cream.
Pour filling over crust and pop in the freezer to chill. Once it's fairly chilled and slighty firm (about 1 hour), prepare your ganache.
Add chocolate chips to a bowl and heat your non-dairy milk to a low simmer. Then pour over chocolate chips and don't touch for 5 minutes to allow it to melt. Then stir gently with a spoon or rubber spatula until a smooth ganache forms. If it doesn't quite melt, you can also heat it in the microwave in 10 second increments until smooth and melted.
Spoon over the top of the pie and spread in an even layer with a knife or spatula, working quickly as the ganache will get clumpy if it sets too long.
Top with crushed, salted roasted peanuts (optional) and pop back in the freezer to set. 20-30 minutes before serving, remove from freezer and serve. Alternatively, you can chill this in the fridge, but it is much more delicate to slice and serve, but just as delicious.
After the initial chill, make sure you cover the pie with plastic wrap to keep it fresh."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Have been suffering some real nasty pain the last couple of days but I know it has been triggered off by the damp weather over the past week it is always the same. today has been better it has been dry most of the day we are due for a good day tomorrow but rain again ion Tuesday. oh well not much we can do about it. I just hope it warms up soon as we go away in two weeks time. Don't really want to spend a wet week in Weymouth.
Aidan cookies yum hope there are some left for me. Hope today went well with the family and the GC was enjoyed by all and Dad had a good fathers day. Mr T had messages from both Daughters wishing him a Happy fathers day and youngest is taking us both out for a meal tomorrow week as a present for fathers day and mothers days combined cos she didn't get me a present on Mothers day so that will be nice. your right I was taking to my sister in the group photo there are more group ones and in everyone of them someone is or other is looking the other way :? , to me it looks more natural that way.
your right re social media. yes I have had a Sunday afternoon feet up session this afternoon in fact I have been resting up all day as i was in so much pain this morning I did not go to church to sit on the hard pews. I think its a good idea to take dads tablets around on a daily basis. its a good job you are close to him.
Toni Youngest daughter dose have some of me in her but is defiantly more like her dad in looks and in ways.It doesn't worry me that they are not married as long as all take part in caring for each other and the kids My Youngest Gd is not really shy when you get to know her but she has always been the quite one. she is coming out of her shell a bit as she has gets older.
Joan I only have one sister lots of (((((()))))))to you and Sue an doggies
Kath so you had a paddle with the manatees and the dugongs don't worry about the missing bushbabies I have them here with me they decided I needed them. glad you are enjoying my piccies.
Barbara there is 8 years difference between the youngest 2 GC the GS being the eldest. but all three of them are very much alike.
no piccies today as time has run away from me today and I must now go a pottering so watch this space more piccies soon
t4591 t4591 & t115006 t115006 to allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all - All Father's / Daddy's / GDads having had a pleasant day
Thank you Toni, fur children Daddies had a very nice dayMother isn't one for sending cards, but she did shriek and wake me up nice and early :shock: :shock:
Hope your migraine has not developed further t115006 t4591
Open gardens sound lovely, IF the weather has been less monsoon like :? :?
Trench foota perfectly apt description of the recent rains and subsequent mud.
We went to Screfix before the GC, the correct washers this time and touch wood, we are dry, in my cupboard of a million cleaning thingsBill is very adept at fixing things, thank goodness
Oh yes, we were suitably bleached, primped and ready for guests - lots of cream on my pompholyx, keeping a lid on the lumps that appear so fast, you can almost watch them growing. :shock: :shock:
The GC was quite busy, but we did get our 6 seat table and Beth was on, so that was goodWe were very well looked after. Dad enjoyed his hand battered fish finger sandwich, B and I had cauliflower cheese pot, with some chunky chips...........BIL a steak pie and SIL pulled pork :? :?
Yes, SIL and I had a millionaires cake, with rocher ice cream t4591 t4591
You are right, Mother is going to Hogwarts to judge the alchemy class finals, next month. She will hand out a special prize to the student who mixes the most potent magic.
Sleek is doing well with her tail flick, a bit more practice needed, jumping around the room in a flashShe was on the bedroom ceiling at siesta time :shock: :shock: Mother just rolled her eyes :roll: :roll:
I do remember you over seeding the lawn, oh dear, it is all growing in the borders now, oooops. Washed away, slightly :? :? :?
There was discussion about payntying at Mrs D's, Mother did have a Beret on, being all arty
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you had a pleasant Sunday (((()))) We had a lovely time at the GC, it was busy, but not silly busy like we thought it might be. Thank you for the ((())) t4591 t4591
Hi Kath, glad you enjoyed the muffins, whilst watching Midsummer Murders - I used to like it too. It is a wonder that there is anyone left alive, in Midsummer, it was only a small village :shock: :shock:
Go Dad, playing table tennis at 88, good for him eh :shock: I would never see the ball, let alone hit itHope he enjoyed his roast dinner, courtesy of Anita t4591
We did have regular tests on medications and administration of the same. It was very important to get the names etc correct, no margins for error. One of my drug administration assessments lasted for the whole 12 hour shift, three drug rounds, countless IV's, controlled drugs, various injections, phlebotomy, it was all going on............ :shock:
Thank you for the peanut butter cup pie - verrrrry nice indeed mi duck
Hope any ouches are minimal t115006 t115006
Sending lots of anti ouch sparkles to you Carol t115006 t115006
We have had a pretty wet June, so far. I hope it dries up and you enjoy some warmer weather. Then the ouches will ease t4591 Missing Church was a wise move I think. Pews are not good on our joints and bones.
Thank you, Sunday went well, after a lovely lunch, we all came back to ours, for cuppa's and coffee. B and SIL left about 4 ish, walked back round to Dads and then drove home. They live about an hour or so away, so we see them pretty regularly t4591 The Heaven's opened on several occasions in the afternoon, it was torrential t111055 t111055
I hope you enjoy your joint Mothering Sunday and Fathers Day dinner, today, with your youngest Daughter.
I don't ind more natural looking photo's, rather than everyone stood stiff as boards :shock:if someone says "cheese", I can only hold a smile for about a nano second then I seem to have a grimace like Elvis :? :?
Definitely tablets on a daily basis for Dad, starting today. We are going to Skipton, with Dad. One pair of my new glasses are ready, they are still waiting for the other frames to arrive for the second pair.
Looking forward to more picturesas and when.
Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok. Did you do anything special for Fathers Day? Out for lunch at the lovely pub maybe
Well, I had better make a move. I need to potter a little.
I am sure I heard it raining a few minutes ago :roll: :roll:
Big hi to everyone, in and about. Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Baked Oatmeal with Caramelised PearsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning! It's actually NOT raining, but I think that will change any minute now!
Thank you Aidan for the pears! fabulous
Sleek said Mother had made you both a lovely litter pile for father's dayHehehe! I am told the outfit has been chosen for the award ceremony at Hogwarts and Sleek will be taking Mother there so she will be able to watch. The tail must be tired by now surely flicking it here there and everywhere one good result when she landed in the kitchen as planned!!!
Oh the payntid at MRs D's alright before eating sweets and fishy lattes
Paul went to the car racing at Hednesford Hills yesterday afternoon and had a lovely time bless him. I actually managed to dead-head some plants outside in the gaps between rain :roll: Trench foot we all probably have it ATMI might let the grass seed grow a bit then slice some soil underneath before popping into the gaps? From last years' drought :roll:
I am so pleased the sink is fixed and all you cleaning stuff try - most important and no doubt used again post visitors? Glad the GC did not let you down Beth there too. That millionaires sounds perfect....sigh!
Carol I am sorry you have been struggling with this vile weather I also hope it dries up for your holiday ((())) Sensible to avoid the service yesterday I think.
Youngest daughter being like her Dad in personality too :shock: Mind you it's the same with my girls one looks like me, but acts like him one looks like him but acts like me!
That's it precisely so long as they stay together and love each other and look after the kids it doesn't matter.
Your youngest G daughter is very pretty - once the lads spot her, her confidence will grow
Kath - I am so glad Kari had a cuppa with you before sailing off again. the Ark is still needed here much of the day ::)
Your Dad is incredible!! table tennis I can't even play it now! :shock:
Look at him go!
That vegan peanut butter pie looks fab! Gimme some t4591 ta I might make mine un-vegan though and add some cream
I bet Barbara has had Niamh over for Father's day and the Dads and GDad had a lovely time
Joan the nightmare of it all is fading...hearing mig's treatment brought some of it back though thank you for Lucy's ((()))
Best get on writing out the wedding invites later :roll:
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I hope your pains are not too bad with all this rain((((()))))
. Carol have a lovely holiday I hope you haven't got too much pain((((())))
. Aidan I'm glad everyone enjoyed Sunday years ago the shops would not be open on a Sunday((((((())))))Dad((((())))
. Toni we have sun today I go up the hospital for my check up.(((((())))
. Take care all love to Barbara Mig (((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all sorry I missed yesterday..we went out for fathers day..but not a good end..the pub had not reserved our table so said we could come back in an hours or we ended up at marks and bought dinner..
Kath your dad is amazing we have a few elderly on on our rd including me of course..but they run rings around me :shock: peanut butter pie sound nice..but might not agree with my tummy..
Toni no wonder you have trench foot.. :roll: sorry I had to laugh at the grass seed moving onto the border and growing well..its typical..I am sure you will sort it ..good idea to dig it up and move it..and Im glad to hear Paul had a lovely day out..nice to I want to know who's gardens are open..
Joan you give so many hugs are lovely..Niamhs eyes seemed a lot better thankyou..x
Carol I would never have guessed the age difference in your GC..sorry you are suffering like you say we need dry sunny weather..
Aidan thankyou for the treats.. I forgot what they wer again but enjoyed themgood for Srewfix..its our favorite diy place and the prices are so good..glad they helped you..poor Bill having to be under the sink but he got it you did well to get your bigs table at the GC on father day...nice to all sit together and have a catch up..
I am happy to hear that Mandy is doing well she must be so tired though I know things tend to catch up later..and dads meds ar sorted by you and Bill..I know I keep saying it, but he is a lucky man having you both so close by
Oh and not forgetting the lovely pics it is mesmerizing ..
Right better move we are off out ..proble the large GC
Love to everyone
t4591 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I am so fed up with nuisance calls! We had 6 on Friday, 2 on Saturday and 2 this morning. They all begin with 013***** and are supposed to be from Talk Talk but as they are recorded messages, they are probably not from Talk Talk. I block them on my phone, then go to the BT page and blacklist them on there. I wish I could do something to stop them.
Toni, has all the judging been done now, when can you reveal the winners?I hope your migraine has gone and the trench foot. :?
Joan, my ouchies are very bad at the moment. We haven't been to the Co-op for 3 weeks as walking hurts too much. Looking at the forecast, I don't think we'll get out tomorrow either. t110007 t111055
Barbara, I'm sorry the peanut butter pie might upset your tummy, but don't worry, I'll eat your piece.
I can't find Aidan, perhaps he's checking for typos. I'll send him a coo-ee yep, there he is.
Vegan Gooseberry Fool
250g gooseberry, topped and tailed
3 tbsp caster sugar
200g Greek yogurt
1-2 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
200ml double cream
Put the gooseberries and sugar in a pan with a splash of water. Heat gently, stirring, then bring to a simmer and cook until the fruit starts to burst. Squash the gooseberries with a potato masher or fork until pulpy. Cool then chill until cold in the fridge.
Put the yoghurt in a bowl and beat with the icing sugar and vanilla until smooth. Gently whisk in the cream (it will thicken as you whisk so don’t overdo it). Ripple through the gooseberry pulp then spoon into pretty glasses or bowls to serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - not been in long, quite a long day - in and out of car, in and out of buggy's etc etc.
Forecast was for a nice dry day, so, it rained all the way to Skipton, then rained on and off whilst in Skipton, then rained on the way home :shock: :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055
Not quite as the forecast predicted :roll: :roll: Trench foot will be spreading to us all
Glad you like the pears Toni, rather yummy, with some thick double cream on top, for calcium
No rain, ah, another forecast to be wary of :roll: :roll:
There are plenty of litter pieces all over the place, along with sweets, that can be spat from one corner to another :roll: :roll:
Of course Sleek will be Mother's Confidant, when she gives out the awards at Hogwarts. Tail flicking is a great art, Sleek will get there, Mother said she was on the Church spire at one point today :? :?
Payntynhs woz therripewtick apparently -:? :? Keeps Mothers paws moving. Fishy latte's, of course..........
Glad that Paul enjoyed his time out at the car racing, he does like his cars, bless him indeed t4591 t4591
B did say last night, Toni could always do grass transplants, the same as hair transplantsYou had the same idea
how cool is that. t115006 t115006
Sink is ok ish, it has the most teeny tiny occasional drip, nothing that is troublesome, one little piece of kitchen towel is fine and it does not do it every time - plumbing, it's a fickle thing.
GC was lovely and Beth looks after us, well, they all do, Richard, the boss, he makes sure we are attended too, knowing our, well, my foibles :roll: :roll: :roll: Me, fussy, not a BIT of it.
More wedding duties to be done, time is marching ont4591 t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok and have had a dryer day today.
No, there were no shops open on a Sunday, oh, the paper shop used to open on a Sunday morning, for an hour or so, but that was it. You were at Church and then doing normal family things. Shopping was not on the agenda.
Thank you for the hugs, you are very kind (((())))
Hi Kath - sorry you are ouching at the moment. I will send the Possums over, with some magic squares, to help as much as possible t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
We get nuisance calls, pretending to be from TalkTalk. I have written to the CEO of TTalk, giving them the details of the calls and the numbers they use.
Trista Harrison is the CEO.
We used to get a lot more, people saying my name is daisy - really, is that a usual name for a call centre in some far eastern country !!
Normally I tell them to --********** - sorry, go away :shock: and say I have recorded their number for the Police.
I heard you, cooo eee
Thank you for the gooseberry fool, very nice indeed
Hi Barbara - don't you worry, you had a busy day, sadly not at the pub.........huh, ending up at Mark's and Sparks :shock: :roll: :roll: Naughty pub, for not reserving your table. I hope you gave them looks :? :?
Treats, I forget too, there are so many treats in here. We are spoilt rotten t4591 t4591
We arrived at the right time at the GC, to get the bigger table. They don't have many that seat 6 or 8, so it is first come first served, they do reserve tables.
Mandy is doing well, just tired and taking time to recover at her own pace.
Dad seemed ok with having just today's meds when we went round this morning. We said the Dr had asked for them to be done like that, so that was ok.........
Glad you like the pictures
Did you get a seat at the GC today, I hope so. Good that Niamh and her sore eye, is improving nicely.
Right, time to move, some pottering to do, back is shouting loudly too.
Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone
Joan the cloak whipped us up and out to the Drs with you. I hope you kept the sun and all went well.
Barbara I thought you'd be out for Father's Day yesterday. I hope it was good
Glad Niamh is on the mend now.
I hope the GC was good too!
Kath 3 weeks is too long to be trapped insome ((())) for you.
We will be judges again in July if we got through the first round.
Thanks for the fool I love gooseberries
Aidan you can cope with a small drip maybe ??
Grass transplants I love it B was far cleverer than me! I hadn't thought of calling it that!
Sleek did indeed end up perched on the Church spire!!! She whistled for the broomstick and was soon down again!!
She's so looking forward to taking Mother to the awards ceremony at Hogwarts. When she gets there she's booking Tommy in for some junior pre-order summer school :?
Sorry you also have trench foot today :roll:
Did you notice the sun was out when the cloak took us to Joan's appointment this morning?
Today we wrote all the wedding invitations and Tia went for her hair practice for the wedding so busy busy.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all
The best part of the day, crystal clear evening and lovely sunset - quite mild too.
I wondered why I felt like I was in two places at once, of course, it was Joan's hospital appointment - the cloak was so quick to whisk my alter ego away.
I am hoping all went well, we were all very well behaved - I think :? :?and it was sunshiny weather too m0150
Quite true Toni, I have coped with worse thingsan occasional drip, is fine. I know B will be under the sink again, until there are no drips, at all.
He thought you would like the grass transplants idea. One blade at a time :shock: can you imagine :? :?
Sleek was over at siesta time, practising the "tail flick" spell t115006 once on the curtain rail, once on the tv and once in the shower - apart from that, she did really well :shock:
Mother rolled her eyes :roll: "try again dear"
A good idea for Tommy to go to pre school at Hogwarts, the tutors are very gentle, as are the spells.
Mother will wear the wig, along with her wizard robes, trimmed with sparkling fabric, made by the Nymphs. t115006 t115006
Mother said it is a full moon, so the magic will be very strong tonight
Busy busy indeed, all the wedding preparations going well. t4591
We have our new specs - my other frames had arrived, so they put the lenses in, within an hour. I can read again 8) 8)
Of course, we went to Nero's (they had no falafel wraps left) :roll: then to B & M and Tesco's.
Hi to everyone else, Carol Mig and all.
At home today, need a catch up............
Right I had better be pottering again. I am setting. Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Melting Sweet Potato's with Maple and PecanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Same here Aidan a lovely evening! :? Maybe the sunshine came back with us after Joan's appointment yesterday????
I shall transplant the blades of grass in trowel fulls or would it be trowels full?? Well anyway a few at a time into the bald bits where the seed started :roll:
I'm very glad to hear your sight is restored t4591 No falafel wraps not so good but the goats cheese are pretty lovely too
B will sort the tiny drip in time I'm sure, it will irritate him....
Sleek is getting on well with the tail flick today here there and everywhere. Tosca advised small trips to start with and today all have been well. They are off to view Mother's robes which the nymphs have - they have been spinning sparkles in it as you know. Sleek will no doubt view the rainbow droplet againbless t115006
Right a quick hello to JoanHope yesterday's appointment went ok?
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
. Barbara that's good Niamh eye is getting better I'm sorry your table was not booked(((((())))))
. Kathleen sorry about your ouchies((((((())))) yes I would like warmer weather.
. Aidan I hope you all have a good day today and B under the sink
Good you had your table((((((())))))
. Toni good luck the grass should grow with all this rain((((((())) love to Charley((((((())))
. yesterday my cyst was borderline not Cancer but not normal so I have to have it checked every 4 months.
take care love to Carol Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Aidan, many thanks for the email address. I've sent a (very polite) message including the numbers that rang. As I was typing it, the phone rang :roll: a mobile number. The caller asked for me by name and I asked who he was and what did he want, without admitting who I was. He got flustered and hung up. Number duly blocked and added to my blacklist, and also added to the numbers sent in the email. Can't do any more. Thank you also for the Melting Sweet Potato's with Maple and Pecan, I've had a couple or six. :oops:
Our young neighbour Holly went to the Co-op for us this morning. She is very helpful. But you're right Toni, 3 weeks is a long time to be stuck in. I'm scared we might never get out again.
Deeply flavoured vegetarian sausage rolls wrapped in crisp, flaky pastry – perfect for Christmas, for packed lunches, for summer picnics or just because…
320g ready rolled puff pastry sheet
200g Double Gloucester/Mature Cheddar, grated
1 large onion, grated
200g fresh breadcrumbs
2tbsps crème fraîche
2tsps dried mixed herbs
2 tsps mustard powder
2 tsps paprika
salt and freshly ground black pepper
One lightly beaten free range egg to glaze
Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/Gas Mark 7
Lightly grease two baking trays
Place all the filling ingredients into a bowl and combine well
Cut the pastry sheet into three equal sized strips
Squeeze generous handfuls of sausage mixture into shape and lie down the middle of your pastry strips
Brush one side of each pastry strip with beaten egg and fold the other side over the top of the filling to join it making sure you tuck it in well so you don’t have space around your sausage – there’s nothing worse than biting into an air filled sausage roll (there is, obviously, but a stingily filled roll is a very mean spirited thing)
Turn your rolls over so they are seam side down
Cut to size for mini sausage rolls as I have or larger for lunch box rolls
Snip the pastry top of each roll with a pair of scissors two or three times, brush with beaten egg and place on greased baking sheets
Bake on the top shelf of your hot oven for 20 – 25 minutes until browned and crispy
Cool on a wire rack if you are not scoffing them immediately
Store in an airtight container"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - just time for a quick hello, as the day seems to have run away again.............. :roll: :roll: M came round, having burnt her hand on the slow cooker............ER is always open here
I think the sunshine did follow us back from Joan's hosp appointment.
Trowels of grass, would be ideal, or, a few rolls of turf........or, like Dads, artificial grass :shock:
They did have the roasted veg and goats cheese wrap, I should have had that instead - never mind, always next time
Mother and Sleek have been down in the ravine, plus she frightened me out of my slippers, wearing the wig whilst walking about :shock: :shock: Just saw this curly moving object
Rainbow droplet was duly inspected, of course, Mother and Sleek can view it at any time, they have instant access to the vault t115006 t115006 Retina scan entry apparently :shock:
Hi Joan and Sue, so the results are what they tend to call "inconclusive" which in turn could be insufficient sample, or insufficient to say either negative, or positive - they will likely do another sample on your next visit? To see if there are any changes. (((())))
Hope you are both and the weather is improving for you.
No worries Kath, I always write to the top person of any company, if anyone needs emails of CEO's, just let me know
They need to know that the scams are going on all the time, from TalkTalk, all they want is your card details etc..................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Welcome to the potato breakfast too, very moreish to say the least. I had 2, I think, or was it 12 :shock: :? :? :oops: :oops:
Holly is very good, nipping to the Co Op for you Don't worry, you will be our on your benches in no time, Silver said some supercharged sparkles are on the way, so be prepared to fizz and pop. t115006 t115006
(((()))), and t4591 for the horrid ouches to sling their hook.
If needs be, we will be down there wi bus, mi duck, get yer owt er house
I am all over those yummy veggie sausage rolls, look and sound amazing, I might have to make some of themwith a little assistance
Thank you kindly
Hi to Carol and Barbara and Mig and all our lovely friends. I will pop in later, need to move, then need a siesta, B is pooped too, he was sorting out Dads drive and taking down old gazebo, the gazebo of shame as we called it. All done, everything pristine, new brolly, plants sorted, drive washed, astro turf all cleaned............phew.
Love and sparkles to all XXXXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all its been a lovely sunny day today..dont you just appreciate it
Joan I am so pleased to hear your cyst was borderline..and at least they will keep an eye on you, how are you feeling now since your op ..((())) these things can take it out of you for a while, but knowing you it hasnt..xx
Kath you are welcome to my potion of peanut butterI love it but it hates me..we get the number regular and has soon has you block one they change one of the num..another one is press one but don t has it can put you through to a premium num :roll: I had 3 sausage rolls..thankyou
Toni the wedding is not long away now..was Tia happy with her hairhope all the invitations are done now and you can relax a little..
Aidan thankyou for the Sweet Potato's with Maple and Pecan
I am glad to hear you were all looked after now I want to know what you had to eat...sorry it rained for Skipton gosh think we have had enough for a while..I look at the 10 day weather and that used to be spot on but lately
and I did give them a look at the pub..its the first time they have let us down, but to be honest they were so busy :roll: poor M for burning her hand..Aidan will sort it..
and you have your new glasses..
My counseling tomorrow I finished the course but didnt get a lot out of tomorrow is a chat..she has been on holiday for 2 weeks..wonder why..
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t115006Love
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