Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - there are some mucky black clouds around, but no rain - wet this coming week though, depending which weather forecast you look at :? :?

    Hi Carol - so glad you have had the most lovely weather, for your holiday break.

    The week really has whizzed by, faster than normal, the hours must vanish into the sea :shock:

    Oooh, we are on countdown, we like countdowns. With the imminent birth of your GGS t4591 t4591

    Hummm, booking a room for the height of the summer season, is a tricky one, but of course you want to see him, absolutely :D:D We will get the magic sparkles going, to find you a room when you need it :) The Girls and Silver will work their magic.

    Cannot wait to see some of the pictures, pinkies out, in the T room. Kind of the lady to take a picture of you both

    The slow walk along the gravel sounds to have been worth it, with less ouchies after a nights rest :animal_busy:

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok. I found this, we really should have one - we could all fit in


    We would need an Olympic sized pool though. :D:D

    Hope Paul's hand was improved and he has set off ok across the pond. Sleek will be extra vigilant, I think Mother is coming over to yours this morning. She said that garden needed another top up spell, to ward off any non magic puskins.
    jellied eel latte's in Sleek ickle house - eeeeeww :mrgreen::mrgreen::lol::lol:

    Barbara, hope you and yours are all ok (((())))

    Hi to everyone else t4591 Time is fleeting and I seem to be pottering too much and writing too little :roll: :roll:

    I had better post, or I will forget. GC this morning, with Dad, some shopping to get, then home.

    Looking forward to Wimbledon starting again today :)

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles t4591 t4591


    XXX Aidan

    Potato fritters with courgette

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I thought I could smell something from Sleek's ickle house Aidan (is that YOU? Oh yes I can see your name badge!! Hair looks much better 20 years younger!):shock: :mrgreen: jellied eel lattes now :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Yes she is entertaining Tosca this morning. Land-cats have been seen in the vicinity.....

    Now that unicorn floater looks amazing. Can we have a winch of some sort to pop us all in though :lol:

    Just eating some potato fritters - yum ta :)

    Love the magic tree - Sleek just peeped over my should and said "I been there Mummy" :shock:

    Paul's hand is not great....yesterday we had to see the Dr and he now has some antibiotics on standby (due to the trip to Manhattan today) and some oral steroids too. Got some instant cooling packs for the journey too he left here at 5am and I just spoke to him at the airport. Quite right over there he can buy anything he wants OTC!

    It was lovely to be invited to meet the new neighbours :D the BBQ in the rival village - well! Just as we were about to leave guess what? the JUDGES arrived!! I think we were looking smart and this time they had been to the rival village too :? :shock:

    So much talk about the possible result!

    BBQ was lovely nice to chat with people from choir outside of choir if you know what I mean :wink: It was a warm afternoon, but I did have to take Paul home after a short while they could all see why.

    I bet Mother superior has calmed the sisters down! Goodness me they were over-exited!!!

    Hubberholme itself sounds lovely! Cosy and comforting :) I bet Dad was popular with his 'current' sermons like The Rev D here.

    I had some cherry upside down pud with some rhoddas lovely thank you :)

    Carol I'm so glad you don't want to come home! That means you've had a lovely time:)

    I can't believe how soon the new baby boy will be here :shock: t4591 so exiting. You'll get somewhere to stay I'm sure somewhere will have a cancellation I am certain because you need it!

    Safe journey home now.

    Kath at least they had the manners not to make a racket on a Sunday morning....that would have been too much!

    Paul is ok saw a Dr yesterday as he is off to Manhattan as I type thanks. The sp***r was no doubt as scared (or sacred!!) as me :shock: :?

    The panzanella looks yum ta v much we will just dodge the tuna it will still taste yum I'm sure :D

    Barbara I was busy had to squeeze in an out of hours apt for Paul too as his hand was if anything more swollen and up his arm a bit. He's on his way to America now as I type.

    Men eh :roll:

    It was a busy weekend indeed and the Best Kept Village judges turned up too :shock: I think we were looking smart though we'd just had village clear-up morning :?

    Some ((())) for you and some t115006 for your eye.

    Love to Niamh! 7! indeed a VERY big girl :)

    Woo-oo! Hello there Joan :D Hot here an a bit muggy how is it your way?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol
    . Toni I'm sorry Paul had a bite on his hand(((((())) love to everyone((((((()))))
    . Kathleen Ave your neighbours said sorry for all the noise I hope they do(((((()))))
    . Barbara sorry about your eye. Niamh 7 that's gone quick(((((((()))))
    . Aidan how long do you have to wait for the new car((((((())))
    . Carol I bet it will be nice to get into your own bed((((()))))))
    . take care all. love to Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all. Well the workers are here again :roll: But they've not been too bad today. Yes Joan Before the work began they did apologise, and the electricians also said sorry and they thanked us for being so understanding - but they couldn't hear the grumpy mutterings. It has been worse than we expected, and we can't go out for a couple of hours to get away from it. u055.gif

    Toni, there were lots of smashing looking vegan recipes in the Osteoporosis magazine, but they would take me forever to type up, and I'd never get the photo unless I cut it out and stuck it on my screen. Do you think that would work? I'll see what I can find today, as I know they would be good for Lucy Locket. t4591

    Aidan, that's a beautiful sparkly tree, and the Potato fritters with courgette are totally scrumptious ta. :D

    Carol, how sad that your hols are almost over, but a new GGS shortly after will be wonderful. I hope all goes well and that you manage to find somewhere to stay for the event. s040.gif

    Korean Flavored Cabbage Salad
    Servings: 5 people Calories: 78kcal
    1 small cabbage shredded
    3 scallions chopped
    3 cloves garlic small
    1 Tbsp vinegar
    1/2 Tbsp salt
    1/2 Tbsp agave (honey or sugar works too)
    1/2 tsp ground red pepper
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    2 tsp sesame seeds
    Combine cabbage, scallions, and garlic in a bowl.
    Prepare the dressing sauce by mixing vinegar, salt, agave, ground red pepper, soy sauce, olive oil, and sesame seeds. Add to the salad and mix well.
    Cover and let it stand in the fridge for 20 minutes, then mix again, your salad will be ready for you to enjoy! Transfer into a salad bowl and serve. Sprinkle with more sesame seeds if desired.
    Calories: 78kcal | Carbohydrates: 11g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 725mg | Potassium: 270mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 5.7% | Vitamin C: 65.7% | Calcium: 7.3% | Iron: 5%

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..sunny but a nice breeze.. :D
    Carol I am so glad you had such a good holiday..I hate to come home form but OH is always ready for off..not long at all till the next GGC.. :D
    Joan time fly's I was there when she was born :D you enjoy this nice warm weather..xx
    Toni poor Paul having to travel with a swollen hand ..but hopefully the ABs will kick in soon..and he can get more over the the judges came..ooh sneaky or what..but nice to hear you are all tidy..fingers crossed.. :D
    Aidan..thankyou for the upside down cake..and the Potato fritters with courgette ..had to eat them all together.. :lol: and the lovely sparkly relaxing.. :D the dragon cake for Niamh ...I must show it her.. :lol: she will certainly want hope you can make it.. :lol: you are off to the GC today we are giving ours a miss this week..its been so busy..mind you the children will soon be finish at school and they have a beach..
    Kath did I say ear I meant my eye at the window.. :lol: I once did this thinking the builders had gone and was peering through the window trying to see and had this eye looking back.. :oops: :lol:
    Thankyou everyone..just hope my left eye behaves for now :)
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) It has gone very humid :? :? Not overly hot, but the AC has gone on to chill things a bit.

    I know, the whiff came through the gate, to my bedroom Toni :mrgreen::mrgreen: I think the eel latte was a special, one off (thank the Lord).
    Yep, it is still me, even though I look like a teenager :lol::lol::lol: said no one, ever :roll: :roll:

    Land cats, oh no, we don't want any unwelcome felines. Mother says they are all so common :o :? Mother, don't be so rude :roll: :roll: She is a right Granny Grumps :lol::lol:

    Mother and Sleek have been to the magic tree of lights - somewhere in the enchanted forest, only Silver and our Duo, know of its whereabouts t115006 t115006

    Good thing Paul has the AB's and some steroids, if needs by, plus chill packs and OTC things when he gets to Manhattan. I LOVE New York, I was there for three months, it was a maz ing t4591 t4591

    The judges appeared at the BBQ in the next village - oh my :shock: :shock: Of course you were all looking very smart. I can well imagine there was much chatter about the BKV results :? :? :shock:

    I do know what you mean, meeting up and chatting to people, outside of a more formal place like choir practice, is totally different.
    Paul did need to be taken home, with said swollen hand and then up at silly o clock on the morning :shock: :shock:

    The Sisters have calmed, they are on a vow of silence until next choir practice :? :?

    Hubberholme was and still is, a magical place, deep in the Dales. Dads sermons were always up to date, I never thought of him as preaching, more like sharing - sigh t4591

    Good to hear that the clotted cream came out, for the cake :)

    The "we buy any car" company, they offered a bit more for ours than the dealer, so, that is always an option :)

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both as ok as possible (((())))

    I have to wait until near the end of the month to rejoin the motability scheme, then I guess it will be mid August for the new car, all being well. Tomorrow would be even better :lol::lol:

    Hi Kath, I wish you were able to get out for just a short while, away from any building noises. I will send some extra strong sparkles t4591 t4591


    Glad that they have all apologised, rightly so too. It jars your nerves at the best of times.

    You are more than welcome to the fritters mi duck, ope ya liked em - sounds like you did :D:D t4591

    Let me have some of that cabbage salad, it sounds lovely. Thank you kindly :)

    Hi Barbara So you are keeping all the nice breezes over in your neck of the woods, it is flat still here :? :?

    You had a good feast on the cake and the fritters. Did they all mix ok :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I hope Niamh likes the Dragon cake, I am sure she will and then of course want one, just the same :shock: :shock:

    It was not too bad at the GC today, everyone wanted to sit outside (they are welcome), so inside was nice and quiet :) We had our usual specials and I had a scone. No choc orange fudge cake AGAIN. As soon as it comes in, it has gone.............. :roll: :roll:

    I remember you saying that they have a beach at your GC during the summer holidays - it will be more than busy then :roll: :roll:

    Hope your eye is not too bad, that Mr B is not in too much pain (did he get his results)? and that all of yours are ok t4591 t4591 t115006

    Carol will be either home, or on her way home with Mr T, having had a lovely holiday. t4591 t4591 we might see a piccy or two later :)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Hope everyone it taking care.

    I had better do some more pottering. The washing is out on the airer, doing nothing............. :roll: :roll:

    Will call back later. Lots of love, sparkles and chocolate orange loaf cake :lol::lol: t115006

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Aidan for the choc cake not sure whether best butter or Rhoddas???

    Sleek says Mother is a cut above sum rif-RAF Mummy. Especially land cats. She re vylz them so I hear. Yes the jellies feel latte was a one off thank Heaven for that!!

    Tosca been teaching Sleek etiket....she's walking with a box of go cat on her head on her back paws. In HEELS!!! Impressive eh?!

    Sure Dad wasnt preaching just speaking from the heart :) I think I would have loved that village in the Dales.

    Glad to hear the sisters are doing a vow of silence until Thursday.

    Oh regarding b k v judges....who put the rubbish INSIDE the next villages boundary yesterday!!!!! Not me for sure but the girls???

    Helped Pom paint some baskets to match our village cart....that myst have charmed the judges surely? Proper village feel it has :)

    Kath I am having some of that cabbage salad it looks so yum and crunchy. I shall purchase a cabbage first thing!

    Could you post me the link to the osteoporosis site if you think I ought to add food for Lucy.. thanks for thinking of her bless you xxx

    Joan poor Paul has suffered there were at least 14 bites on that hand!

    Hoping Barbara mig and Carol are ok


    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - still very mild and some gentle rain this evening t111055 t111055 Welcome it is too.

    I think butter and cream on the cake Toni, to be sure. :D:D

    Mother has the highest levels of etikat. (good job I was not drinking, I would have choked, imagining Sleek in her heels :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: )

    Absolutely impressive. Mother was over the moon at Sleeks balancing skills. Mother and Sleek said that Daddy 2 should try it - but I had to get in shape first :shock: :shock:


    Oh my.......................... :lol::lol: And breathe......................

    Mother said they had been checking out how to look super cool, in the summer


    You would love Hubberholme. t4591 t115006

    The Sisters are totally silent, until Thursday evening.

    There was rubbish, inside the next village boundary, oh my goodness - who did that, it wasn't our intrepid duo was it :shock: :shock: :o

    The cart is wonderful and no judge worth their salt, could think anything less. Baskets to match as well, perfect :)

    Paul had 14 bites on his hand, no wonder it was up like a balloon :o:o I would go with the AB's and steroids for sure. No more pain balling for Paul, unless wearing a bee keepers outfit. I hope he is ok in the Big Apple. t4591

    Hi Carol - I am sure you are home, safe and sound. Everything to sort out and put away. Glad you had a lovely time. It sounded just perfect. :) Oh, just seen your pics of Tea at the harbour t4591 t4591 on FB

    A good day of tennis, Roger sailed through his match. Johanna won hers too.

    At home today, no great plans. Will be nice to have a day off so to speak. t111055 is forecast and a weather warning for thunderstorms later in the week :? :shock:

    Time for some sparkles from the forest fire flies


    I think that is my limit on this post, for images. So, I will pop breakfast on the next one.

    Lots of love to all t4591 t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blueberry French Toast Bake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Blueberry French Toast ta Aidan :) BRW I did go for butter AND cream on the choccy cake :lol::lol:

    I had a better night last night the aircon had done it's bit got the room down to 18 (23 now :roll: ).

    It was a funny sight indeed Sleek in her heels :wink: shhh! don't say a WORD! :shock: Daddy 1 has to try it?!! Better get online for some size 10 heels for him :? If I were you I'd stay OUT of shape :lol:

    They would look very cool in those sunglasses bless them Sleek has several pairs now OBV. Go catazon prime :roll:

    I heard from Paul he arrived in the Big Apple at 3.15 am our time. He will have no problem being banned from paintballing at all and will now happily say he has it on medical advice not to do it!

    Yes you can only post two pics a post, but I want to know how come you can post moving ones :shock:

    Morning to Joan! Charley is making a seating area for her friend out of pallets :shock: :shock: :shock: Then paint it purple and add bright green cushions :? :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni
    Kathleen I feel so sorry for you a pity you could not go away for a week((((((()
    . Aidan sorry about Beatrice August is a long time when you want something ((((((())))Dad B(((((((()))))
    Barbara how is your eye today the years go so quick ((((((()))))
    . Toni how is Lucy's ankle doing. Paul's hand must be sore((((((())))
    . take care. love to Carol Mig((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Excuse me while I throw myself off a very tall buiding. Typed up a very long post and I lost it. "lots of very bad swear words" The recipe was for roasted sweet potatoes with Bok Choi and miso sauce. Very good for bones. Toni the website you wanted is

    To see the recipes ypu have to be a member to get to the members area. Join us as a member

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    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all - Lake District rain here today t111055 drizzling and very misty, Pendle has only just appeared from the gloom.

    Nice not to be melting )

    You are welcome to the Blueberry toast Toni. Cream and butter on your cake, just perfect, we need our calcium :)

    Glad you had a better night, with the AC cooling the room down. it was not too bad here, had the windows open until 11pm ish. Same again today.

    Oh, Sleek and Mother want Daddy 1 to try it - will have to look for some vertiginous heels :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I think I will stay out of shape, I kept trying to get back on the treadmill :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Mother is not so keen on sunglasses, she has a pair, but says they are like Dame Edna's 8) 8) Catazon Prime, Miss Sleeks fav shopping place. She has a pair for every occasion :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Glad Paul arrived in the Big Apple safe and sound, having travelled on what used to be called the red eye flight. Strange, you land, about an hour after you have taken off, with the time difference :shock: :shock: :? :?
    No paintball games, not at all. Toni's, Dr's and Matron's orders :)

    Moving pictures, ahh, secrets, a little bit of magic t115006 t115006 :D:D


    Charley sounds to be busy away with her colourful seating arrangements t4591 t4591

    How is Lucy's foot doing? Improvements, return appt for another x ray?

    Mother went with Sleek, up to the mists of Pendle this morning, they (Sleek) gathered a whole trailer full, much to the delight of the nymphs t115006 t115006

    I didn't ask what drinks they had, but Mother has been a bit :mrgreen: this afternoon :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the hugs (((()))) - August will soon be here, in a blink of an eye. I know what you mean though, the more you are looking forward to something, the time seems to drag. Usually we don't have enough hours in the day.

    Too late Kath, the cape caught you, t115006 no leaping off tall buildings allowed.
    Oh mi duck, the air wa blue :shock: :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops: You were cross and rightly so. I will put the kettle on, you go rest, with gel packs on your eyes and I will bring some cake

    The recipe sounds perfect, thank you kindly. Sweet potato, mmmmm :D:D

    Hugs for any ouchies (((()))) I will ask the possums to come over and give mini massages. Hi to Chris too. Hope things are not too noisy next door t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara and Carol and Mig, love to you and yours. I read that Mig was going to her knit and natter group today, which is lovely to hear.

    Now, let me just pipe some more chocolate onto the cake


    (Every time I see it, I am drooling :D:D:lol::lol: )

    While you enjoy that, I will potter along. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about t115006 t4591 Catch up later XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    afternoon all rain all day but the garden is pleased
    Aidan my mouth is watering watching them pipe chocolate.. :D and thankyou for the Blueberry French Toast bake this morning..I was going to mention we buy any car the advert came on last night and I thought of you..mother does look good in her sunglasses..quite the snob :lol: I see you have been on and off the treadmill..lets not bother and carry on has we are.. :lol: now not sure if its these kidney keeping me cool but just a sheet at night and I have been fine..just watch tonight I will melt :shock:
    Federer has an easy ride would be nice to see him win one more time..we keep saying this and back he comes..
    Sorry keep meaning to say thankyou for all the sparkles and hugs..not nice of me to forget those..oh and OH gets his results tomorrow...I think.. :? will have to check
    Kath its rotten that you cant get away form the noise. ..hopefully it wont be long and you get really good neighbours..thakyou for the cabbage recipi and the sweet potatoe I love them :D
    Toni poor Paul that is a lot of bites..I have had a couple when we had a picnic once near a stream and that was bad enough..glad to hear he arrived safely.. bet he is tired..but who put the rubbish in the next village :oops: I bet the newly painted baskets look lovely especially matching the cart..fingers crossed...were is Charley putting her home made seating..would love a pic when it is finished.. :D
    Joan time does fly..I thought when I retired it would drag,, :shock:
    had lunch out today at our little pub..a small roast dinner..but with chips thy dont do roast potatoes in the week but who cares.. :D
    Right better move
    Love to everyone
    t4591 m0150 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Well back home safe and sound from a fantastic weeks holiday with absolute glorious weather all week. We were both shattered when we arrived home yesterday and we slept very well last night. we now have a 2 week 3day count down to arrival of new GGS hope he is on time getting quite excited. its funny because his time last year we were on countdown with our little Rubie being born and in one month 3 days time she will be a year old. where does time go.

    Oh Kath please don't throw yourself of a tall building it will make a mess :lol::lol: it's very annoying when that happens to your posts its so disheartening. best not say to many bad words we don't want the spids learning bad words do we. Sorry you are having so much noise from next door. I am sure I will sort something out for seeing the new baby. unfortunately holidays always have to end

    Hi Aidan yes the tea room with the tea made in the pot with a handmade tea cosy. did you see the ones with the pinkies out. as well.

    Toni ouch 14 bites not nice at all no wonder Pauls hand was so swollen. how is Lucy's foot now.

    Joan That was the only good thing about coming home was being back in our own bed

    Barbara neither of us wanted to come home but needs must. and not long at all now before new GGS appears.

    before I go some piccies for you

    first 2 breakfast outside on our patio on our first morning

    this one the afternoon tea at the harbour with tea made in real teapot with crochet tea cosy delicate china and crumpets with butter and jam so yummy.

    Well its time for a little walk need to take some washing out of the dryer. then all washing is up to date.
    love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • crinkly1
    crinkly1 Member Posts: 156
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Advice needed!

    Without having to read through more than 1500 posts how on earth can anyone not already 'in' understand, fully enjoy reading or join this apparent forum for gobbledegook?????

    Over time I've grasped that the main ingredients are food with a topping of personal frostings and cats but perhaps a list of dramatis personae would help.

    Not that I am currently looking for something to do and maybe you choose to remain an exclusive elite (removes tongue from cheek) but I am certainly intrigued and, without including new contributors, I fear your plethora of beautiful thoughts and luscious pics might not survive.

    From a well-wisher -C1; aka a bear of little brain.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well Hello Crinkly1! Welcome to Val's Café.

    Well before this 'current' café the forum was a far livelier place occupied by lots more daily (and many many nightly ones too) visitors one of whom was called valval. She had the idea that we could have a forum 'cafe' where we could come and talk rubbish, distract one another, have a laugh and 'eat' calorie free food.

    Sadly our founder valval died far too young (over 5 years ago now) and after a while a forum upgrade (and before that a forum crash) lost us many more 1,000 posts.

    So we have the current café equally as mad as the first.

    I'm not sure how we can help people understand our unique brand of oddness, but here goes:


    Barbara12 Mother of BOYS! Grandmother to 4 girls youngest Niamh is one we all keep up with she is a frequent visitor to her Grandmas and believes in all our stories. Neighbours cats visit constantly and 'virtually' goes to choir practise with Toni every week!

    Aidan (Bubbles) Owner of Tosca AKA 'Mother' Previous owner of Cookie and Pepe AKA Pepe Longstockings amongst other names. Lover of all things cake. Ex nurse - so USEFUL :wink: ALL cats are able to fly broomsticks and attend Hogwarts....

    Toni (frogmorton) Mother of 3 girls one of whom is getting married this August. NEXT MONTH :shock: :shock: Owns Daisy cat AKA Sleek and miss Slimkins (the vet said she was gaining weight you see?) Youngest daughter had cancer at 16 and was supported by this lot (and others on this forum) fabulously through 2 and half years chemo then AVN Rt hip (18) and Left shoulder two surgeries new shoulder (19) etc. My sister is Auntie Kari who also has a cat and built and Ark when it wouldn't stop raining recently....

    Joan (Dachshund) (sister Sue sometimes also posts) Owner of two Dachshunds. Reliable daily visitor who we all care about very much.

    Kath (KathleenT) Used to work with Kids has loads of experience. Finds us recipes for the good of our health. Writes poems too She and Carol(below) help us with our fear of arachnids. They have one each called Clarence and Florence respectively who come and move any in our houses along (nicely). These two now have a PA called Rosie who takes bookings.

    Carol (Turbogran) Is an amazing mother and Grandmother and Great Grandmother too! Also married 49 years - wow! See above for her other role as owner of Florence.

    mig - currently recovering from illness, but doing well. When all is well pops in and cooks us all meals.

    Sanctuary. We all love animals so we also have an imaginary sanctuary (visited by Supervet and Johnny Morris) which keeps growing :oops:

    I suspect our plethora of beautiful thoughts and luscious pics will survive.

    But bear of little brain....would you like to join us?

    Are you brave enough?

    You would be VERY VERY welcome

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all and welcome to the cafe Crinkly, thank you in advance, for your well wishes. I will natter in a wee while :D

    Hi Barbara - yep, we could both sit there all day and watch chocolate being piped, nothing wrong with that, drooling is perfectly normal :lol::lol:
    It was after hearing the advert on tv, that I checked out We buy Any Car...........great minds think alike :) Certainly something we will keep in mind, as August approaches.

    Mother is a total snob, making her feeling very much known. She knows she is gorgeous too. t4591

    I loved the treadmill mini movie, I did actually have a full sized treadmill, that raised up as if you were climbing a hill and yes, I could run on it, without flying off the end. :lol::lol: Those where the days.

    Some renal problems can indeed cause someone to feel the cold more than others. A duvet cover is all I have, year round.

    Tennis has been great, Roger is on a roll, as are Andy and Serena, winning their doubles match today.

    You are more than welcome to as many sparkles as I can fit on a post t115006 t115006 I know they are welcome, don't you worry.


    Two birds with one stone there, sparkles and our Unicorns :D:D

    Can Mr B get his results over the phone, or do you need an appointment. Usually we get ours by phone, as long as the Dr has seen them and noted things are ok.

    If anyone says that retirement is a drag, they are fibbing. I have never known time fly by so quickly - here's our kitchen clock


    Lunch at your fav pub, very nice too. Chips are just fine, any day of the week :)

    Hi Carol - welcome home, safe and sound and well rested after a much needed nights sleep.
    You did have such lovely weather while you were away.

    2 weeks 2 days now, for GGS. Rubie is nearly a year already - time, see above, I think we all have one of those clocks :shock: :roll: :roll:

    I will have a look for the pic with pinkies out at the T room - cannot see it on FB ? Will keep an eye out for it :)

    Thank you for sharing the pics, love them all. The chalet and patio look very smart, great patio set too. :) All T pots should have cosy's, by law :lol::lol:

    All washing done and dusted, way to go Carol t4591

    Now, Crinkly, once again, welcome. I think Toni has summed the cafe and those of us who dwell amongst, perfectly well. We are not a clique, no one has to be "in" to be in. Everyone is welcome.

    Trying to catch up on our rather charming ramblings of feline ventures, our sanctuary, our resident spider removers, or the cloak of many rooms, would be nigh on impossible.

    Our good friend Toni, has given you a very clear idea of the characters of daily life, who are here, (we are not in a play, although it would be a great idea ) :)

    Just to add.

    Before the forum crashed and was then updated, many moons ago, the cafe was a very busy place indeed.
    There were posts for night owls and early birds.
    I was a night owl and spent many a late night, talking to Trish, who has since passed away. We grew to be good friends and there, the similarity remains set in stone, we are friends, we all have a multitude of health issues, but, with a little escapism and a place to kind of let off steam, we move forward, day by day, with disabilities and other co morbidities doing their damnedest to drag us down. I am sure you will no doubt feel the same. We all share a common bond.

    I hope I speak for just about everyone on the forum, that people have been here on a journey, through some very painful and dark times, some stupidly funny times and some desperately sad times. I would never want it to change from what it is. Val would not want it to, nor would Trish, to name but two.

    On that note, I must away. I love to potter, as well as eat cake :) You are most welcome

    A quick Hi to Toni. Sleek and Mother have been casting some strange spell, nothing harmful, only for the greater good, as they were taught. t115006 I have yet to see the results of the spell, Mother is keeping it under her sorting hat. :shock: :shock:

    T room today, so pinkies will be out, just for you Carol :)

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan


    To reiterate, this is not just a cutesy GIF, it is heartfelt t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning Everyone!

    Aidan well-said I forgot about the cloak of many rooms!! Imagine that! Thank you for today's blessings received in the spirit you posted them :)

    We ought to explain, (for Crinkly's benefit), there was another 'old' member (Skezier) who invented 'pocket duties' actually for valval who was attending an appointment alone. She said "we will be in your pocket". In the café this evolved into a cloak of the cloak of many rooms as we all come and need our comforts, toilets etc and often the cats come along as well :animal_busy:

    I don't think you'd loose anything at all asking we buy any car how much they would offer for Beatrice though it might be insulting?? :?

    Lucy's foot is going along ok. Not sure she will be returning for a check-up she was after all in Scotland at the time at a friend's :lol:

    I'm glad you can have your windows open till 11 sounds so cool and refreshing. Here I would have farm flies :roll: yuk!

    The girls (pusscats) had herring lattes yesterday. Oh I forgot to say I popped to Aunty Kari's for a cuppa yesterday and she said she had seen a broomstick under an overgrown bush....Mrs Darcey went puce!!! I think she will be looking for a new hidey hole soon :shock: :shock: :shock:

    As for the cake the piping, but that's not all! LOOK how much chocolate butter icing is in the middle! a FOOT!!!!!! t4591 t4591 t4591

    Are you out at all today?

    I am off to Shrewsbury to visit an ex-choir member with 3 other choristers (Barbara are you coming - we're eating?!). Then it's shed night so I might not be back today though I will try.

    Welcome home Carol I'm so glad your holiday was so perfect :) Yes I remember all your count-downs and am quite exited for this one as boys are rarer than hens teeth in your family!! :lol:

    Paul always reacts badly to bites but this was an awful lot of them! Lucy is doing well on that foot - work tonight for her - I expect it will be sore for a good while mine was when I broke mine :roll:

    The chalet looks lovely really lovely stone buildings are my favourite (very French eh Aidan?) Mr T has a lovely smile the tea cosy doesn't look as though it was easy to knit :shock:

    Barbara best of luck with OH's results today (()) A sheet is enough for me too ATM :roll: it's been HOT!

    Charley's seating is a gift for her best friend and her fiancé they have been such a support to her of late. I am sure I can get a pic :)

    Paul is ok he texted last night. His hand is very slowly going down. What was it that bit you was it midges?

    Kath thank you so much and I am very sorry you lost your post :(

    Do you think it's ok for me to join the osteoporosis site with Lucy having avascular necrosis??

    Hi Joan I hope all is well with you all? Lucy is doing well on that foot it's not hurting much now unless she's on it too long. Paul is ok in Manhattan and his hand is slowly going down :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Aidan Carol Kathleen Barbara Crinkly
    . Toni is it this. August Tia's getting married I thought it was next year. ((((()))). I remember Chris who lost her dog(((((())))
    . Aidan sorry you have rain love to all(((((())
    . Carol did you have a good nights sleep((((())))
    . Kathleen please don't jump of anything High try small first((((((())))
    . Barbara how is your eye today((((((()))
    . Hello Crinkly(((((())))
    . take care all love to Mig(((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, I'm taking your wise advise. Out in the car park we have a low wall, I shall jump off that. Much safer, and less messy. :lol:

    Toni, well done for the excellent summary of our group. Even I understood it. I don't think anyone will mind if you want to join Osteoporosis as a member. Nobody will know that Lucy has Avascular Necrosis and not Osteoporosis. They are encouraging we members to target young people as they are keen to raise awareness so that young people can make lifestyle changes (if necessary) to avoid developing OP. It costs £18 a year for membership, but if you'd rather not join, you can still visit the website and I can post any worthwhile recipes for Lucy, on here. :D

    Ten past seven this morning, the workers next door started using an extremely loud machine, possibly a sander. r015.gif

    Hello Crinkly, it would be lovely to increase our numbers in the cafe. :D You could start the ball rolling. Plenty of cake and other goodies - especially vegan and vegetarian, with T and coffee by the gallon. The only skill you need, is to be a bit barmy and love animals of all kinds. n025.gif

    Aidan, sparkles and unicorns togrther - Monsieur, you are spoiling us mi duck.

    Carol, Florence and the rest of us are so happy to have you safely home. We've missed you. Beautiful photos of you and Mr T on your holibobs patio. m0150

    Barbara, I'm glad you are managing to keep cool. I nrrd a cover over my shoulders and arms, but have to stick me feet out. :roll:

    Creamy Vegan Alfredo With Vegetables
    16 ozs gluten-free pasta, (Penne or Rigatoni)
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    1 pound asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch diagonal slices
    1/4 cup red bell pepper, cut into strips
    1 cup green peas, fresh or frozen
    Vegan Alfredo Sauce
    1 cup cashews, soaked for a couple of hours and drained
    1 cup water
    1 tablespoon onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic
    2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
    1 teaspoon sea salt, to taste
    1/4 teaspoon dried basil
    1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
    Cook pasta according to package directions. For the last 3 minutes add asparagus, bell pepper and green peas to boiling water and cook for 2 minutes.
    Drain using colander and set aside. Place cashews, water, onion, garlic, yeast flakes, and salt in a blender. Process until smooth, scraping down sides.
    Transfer sauce into a large saucepan, cook stirring constantly on medium heat until thickened. Stir in pasta, vegetables, dried herbs to fully coat with sauce. Delicious served with salad!

    Health Benefits Of Asparagus
    Asparagus is loaded with nutrients, they are a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enables insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells.

    They contain glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and protect the body from harmful compounds like free radicals. They help to prevent and fight certain types of cancer, such as breast, colon, lung, and bone.

    They contain high levels of the amino acid asparagine, which acts as a natural diuretic, removing excess fluid from the body along with excess salts; especially beneficial for those suffering from hypertension and heart disease.

    Asparagus contains many anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as asparagus saponins and the flavonoids rutin, quercetin, rutin, and isorhamnetin, which all help to fight against autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and asthma. There are many gluten-free kinds of pasta on the market, I love to use brown rice pasta but you can use whichever you prefer.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - rather warm, very dark skies though, hoping that watering the garden will encourage the rains t111055 t111055 The river is so low you can walk across it, well, if you were nimble..............

    Hi Toni - thank you :) The cloak of many rooms, in indeed an important part of what used to be pocket duties. As you say, we needed "facilities" and such like, plus a catering kitchen, for cakes.

    Skeizer did start the pocket duties, for dearest Val, who holds a special place in our hearts - her kindness knew no bounds - she was a rock, when my Dad passed away, even sending flowers to the funeral. God Bless her t4591

    We buy any car gave a better price than the dealership, for Beatrice (yes, our cars have names too, just to make things clear) So, we might well go with them.

    I forgot that Lucy was in Scotland when she ouched her foot...........stupid me :roll: :roll: :roll: can you just pop back to out patients :shock: :shock: As long as it is improving, then that's good. I know Sleek is keeping an eye on it with all her medical equipment to paw. t4591 t4591

    Flies, yes, we have to keep a watch, they are a pain at the moment, even more so after the farmers have been out with the slurry :shock: :shock: :mrgreen:

    So, Mrs Darcey's broomstick was seen, that would account for the shrieking this morning at silly o clock - Sleek found out just after her exercise routine. Herring latte's, interesting :mrgreen::mrgreen:


    A new place has been found, which is top secret.

    I hope Auntie Kari was well :) Waving online :)

    That cake is just amazing. The fude filling is at least a foot deep :lol::lol::D:D

    We did go out, picked Dad up, he was wondering why we were there, still in his dressing gown - he was soon chivied into action and was ready in no time t4591
    T room was enjoyable, we had brunch, well, lunch.........and choccy brownie to finish :) Rude not to.

    Hope you have had a lovely day visiting with friends, to Shrewsbury. Shed night tonight :) Just the one G and T. Don't worry if you cannot hit the forum later, we know where to find you :wink::wink::lol::lol:

    Glad Paul's hand is slowly reducing to more normal size and he is ok, State side t4591

    The chalets did look very French Toni :) Honey stone :)

    Looking forward to seeing Charleys new seating gift, for her friends.

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for your (((()))). You made me laugh, about Kath jumping off something small first :lol::lol: :shock:

    I don't mind rain, we need it, everywhere is bone dry, despite the odd shower. t111055

    Kath, stay away from any walls !! That was silly o clock for the workmen to start clattering about :roll: :roll: Sanding the floors ? It does make a right racket.

    Of course, we are all quite off the wall, essential for us to have that part of life.

    I always spoil ya mi duck :) Just as you do, with a gorgeous looking Alfredo with Veggies - perfect for a summer supper. m0150

    The info on the asparagus is most interesting. I need my insulin to go where it should be going. :D

    Hope you have recovered from the lost post and the naughty swearing episode :shock: :lol::lol:

    If there are ouches lurking, we will need sparkles - This one looks amazing, the solarium at NASA space centre, showing the sun, up close and personal :o:o


    Hi to Barbara - Niamh will be along after school - will the paddling pool be out, as long as the water is not too cold t111055 Hope you are all ok, see above, for amazing sparkles from our Sun. t115006 t115006

    Was it results day for Mr B's bloods? Hope all was ok t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - hope you are both ok and back into your routine, after your lovely holidays.

    Hi to everyone else in and about :) Time I was pottering again.

    Just catching up with the tennis.............great day of matches - loving it all.

    Will pop in later. Let me go find that cake I made....................

    Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 to ALL. XXXX Aidan

    Chocolate Lava Cakes :) Enjoy.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes it was Cris, Joan, whose dog was stolen. Still not found yet, but she's found and reunited many other people with theirs :)

    Kath that pasta looks lovely thanks Vegan too. I love the way they explain the nutrient benefits of the food.

    I don't mind £18 for the recipes and advice. It will be really useful.

    No power tools ought to be used before 9am :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Thanks Aidan for the choccy lava cake I LOVE them :)

    I am so pleased WB any car are offering a good rate better than the dealer might be an idea???

    Dad was in his jimmies when you called for him?!! Bless him hopefully he enjoyed his T room visit :D Of course you must have a brownie it would be very rude not to. Shockingly so :wink:

    Busy day it's been right enough :roll: Exhausting to say the least. Glad I am home now having picked Lucy up she was on days Charley on nights so I had to drive.

    Had to have a coke (decaf) in the shed sadly..... :roll:

    Never mind I brought us all some bubbly home from Shrewsbury.


    BTW how do we all pronounce Shrewsbury?

    I say Shrowsbery

    Some say Shrew sbury???


    I think I may be wrong, but Pom says it like me so maybe it's the posh way :lol:

    Sleek is desperately trying to shift those stubborn pounds before she next visits the veterinary …….

    Yes the broomstick was spotted Kari has noticed it's gone an urgent meeting was called this morning and a new secret location settled upon.....TOP secret :shock:

    Lucy's foot is being monitored by Sleek of course and me too bless her. I am seeing the podiatrist tomorrow myself - first time and I'm ticklish :shock: :shock:


    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It seems so long ago since Cris lost her doggy - I cannot even think how many years have passed now Toni

    Lava cakes are just SO good, the perfect choice for cake of the day :)

    WB any car will be the first option I think, both are in the same town, dealership and WBuy, so all could be done on the same day, with a quick hop skip in a taxi between the two. :D:D

    Dad did enjoy his visit to the T room, it is homely and is familiar to him, just like the GC, all the staff are very kind. He enjoys a sausage sandwich, then he had a dish of mint choc chip ice cream, go Dad. :D:D
    To sit so close to the cake counter, would be insulting to the lovely ladies who do all the baking in house, therefore I have to force myself to eat cake - it is a struggle :? :? :shock: said no one, ever.......... :lol::lol:

    You will need a good rest, or the ouchies will be we know all too well. Ah, perfect time for some sparkles, to keep them at bay.
    Some butterflies too, our little Earth Angels t4591


    Mum has been busy organising shift work with the girls, leaving you with a caffeine free coke :mrgreen: in the shed :roll: :roll:

    Some bubbly from Shrows bury (have always said Shrowsbury), will go down very nicely I am sure.
    Are we posh then :D:D If Pom says the same, we are posh, it is official :lol::lol::lol:

    Sleek was telling Mother all about her hours and hours on the treadmill - Mother raised an eyebrow and promptly hid her sweets :lol::lol::lol: a flick of tail magic and they were gone, much to Sleeks dismay :shock: :shock:
    Siesta was a waste of time, so we all watched the shopping channels :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: at least we had a rest of the bones.

    Mrs D's broomstick is well and truly hidden - Hermione is the only one who knows where it is :shock: so, when needed, Mrs D gives her a quick call. I am sure she will find a suitable place, in or around the house soon t115006

    Good that Lucy's foot is being monitored :) Podiatry today, they don't tickle, honest, mind you, I don't even have a reflex on my feet :roll: :roll: :? :? Or on my knees :? :? Anyway, that's by the by.........Hope you are walking on air when you are suitably clipped

    How is Paul's hand? I see it is pretty hot in the Big Apple, with lots of Thunderstorms for Thursday t111055 - oh the humidity...........I remember it well :shock: :shock:

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and had a good time with Niamh. They all break up for summer hols next week I think. The paddling pool will be very busy :)
    Was it roast dinner, with extra Yorkshires :D:D

    Hi Carol - was it coffee and knitting, I think that is on a Wed. Countdown clock is ticking 2 weeks and 1 day. Hi to Mr T, I bet he has been busy sorting the photo's from your hols. Looking forward to seeing some more t4591

    Hi to Mig, lots of love and strength. Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mell, DD, SW, Toady, Crinkly, Kerrin and all our friends

    Time I was pottering again. At home today. Catch up on some earth shattering things, like dusting :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: and watching the tennis too. Wed was great, mens quarter finals day. Ladies semi finals today, it's all go

    Love and Sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Greek Omelette with Feta Cheese and Fresh Mint

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning another lovely day here I think m0150 already :)

    It's 5 years ago. 6 in November Aidan since the puppy was stolen. Probably for breeding - she was a thoroughbred. :(

    Ah look at those butterflies! Lovely thanks Aidan. Erath angels what a lovely term!

    Yes you can't insult the bakers at the Tea rooms :shock: that would be very wrong. Dad still eats well doesn't he? That is really good ;)

    I think we are posh!! Pom is very genteel and rather posh so we must be Shrowsbery!! Head might be too big to get out of the door!!

    I hope I cope with podiatry I will let you know later. Will be nice to let my feet out in public without embarrassment won't it? :lol::D:D

    Sleek also does yoga you know I will post a pic later when I find one. She got so upset that Tosca has magic'd up some sugar free sweets for her.

    Rubbish siesta? Oh dear maybe today will be better :animal_busy:

    Paul will be leaving 9pm their time 2am tomorrow our time so when he gets home he'll be in bed before we go to a charity ball with Pom her hub and son DIL on behalf of the children's hospice.

    Thanks for the omelette very much appreciated!

    Right better get on I'm helping Pom set up the cart this morning!


    Toni xxx