Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan it registered 34 at MIL's (via Paul's VW van) and the same here when we arrived in between it got a bit chilly at 33 :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Put aircon on in our bedroom and believe it or not got it down to 18 so got off to sleep perfectly . Woke up in the night back up to 26 :roll:

    Gave in and got up at 6 just too hot for me :? Lovely to go outside and have that breakfast ta v much m0150

    MIL had a great 'do' :) She coped well with the heat (pop up thingy in the garden) and plenty to drink. Lots of perfect pressies all sensible for a lady of her age.

    When we got back I had left curtains shut so popped a/c on before we went to see how the village 'af'noon tea' had gone. Very well indeed and we ended up helping clear away. What an amazing day they had weatherwise! Had a nice cool lemonade with them once all the work was done m0150 m0150

    I saw Sleek arriving home as we did having been to yours to eat sweets and play litter quidditch :oops: She was absolutely thrilled to have us home :)

    The girls have been out early doors again open topped for Mother. They love the cool early first thing. Been back an hour or so having had another crab latte....gross :mrgreen: :shock: That seems to be the latest thing :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    No pool until the 2nd house then? :shock: no aircon :shock: :shock: you did well to still be standing!!!

    I had one of the hot chocs thanks v much, but it did melt a bit in the heat - inside and out!! :wink: Had to nip in the booth afterwards for a clean - up. BTW there is a COOL wash cycle... m0150

    Carol the pics are lovely. She looks such a tiny thing off to camp, but not at all scared - rather proud and so she should be bless her :)

    Graycie's nursery pic is so sweet too :)

    We managed 34 degrees here too wasn't it HOT!!!


    1 paracetamol did nothing for pain relief so they gave her codeine and sometimes morphine too at least. Funny how we give our kids 2 paracetamol without a thought once they get to 12. Yet many probably aren't the magic 50kg!!

    I will be your way on Tuesday for Wimbledon so good to hear it will be bearable. It gets hot in those courts and the queue :roll:

    Barbara glad you got some benefit from the pool and didn't burn your head?

    Niamh must have loved it and I bet she was the liveliest of all of you t4591

    MIL is doing so well and thoroughly enjoyed seeing us all a nice surprise it was.

    Charley had a date on this space....

    I am very sorry to hear the guide dog's place can't have their summer fayre this year :x

    Kath yes please we need to see a pic on the estate agents site :) Not that I am nosey of course


    I will drag a lounger next to yours and if it rains we can just stay put!!!! We have an umbrella! t111055

    Bliss t4591 especially with one of those smoothies thanks :)

    Hi To Joan I hope you weren't too warm yesterday. Thank you Paul's Mum had a lovely day. Charley and Lucy couldn't come they were both on a night duty bless them :roll: m0150

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen yes I like grapefruit it I don't have it like you tablets.
    . I hope not too many ouchies(((((())))
    . Aidan Wimbledon to morrow. How is your Angina((((((())))Dad((((
    . Carol lovely photo's and memories ((((((())))))
    . Barbara have a good day sorry your husband has pain (((((((()))))
    . and the dog fete was cancelled.
    . Toni all the best to Charley and her friend((((()))) love to everyone(((((())) Paul's mum enjoyed herself ((((()))
    . take care love to Mig ((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A bit of poetry for a hot day -

    The Lady of Tahiti

    She swayed acoss my TV screen
    her voice was soft and lilting.
    Her eyes were dark,
    her smile was wide,
    her hands were upwards tilting.

    I held my breath and closed my eyes,
    while dreaming of Tahiti.
    Of flowing hair
    and flowered dress
    and voices singing sweetly.

    Along the sand
    I watched her dance
    among the Palms around me
    amid the rippling waves
    her shadows washing out to sea....

    ....So she came home,
    that dark eyed beauty
    my lifelong friend,
    the lady of Tahiti.

    Your task for the day (week,month, year) is to edit the third stanza as I don't like it. :lol:

    Vegan apple pumpkin oat bread
    Dry Ingredients:
    1 c. oatmeal (plus more to sprinkle on top)
    1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
    1/2 c. white flour
    2 Tbs. ground flax
    2 tsp. baking powder
    1/2 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. nutmeg
    1/4 tsp. allspice
    1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
    1/2 c. chopped apple (about 1/3 of a large apple; use the rest with the wet ingredients)
    1 c. chopped walnuts

    Wet Ingredients:
    1 1/2 c. pumpkin puree (about 15 oz)
    1 1/2 tsp. fresh grated ginger
    1 c. chopped apple (about 2/3 of a large apple, what you have left over from the wet ingredients)
    1/2 c. agave (or 1 c. of sugar)
    3/4 c. coconut milk (half of a can)
    1 1/2 tsp. almond extract
    1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour four 5" x 3" loaf pans (or two 8" x 4" pans).

    2. In a large bowl, stir together all dry ingredients except the walnuts and 1/2 c. chopped apple.

    3. In a blender, blend together all wet ingredients (including the 1 c. chopped apple).

    4. Mix the blended pumpkin puree into the dry ingredients. Once almost completely combined, add the chopped walnuts and apples. Mix until just combined.

    5. Divide the batter evenly between the loaf pans. Sprinkle oatmeal on top of the batter and press the oats into the batter a little bit.

    6. Bake for about 27 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. (I'm not sure about cooking time if you're doing two 8" x 4" pans, but I guess it'd be longer.)

    7. Remove from oven, and cover loaves (still inside their pans) tightly with foil. Allow to steam for 10 minutes. Remove foil, and turn out onto a cooling rack. Cool completely, if you can wait, then slice and eat!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a cooler day here with a strong breeze - I hope things are cooling off for everyone else too.

    34, that is HOT Toni. :shock: :shock: Then it plummeted to 33, goodness, get those cardi's out asap. :lol::lol::lol:

    Good that you chilled the bedroom down to 18, far more bearable, but not so much when you are up at 6 and it is 26 degrees still :? :?

    Breakfast on the terrace, in the early morning, just lovely. Then a dip in the infinity pool :D:D Dreaming again...........bless eh. :roll: :roll:

    So pleased that MIL had a great do and coped with the heat - pop up gazebo and lots of suitable presents :) t69044 t69044

    Then back home, via the tail end of the village afternoon tea (AC on first though). Good that it went well and yes, the weather could not have been better.
    A glass of lemonade and a help with the tidying up too. Mind your back :)

    All sweets and litter suitably cleaned up :roll: :roll: again...........Sleek said that Mummy and Daddy were owt wyth fam illy peeples.

    Mother was quite vocal about their trip out this morning, but not as bad as normal, she did settle back to sleep for a while longer. Crab Latte's and whelk muffins :mrgreen::mrgreen: Mother said they are delicious :? :?

    It was odd really, my cardio said it will do you good to live in france with the better weather, then the GP over there said, it is too hot for you really, you would be better in the UK :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    It did get too much and we knew that we had to come back, to be close to parents and spend time helping them.

    Those choccy ice cream mugs are amazing, I have had 4. A cool wash,perfect, I am going back in the booth.................... t111055 t111055

    Tuesday for Wimbledon, let us know which courts you are on and we will look out for you :D:D

    oooh, Charley had a date on Friday, ooooh, hope things go well :) t4591

    Oh it has been nice to be able to breathe again, I think the house sighed with relief, at being cooler. Much pottering, housekeeping were in, all washing and drying done, yes, it was good to have the dryer on, with a breeze taking all the heat away :)

    Drew the line at ironing, that can wait a day.

    Hi Joan and Sue - oh yes, we will be watching / recording Wimbledon, we usually see just about every match they show, we all need to wave to Toni :)
    Angina is not too bad, COPD was playing up yesterday, with the heat, just drains me.
    Hope it is a bit cooler with you, we need some fresh air blowing through

    Hi Kath - loving the poem re the lady of Tahiti :) t4591

    I will have a think about the stanza you mention, although I like it as it is :)

    The Lady of Tahiti
    She did not like the heaty
    Into the briny sea she ran
    and came out fresh and sweety t69044 :lol::lol:

    I know, I will not make Poet laureate :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the apple and pumpkin oat bread, I will grab some cream :) Ta mi duck. Hope any ouchies are not too painful t115006 t115006 and you have had a quieter and cooler day.

    Hi Barbara, hope you are a bit cooler today, a lovely breeze, much more "normal" for the time of year. Enough of the Saharan Bubbles, we don't like those kind of Bubbles :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Carol and Mr T will be ready for off. Hope you have a fab time and if you get chance, let us know how you are t4591 t4591 I pray the weather is fair, but not too hot for you.

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Mig and Christine, DD, SW, Toady, Mike, Elizabeth and all.

    Time I was pottering some more, must keep moving.

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Almost time for siesta

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    all packed except for a few things like washing gear and toiletries also phone and laptop chargers which will go in in the morning. don't need to leave till about 10.30ish so no rush in the morning, I have had a very productive day started off about 9.30 this morning and done the packing in stages and finished about 6pm . so no rushing about temperature 25 today so quite a bit cooler but still quite warm.
    In fact this afternoon I even went for a little ride to my favourite place for a coffee and a read of my book that I have on my iPad.

    Aidan If we can get internet I will post, we did have it last time we were there but it could be very temperamental at certain times of the day. Breakfast on the terrace very nice indeed. I love the little pusskins being covered up in his bed, so sweet the way he puts his paws over the cover. not like sleek and mother playing mini Quidditch with the Catsan and spitting sweets everywhere. yes pollen levels very high but I just have to do the best I can , because it sometimes triggers my asthma too. Which is normally well under control. Never fear I will be sure to have all my medications with me as always, its like taking a chemist shop away :lol: and of course now Mr T has medications too its looking more like the chemist. :shock: and the chuckle from Mr T is very unusual believe me it must be all this magic and sparkles flying around. I wasn't typing the words I was singing them :lol: and yes we do need to concentrate on our café indeed.
    I love that the Photo of Graycie especially because it is black and white I will post another at the end of this post but this one is in colour.

    Toni so you had the stifling heat it sure was hot. Lillie is not really a scared sort of child she will give any thing a try. I will have to see if I can find some of her pictures holding all sorts of creatures snails snakes amongst other thing. Graycie is very photogenic she loves the camera. Glad that Mil had a good do.

    Joan Hi hope you and Sue are ok in this heat and of course Lexie and Pepper.

    Kath Vegan Apple pumpkin oat bread sounds divine that would go down very well. Make sure Rosie keeps the Spid army busy they can pop in anytime while I am on holiday to check no nasties are roaming about my home while I am away. Florence says she is staying with Clarence and his hooman family while I am away.

    Before I go its piccie time

    me in weymouth in 2014 in weymouth in 2014 .JPG?dl=0

    another one of graycie nursery piccies 16.43.39.jpg?dl=0

    for you Toni Lillie on a school outing to a place called forest school on a tree swing. forest school outing 7.jpg?dl=0

    Well time for a little potter and a cuppa tea,
    love and Sparkles for all will post while I am away if the internet lets me. :lol:
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all : Still warm, but much more bearable tonight................ :D

    Hi Carol - all packed, apart from the last few "bits", then off you go.

    25 is still very warm, so a nice steady day sorting out the packing, sounds just right - time out for a little trip to your favourite coffee shop is vital, we need our coffee's. What did we all do before coffee shops sprung up on the high streets :shock: :? I remember, we went to Wimpy as a big treat.

    Smoking or non smoking :shock: :lol::lol::lol:


    Waitress service too, it was the place to be seen in Nottingham, that or the Kardoma coffee house. Kath and Mig will remember

    Sorry, I am going all nostalgic.................

    I know you will post when you can, "free WiFi" can be a little on the hit and miss side at the best of times, even in this modern age of all things technical.

    That little kitten is SO cute, makes me all broody :? :oops: :lol::lol:

    Not like Mother at all, she loathes being tucked in or covered with blankies, unlike Pepe, he was a huge softie. t115006 t115006

    Hopefully the pollen levels with be a bit lower on the coast, with the sea breeze, should help your sinuses too.

    Good, you have your travelling chemist shop, a lady after my own heart. I never leave the house without a bag full of medical things, from inhalers, to pills, gtn, tweezers, nail file, plasters and umpteen packs of tissues, hand gels............ :roll: :roll: If we went away for a week, we would need a trailer. :lol::lol:

    Lovely to hear that the sparkles are working their magic with Mr T, they do in the end, they are infectious, in a good way :D:D


    Ah, you were singing along to the songs being played. No, not possible to sing and post at the same time :lol::lol:

    More pictures, - love the one of you in Weymouth, you look all chilled out and relaxed :)

    Graycie is a photographers dream, she loves the camera

    Lillie having a great time on the tree swing

    Thank you for sharing t4591

    Hi Toni - hope you have had a bit more of a rest, catching up a little, after the celebrations and the HEAT.

    Sleek and Mother were watching Love Island, the magic modesty spell failed and the contestants were all semi naked again :shock: :shock: Mother had the vapours and had to be revived with smelling salts, oh the whiff :? :mrgreen: Sleek was quick to change channels to Countryfile, so that Mother could recover at leisure :shock: :roll: :roll: Close call. I am sure she will have been shrieking about the faux pas.

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and feeling a bit more comfortable now that things are a good deal cooler. t4591

    Hi to Mig, always sending strength and love t4591 t115006

    Lots of love to all our other friends, in and about. t4591 Sparkles too t115006 t115006 (as above)

    Time I was pottering, I am getting warm again............. :? :roll:

    Round to Dads then to the GC - shopping then home. Ironing needs doing :? It says rain on our forecast, we will see, they have not given a correct forecast for however long.

    Unicorn Crumpets for Breakfast :) Silver insisted t115006

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That's me cross d030.gif

    I just accidently clicked and close the site so lost my post!! Silly moo so this will be quick as I have to collect Lucy from work in a mo.

    Loved the unicorn crumpets Aidan in fact ate several with plenty of best butter :D T v much :)

    Sleek was almost wetting herself screeching with laughter at the modesty spell failing :lol::lol::lol:

    Enjoy the GC and feed Dad up I'm sure that won't be too difficult. Paul's mum is in hospital something along the lines maybe of a bowel obstruction maybe? Not sure, but it's Warwick and she like sit there.

    Much cooler yesterday, but the aircon needs emptying must remember how :? When the temp dropped to 33 Tia was after her polo-neck!!!

    Coming back from France was important with family needing you both. Those days will always be fondly remembered though t4591

    Poem was funny!

    Oh that kitten!!!!! Gimme gimme!!!!!!! PLEEEAAASE!!

    Carol thanks for the pics. Lillie is a confident little on isn't she? All smiles - I'd me scared :shock: What a great pic of Grayce - clever idea too. You in that pic from 2014 wasn't that not long after your epic diet?

    Have a lovely lovely holiday t4591

    Hmm Kath that isn't easy I had a god and will try again. We'll get the 3rd stanza sorted.

    Ta the apple pumpkin bread was YUM!!

    yes but Paul's Mum is now in hospital I still don't quite understand why :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Carol Aidan Toni
    . Kathleen I hope you and Chris are feeling a bit better today((((((()))))
    . Carol lovely photo's how is her finger now have a good holiday((((((()))))
    . Aidan it was colder yesterday for me it's warmer today sorry you have COPD I have heard of it.((((((()))))) Dad(((((())) have a good time out.
    . Toni Sorry Paul's Mum is in hospital I hope she's home soon((((((()))))Paul's Mum ((((((()))))
    . take care love to Barbara Mig((((((())))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..much better weather and its started to no garden to water..
    Carol the pics of the children are adorable..little Lillie off to camp looking so proud..hope I have the names right..and the one of Gracie you I love black and white photos..and the pic of you looking so good..and I can see the children in you.. :D
    Have a lovely holiday and hopefully the weather will be just right..x
    Toni what a busy day you had..glad to hear MIL enjoyed her day with lots of pressies..bless bet she was tired but happy.. :D and then back to your village for cold lemonade how nice..
    Charley and Lucy are on nights something I did but not for long could hack it.. :o so good on them..and go Charley on a date.. :D
    Joan my OH has been bad on his feet for quite a few years but its getting worse..he doesn't do doctors..but today he has bloods its taken me a year to get him there..hope you and Sue are doing ok and Lexi and Pepper.. :D
    Aidan..thankyou for breakfast on the terrace and the crumpets..plenty of butter....its much cooler.. :shock: thank the lord I say...the pool was lovely..we have to empty it now till next weekend ..
    OH had bloods today he dose not like needles so we will see when he comes back :shock: the flu one was bad enough for him..
    I love the pic of the little kitten all cuddly under there blanket.. :D did you say you were off to the GC or was that yesterday..anyway hope you enjoy..and its Wimbledon today.. :D
    Kath poems and recipes brilliant I see that Aidan added to the poem I am useless at them so wont try :lol:
    Right thats my eyes done
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t115006
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Carol, more smashing photos. I love the one of you chilling out in the sun. :D Florence is always welcome to stay with us, I've invited Rosie too. They will have fun in our garden, Chris can't maintain it any more so t's like a jungle. There are oodles of garden spids for them to make friends with. They might persuade some to sign up to spid school, we can never have enough friendly spids to keep the nasty ones under control. Although some may not agree (mentioning no names Aidan and Toni) :wink:

    Barbara, so OH doesn't like needles, hmm he won't be doing any knitting then. :lol:

    Joan, we are muddling along as best we can thank you. t4591

    Oh dear Toni, is it stamp foot time? I know exactly what you mean. I'm sorry to hear Paul's mum is in hospital. t115006

    Aidan, yes I remember Wimpy and Kardomah, never went in but loved the smell as I walked past Kardomah. They used to have open sacks of coffee beans just inside the door. MMMMMM. Your attempt at editing my poem is - er - hm well let's just forget it, but crumpets of any shape smothered in best butter is just begging to be eaten with a cuppa. :D

    Ciabatta with grilled eggplant and salad - doesn't that lettuce look crunchy. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - finally finished my pottering jobs and pressing, was in a lather but ok now :roll: :roll: nice breeze again.

    Oh no, you lost your post Toni, no rude words now.............. :shock: :shock: Sleek said Mummy was kross :? :?

    Glad you enjoyed the crumpets, they are perfect with butter, running through the holes :D:D

    Oh Sleek was highly amused at the near naked bodies on Love Island. Mother is still in slight shock :shock: :shock:

    Now then, what is to do with Paul's Mum? Are there bowel sounds? Gall bladder problems, appendix, a torsion? goodness, what a worry, I pray she is ok and they find out asap what is wrong and treat accordingly t4591 t4591 t4591

    GC was busy, but we had our fav table, dad had bacon butty then mint choc ice cream. We had oue Beth specials and I had a slice of choccy orange fudge cake, rude not to :lol::lol:

    Our AC is self evaporating - apparently, no water tanks anywhere. They normally have to be emptied, but this one chucks out the moisture via the vent hose. :? :?

    Oh we have some memories of France, some great, some hill hairy us, some not so good. We were going to write a book

    No, the kitten is all ours, well, maybe we could house share, SOOOOOO cute t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok and the weather is suitable. It is better, with cooler temps and a nice breeze.

    Thank you for the hugs (((()))), we had a nice time at the GC :)

    Hi Barbara - we had a fair bit of rain, from early morning, up to lunchtime, so no need to water today, all done yesterday :)

    Well done Mr B, for going to have your bloods done. If I was over there, I would have done them for you. We have ways with people who are not too happy with needles :) Magic ways t115006 t115006
    I remember you saying it might well be Arthur, I assume they are testing for RA as well. It could be OA. t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Glad you are enjoying the cooler weather. Sat was just horrid. The chillows have arrived

    Will be trying it out at siesta - watch this space. B said, I bet you don't get on with it................ :shock: :? :roll: :roll:

    We have Wimbledon on, enjoying it all. Toni is off there tomorrow, all being well. We must wave :)

    GC was today, very nice it was too. Beth was off today, but we were still looked after well.

    Hi Kath, we don't mind Clarence and Florence, it is the big hairy ones, that Toni and I shriek at, when they appear, from nowhere :shock: :shock:

    They did have sacks of coffee beans at the door to Kardomah, you are quite right :)
    So, Matrons ditty is not quite ready for publishing then :lol::lol::lol:
    Crumpets are lovely, they do stick in your chest though :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the ciabatta, I love them, love love love - ta loads, mi duck.

    Some sparkles to easy any ouchies, for both of you t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Time has beaten me, I will away and make a cup of T and enjoy a biscuit before siesta's.

    Will call in later. Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    I hope Carol and Mr T arrived without hitch, for their holiday m0150 Looking at the weather forecast, it is sunny or partly sunny, for the whole week :) Enjoy

    Hi Toni - how is MIL? Have they decided what the problem is? Sending lots of sparkles and wishing her well


    Fortunately the Love Island spell was working, so Mother's modesty was preserved - :lol::lol:

    The chillow, errrm, well, it is not uncomfortable, it is certainly cool, but it does warm up gently. I was too unsettled to siesta anyway, but I would certainly use it on hot days / nights. It did cool me down. For the price Barbara, it is worth getting a pair of them from Ideal World. If you don't like them, you can return them.

    You can use them in a chair, sit on them, put them on your lap, on your back, etc etc, they are certainly bigger than I thought they would be.

    All quiet here, we caught up with Wimbledon, some shock exits, Sverev, Tsitsipas, both out, both high seeds. Heather Watson and Kyle Edmund through the first round :)

    We will be looking for you today Toni - take care, keep as cool as possible, pills etc, all packed, best be safe instead of too ouchy :)

    Sleek might take Mother, high speed, down to London, meet up with Tommy Cat and Jerry Cat, have a spin around Wimbledon, you might spot them, if you are quick. Cream, lactose free, for all puskins.

    We are popping over to the big Tesco in Burnley, Beatrice needs a valet and then some. We can lunch in Costa then I can whizz around in a buggy in the store, while Bea is gleamed clean t115006 t115006

    I will potter a while. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan


    Peach Bread for Breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A thick slice of peach bread for me!

    Off to Wimbledon in a mo!

    Look out for me our tickets are for centre court :shock:

    You are quite right Aidan the 'girls' are going to do a fly by before meeting up with Tommicat and Jerricat :D

    Pills packed and also factor 50 m0150

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni
    . Barbara going to the Doctor an make you feel better just telling them what's bothering you helps.((((((())))))
    . Kathleen the garden got to much for me but I loved cutting the brass we have a gardener now.((((((())))
    . Aidan the cold breeze made me cold just sitting on the scooter I put a jumper on love to B and Dad((((((()))))
    . Toni we will look for you at Wimbledon enjoy((((((())))))
    . take care have a good day. love to Carol Mig ((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, I'd love to hire a gardener, but Chris is convinced we are going to get better and have a normal life once again - no chance. a045.gif

    Oh look I can see Toni in the Wimbledon crowd YAY b050.gif

    Aidan, lovely sparkles today. I don't want a thick slice of Peach bread, I WANT THE WHOLE d*** LOAF please. :lol:

    In honour of Toni going to Wimbledon, I've ordered Strawberies and cream torte for everyone. :D m0150

    2 large eggs, separated
    1/4 cup butter, softened
    1/2 cup plus 1/2 teaspoon sugar, divided
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup all-purpose flour
    1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/2 cup 2% milk
    2 cups heavy whipping cream
    1 pint fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    Additional fresh strawberries
    Place egg whites in a large bowl; let stand at room temperature 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°. Line bottoms of two greased 8-in. round baking pans with parchment paper; grease paper.
    In a large bowl, cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks, beating well. Beat in vanilla.
    In another bowl, whisk flour, baking powder and salt; add to creamed mixture alternately with milk, beating well after each addition. Transfer to prepared pans.
    With clean beaters, beat egg whites on medium speed until foamy. Add remaining sugar, beating on high until sugar is dissolved. Continue beating until soft peaks form. Spread over batter in pans.
    Bake 12-15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pans on wire racks. (Cake layers will be thin.)
    In a large bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form. Loosen edges of cakes from pans with a knife. Carefully remove one cake to a serving plate, meringue side up.
    Arrange sliced strawberries over top; sprinkle with sugar. Gently spread with half of the whipped cream. Top with remaining cake layer, meringue side up; spread with remaining whipped cream. Top with whole strawberries. Refrigerate until serving.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternnoon all..going off the pic that Toni sent she is upper right near the corner..I think :lol:
    Toni you and Paul enjoy I see that federer has done better and won another set :D ..sorry I didnt know MIL was in hospital and after such a good day.. :(
    Joan you are right it does help to talk about things and our doctor who we have had for 2 years is lovely..hope you are all having a good day..xx
    Kath my OH says the same I will do the garden instead of getting someone to tidy it now and then..I was always the gardener..thankyou for the lovely strawberry cake :D
    Aidan thankyou for the peach loaf ..something I have never had..and of course the lovely waterfall..were is my costume..
    So the chillows are not very comfy in bed..but like you say good for sitting on..I might just order then...nothing to lose only postage..
    So you are off to enjoy our son is working in Clitheroe today ..
    Not sure what they are testing OH for, but he had a bad car accident many years ago and broke his pelvis..not sure if that is causing problems..
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - not long been in.

    Just catching up with Wimbledon, so will be looking and peering at the crowd on Centre Court - :shock: :shock: hope you have a good time and you are not too ouchy, I see you have pills and spf, all prepared :)

    Mother was shrieking when we got home, telling us all about the wonderful visit to Wymbell dum :? :lol::lol: Sleek was SO fast on her broom, they were there in 10 minutes :shock: :shock: She must have broken the broomstick sound barrier :shock: :shock:

    Hope MIL is ok, sending many prayers her way t4591 t4591

    You will be pooped when you get home, so early to bed I might guess.

    Hi Joan and Sue - if you are sitting, then the breeze can leave you chily, it was very blowy yesterday, better today, nice temperature and a gentle breeze.

    Thank you for the hugs, you are both very kind (((())))

    Hi Kath - well, a positive outlook for the future is admirable, but, sometimes, we have to admit that we are at a point where they cannot totally rebuild us and we are wearing out. It upset me greatly, for a long long time, I was angry and sad together.
    A gardener popping in once a fortnight or so, might be a good idea t69044 t69044 Extra sparkles too t115006 t115006

    If you want a whole peach loaf, then you go for it, there are several on the side, under the fly nets. Lovely with slices of butter on :lol::lol:

    Strawberries and Cream Torte is just perfect mi duck, anyone for tennis, I should think so too. :D:D:lol::lol: Game, Set and Match.

    Hope any ouchies are not too troublesome t4591 t115006

    Just spotted you there Barbara- I keep peering at the tv, they show the crowd, then, gone. I will keep looking :? :? I will wave at the TV anyway, just in case Toni is going coooo eeee :lol::lol:

    At least they will get to see Roger, not that I am jealous as ALL - much...........

    The peach loaf seems to be going down very well, glad you all like it :)
    And the waterfall was just too lovely, not to post, I think I saw your costume, or was that mine :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :lol::lol: Mine has heavy boning (not real bones), to keep me all tucked in :o:lol::lol::lol:

    The chillow is quite comfortable, will be giving it another try at siesta time, hopefully I will nap today. :roll: :roll:
    If you have an ASDA near to you, you can always take any Ideal World returns to them, they pick them up for free.

    We go to Burnley and your Son comes to Clitheroe :roll: :roll: Nice of him to visit us though :)

    The damage to Mr B's pelvis could well be causing problems, further down the line so to speak. Was it pinned, or plated at all. I hope they can offer some helpful treatment and pain relief t115006 t115006

    Another super sparkly waterfall for us all to enjoy


    Carol will be on her jolly's, hope you are having a lovely time.

    Beatrice is all clean and sparkling again. (the new valeters are not quite as good as the last ones :? but Bea is 99.9% better ) We enjoyed our coffee and lunch in COSTA. Had a fly round Tesco in a buggy, then we were on the way home.

    Time I was moving a bit more, have been pottering on and off since we got home, back is shrieking from the seats in Costa - just one of those things.

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :)

    How was the tennis, Toni. I looked and looked, could not see you - one of those blink and you miss :shock: :roll: :roll:


    Hope you had a great time, are safely home, rested and keeping up with the pain relief - (((()))) for any ouches. t115006

    Of course Sleek and Mother were shrieking, "we saw Mummy & Daddy" of course you did, you knew exactly where their seats were :roll: :lol::lol:

    I seemed to get on better with the chillow at siesta time :) Will keep you posted Barbara.

    I won't dally, the PC has done the latest "features" update and now the main feature is that there is NO SOUND :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Some sparkles for us all


    Dad has his podiatry appt this morning, at the surgery, so a visit to the T room will be in order :) Plus my shipping order of pills will be ready to wheel out :shock: :shock:

    Catch you all later. Lots of Love to all t4591 t4591 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Let's all go to the T Rooms

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon tea for breakkie Aidan ta v muchly!

    I saw Sleek Mother and Tommicat and Jerricat too. Fly-bys aplenty :wink:

    The tennis was AMAZING!!!

    We saw Mr Federer himself.....loosing the first set :shock:

    then later on Serena Williams - what a finish that was!

    I was a LONG way back, but that's good as my neck was already cross yesterday morning. Popped an extra patch on before leaving (I'm allowed to!) and took an arcoxia 90. Then I topped up with paracetamol.

    Will have to be steady now for a day or so but TOTALLY worth it!!!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
    Kathleen I would love to be has I was sue would not need carers either never mind you are doing well((((((())))
    Barbara I remember my gran sitting In her chair doing nothing she was 60 things have changed(((((()))))
    . Aidan the months go quick tablet pick up time again do you phone the pod. Love to Dad you have him sorted((((((()))))
    Toni that's good you enjoyed Wimbledon hope your pain soon goes(((((((((())))))
    . take care love to Carol Mig ((((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, thank you so much for saying such a thoughtful comment. t4591 If I do half as well as you and Sue, I'll be content.

    Toni, thank you for the delightful photos. My favourite was of you and Paul. m0150

    Aidan, I could do with a bit of podiatry myself, if I take my feet off and parcel them up to you, could dad take them with him - I'll pay, or send extra cake whichever he prefers. :D I'm helping myself to goodies from the T room display.

    Pizza without cheese?

    1 pound (16 ounces) homemade or store-bought pizza dough
    1 1/2 cups fresh corn kernels (cut from 2 medium ears of corn), divided
    2 medium cloves garlic, minced
    2 tablespoons olive oil + more for brushing pan and crust
    1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
    1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
    1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 small white onion, sliced and rings separated
    1/2 pint cherry tomatoes or 2 medium ripe tomatoes, sliced thin
    1/2 cup fresh basil, torn or cut chiffonade-style

    Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Brush a large cookie sheet lightly with olive oil or prepare a pizza stone. Roll or pull the dough into an approximately 14-inch diameter circle. Brush entire crust with olive oil.
    Place 1 cup corn, 2 tablespoons olive oil, garlic, coconut milk, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and pepper in the pitcher of a blender or in a food processor fitted with the S-blade. Blend until nearly smooth but with a bit of remaining texture from the corn.
    Pour sauce on pizza dough and spread in an even layer, leaving a 1/2-inch border. Layer on the onions, then the tomatoes, and then sprinkle on the remaining corn. Bake until the crust is golden brown and the toppings are bubbly, 8-12 minutes. Remove from oven and top with basil and a couple of pinches of kosher salt, if desired. Slice and serve.
    You don't need it! But if you really want the dairy, top with some shredded mozzarella and perhaps even a bit of Parm. Feta would work well, too.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all a lovely day but a bit warm :shock: shouldn't grumble just been to our little pub for lunch :D
    Toni brilliant pics.. Wimbledon is lovely and so well kept.. all those flowers :) so glad it all went to plane and you got to see Federer..the master :D and you didnt have to strain your you can plane your next adventure.. :D
    Kath thankyou for the pizza sign of any neighbors yet..I would never be away from the window.. :lol:
    Joan I remember one lady near us having a baby at 40..and I thought thats impossible..the poor lady :lol: like you say at 60 they were really old.. :shock:
    Aidan..thankyou I enjoyed the T rooms..and then the lovely costume has supports but they dont work any more.. :lol: maybe I should try yours with the bones :lol:
    all I remember was that OH was in traction for weeks..this bit weight at the end of the bed..and the xrays showed a piece of bone floating..but he never went back for any more treatment..or results.. :shock: it was the early a long time ago..
    Glad you enjoyed the t rooms our youngest son..has just started with a different firm doing heating and he does Blackburn Clitheroe and Skipton ..he is shattered when he comes home..
    right Im off for now
    love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely photo's Toni
    thank you (((())))
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx