Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
    . Barbara yes it's good to have a laugh t cheers up up((((((())))))
    . Kathleen I hope you have a good day today ouchies and noise ((((((())))))
    . Aidan yes it's going to be warm nice we got soaked and we didn't get far just posted the card to my friends husband. I hope you all have a good day((((((())))) Dad ((((((()))))
    . Toni how is Lucy's ankle ((((((()))) have a good day all of you((((((()))))
    . take care all love to Carol Mig Mike ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes I'll have some of those Roasted Potato and Cheese Tater Tots thank you Aidan. :D I love me spuds. I don't think it's Mike in the water Aidan, . I think it's someone from the village next to Toni. They're desperately trying to escape the spid army - hehehehe she cackled nastily.

    Toni I'm not trop chaud today, I'm flippin freezing. But I've been keeping my eye on the temps sur le continent. Definitely scary. It's been quite a lot quieter next door thank you. Only a bit of drilling today. They've put a security light next to the front door, and a peep hole in the door. We were supposed to have a security light, but it never appeared. We're quite lucky in that we have a street light right outside our house.

    I never did find out where tthe floods were in Nottm Aidan. We went to our local GC at Trowell a couple of years ago. I bet you know of it mi duck.

    Breaded whitebait with bread and best butter

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all m0150 m0150 m0150 it is getting warmer :shock: :? ok at the moment..............

    Trop chaud without a doubt. We were in the midst of having the first house renovated, with us doing some things, like building partition walls etc.
    It was thick stone, ancient town house, so starts off cool, but, then turned into a storage heater over the summer. :? :?

    The AC croaked in the mpv that we had, the gas was not the right sort, so we could not get it charged. Try to erase it from my mind.

    Good that your house was pretty cool, after your op. :shock:

    it was over 40 degrees on many many days, in 2003 - scary, so many people passed away, well into the thousands. t4591 t115006

    The heat shield curtain has gone back up, it had come down, while the weather was more normal. It is up, but the windows are open today, nice breeze blowing through. I am sure it will be put to good use for the coming days.

    Not long now until your new awnings arrive, lovely :) Bet you cannot wait, photo's of course :)

    Good, as long as there is room for a smidgen of cake, after our veggie breakfast :)

    Glad you liked the tater tots, one dozen is never enough :lol::lol:

    The sleepy spell turned out to be the one for making dragons sleep, not hoomans. Hermione had to reverse it, no wonder I was in a lather............. :shock: :shock: :shock: Both spells were on one page, so it was a simple mistake said Mother :? :shock: :roll:
    Mother was shrieking from early doors, I think she had been out with Miss Sleek, onto Pendle, to watch the sunrise and gather early morning mists for the Nymphs. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    They did both end up asleep yesterday, it was a BIG spell, after all.

    Tosca was excited when we got home, hoofed her dinner down and then was :mrgreen: as puskins are :roll: :roll:

    B's pills were all ready, the T room was fairly quiet, lunch was our fav cheese and mushroom toasties, chips and then a choccy brownie for moi. Dad had a sausage butty :)

    I will send most of my sparkles to Kath, then find her some more in a sec.

    Lots of titivating done in the village :) Love to all, and Pom and the Rector :)

    Hi Joan and Sue - oh dear, you got soaked, while out posting a card - t111055 t111055 hope you dried off soon enough. I know you enjoy the lovely weather, take care, if it gets much hotter.

    Thank you as always, for the hugs, you are both so so kind (((())))

    Hi Kath Ah, the enemy in the boat, trying to flee from the angry spid--s - there might be a spid-- in the boat :shock: :shock: EVERYONE OUT :o:lol::lol: of course there are life rafts and life jackets etc.

    So you have been feeling chilly - let me send some heat down for you m0150 m0150 m0150
    Very glad that is has been a lot less noisy next door. That's good, to have a security light up next door and you have a street light. Light is always a good deterrent.

    At least you were not flooded, I did search the evening post, to no avail.
    Yes, I know Trowel, straight down Nottingham Road, past Wollaton Park :D:D t69044 t69044

    I am sure you will have been round the Attenborough Nature Reserve, used to love going there for a walk around. t4591 t4591

    Some extra sparkles, to help keep any ouchies at bay


    Thank you for the breaded whitebait, not had that in years - best butter, of course :)

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, Niamh will be there for her T tonight, a roasty I bet, with extra's too :)

    Hi Carol, you must be all packed and ready, or, am I a bit previous, getting excited and in holiday mode :) t4591 t4591

    Time I was pottering a bit. See how the drying is doing, out on the airer.

    Leaving lots of love and more sparkles to all, will call back later t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Sponge Cake with Raspberry jam and custard filling

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    was quite busy at the end of last week had my usual nap Sunday afternoon after a salad Lunch followed by a trifle SW style. Monday and Tuesday funny days as a lot of family members and a few of my facebook friends have had their accounts hacked. last Friday I got a weird message on fb messenger from what I thought was from a cousin of mine however the message was not the sort of message she would make it said hi Carol baby is that you Not her way of addressing me at all. so I answered I with just the word no. our youngest daughter also had the same message the same day. however on during Monday and Tuesday at least 6/7 of the family and one of my fb friend got the message hi (insert recipient's ) it is you along with a video, me being my cautious self did not click the video but answered back on the message its self. later that evening another cousin put out a fb message my account has been hacked. by Tuesday all the rest had received the message and if they tried to open the video they then found their account Hacked including Mr T so there was lots of contact via messages with cousins and friend. it all seems to have stopped now. I am glad now that I didn't open the video. I pays to be cautious some times.
    Have had a good knit and natter group today, as after sitting down it was decided that we needed more tables after much faffing about which way to put the tables and a bit of moving around my friend ended up about 3 seats away from had an interruption free afternoon. And I have cancelled meeting her Friday as I have bits and pieces to get for holidays. We are off on our travels on Monday so 5 days from tomorrow.
    temperature has gone up somewhat m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 and is due to go higher still by Thursday. last 2 nights have be really warm in bed I even had to get my chill pillow insert out. Our Lillie was away at beaver camp from Friday to Sunday. and has managed to break one of her fingers. told mummy that yes it hurt when she tried to bend it but she just carried on. mum took her to the hospital on Sunday evening and they are treating it as broken. She was told by mummy on Monday morning that she didn't have to go to school if she didn't want to but she said it still hurts but I will go to school cos I will be bored at home. :lol: a tough cookie is our Lillie.

    Aidan good that you have the shield curtain, we have a very large tree outside our living room window which keeps our living room quite cool as it doesn't get the sun only when the Sun is rising but in the afternoon it is quite cool. your are a bit previous re the packing that will be done by me on Saturday or Sunday not sure yet. the next couple of days it is just making sure it is all got out washed and ironed ready for packing. the holiday mode is ramping up a bit. so looking forward to it. Mr T is ok all gadgets working except for the blip of the hacking of fb account

    Kath The spid army can be very scary to those who do not know what we know he he and a few extra nasty cackles to add to yours our spid army know there stuff. Florence was having a good old chatter telling me about how peeples run away and try to hide even in the water she said. Glad it been a bit quieter for you today from next door.

    Toni No No not me floating about out there so you have a had a visit from the spid army our Rosie is very good at keeping them busy hop they are doing a good job. yes same with my great grandchildren they are are all mine although 2of them are step really as they are my GS step children. they all matter.

    Barbara men are grumpier as they older Aidan not included of course everything you say to them they say is moaning or nagging :lol::lol: men they drive you crazy.

    Mike hi an welcome to the café we can all be a bit mad but it helps us to forget other things. looking forward to seeing you on here again.

    as you have had a little rest from my pictures I thought I would post a couple

    Daughter and myself leaving the church

    Graycie outside the church

    Sister and Bil with their three god daughters

    I have a picture not loaded onto my laptop yet of Lillie last Friday ready to go off to camp in her beaver uniform I will get it onto my computer and post next time.

    time to leave you and have a potter

    love and sparkles to you all
    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) Quite pleasant temps this evening, clear as a bell out, nice and cool.
    Will see how that changes over the next few days :? :?

    Hi Carol - goodness, all the family members being hacked on fb, that is not good. Did you have to contact their support team, to report it? I know B's Cousin's was hacked and some very horrible posts were sent out to most of her friends and family :shock: :shock: There is usually something to click on, video etc...............

    She had to change all her passwords and fb removed the posts.

    Some numpties have nothing better to do, than interfere in other people's business and make life difficult. Grrrrr

    That was kind of fortuitous, at your knit and natter group, the re organising of the coffee shop moved your friend a little further away - I am naughty - sometimes, things work in mysterious ways. :lol::lol:

    I keep meaning to get a pair of the chillows ( I have just ordered two, from Ideal world £10 for 2, should have been £20 - BARGAIN)

    Lillie is a trooper and no denying. Soldiering on with a broken finger - still wanting to go to school, or she would be bored - :lol::lol: bless her t4591
    Hope it mends soon, not a great deal you can do with fingers, apart from a neighbour bandage (unless it is a complex fracture). Sending her some extra sparkles t115006 t115006

    Mid summer, we would like a big tree, on the south west side, to keep out the bulk of the suns heat. The blast curtains, as I call them, do help, they reflect a lot of heat back and are blackout too. The AC unit might be wheeled out come Saturday.

    I guessed I was a teeny bit previous, with your packing. Only 5 days to go. Getting it all ready is part of the fun, as I remember. We have not actually had a holiday, in 20 years plus. :shock: :? :roll: :roll:

    Mr T is in good humour, excellent, the slippers are working their magic :) t115006 t115006

    Glad you were not in the boat, that was "all at sea". Whoever it was, has been rescued, according to Mother and Sleek - but they cannot give a name, for some reason :? :? :roll: :roll: all very mysterious.

    The spid--s are doing their job, along with the warts, for whoever damaged the plants.

    Men, they do drive you crazy, I quite agree :roll: :roll: :lol::lol::lol: Excepting myself of course :lol::lol:

    I am sure Mike will be back in, once the shock of us talking all things magical and Unicorns, wears off :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Hope everyone else is as ok as possible.

    I think Sleek is over this morning, to go up to Pendle with Mother, maybe open top in her side car, depending on how her bones are feeling t4591
    Was there time for a village clean up Toni, after all the rains. Hopefully no more damage to plants.

    Hi to Barbara, Mig, Kerrin, DD, SW, Elizabeth, Toady, Mel, Mike, Christine and all.

    Garden was well watered, so that will keep it blooming for a couple of days, I pottered around with the hosepipe.

    Sparkles on the way :)


    Time I was pottering again. Already chair shaped, which is not a good look :? :roll:

    No plans for today, so far. Everyone take lots of care, love to all t4591 t4591 XXXX Aidan

    Mushroom and Scallion Frittata

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sun is out here! Trop trop chaud Aidan en France in 2003 :shock: :shock: m0150 m0150 Imagine imagine to A/C in the :shock: car :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Frittata for breakfast ta v much....who is it who loves mushrooms?

    Glad all pills were present and correct and Dad ate well that is really a very good thing :D

    Sleek took Mother out to see the sunrise yes and collected some mists of course for the nymphs... She levitates Mother into the side car and doesn't wake her until the sun starts to appear. Much embarrassment about the dragon spell they accidentally used on you :shock: no wonder you were HOT!!

    Get that blind down it's getting m0150

    Village clear up is a week Sunday (first Sunday of the month, but I think lots of us will be doing extra now it's stopped raining....

    Carol what a dreadful experience being hacked :x :x :x Not good at all. At least you were cautious that's very sensible. What do the nutters get out of doing that to people?

    Yes Rosie sent an army they are still about doing rounds but slightly less often now.

    Well that worked out well moving you down the table away form your friend at knit and natter!!

    Love the pics of the girls so sweet. Godparents look smart too, but Lillie is clearly a character you can see it in her face!! good thing though that's what gave her the strength to go into school with her poorly finger. Yes please Camp piccie when you get time.

    Kath yes Rosie's army are still doing patrols (I can hear them). Thanks Rosie :D and of course don't forget Tosca's wart-spell!

    That person was a saboteur with a spider phobia?! Another evil cackle from me!!

    HAH! Warned Kari to be careful who she picks up :?

    Sounds as though next door is getting quieter I hope the new neighbours turn out to be lovely.

    Joan Lucy is doing well now not wearing the boot all the time taking it off for short periods. It's spooky when you catch sight of it I think there's another cat in the house!!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen I'm sorry you've been cold I have in the mornings on my scooter. I don't know how long the warm weather will last(((((()))
    . Carol lovely photo's sorry Lillie broke her finger((((((()))) brave little girl((((((())))
    . Aidan sorry if it's too warm for you it won't last long. Love to Dad((((((())))))and you and B((((((())))
    . Toni I hope everyone has a good day and your back is not too pain full when you do the tidy up((((((()))))
    . take care all love to Barbara Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've just been chatting our neighbour in the sun, and now I can't see, Apart from a bit of tidying up when the new kitchen and bathroom have been fitted, the electricians have finished. So new tiles are next. He's a thoroughly decent guy and his wife is lovely. Innit warm. :D

    Toni, it's moi who loves mushrooms, so I shall be certain to make sure I get some of Aidan's Frittata. I love our Rosie, she's got those spids well trained I'm very proud of all of them as is Carol. Tosca's wart spell is second to none bless. Bless Lucy as well, I'm glad her foot seems to be improving. She'll be playing footy soon. f010.gif

    Ooo Aidan, those sparkles look like a fireworks display - lovely. And the Mushroom and Scallion Frittata is gorgeous, thank you. Yes I remember Attenborough when it was just a quagmire although I used to pick Bullrushes - and I did most of me courting there. :oops: :lol:

    My goodness Carol, it's enough to make you want to leave FB, being scammed like that. :o What a brave girl Lillie is, I wish I had her courage, the slightest twinge and I'm off on a mard. a045.gif
    The photos are lovely, your little darlings are real treasures.

    Iced jammy finger buns
    For the dough
    500g/1lb 2oz strong white flour
    50g/1¾oz caster sugar
    40g/1½oz unsalted butter, softened
    2 free-range eggs
    2 x 7g/¼oz sachets instant yeast
    2 tsp salt
    150ml/5fl oz warm milk
    140ml/4½fl oz water
    For the icing
    200g/7oz icing sugar
    5 tsp cold water
    For the filling
    200ml/7fl oz whipping cream
    100g/4oz strawberry jam
    icing sugar, for dusting

    Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.

    To make the dough, place all the ingredients into a large bowl, holding back a quarter of the water. Stir the mixture with your hands, then slowly add the remaining water to form a dough and knead in the bowl for four minutes.

    Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead well for 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for one hour.

    Divide the dough into 12 pieces, each about 70g/2½oz, then roll into balls and shape into fingers about 13cm/5in long.

    Place the dough fingers onto a greased baking tray, leaving space for them to double in size, then set aside in a warm place for 40 minutes. They should just touch each other when they’ve risen. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes then set them aside to cool.

    For the icing, sift the icing sugar in a wide bowl and gradually stir in the cold water to form a thick paste.

    Dip the top of the cooled fingers into the icing, smoothing it with your finger, then leave to set on a wire rack.

    Lightly whip the cream and spoon it into a piping bag fitted with a small nozzle. Spoon the strawberry jam into another piping bag.

    Sliced the iced fingers horizontally, leaving one long edge intact. Pipe in a generous line of whipped cream into the middle of each finger, then a thinner line of jam. Dust the iced fingers with icing sugar and serve.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..very hot indeed.. :shock:
    I did read all your post but cant type much we went out with out my sunglasses..big mistake..did you read Judi Dence has the same has me her eyes..
    Aidan thankyou for the Roasted Potato and Cheese Tater :D and the cooling waterfall..and I love the pic of miss sparkle was it..glad you have seen the website for the pub we go never falters :D
    B got his meds..nice to have your blackouts must have been so scary when the temps reach the 40s in France..I always worry its going to be the norm here.. :roll: now I know what the pots are..sounds so good especially with chips.. :D I am going to look for the chillows.. :D
    Kath glad to hear the noise will soon be a thing of the you couldn't see when you came in form the sun..I keep forgetting my sunglasses..pineapple cake and whitebait..see I remembered.. :lol:
    Joan I think summer is here for a while but put an hat on ..we dont want you getting burned..
    Toni I remember you going to France and they had an heatwave..I use to love it hot but no more..glad to hear Lucy is getting there bet she is glad to get that boot off in this weather..
    Carol my FB was hacked some of my friends got weird messages from me but they weren't..its awful who can we trust...glad knitting went well for you remember the film grumpy old men :lol:
    My OH went to the doctors this morning..he never goes but is walking so bad..they are sending him for bloods..even the doctor said did you never see your old doctor we have nothing down
    Right thats it my eyes are all misty
    Love to everyone
    m0150 t4591 t115006
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :shock: m0150 m0150 it is a TAD warm

    Despite blackout blind, the AC has had to go on, it was just silly hot by noon. Machine duly wheeled out and on maximum at the moment. The weather says 21, me thinks it is telling porkies.

    Hi Toni, yes, 2003 en france, un catastrophe for many - it was brutally hot.

    Kath is the mushroom fiend. She loves them and will send people flying :lol::lol::lol:

    Dad was eating ok. He likes his routine of eating out several times a week.

    Mother was very keen to wake me and tell me all about the sunrise m0150 :roll: :roll: Yes dear, now let's go back to sleep :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
    The dragon spell, yes, the least said............ :shock: :shock: I could have cooked :o:o

    I thought there might be additional tidy ups, now that the rains have stopped. Waiting for another week on Sunday, well, I cannot see you doing that, my little self :? :? I would be just the same :)

    Sleek did mention that she thought there was another cat in the house :shock: :shock: nobody saw, but she blew up like a puffer fish :lol::lol::lol:
    Lots of Arnica gel on said poorly foot, SBC is the best. Some aloe vera gel for me, while I am having "moments" Oh, a house came through on Rightmove, in the next village - we like it, LOTS

    Hi Joan and Sue - we all feel the temperatures differently. Dry and warm, fine, humid and hot, no, doesn't sit well. Gives me angina :roll: :roll: and makes every joint hurt............true, it does not usually last for too long. Saturday is going to be the hottest day.....

    Thank you for the (((()))), the same to you both (((())))

    Hi Kath - nattering in the sunshine is ok, until you come in and then it is a whole new world :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Good that the electricians have finished - tiling next. They sound like a lovely couple, always best to know who the owners are :)

    Its bloomin warm mi duck. Did not put you off racing to the mushroom frittata though :D:D

    Ooooo, Kath went a courting at what became the nature reserve, t4591 t4591 picking bullrushes - they were always just out of reach whenever I tried to get one :roll: :roll:

    You are not mardy at all, not heard that in a long time :lol::lol: Mardy bum :D:D or words to that effect, as we used to say. :shock:

    Iced fingers with jam and cream, perfect, ta duck. I can get in a big mess with it.

    Hi Barbara - not good, no sunglasses when it is so bright - really shocks your eyes. No, I hadn't seen about J Dench having MD

    You are welcome to the goodies and the cooling waterfall, as you will see, the house we are going to buy, has its own pool :lol::lol: who am I kidding :roll: :roll:

    Heatwaves seem to be more common, if not here, then in Europe etc. Fires have broken out in Spain :? :?

    Cannot wait for the chillows to arrive, should be Sat or Monday..........bargain at £10 for 2

    Hope Mr B is ok, bless, no notes found from his previous Dr :shock: Some extra sparkles to him t115006 t115006

    Right, I am out of time and too hot, plus, the internet is on and off like a switch................ So, before I loose everything, I will leave lots of love and sparkles to all XXXXX t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    Hope everyone is keeping as cool as possible and super hydrated - see, once a nurse, always a nurse. Sleek will be checking all fluid balance charts :lol::lol: :animal_busy: Mother is far too tired though.

    There has been a lot of digging at the end of our little roads, where the BT box comes on to the park.
    Rumours have been doing the rounds, that we are being upgraded to fibre :D -a pinch of salt is often needed with Chinese whispers. :roll: We will see, the internet has been more off than something is going on :? :?

    AC was on until siesta time, then windows open later this evening. Lounge window still open, screened of course, no spid--s required, in house :? :?
    Still very warm - stating the obvious there Aidan :roll: :roll:

    Was it choir practice Toni, I forgot to tell the Sisters. :oops: Did Barbara turn up at biscuit time :D:lol::lol:

    Hope all are ok and Lucy's foot is not too painful. Sleek is keeping an eye on the boot, in case it transforms into another cat again :shock: :shock:
    She came over to rest with Mother, at siesta time, they were watching the shopping channel, Gems TV I think, something bling and sparkly.

    Hi Carol, 4 days now and counting. How is the weather with you, I know it is a good deal hotter down south. :? :shock: Enjoy the shade that the lovely tree gives you.

    A lovely cool lagoon and waterfall is what we need, to paddle in


    I had better do some pottering, move the washing from the airer, it is as crisp as a board, after being outside in the afternoon :roll: :lol::lol:

    I did think about ironing, but that thought only lasted a nano second :? :?

    Off to the GC this morning, pick Dad up on the way. Everyone will want to be outside, which is fine by us, more seats inside and I can natter them to put the AC on :D:D

    Better find some sparkles -

    Sleek and Mother chose this one - wonder why :roll: :roll:


    Everyone take lots of care t4591 t4591 XXX Aidan

    Chilled Swiss Oatmeal

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Aidan Lucy had a chillow when she was in hospital (I bought it!) because she weighed so little when she got an infection she was only allowed 1 measly paracetamol :shock: Raging temps with neutropenic sepsis and 1 measly paracetamol. Used to stick cool patches on her forehead too.

    I tried it one (hot) night and got proper shivery m0150 Typical me never happy, rarely mardy though. Mardy-bum here too :lol:

    Enjoy the GC and feed Dad up while you're at it inside with the Aircon on. My car needs something done the AC is not working at all - well only short journeys.

    The cool lagoon is wonderful I shall be in there again later..... hang on - who is that?

    s101.gif Is it Kath courting again? t4591

    Yesterday it was the bridesmaids dress fittings :roll: that took a while with 5 of them. A quick dash back and then choir practise :shock:

    Barbara got there in time for sisters I believe they are on retreat :?

    Sleek has been spending her money again. Well she will do. She has catazon prime you see and not a great deal of patience, but she was after jewellery from the Gems channel :roll:

    Love the overnight oats ta v muchly!

    and Kath's sticky bun - lovely. Must save one for Trisher (an 'old' café dweller for those who don't know).

    I hope you got (more than) your share of mushies Kath?

    Good news the neighbours are nice, but aren't they the landlords? :? Still you should get their number incase there's ever a problem.

    Rosie still has the team doing patrols never fear, just surprise ones now mostly at night :wink:

    Barbara Judi Dench has AMD? not easy when you have to learn scripts...I wonder if someone reads them to her :?

    Yes Lucy's foot is still very sore. It's only been just over 2 weeks. To be honest I think she should wear the boot some of the time :?

    You got your biccies just in time then?

    I wonder if your OH is joining us lot and got some OA going on too ((())) and patience for you.

    Joan I am doing ok just upped my pain relief a bit. So far it's ok. How about you? It's not sunny here ATM though it will be later we have a nice breeze.

    Right better get on!


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Everyone
    I have a bright yellow top on so I expect I will have all little insects over me
    Pepper is a happy little dog I have just taken a new photo of him I will see if I can send i
    I have tried 5 times to send it please can
    some one tell me how
    Love Sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sue, how lovely, a new pic of pepper. If you reduce the size to 300x300 pixels, you can use the 'upload attachment' at the bottom of the post screen. Click on choose file and the folder that contains it will open. Click on the file name and it will appear in the box, then click add the file and it should put it in your post. To check, click preview and if I've explained it properly your pic should be there. finish your post and click submit as usual and there will be the lovely Pepper (I hope) Blame me if it doesn't work, I'm not very good at explaining things. Perhaps someone will show you an easier way. t4591

    Toni, no I am not courting again thank you. Quite happy with the chap I have now. BTW I've joined Arthritis Angels, my name is poemsgalore. :lol: I'm glad the spid team are doing night manouvres, we don't want them shrivelling up in the hot sun. :? m0150 m0150 m0150

    Aidan, I hope they aren't digging a moat for when the rain comes back - unless they put fish in it. I can just see you with a creel and a hat full of fishing flies that B has made for you. a050.gif
    :lol: Thank you for the Chilled Swiss Oatmeal, I've polished off 3 bowlfuls. :lol:

    Barbara, I aleady knew that Judy Dench had MD. She's doing a lovely wildlife program, Should we invite her to our wildlife park? You two would get on famously. :D

    A creamy vegan lemon pudding that’s 6 ingredients and takes less than 15 minutes to make. Makes the perfect easy dessert!

    3 tbsp lemon juice
    2 tbsp cornflour*
    1 cup canned full fat coconut milk
    3 tbsp rice malt syrup or maple syrup
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    small pinch turmeric powder, for colour and is optional
    Optional toppings:

    whipped coconut cream
    roasted strawberries
    lemon zest to garnish
    Pour the lemon juice into a medium pot, along with the cornflour. Whisk well to remove any lumps. Whisk in the coconut milk, rice malt syrup, vanilla extract and a tiny pinch of turmeric if you’re using it (make sure to only add a pinch at first, you can always add in more while it cooks). Whisk in the almond milk last.
    Place the pot on medium to high heat. Make sure to stir regularly, I like to use a heat resistant silicone spatula for this. The mixture will start to thicken first on the bottom, when you notice this happening, give it a whisk to make sure the mixture stays smooth (continue to whisk now and then). Keep cooking until it thickens, mine takes between 6 to 7 minutes.
    Tap the bottom of the pot on a bench to remove any air bubbles and pour the mixture into 2 ramekins. Refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours. If you like, top with whipped coconut cream, roasted strawberries, mint and lemon zest.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..
    Aidan let me know what you think of the chillows please..saying that I think these kidneys keep me cooler than I used to be..always a positive :shock: and thankyou for the chilled oatmeal very nice in this heat..
    So you think fibre in on its nice :) it will make a masive difference all the new houses down from us have it but not up the rd to here :cry:
    I have just been in the cooling :D didnt want to get out..mind you I couldnt.. :lol: we are putting Niamhs pool up she will be here later..
    Toni bridesmaid dresses..I am getting all excited dont know about you.. :D
    Poor Lucy was so poorly..bless her and we dont know the half of it :( but she got there with at her side..xx now look after that back and learn to say noooo.. :) my mums saying..
    Kath I feel for Judy Dench ..she was born not far from us..I just hope she can carry on for a while longer a brilliant the lemon pudding thankyou I will have icecream with it
    Sue hope we can get to see the pic of Pepper..and you are not full of insects.. :lol: I remember once wearing a white T shirts that got full of ladybirds it look so pretty :D
    Right better move I have to sit and watch the pool fill :)
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - melting at the moment, but I have been watering the garden, so out in full sun, never suits. B was mending the decking steps (they were on a tilt - he said it was my fault, to the neighbour :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: how RUDE).

    Anyway, we are in, the AC is on, plus there is a decent breeze.

    Cannot wait for the chillows to arrives Toni. What do you bet my neck will be more agony than normal :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Poor Lucy, one paracetamol, bless her heart, with a temp and no resistance, hence the sepsis - what a dreadful time it was (((())))

    No, you are no mardy bum at all, I did have my moments, Mum used to say, "there is no use getting mardy about it" :lol::lol::lol:

    Dad had already had his breakfast, but, with a bit of auto suggestion, he had scrambled eggs on toast at the GC, we had our Beth specials and I had a scone too, because I could :D:D

    Kwik Fit will do an aircon deep clean and recharge, for about £50, well well worth it. The pipes and vents can grow spores and nasties, so they do like a perfumed de bug bomb - gosh it was SO strong, nice smell, but we had to have all windows open.

    Kath, courting, maybe just out for a sail around, I will be in the lagoon later, as long as we can get a hoist in, to lift us all out. :shock: :shock:

    Glad Barbara made it for biscuits at choir. I will have to ask Mother Superior, where the Sisters have gone......................Las Vegas apparently :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Welcome, to the oats, we needed something nice and cooling. :) Mother just has a normal Catazon account, not Catazon Prime, she has more patience with her orders :lol::lol: Sleek has to have things yesterday :roll: :roll:

    Trish would love her sticky bun, with a cherry on top of course :) t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    I am thinking Miss Lucy should be wearing her boot, for a fair bit of time - Matron speaking now.................. :D:D

    Hope your pain relief if doing its job, we all do a bit of a juggling act don't we :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue - I trust you are not covered in insects and lots of bees, looking for nectar t69044 t69044 :D:D Looking lovely in yellow, to match the sunshine m0150

    Hope you have a nice day and get all the shopping you need (((())))

    There is a page on the forum about adding pictures to posts, in the main headings on the chit chat page - here is the link.

    Kath has done a good description of how to :) aint ya mi duck.

    I will be looking at Arthritis Angels, loving you name :)

    Me, fishing, not on your nelly :lol::lol::lol: even with a fancy hat, with lots of embellishments :lol::lol: I only went once, down to the trent at old clifton village. I was bored stupid, stopped about an hour, then got the bus back home. :roll: :roll:

    I see you are FULL of oats, lots of long lasting energy, which is good :)

    Thank you for the creamy lemon pudding, I will have ice cream too I think

    Hi Barbara, I will let you know about the chillows, they should be here tomorrow, our hottest day of the week. If they give me an even more cricked neck, they are going back. Mum would always try to find a positive, not always easy, without a doubt.

    You are welcome to the oat breakfast. :D:D t4591 t4591

    I did ask the neighbours on our other side, they are "of a certain age" and not techy by any means, they still have a trim phone I think :shock: :shock:
    He said oh, something Hi Fi wiffy :lol::lol::lol::lol: I had to bite my lip. So we ARE getting a new box on the park. I think they have finished for the week end now, but the box is all ready to go in the ground, cannot wait for super fast :)

    I hope Niamh enjoys the pool, I am sure she will and you can put your tootsies in at the same time. Don't fall in :shock: :? :?

    Right, I need to move, time is marching on. Need a cool wash and shave too.

    Love to Mig and Carol and Mike and all our friends. I will pop back later
    Love and sparkles until then t4591 t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Vegan pud oooh ta Kath :D

    The s****rs are very wise. Today they were out on the day ..dressed as arabs :?

    Night patrols are ongoing until after Best kept village.

    Glad to hear Chris is the man for you!

    Sue I post my pictures to google drive first it's free. Then you click on the puc and ask it to share. Get shareable link and post that link on here.
    Barbara you know Lucy nothing keeps a good woman down!

    Shes at work now 12 hour shift.

    See what Aidan reckons to the chillo before you buy.. I was COLD!!

    Aidan well done getting Dad to eat a bit extra all good :D Beth special is always worth eating and of course it would be rude not to have a scone!

    It's been soooooo hot today!! I have to say I must be a lady of a certain age m0150


    Daisy cat loves Lucy's old chillo btw!

    The sisters are in Las Vegas???? Heaven help us! Why ever???

    Watched love island myself and Miss Slimkins dressed all the contestants in clothes !!! :shock:

    My back is super cross with me for painting the spare room for Charley. My own fault so now I shall rest. Properly.

    Paul's Mum's 85th birthday party tomorrow.....

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    Hope everyone is ok, in this heat :shock: :? :? I think today (Saturday) is going to be the hottest day, then it cools off............praise be.

    Hi Toni - spid--s on patrol - :shock: :shock: I keep checking the mesh at the window, just in case............. :? :?

    The chillows have been dispatched, so they will be here once it has cooled down :roll: :roll: :? :lol::lol: I will give a full report on neck, shoulders etc.
    Glad to hear that Daisy cat loves the chillow :) :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    It would be rude not to have a scone. I was good though, I didn't have cream, just butter and jam :D:D

    It has been verrrry hot. m0150 m0150 I am a gentleman of a certain age too :shock: :shock:

    The AC will be on from the get go this morning, 27 I think it says for Saturday.

    France had its highest ever temperature, 45.9 in the shade. O M Goodness.
    I remember in 2003 it went up to 45 in the shade, that was just crazy hot and humid too.

    The Sisters are singing at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. I didn't ask any more questions :shock: :lol::lol:

    All Love Island shows, require the people to be fully clothed, for the modesty of Miss Sleek and Mother Glitter Sparkles - it is an automated spell. :roll: :roll:

    Painting Charley's guest room. Well, that would explain the ouches and the need to juggle the meds around. Rest, yes, a must. Sleek will tell Mother if you don't and Mother will tell me :? :?

    I hope you have a lovely time at MIL 85th Birthday Party t4591 t69044 :D:D We need sparkles for that


    Hi Carol - are we down to 3 days now, or is it 2 :shock: :shock: It must be time to pack now :D:D Hope you and yours are all ok t4591

    Did you have a nice time with the paddling pool Barbara, keeping your feet cool while Niamh enjoyed splashing around. m0150

    Siesta time was a bit hit and miss, fan was on, but it was still very warm. It doesn't seem to be cooling down at all tonight.

    I think we need to be by a stream today, in the shade. Shallow enough for a paddle


    Time I was pottering, need to move about, the joints do NOT like summer.

    Dad will be round for lunch, croissants etc. No other plans, apart from stopping inside and keeping cool.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    A nice summery breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone - a lovely day here already though I suspect it might get tooooo hot later :? m0150

    So I'm leaving 2 options.....


    or for the more adventurous....


    Oh typical!! The chillows are on their way just too late :lol: still I very much doubt that will be the last we see of the m0150 this year!

    Sadly we are out today so unable to cool the house down :shock: :shock: I know you remember it's Paul's Mum's 85th birthday bash at his sister's today :D Bless her she has done well. Type 1 diabetic for decades and decades peritoneal dialysis for about 5 years now haemodialysis for the last 6. She's a bit of a star t4591

    I will cope with a hot house for one day for her thank you for her sparkles t115006

    Gosh you must have struggled 45 in the shade :shock: :shock: :shock: m0150 Did you have your pool then?

    Poor Charley needs to feel at home doesn't she? She can't feel 'shoved' into the spare room! I had to make it 'hers' and this week she was at her friend's 'dog-sitting' (Sleek is unimpressed :shock: ) so she didn't have to sleep in the fumes....

    The sister's are singing at Caesar's palace :shock: :shock: :shock: WOW!

    Oh that cooling stream!! Perfect for cooling us down. I think you are wise to stay close to home and keep cool today. Dad can fill up on croissants.

    I have been putting ice pops out on the 'Village Cart' (in a cool box!) the latter part of this week for the kids coming out of school. I think it's helped them m0150

    That breakie looks ideal for such a hot day....shall we sit outside in the garden while it's cool?

    Good Morning to Joan I hope you and Sue had a good day out yesterday. Any luck with the Pepper pic?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen Ave a good weekend both of you thank you for your help.((((((())))
    . Barbara it's colder after today enjoy it have a good weekend(((((())))) thank you
    . Aidan have a good weekend and your Dad thank you for your help((((((()))
    . Toni Happy Birthday to Paul's mum (((((()))) love to Charley((((()))
    . have a good weekend everyone((((((())))
    . take care love to Carol Mig ((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a super breakfast Aidan, are those Grapefruits or extra large oranges? If they are Grapefruit, I can't have them sadly because of my blood pressure tablets. :( So I hope they're oranges. :D Thank you. Not too hot at the mo as the sun has gone aound the front, so I expect the front gate and door will swell up and be difficult to close. :roll: Noisy from 8am but quieter now. Sounds like they might be doing a bit of painting. When it's finished and on the estate agents website I'll put a link so those who want a nosy can take a look. My name on all my forums is poemsgalore, but I couldn't use it on here for some reason.

    Toni, I think I'll spend the day in your paddling pool but will probably take a lounger to put beneath a tree as well. f050.gif

    Barbara, we are going to record Dame Judi Dench's wildlife program. I wonder how she learns her lines? I'd be awful, I can't remember owt.

    Love and sparkles to all our friends.

    Vegan fruit smoothies

    Ingredients (makes 10 lollies):

    1 banana

    100g strawberries

    100g raspberries

    100g blueberries

    1 scoop Vega vanilla protein powder (optional)


    Healthy vegan protein fruit smoothie ice lollies recipe easy quick berries
    Vegan protein fruit smoothie berry ice lolly recipe popsicle protein quick and easy

    Wash the berries and remove leaves from the strawberries, then chuck along with the peeled banana into a food processor or blender. Top up about half way with water (better to start with less water as you can always add more depending on how thick you like it). Add the Vega protein powder, then blitz everything until smooth. Pour into lolly moulds then pop in the freezer for a few hours until set.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - seem to have caught up on a bit of time..........which is a miracle :shock:

    I hope everyone is keeping as cool as possible. The humidity has gone through the roof today. AC has been on since 11 and is stopping on.

    Quite right Toni, it is going to peak today. Scorchio for sure. m0150 m0150
    Sadly several people have died, some going into water / lakes / rivers, to cool down, but thermal shock is a very dangerous thing. :? :?

    Was looking at some of the pictures of Glastonbury festival. 125000 people, in this heat :shock: :shock: :shock: I bet St John's and the NHS ambulance crews are working flat out, scooping people up.

    I will take the fan / AC, thank you kindly. It is working its socks off at the moment.

    I saw the delivery lady who brings most of our parcels, she sailed past - hey, where are the chillows......................they will be here on Monday, you bet :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: I bet you will have the chiller on later, when you get home.

    Pauls Mum is a star and then some t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044 have a lovely time at her Birthday celebrations.

    You are more than welcome to the sparkles, we all need them, on a daily basis. t115006 t115006

    We had no pool at the first house, no AC, just builders and intense heat. Where we mad, yes, we were. :? :? :roll: :roll: We didn't have a pool until the second house. Only an overground one, but it was perfect.

    No, of course Charley wants to feel like she is in her own space and while she is dog sitting, the perfect time to do the painting I guess. Just take care with that ouching back. t115006

    Sleek was over at silly o clock, to take Mother up to Pendle, she went open top this time, as it was so warm. Lots of disapproval at the "dog" sitting.
    They gathered what little mist there was, then headed to the ravine for a crab frappucino :mrgreen:

    Mother has been resting in the cool of the lounge. It is a bit too warm for her :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    I would sit by the cool stream, with my feet in. Not sure how I would get up, but it would be worth it. We are not setting foot outside, apart from putting the washing out on the airer - that was enough.

    Dad was on the dot of 11, for his lunch and coffee's - he has gone home now, to watch football, or, most likely fall fast asleep and miss the match :roll: :roll:

    I am sure the ice pops helped the school kids no end, a real treat for them :)

    Yes, breakfast outside, before it got hot and before the wasps appeared.

    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok, I bet the doggies get hot, with their long coats. Do they sit out in the shade, or prefer to stop inside?

    Thank you for the (((()))), the same to you, enjoy the weather today, storms for us later apparently :? :? t111055 t111055

    Hi Kath, I think they are grapefruit. I cannot take them either, for the same reason. Not that they would do us any harm, they just reduce the effectiveness of the medication a little.

    Glad things are quieter next door, with the painting being done. Will be very interesting to see it, when it goes on the market to rent. At least you know who owns it which is a big bonus. Did you mention family that might want to rent it? I seem to recall you saying something a while back.

    Ta for the ice smoothies, we need all manner of cool things :)

    I will miss out the nana's, but the rest is fine. Should we have a 99 as well, push the boat out :)

    I found this, the whole thing is edible, full of ice cream and made of chocolate - amazing :o


    Hope any ouchies are minimal t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara - have you come out of the paddling pool yet :lol::lol: I bet Niamh had a great time.

    If your weather is like our weather, I guess you will be wilting. :? :? take care t4591

    Carol will be packed and ready for the off. m0150 m0150

    I am going to potter for a while. Make another drink, must keep hydrated.

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..or not quite its 5.30
    Aidan thankyou for the fruity breakfast..and wow the chocolate cup :D it is this hot here but the poor people in France :shock: it has just gone dark here with a breeze but earlier there was no air :roll:
    Cant get my leg over the pool so put a chair there and put them in..nice but my head was baking so I came in..Niamh has had a brilliant time in it :lol:
    it must have been nice in France when you had the pool overground whos cares.. :lol:
    glad to hear dad is eating a little more bless him..and the decking is all straight now..naughty B blaming you
    hopefully the chillows will be here Monday..
    Toni its nice to do Charley's bedroom up.. :D bless she will feel better ..hope she is doing ok...
    Paul's mum 85 and with all she has going on thats brilliant..a very Happy Birthday Paul's mum..x hope you all have a lovely time
    and what a lovely gesture putting icepops in a freezer bag for the they love you ... :D
    Lucy has never been lazy ..I am glad she has a job she likes..bless..
    Kath I will have a look for the house..I am really nosy.. :lol: and thankyou for the frozen smoothies something I never think of doing..much healthier..
    Joan I dont mind it going colder but it say its back next least it will keep you nice and warm...
    Think I have said we have the guide dog home at the back of us, its massive were they train should have been there summer fair on the 7th July..they have it every year, but travelers have moved on to there its had to be cancelled.. :x
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 m0150
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    I feel as if I am melting it is so hot it has been up to 35c today and at 8pm is currently 30c. tomorrow I due to be the same maybe even, then it is going to cool down a bit but still in the high teens to mid twenties so not too bad and not looking like there will be any wet stuff, but we all know how quickly things can change so we will take it day by day.

    Aidan not sure I know that some of the accounts were frozen by facebook and they were advised to change their passwords once they got back into their account. don't worry about being naughty I came home and said to Mr t had a lovely uninterrupted Knit group today and told him why he said much the same as you with a little snigger.
    my chill pillow has been great the last couple of nights. I think Lillie has gone through so much in her young life with her Pku and having to have her special diet she takes every thing in her stride with out whinging. mind you Graycie is not really a whinger either if she has something wrong but I did have to laugh at her logic of she would be bored at home :lol::lol: . she dose have the finger strapped to the neighbouring one. its now only 1 days
    then off on Monday, Packing starts tomorrow morning as I still have some things drying that we want packing. and I have decided that I will not go to church tomorrow morning. this means I can potter around slowly and pack. Well done to the Spids and the pusskins how those nasty ones dare damage those plants I do not know.

    Toni bless poor Lucy just 1 paracetamol I would not think it would do very much pain relief. yes certainly some nutters out there trouble is they can get all your info of your account they obviously have nothing better to do.
    yes our tough little cookie is our Lilllie

    Joan yes Lillie is made of tough stuff.

    I started this last night but Mr T had some music from his iPad playing though our music system and all the songs he was playing were ones that I knew the words to so I gave up trying to concentrate my hay fever is really playing up at the moment with this weather constantly runny or blocked nose which in turn triggers the dry mouth. so its my nasal spray during the day and Olbas oil on my pillow at night to keep nose clear. I am ok though I am able to sleep especially with my chill pad hope you chillows come soon Aidan, If I don't get in tomorrow I don't know weather if I will be able to post next week but I will try If we can get internet ok. before I leave you here are some piccies for you.

    off to camp camp.jpg?dl=0 off to Beaver camp .jpg?dl=0

    just one of Graycie's first nursery pictures nursery pic 1.jpg?dl=0

    have some odd bits to do now it is a bit cooler so I must go pottering

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - :) Hope everyone is as ok as possible and trying to keep cool :shock: :shock:

    Hi Barbara - there was no air at all, you are quite right. The whole of Europe has been roasted, with temps up above 40 in many places. Fires have broken out, one that was started deliberately in France.

    Why would someone do that? A bit like Winter Hill, that was arson if I remember.

    There is more of a breeze now, but the AC is staying on until 1am at the earliest. We need to get the temp down. It is doing a good job though, boy was that a good find.

    Cooler from today, thank goodness, can get on with normal things. Housekeeping will be in doing the beds, aka Bill.

    Nice that you got your feet in the pool until your head was starting to bake m0150 m0150 :shock: , wise to go inside. Niamh ahd a wail of a time by the sounds of it :D:D

    The pool was lovely, it was nearly 4 foot deep and 12 feet across, so enough to wallow about in, perfect for cooling off.

    The chillows will still come in handy I am sure. They would have been perfect for Saturday, but not to worry.

    What a shame that the guide dog training centre has been hijacked by travellers. I guess they will be moved on in due course and someone else will have to pick up all the rubbish left behind. :roll: :roll:

    Hope Mr B is not in too much pain with his walking. t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol - have been thinking about you, in 35 degree heat :shock: :shock: :? :?
    No wonder you feel like you are melting. Some cooling sparkles for us all - we can all sit inside for a while, until it melts :)


    We were supposed to have hours of rain and thunderstorms, but nothing happened and the rain has vanished from the forecast now :shock: :shock: :? :? I think they make it up as they go along

    So we are all in agreement about your knit and natter group being less interrupted, with a little chuckle from Mr T. :D:D

    Lillie is a trooper without a doubt, both her and Graycie not whinging, which some kiddies seem to do all the time :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Packing today, too hot to rush about, so wise not to go to Church, then you can take your time and get things organised, ready for off:)

    Oh dear, you had to give up writing your post the on Friday night, with the songs playing, you would have typed the words down, well, I would have done. We need to concentrate on our cafe :D:D:lol::lol:
    The pollen levels are through the roof at the moment. Sending some anti hay fever sparkles your way t115006 t115006 We need some rain to settle it all down a bit.

    Thank you for the pictures they are lovely, all of them. The black and white one of Graycie is a gorgeous pic :)

    We might well hear from you while you are away, if not, make sure you have the most lovely time t4591 t4591 t4591

    How was the Birthday Party for Paul's Mum, I hope all went well Toni and you were back in time to cool the house down a bit t4591

    Sleek came over to spit sweets and throw litter, at siesta time, what a good job they did, far and wide, nice fresh Catsan to play mini Quidditch. :roll: :roll:

    Well, I had better do a little pottering, now that we are a good deal cooler. Better turn the chiller off, it will need a rest.

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t115006 t115006 XXX Aidan


    Breakfast on the terrace per chance :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).