Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all you lovely people

    I have had a lovely afternoon in the little bar café place near home I spent about 2 and a half hours all on my own knitting away. I was so engrossed in my knitting that I didn't realise how fast the time had slipped by. :roll: :roll: I thought I had better go back home unfortunately. Mr t is having one of his moody times I have only got to ask where something is and he thinks I am blaming him he is driving me round the bend. still holiday in just 1 week 5 days hope he will change then, well he had better before I completely lose my cool. :?

    Aidan our meal with youngest wasn't yesterday it is next Monday after she gets her wages this month. I think with group photos there is always someone who will turn round as the photo is taken so yes the more natural ones are best. thanks for the ouchie Sparkles they were certainly needed. and no pews not good for ouchies at all. we have had rain on and off also over the last couple of days. t111055 its nice that you had a good lunch with B and SIL and dad had a good fathers day.

    Toni Thank you lots of people say both our GDS are pretty they are so alike and Lillies take after them too for her looks.
    Keeping fingers crossed for good weather for holiday as long as it is dry I don't really mind.

    Joan pain has eased a lot since Sunday thank goodness. hope your check up went well. I only have one sister.

    Barbara Glad that Nimah's eye is getting better or poor little Graycie was playing with mummy yesterday and some how hit her head on the floor she was sick after and GD had to take her to A&E she is ok but has a bit concussion and GD has just got to keep an eye on her. yes there is 8 years difference between GD and her brother and 10 years difference her and her elder sister.

    ok piccie time

    Miss Graycie-Mai outside the church not quite sure what mischief she was plotting :lol:

    The other photo of me and Miss Lillie-Rose without the funny faces.

    and lastly Graycie and Rubie with Nanny on bouncy castle

    we have a forecast of thunder and torrential rain over night hoping they are wrong both of us hate it when the lightening lights up the dark bedroom at night it keeps you awake.

    well must now have a little potter

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 for all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I know, I forgot to leave cake :shock: :oops: :oops: :oops: pardoning myself all over, as penance :roll: :roll:

    It has been a good deal warmer Barbara, in fact I have had several "moments" throughout the day. :? :roll: :roll:

    The scam numbers, who pretend to be TalkTalk or some other company, if you try and call them back, it will often say, sorry, the number you are calling has not been recognised - how do they do that :?: :?: They ring you, with their number, you ring them, the number doesn't exist :? :? :?

    Having a policeman's style whistle is a good thing, blow it as loud as you can, at the phone :shock: :shock: :D:D:lol::lol:

    You were most restrained, with only 3 of the veggie sausage rolls. Sorry there was no cake :roll: :roll:

    What did we have to eat at the GC. Well, B and I both had cauliflower cheese pot (quite small, they are a side order / starter) but with some chunky chips, there is more than enough.
    SIL had pulled pork on a sub roll and some salad which she never eats.
    BIL had steak pie, more like Desperate Dan Cow Pie - he loved it.
    Dad had his usual battered fish finger and a few chips.

    SIL and I had caramel cake and Ferrero Rocher ice cream t4591 t4591

    We don't mind the rain, t111055 we are pretty much used to it by now :roll: :roll: where we park on the double yellows in Skipton, is only a little hobble to both specsavers and nero's :)

    Glad you gave them a "look" in the pub, not as if they don't know you. I can guess it was crazy busy though.............

    There are three different weather things on my phone and each one is quite different - :shock: :? a case of open the curtains and see what it is doing, or take an average of the three and expect everything :lol::lol::lol:

    Oh yes, Aidan will sort everything out. I am sure neighbours think I have a huge clinic room, with every possible dressing, lotion, potion etc etc. :lol::lol: She kept one hand in ice water and had a ciggy with the other - I know, we are naughty. :? :lol::lol:

    Hope the feedback chat, with the counsellor, goes ok. I am sure she didn't need a holiday after your counselling sessions :lol::lol:

    Hi Carol - sounds lovely, letting the time slip by, while doing you knitting in the bar cafe, near to you. Nothing wrong with a bit of down time.

    Oh dear, Mr T is not in the best of humours again. Time for some enchanted light up slippers, sent directly from Silver t115006


    I am sure they will do the trick. Not long now until your holidays 1 week 4 days :) m0150 m0150

    Ah, next week, for lunch with your Daughter, I am ahead of myself again.
    Glad the sparkles helped with the ouches. Pews can be uncomfortable at the best of times. Designed for us to sit up and take note, unfortunately sitting like that is not an option :? :roll:

    I noticed that there was some bad weather heading to southern areas, with big thunderstorms. I love a good storm, next door would hide under the stairs, if she had any :shock: :lol::lol: I hope they are wrong and you are not kept awake by flashing and banging.

    Aww, poor Graycie, hope she is feeling better now, after bumping her head. Good idea to have her checked out at A&E. t4591 t115006

    There was definitely something being plotted by Graycie, on the first picture :lol::lol:

    Lovely pictures, the rose dresses are just too cute t4591 t4591

    Hi Toni, hope you are all ok. Invites all written out, another thing ticked off the long list of "to do".
    Sleek was over at Siesta time, they tried umpteen times with the sleepy spells, to little avail. So they just watched SYTTD Atlanta, ate sweets and shrieked a lot :roll: :roll:

    I had a little potter in the garden in the afternoon, gave the birdy bath a wash out with next door's hosepipe, plus watered the raised bed. It is shielded by the two wisteria, so even with all the rain, if stays dry t111055 t111055

    B is recovering from his hard work round at Dads, sorting out the patio and drive / parking area.
    More lovely bead work is on the go.

    Right. I had better be pottering a little. Off to the T room this morning, prescriptions to put in, some items to pick up.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Giant Hash Browns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Pass us a hash brown or three thanks Aidan. Invites all done yes ta and just the venue to visit this afternoon.

    Sleek said they watched SYTTD and ate sweets and they were quiet except if they needed to 'koment' She told me mother did the 'walk by' in the wig on purpose to make you jump and said it was Hill Hairy Us!! Bless her :roll:

    Sleek can now reliably tail flick from room to room 'flick' just like that!! Tosca is really pleased with her.

    Sleek was really pleased to see the rainbow droplet t115006 she feels like a caternational spy using her retina to get in :D

    Ooops poor Mandy :shock: I am sure she's ok now after your ministrations...will she put that **** down? no!!! :wink:

    Piddling down again today here so the Ark is out again :roll:

    Kath I am sure you and Chris will be back out on your bench soon. Keeping moving in the house?? It's not in your nature to no try so as soon as you are able I know you'll be back at it t4591 Thank goodness for Holly she is a blessing.

    Those veg sausage rolls were totally yum ta.

    Carol how lovely enjoying your knitting and cuppa(s) that much that you stayed in the little café for hours!! Probably wise with Mr T being...well Mr T :roll: ((())) for you and a large dollop of patience!

    Great pics I adore those two little girls they are so sweet. The one of you and Lillie should be framed and up! Like your GDs they will grow up to be very pretty. Their Dad had better have his shotgun at the ready!!

    I see Aidan has sent some unicorn slippers for mr T :lol:

    Barbara those calls are infuriating grrr!!! I just block them one at a time :roll:

    Wedding plans are going ok yes off to the venue this afternoon and had a meal out with Tia's in-laws yesterday evening. No cooking for me - yippee!!

    Tia's hair was so pretty especially with the Tiara in :cry:

    Joan I am very pleased to hear they are keeping an eye on your cyst! Charley is doing ok thank you for caring ((()))

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni
    Kathleen I'm sorry you have not been out it's nice you have Holly to help you I hope you feel better soon((((((()))))))
    . Aidan I have a scan every 4 months. I hope you have a good day
    it's nice you are open all hours for your neighbours ((((((()))))))
    . Barbara sorry your class has finished I hope the chat helps ((((((()))))
    . Carol not long before you go away is Mr T worried about anything((((((()))))
    . Toni I bet Tia looked lovely. (((((())))) I hope you have a good day(((((()))))
    . my friend of 20 years or more died Monday from a hernia op.
    . take care all love to Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Joan, I am so sorry that your dear friend has passed away after a hernia operation. (((()))) g045.gif

    Toni, well I would try, but Chris just doesn't want to, and he won't let me go alone. Yes, we are very grateful to Holly. I asked her if she would mind doing it every Tuesday on her way to school. she ageed and also gave me a pack of extra Paracetamols 3 strips of 10) off her granddad, who gets them on prescription. :?

    Aidan, the giant hash browns were worth the wait, thank you. Phone rang this morning and a man with an Asian accent said "Am I speaking to the lady of the house Mrs Kathleen T....?" I said "No, goodbye," and put the phone down. I've thought of blowing a whistle down the phone, but when the majority of the calls are recorded messages .....Well. :x

    Carol, more lovely photos. I love Graycie's rose dress. Chris sometimes has a moan and a sulk. Usually when I've upset him by doing someting stupid or thoughtless. :oops:

    Love to Barbara. XXXX

    Vegan pot roast
    1/2 cup | 120mls red or white wine , I think red works best
    4 large portobello mushrooms sliced into 3/4-inch pieces
    1 large onion sliced
    2 cloves garlic pressed
    3 tablespoons flour if sensitive to gluten use gluten-free flour
    1 teaspoon rubbed sage
    1 teaspoon dried basil
    3 cups | 720mls vegetable broth divided. If you use all the broth it will end up with thin gravy like in my video. I personally prefer to use less and have a thicker gravy. Usually about 500 mls total.
    4 large potatoes quartered
    4 large carrots cut into 3-inch pieces
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper or lemon pepper to taste
    2 teaspoons vegan Worcestershire sauce , or 1 tablespoon of soy sauce or tamari
    4 sprigs fresh thyme
    1 sprig fresh rosemary

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (for slow cooker instructions see recipe notes)
    In a large saucepan (or a large stovetop to oven like a Dutch Oven , heat 1/4 cup of the wine and add the portobello mushroom slices. Allow them to cook through and brown a bit—you’ll need to keep moving them around and turning them—and then remove from the pan and set aside.
    Add the remaining 1/4 cup wine to the pan and add the onion and garlic. Caramelize the onions by stirring them until they wilt and begin to brown. Remove the onions from the pan and set aside.
    Mix the flour, sage, and basil together in a small bowl. Stir in 1/4 cup of the broth to create a paste, and pour the mixture into the same pan you used for the mushrooms and onions. While stirring constantly over medium heat, very slowly add the rest of the broth so that you create a gravy or sauce.
    When the mixture just starts to boil, turn the heat off and add any additional seasonings you prefer, such dried herbs and black pepper.
    Add the potatoes, carrots, salt and pepper, and Worcestershire sauce to the gravy mixture. If more liquid is needed to keep the vegetables from drying out, add more broth.
    Add the mushrooms and onions to the mixture and ladle into a large ceramic or glass pot or casserole dish with a lid, layering in the sprigs of rosemary and thyme. Place the lid on and put into the oven and bake for 1 hour. Remove from the oven and serve hot.
    For more flavour, replace some of the broth with extra wine and throw in a handful of dried porcini mushrooms before it goes in the oven.
    If you would like to cook this Portobello Pot Roast in a slow cooker then prepare as directed until the gravy is made, then tip it into the slow cooker and add the rest of the vegetables and the seasonings. Sit well and cook on low for around 4 hours or until the potatoes are tender. Add a little more liquid if it looks like it might dry out towards the end. You could use broth or some red wine.

    Crispy Roast potatos to have with the Vegan Pot Roast.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Some serious hash brown munching going on this morning :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    We have lots of m0150 m0150 no jacket needed today, even the window cleaner turned up, so we are sparkling once more, after incessant rain (it poured again last night)

    Hope you have a good visit to the venue. Sleek said you were gowing owt two the ree cepchon home :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:

    There was plenty to komment about on SYTTD, in between eating (and spitting) of sweets :lol::lol:
    The walking wig is quite scary, I thought they would think it hill hairy us, to frighten Daddy 2. :shock: :shock: Mother looks like Cousin IT when she is wearing it.

    The retina scan is a new thing, set up by the Nymphs, for added sea kuritty, I knew Miss Sleekness would love it, very 007, Puskin Galore :shock: :lol::lol:

    They had a trip up to Pendle this morning, the first in ages, even Mother was attentive and enjoyed the clear skies m0150 m0150 from her side car viewing windows. Mother managed to "flick" the mist, into a jar - Mother was highly impressed :D:D

    Yes, Mandy is ok, she bruises so easily now too, with her taking the new anticoagulant - I forget the name. I picked up some Arnica cream from the chemist, for her, while we were passing the door to the T room.

    Will she put that **** down - will she eck as like :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: We are both as bad :roll: :roll:

    I see you have had the Ark out again - I think Carol and Mr T might need it, with the weather around London. Queens has been rain delayed for two days now :roll: :roll:

    The Unicorn Slippers are highly magical t115006 t115006 and should work a treat on Mr T - all being well :? :?

    Tia's hair sounded lovely, with the tiara in and a meal out with the in laws too, very nice indeed t4591 t4591

    Hi Joan and Sue and the lovely doggies too.
    That's good, keeping a regular update on your scans :) We are always open all hours here :lol::lol:

    That is very sad to hear of your friend passing away after a hernia operation, were there complications post op? Very sad (((())))

    Hi Kath, how kind is your neighbour for doing some regular shopping for you - bless her, I will send her some sparkles t115006 t115006
    You will both be out soon, I can feel it in my waters :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Glad you enjoyed the hash browns, they were enormous, well worth diving in to though :)

    Another phone call :roll: :roll: just say, no, this is the Queen speaking :lol::lol::lol:


    The recorded message ones are totally infuriating :x :x :? :?

    Hope the ouchies are not too bad. Sparkles are on the way :) t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 For you both t4591 t4591

    I will race you, for the mushroom pot roast mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm with crusty bread and best butter t4591 t4591 ta mi duck, as it stopped chuckin in darn :lol::lol:

    Hi to Barbara, hope you and yours are ok. Niamh will be visiting today, if I am not mistaken t4591 laptop in the cupboard asap.

    Roast dinner for her ladyship, with extra yorkshire puds of course :)

    Hi to Carol, now, is Mr T behaving :roll: :roll: those slippers might take a day or two to achieve their full effect. t4591 t4591 One week and four days now...........time to pack, well, almost.........

    We went to the T room, Dad had a large piece of the homemade custard tart...............then a large slice of Victoria sponge :shock: - go Dad, you can never have too much cake :lol::lol:

    B and I had our normal freshly made cheese and mushroom toasties - with half a pound of cheddar on each one :o:o I had to have a chocolate brownie, just to be polite :)

    Talking of cake, I must not forget to leave one out for Barbara, bless, she was hunting for one yesterday :oops: the shame on me.

    I will also leave lots of love and sparkles to all. Will call back later tonight. t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Here we go - :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..another lovely day here got plenty of washing smelt lovely when we bought it in.. :D
    Aidan cake at last..thankyou :lol: and the giant hash browns I could only manged one :)
    Must say what you all had at the GC sounded so good,no wonder you enjoy it there..I think Bil may have over done things he needs to rest..bless..and you have cleaned the bird bath and watered all the plants..its the first time for ages we have had to do that...
    So Mandy wouldnt let go of her cig.. :lol: needs must..hope her hand is doing ok after her visit to your clinic.. :)
    Niamh did have her roast today thanks to marks..and our extra Yorkshires..she has a good appetite and love her veg apart form carrots :? and I do love the unicorn slippers... :D
    Carol you must have done well with your knitting inbetween coffees..its nice to get away like that on your own..we need a plan for Mr T..let me think on it..I adore the dresses the little ones have can tell they all had a good day..but poor Graycie banging her head, dont you just worry when they do that..hope she is ok ...
    Toni how nice to have a meal with Tias you get on with them..its always been a worry of mine in case we didnt :o I bet it was emotional seeing Tia with her hair all done..and tiara, oh bless :)
    Kath I am just in the mood for a pot roast.. :D proper food..its so nice of Holly to help out like that ..
    Joan I am so sorry to hear about your friend ((())) thats a long time to have known someone...I will be thinking about you..xx
    Niamh has not long gone home so I have my feet up.. :D
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) Well, one warm day and the house is like a night storage heater :roll: :roll: :roll: Melting moments have started :? :?

    Hi Barbara - glad you got the washing dry, it does smell lovely when it is dried on the line. We don't have a washing line, they are not encouraged on the park.
    I do put things on the airer, on the decking though. No tumble drying today.

    Good, you found the cake, I hope that made up for my misdemeanour from Tuesday. Only one hash brown, mind you, they were about 2 inches thick :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    If we were pushed, the GC would win, over the T rooms, but, they are both really good. Both do fresh, home cooking, prices are about the same.
    We were at the T room today, there are 3 ladies, who we have got to know over time, B had taken some bracelets in to show one of the waitresses that spoil us. She loved them, she was off to show the ladies, one of them said, how much for that one - sold, on the spot. :D:D Go Bill.
    He had not gone with the intention of selling anything, just took three or four samples in.

    He has had a more restful day, always making, but he finds it relaxing.

    The sparrows soon empty the bird bath, they love a good wash and splash about :lol::lol:


    No, we cannot go without a ciggy, we are naughty. M does have one of those E Cigs, but I am no fan of them..............they are still full of nicotine :roll: :roll:

    I guessed right, with Niamh and her roast dinner. Wonder why she doesn't like carrots? would she eat them mashed up with potato's, not a deal breaker though, she loves all the other veggies. Bless her.

    I think we all need some Unicorn slippers. t115006 t115006

    hope you enjoyed your feet up time, after Niamh's visit...............

    Hi Toni - Sleek was talking to Mother about tee arraars :shock: of course she wants one to match Tia's, so there was a lot of looking at Cartier, online :shock: :shock: quite a lot of shrieking too......

    Hi Carol - how has your day been, knit and natter, Wednesday, yes, I am sure it was.
    Has Mr T been wearing his Unicorn Slippers - Barbara is hatching a plan, to stop the grumps :shock: :lol::lol:

    Time I was pottering a little.

    Off to the tip today, with Dads old gazebo and other "stuff", some for the charity shop. No other plans, some time out time.

    Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan


    Blueberry and Raspberry Croissant Bake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.

    AidanTia's tiara isn't Cartier, but you know Sleek :roll: :lol: I saw Mrs D yesterday she was showing me around her garden yesterday and when Auntie Kari went to the loo she showed me her gate :shock: what an honour. It's behind her igloo shhhhh! not a word. Ark off to Carols ASAP!

    Blueberry and raspberry croissant bake eh? lovely Saves me putting jam or marmalade on mine ;) before a slice of that chocolate cake though :D Thanks v much!

    Charley and I have got addicted to cheese and onion toasties here. Lucy likes them too. Lucy was visiting a friend up in Scotland and has broken her foot :shock: :roll: She now has a boot to match her sling (no longer in use of course now) :roll:

    GO Dad two pieces of cake and why not?

    I know what a trick eh? Mist straight into a jar followed by the lid screwing itself shut!! AMAZING! pusskin galore indeed at the ravine. Mist duly dropped off and lattes consumed t4591

    Well done B selling his creations just like that :shock:
    Charley (down to 9 **** a day now) has an E cig. The nicotine is what she still needs but no tar so less coughing. Also still has something in her hands you know what I mean.

    Choir tonight Barbara don't forget :wink:

    Niamh eats her other veggies doesn't she? So she'll probably grow into carrots as she gets older. That one is healthy enough anyway! Extra yorkies are essential t4591

    I know the tiara looked lovely it really did set off her 'do' just like that.

    The inlaws are ok we get on well. Tia's fiancé is an only though....

    Kath I am sure Chris will get his nerve up again soon. When the weather starts to look a bit brighter maybe? m0150

    A regular trip to the co-op is what you need really you can plan then. Bet you miss your choc ices though :wink:

    Vegan pot roast lovely with this weather appropriate too it looks like winter ::) and healthy roasties?! lovely ta :)

    Oh Joan I am so sorry to hear about your friend :( You must be so upset. Complications I expect ((((())))) for you t69044

    Love to Carol and mig.

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    a few of our scarecrows (minus mine though :? hmmmmph s020.gif)

    were in the guardian newspaper this week.

    also the next village's too. The 'camper' is the builder who is going to level our floor for us (very soon) and put us in some patio doors
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara
    . Kathleen sorry you have not been out would it be possible for you to go with Holly to the shops. I hope you can find a way(((((()))))
    . Aidan that's nice B sold bracelet at the café. a lot of smoke comes from a e cigarette so I've seen no I have not tried them(((((((()))))
    . Barbara have you got a recliner chair nice resting your legs.((((((());)
    . thank you for thinking about my friend ((((((())))))
    . take care. love to Toni Carol Mig(((((((()))))
    . Joan xxx Hello Toni did you mean Lucy has broken her foot I'm sorry((((((((())))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes Joan it was Lucy! I have broken mine in the past nd there's not much they can do really :roll:
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, when I used to smoke many, many moons ago, I only had one a day when on my own. If I had company we used to share so I had more. So I decided that I should give up. It was easy peasy and I've never, ever craved a **** ever. I used to smoke cigars too, but never a pipe like my granddad. :lol: I don't think I would ever have tried an ecig if they had been around then. Shame your beautiful Rapunzel didn't get a mention.

    Aidan, well done to B for selling a bracelet. OOOO mi duck, Blueberry and Raspberry Croissant Bake - yumyum. m0150 m0150 BTW that's a lovely pic of Her Maj in her younger days. Now for some chocolate cake, ta mi duck.

    Barbara. it was smashing you got your washing dried outside. Haven't been able to do that for ages. Can't stand up long enough to peg it out. :?

    Carol, c015.gif How is Mr T? knit and natter must be so good for you.

    Eggless lemon poppy seed
    1/2 cup Butter (unsalted) ,
    (Vegan: 1/4 cup grapeseed oil or coconut oil or olive oil)
    1-1/2 teaspoon Baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon Salt
    3/4 cup Caster Sugar
    1 teaspoon Lemon zest
    2 tablespoons Lemon juice
    3 tablespoons Curd (Dahi / Yogurt) , (Vegan: 2 tablespoons soy yogurt or 2 tablespoons applesauce or coconut yogurt)
    2 tablespoons Poppy seeds
    1/4 teaspoon Salt
    1-1/4 cups All Purpose Flour (Maida)
    Flax meal Egg Replacer
    2 tablespoons Flax seed powder (flax meal)
    6 tablespoons Chilled water
    Ingredients for Lemon Glaze
    1 cup Icing Sugar
    2 tablespoons Lemon juice
    How to make Eggless Lemon Poppy Seed Cake Recipe -Vegan Option
    To begin making the Vegan/ Eggless- Lemon Poppy Seed Cake, we will first preheat the oven to 180 C and butter and dust a 8 inch round cake pan and keep aside.

    To make the Flax Meal Egg Replacer
    If your recipe asks for 2 eggs, measure 2 tablespoons of flax meal along with 6 tablespoons of water. Stir well and let the mixture rest for about 15 minutes. This process of resting helps the flax meal mixture develop a gelatinous consistency similar to eggs.

    To Make the Batter
    In a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, whisk together butter (oil), sugar, baking powder, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, flax eggs until light and fluffy for about 40 seconds. You will see the mixture begins to foam as the lemon juice reacts with the baking powder.

    Gradually beat in the yogurt (or apple sauce), poppy seeds and flour in that order and beat until just combined. Do not over beat. The cake batter will be thick and not be pour-able but if it is too dry then add in just a bit of yogurt (almond milk or apple sauce).

    Transfer lemon poppy seed cake batter to prepared cake pan and place it in the preheated oven to bake for about 30 minutes or until a tester like a wooden pick or knife inserted in center of cake comes out clean.

    Once the cake is baked, remove from the oven and allow it to cool in cake pan for about 5 minutes.

    To Make Lemon Glaze
    Whisk together confectioners sugar and lemon juice in a bowl until smooth. Pour glaze over warm lemon poppy seed cake, spreading it with a spatula to drizzle over edge. Let the cake stand until glaze is set, about 15 minutes.

    Serve the Lemon Poppy Seed Cake recipe along with Mango Lassi and Chilli Chocolate Cookies Recipe to make it a snack for your kids.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all : Sunny and a lovely breeze, so just perfect :) m0150

    Hi Toni- yes, Sleek is all for a Cartier, or Faberge tiara :roll: :roll: dread to think how much it will be. Maybe they will lend it to her for the wedding - trouble is, no one would be able to find it again, hidden in her ickle house :lol::lol::lol:

    Not a word, abut the location of Mrs Darcey's gate, behind the igloo, you were most honoured to be shown - I think our puskins like to "gift" us with information, from time to time t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Croissant bake, seemed to go down well me thinks :)

    Cheese and onion toasties, very nice, red onion is ok, a small amount, any more and it causes "upset" :? :? :roll: :roll: I used to have cheese with loads of onion, on sandwiches, not any more, I would be hospitalised :shock: :shock: t2507 :lol::lol::lol:

    Now then, what has Lucy been up to, a broken foot, bless her socks, or should that be, her blue boot ((((()))) some healing sparkles coming her way t115006 t115006 , to help mend things. Not a great deal you can do with parts of the feet that tend to break............ :? :?
    Sleek was telling Mother that Loosee had brow kun her futt :roll: :shock: It was enough to cause great shrieking from Mother. I am certain Sleek will be using all her medical eekwipp ment to check on Lucy.
    Sleek wants a portable x ray machine now :shock: :roll: :roll: she can spend money like it is going out of fashion :lol::lol::lol:

    Dad seemed to enjoy both his large slice of egg custard and large wedge of Victoria sponge - way to go. I won't feel too bad ordering two for myself now :D:D

    Mother said that Sleek has "got it" - meaning, she has perfected the flick and lock t4591 t115006 t115006 More shrieking involved :lol:

    I am informed that they had crab stick, iced and whipped latte, with dried whelk sprinkles - at the Nymphs cafe, part of the new summer menu :mrgreen::mrgreen: :shock: :shock:

    B was more than surprised when the lady said I will take that one must have a stall, at the fair in the village hall, which he will do.

    Well done Charley, down to 9 cigs a day. I would have to make it 10, but I like round numbers :shock: :lol::lol:
    The doing thing with hands is the main thing, I would be cleaning like a demon, in a foul mood, whilst covered in nicotine patches, head to toe :roll: :roll:

    Oh, choir, yes, the Sisters are on their way down from the Western Isles, they are flying in a Lear Jet :shock: :shock:

    Loving the pictures in the newspaper, wonderful t4591 t4591 They are all so good, why was Rapunzel not in.............grrrrrrr I might write to the Editor :)

    The camper van one is very good. Patio doors, lovely, bringing the garden in :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are enjoying some better weather. It is a bit more like summer now - until the storms come next week :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055

    We had to laugh when we saw what looked like the front of a van was on fire, it was someone with an E Cig, there was so much steam / vapour / whatever it is :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Extra (((()))) to you both.

    Hi Kath, just one ciggy a day, well, I guess it was not really worth carrying on. I have stopped in the past, over a year once time and it didn't bother me really. Until they said I was being posted on to night duty, to oversee 8 wards :shock: :shock: :shock: someone give me a **** - quick :roll: :roll:

    B was taken aback, when the waitress ran off with the bracelets to shoe "the ladies". Nice to sell one though :)

    You liked that breakfast then duck, good on ya, gerrit down yer.

    HRH did look lovely, much the same now, she looked gorgeous at Ascot today, in duck egg blue, she does love her horse racing.

    I put the washing out on the airer, with my very small smalls, :shock: :? :lol::lol: hidden by other washing. I could not reach up to peg washing on a line now, stupid radiculopathy put paid to that one. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the lemon poppy cake, looks gorgeous :)

    I will leave some out on the side, for Barbara, she will be in for some cake later, on her way to choir practice.

    I see we have weather warnings for Sunday night and all day Monday, thunderstorms, torrential rain, lightning strikes, hail, risk of flooding.............Kari, can we put you on standby with the Ark :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055

    Hi to Carol and to everyone else, in and about.

    Time I was pottering a bit more. I will pop back later.

    Lots of Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) Lovely clear skies this evening - ambient temp, which is perfect.

    I see the weather reports high temperatures over the coming days and we have some warnings of fire and brimstone, come Sunday / Monday :shock: :shock: :? :? Love a good storm.

    How was choir tonight ladies, I am sure Barbara was there in good time, for some cakes and or biscuits. The Sisters said it was an interesting practice, as they headed back to their lear jet :shock: did they win the lotto, Toni ? 8) 8)

    Sleek was over at siesta time, talking to Mother about her medical prowess, having to keep a very close eye on bownz in Lucy's futt. Mother did send a very special spell of healing - expect some sparkles t115006 t4591 You might see it floating past, just pretend it is not there :shock:


    Hi to Carol - one week and 2 days, if my counting is correct :D:D I am hoping that Mr T is easing back into a good humour, if not, then it will be Dorothy's red slippers, from the Wizard of Oz t115006 :lol::lol::lol:

    Enjoyed the tennis from Queen's Club. The first full day of play, after all the rain delays. Andy Murray was back, playing doubles with Feliciano Lopez, they won, the crowd went wild :D:D:D Go Andy :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about, Kerrin, DD, SW, Mig, Christine, Elizabeth, Toady, Mel and all

    Off to the GC this morning, pick Dad up en route, he seems ok ish, with us taking his pills round each day.

    Love and Sparkles to everyone - XXXXX Aidan


    Raisin and Walnut Danish Pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Excuse the talking with my mouthful Aidan just eating my pastry ta...nunu!!

    Lovely sparkles thank you some have been in here floating near Lucy who still intends to go on night duty tomorrow :shock: Sleek is loving looking after her very much and has 'borrowed' an X-ray machine from somewhere :? :?

    The summer menu is lovely according to Sleek she offered to pick Lucy up one of those iced lattes, but for some reason Lucy declined :mrgreen:

    The van on fire is more likely a vape the ecigs don't do much steam at all. Charley thinks she's on 10 I am pinching one and so far she hasn't noticed :wink: shhh!!!!

    Any crisis I was back smoking too, but when Lucy was diagnosed with cancer oddly enough I didn't very odd that :?

    Dad will enjoy the GC today and soon forget you are taking his pills daily it will become new routine.

    The sisters made choir as did Barbara just in time to help us altos out we were getting a bit confused :oops:

    Eggless lemon poppy seed thanks Kath I took some for Kari sure you won't mind.

    One **** a day and cigars? :shock: :shock: you are far too ladylike!! Surely?? :lol::lol:

    Joan what a great idea Kath could try to the shops with Holly then Chris wouldn't worry would he?

    Hope Barbara and Carol and mig are ok


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    Joan is dog walking again as it’s Friday it’s the only day I don’t walk Pepper and it’s hard but we would be late if I went because Joan’s scooter is faster than my wheelchair the rest of the week I have my scooter and we go together but I will go and meet her in a minute and walk him down this road.Have a lovely weekend everyone
    Lots of love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all thought I had better get on before I forget :?
    Aidan it was so warm, and last night :shock: thankyou for the Blueberry and Raspberry Croissant Bake and this morning the Danish pastries :D
    Good on Bill for selling his bracelets at the GC..he needs to show them more.. :D they are so lovely..
    I agree with the ecigs we have seen smoke bellowing form car windows.. :shock: and they explode and cause fires..good you have the airier to put your washing on, I still have mine and love it..
    Wish I could eat cheese but its full of salt ..mind you I do sneak a bit :lol:
    Its was good to see Andy back and he is smiling more..mind you he did so well..I am sure his hip was on his mind..
    Toni has Lucy broken her foot.. :shock: or do I have that wrong.. :?
    Sorry I was late for choir but like to get there when they are dishing out the biscuits.. :lol: good on Tia for getting her cigs down..not the pics in the paper are brilliant ..but not nice of then to leave yours out... :x
    Sue I bet you do miss taking Pepper out but nice you can go and meet Joan for a little walk...I bet Pepper knows the routine :D
    Kath my OH hangs out the washing..I have trained him well.. :lol: we have got a bit obsessed watching the weather since we got the rotary line :o hope you can get out and about while its nice..
    Right better go my eyes are hazy... :(
    Niamh will be coming over night tonight has usual..
    Love to everyone
    m0150 t4591 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I will answer in reverse order so my non existent memory won't be taxed too much. Barbara, Chris does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING bar taking me to the toiiet, so he does need some rest too. But he does put the washing over the airer with a little hindrance er help from me. Part of the problem is although we have a grab rail by the front door, we don't have one out the back. So getting out there is nigh on impossible. :shock:

    Joan and Sue, I'm glad the weather is good today.

    Toni, Holly has a few pals and they all do the school run together and I think one of them has a car so takes them down. Then they stand outside school for a natter. Sorry Lucy is hobbling around in a boot, but she's still off to work. :o Beautiful and brave, I've always thought this.

    Aidan, I'm doing a double Danish munchathon. That means I'm using both hands. Apart from that, Im being driven slowly nuts by all the drilling from next door. Bathroom has been emptied as is the kitchen. Built in cupboards have vanished too. It will be a shell soon, but they have to replace the electrics. Talk about Homes Under the Hammer. We keep expectig Dionne Dublin to appear at any moment. To make matters worse, my hip bones are grinding against my bottom ribs - or is it the other way round. :cry: I think I need a couple more Danish. Ta mi duck.

    I hope Carol will pop in later in case she does I'll go look for someting tasty. How about a Hawaiin Fresh Fruit Salad, Toni wil let us raid her cream stash. :D Aidan. no nanas. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    And now it is nearly 5pm :shock: :shock:

    I did seem to have some extra hours at the start of the afternoon, but, as with most plans, they go straight out of the window :roll: :roll:
    I will write more later.

    Toni, Sue, Joan, Barbara, Kath and all friends. Siesta time is calling, that's if Mother and Sleek don't start kommentyng on love island catch up. :roll: :roll:

    Thanks for the fruit salad, sans banana, merci Kath.

    Right, more biscuits, big hypo about an hour ago, blood sugar 3.8 which is way off the mark for me. Better now though...............

    Love, hugs and anti ouch sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    This is quick post as I tried to post last night was about to save it so I could have a potter and come back to it and hey presto we had a momentary disconnection with the internet and so of course I lost my post and when that happens I find I cannot be bothered to type it again. I have been busy today and we have a surprise visit from youngest daughter the evening as she was in the area she is still here so I will leave it there and catch up tomorrow after open morning and my fruit shopping
    t4591 t115006 to all.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)
    Finally here, at the tail end of the day.

    No worries Toni, I can decipher speech, whilst eating danish pastries :lol::lol: Glad you enjoyed them, I left the nunu out, in case anyone else needed it, myself included :D:D

    Good that the sparkles have been around and about, with good intentions for Lucy's poorly foot.
    Work tonight? Errrrm, :? :? If so, then it must be super light duties, not tearing about and the least amount of stairs possible, none would be better.............. :shock:

    Sleek told Mother where she "borrowed" the X Ray machine from, but Mother is not saying a word...............did Mother conjur one up - me thinks it likely, her spell book was out on her blankies.

    I think I would have to pass on the crab stick iced frappucino with grated whelks. The girls think the new menu is wonderful. Today they had shrimp and pilchard lactose free milk shakes :? :? :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    It must have been the vapes, they do create a big cloud of steam :shock: So Charley is on 10, but 9 really, ok, I won't say a word..................ssshhhh.

    It is strange that you didn't start smoking again when Lucy was diagnosed, you did very well indeed. t115006

    Dad is getting used to his daily pills - he enjoyed the GC too, a sausage bap was his choice, B and I had Beth specials. Beth was on the coffee machine / bar today, Karen was off for a long week end. Beth can make good coffee though, so that's fine.

    I took a pic at the GC, part of the outside area - thought you might like a looky see :D

    So the alto's were getting a little confuddled, don't worry, all will come together. Barbara arrived in good time and I hope the Sisters helped as much as possible. Sometimes music and song just doesn't flow, if you know what I mean. One of those things.

    Hi Sue and Joan - a day off from walking Pepper is ok, you can catch up for the last bit. If Joan is going at speed in her scooter :shock: :shock: steady away now Joan, we don't want any speeding tickets :lol::lol:
    Hope you got everything you needed while you were out and about. (((())))

    Hi Barbara - it is going to get warmer and warmer, a Sahara Bubble I think they are calling it. Hot air coming up through Europe, from northern Africa. m0150 m0150 :roll: :roll: I don't mind if the Sahara wants to keep it...............

    lad you enjoyed the breakfast goodies :) we aim to please t4591

    I think B is getting over the shock of the lady saying I want to buy that one.........he will go to the next fair in the hall.

    There have been issues with e cigs and batteries exploding, tends to be the cheap imported looky likey batteries that cause the problems.

    The airer was doing its job again, soon getting things dried nicely. Then tumble on cool, for 10 minutes, to stop them feeling like cardboard. :shock:

    A little bit of cheese is ok. Swiss cheese has far less salt than most :)

    We are enjoying the tennis, as always, following just about every tournament throughout the year. Andy and Lopez did so well and now they are in their second match, which was suspended due to bad light.

    He is a lot happier now that he has had veneers on his teeth, it has improved his confidence and of course, his smile :) If I could afford them, I would have them, in a heartbeat.

    We are obsessed with the weather too, you are not alone. It is a British tradition :lol::lol: Three days of weather warnings from Sunday onwards m0150 t110007 t111055

    Hope you are having a lovely time with Niamh and Daddy :) Hope her eye is all mended now

    Hi Kath, that's a shame, not having a grab rail at the back door. Might be worth a word with the GP, to ask OT to do a home re-assessment, they are usually really good and so helpful. Your wonderful D Nurse could also set the ball rolling if you smile at him sweetly, or bribe with chocolates :lol::lol: Chris is a star, just like Bill. I know we have so many problems, but thank the Lord we are blessed with people who care so much. t4591 t4591

    Double Danish munchathon, lady afer my own heart, go Kath :D:D t4591
    So it is a total refit next door............I hope you get to have family renting from the new owners, that would be excellent. I will send a spell of quietness t115006 t115006

    Bones graunching on other bones, that don't half hurt duck. Butterfly sparkles coming your way t115006


    The fresh fruit salad from Hawaii was lovely, at least 6 of my 5 a day.

    Oooops, an internet hiccough, that's all you need Carol. Everything goes up skittled, even if it drops for a minute or two :roll: :roll: I know how you feel, you kind of loose the will, to write things out all over again.

    Lovely to have a surprise visit from your Daughter, did she stop over for tea :)

    Hope the open morning goes well and your fruit shopping too. How is Mr T. Less of the grumps I am guessing :D t4591

    Well, I had better potter a little. Time is marching ever forward.

    Dad will be here for croissants and coffee this morning.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Fresh Blueberry Brioche

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lucy went into work....with the boot on!
    Not sure why that surprised me when she worked at the nightclub before with her collapsed shoulder before it was replaced!!!

    So off to fetch her. See you all in about an hour xxxxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni
    Barbara is Niamh eye better now((((((()))))
    . Kathleen ow are you feeling now((((((())))))
    . Aidan your garden centre looked good is it far from you. Love to all(((((((()))))
    . Carol yes it's very infuriating when the Internet goes((((((()))))
    . Toni I got one of those boots the hospital does not want it back you keep it. love to Lucy(((((((((())))))
    . take care love to Mig(((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - it is getting warmer :shock: :? someone put the heating on outside :roll:

    Suited and booted, literally. High praise for Lucy - I hope she was ok when you went to pick her up and has a good rest today - ssshhhh.

    I remember her working when her shoulder had collapsed - tough cookie t4591 t4591

    I am assuming Sleek came over this morning, picked up Mother and they headed off to Pendle. Mother was shrieking from 7 o clock :shock: :shock:
    The mists were extra magical, due to the mid summer solstice t115006 t115006 m0150

    Hi Joan and Sue - the GC is less than 2 miles away, so a very short journey :) It is a lovely place, all the plants are the cream of the crop, with prices to match of course :shock: Mind you, most things are.

    Hope you are both ok and enjoying the week end, with some fine weather, for now. (((())))

    Hi Kath, how are you both today, hope the ouches are a bit easier (((()))) t115006 t115006
    I assume the banging and crashing from next door, has gone quiet for the week end, or are they still going hell for leather :shock: :shock: just what you need :roll: :roll:

    Leaving lots of extra sparkles, just in case they are needed t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara - trust you are all ok, Niamh will have had her bacon butty and gone back to bed for a little while, bless her. Is it skating this afternoon, with G Ma watching from a safe distance :)

    Hi Carol, how are things down in the big city, warming up, ready for the thunderstorms to begin :? :? :roll: :roll:
    Does it stay nice and cool in the church, when it is super hot outside?
    Some sparkles and magic squares t115006 t115006 let me know if Mr T needs the red sparkling slippers :D:D:lol::lol:

    Dad came round for coffee and croissants for lunch. An early lunch, he likes to eat by 12....
    B has cut the grass verge at the front, so we are neat and tidy :)

    Washing out on the airer, some dainty things :? :? on a low low heat in the dryer :lol::lol:
    Housekeeping has been in and changed the beds, most kind. I can take it from there and fuss quite happily. Washer is about to go into orbit any minute :o

    Right, I will away and potter a little more and call back later on.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Fudge Waffles with Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).