Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) Sunny and warm, in fact super warm while I was watering the garden - until the end of the hose cake off and I was soaked, head to toe :shock: :shock: :shock: t111055 t111055 t111055 :lol::lol::lol:

    Anyway, that's by the by..........least said................

    Toni, the pictures are fabulous, two tennis legends without a doubt. I know, Roger lost a SET :shock: :shock:

    Love all the pictures, will keep looking at them :) thank you for sharing t4591 t115006 t115006 Love th pic of you and Paul, waving online :)

    Hope the pain relief if keeping a lid on things. Sleek said that Mummy was owchy from wymble dum. Pims, of course darling, the new gardens are gorgeous and the living walls.

    This will be brief, the internet is doing its own thing at the moment, the new higher speed box, is now in situ and all buried or whatever they have done with it. We guess Openreach will now have to swap over the lines, to fibre. Might take a while :roll: :roll:
    We have lost connection 5 times already, in the last hour. :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you are both ok and enjoying the weather, it is just right today, nice temperatures, gentle breeze.
    I usually order my Px online, B's is either by phone of send the slip in the surgery pharmacy, Dads are done automatically, in daily dossett boxes, so we can take them each day.

    Hugs and love to you both (((()))) t4591 t4591

    Sure Kath, if you send your feet over, by courier, I will pop them down to the surgery, Louise will look after them and send them back, express delivery :lol::lol: t4591 t4591

    Help yourself to the T room goodies. (we are offline again - blo

    internet :o :shock: :? )

    Thank you for the pizza, I will add all sorts of cheese to ours, we are cheese fiends, B and I - like two meeces :lol::lol:

    Hugs and anti ouch sparkles for you t4591 t115006 t115006

    Barbara you can borrow my faux whalebone corseted swim wear, it is very robust, keeps it all in, where it should be LOL :lol::lol::lol:

    I wonder if OH still has the errant problem bone, which will have calcified by now I would have thought.
    I remember patients in traction, with the big weights. I was nursing in the late 70's, gosh, I feel ancient now............ :shock: :shock:

    So we need to keep a look out for your Son, we are off to Blackburn tomorrow and we are often heading to Skipton. Blackburn has some not so nice areas.......................... :? :? :roll: :roll: Skipton and Clitheroe are fine though :) He says, confidently.

    Right my lovelies, I am going to post this, before we loose the internet again.

    I will write more later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all. Sorry if there are any typo's, have been all fingers and thumbs t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Internet here not good I am using the hotspot on my mobile to be able to use internet through that also if you can get onto it costs you £5 per day so that’s not gonna happen no way.
    We have been so lucky with the weather it is very warm and m0150 at the moment there is no bad weather forecast for the next few days. We have a little patio area outside our chalet with a table and chairs ,and it was so nice at breakfast We had our breakfast outside with the Seagulls watching us from the roof tops. Both days we have been into Weymouth bay takes about 8-10 mins on the bus. Tomorrow we are hoping to take the bus into Dorchester. Tomorrow is also our Wedding Anniversary cannot believe it We will be celebrating 49 years of marriage. Don’t ask me how we have managed it. :lol: :lol will post some pictures when we have some.
    Before I go Kath can you tell Rosie to send the spid 🕷 army out to us as I had to remove 2 of the 8 legged things last night. Plus a daddy long legs. Oh the joys.

    We are going out again to the club on site soon so love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - is it me, or has it gone a tad warm again :? :? Melting moments here :roll: :roll:
    I must say the chillow was very welcome at siesta time, managed to nod for a little while, with a cool head :)

    Hi Carol - Glad you arrived safely and you are enjoying lovely weather, m0150 m0150 breakfast on your patio, with the seagulls watching intently :? :?

    Not far on the bus then, into the Bay at Weymouth, it looks lovely, all the pictures I have seen of it. It is so long since I was there, it was on a 6th form school geography trip, so back in the 1970's :shock: :shock:

    Dorchester is a very nice place too : hope you enjoy your day there :) on your Anniversary t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044

    £5 a day, for the internet, I don't think so, no way. Using your phone as a hot spot is just fine.

    Look forward to seeing some pictures soon.

    I will deal with the Daddy Long Legs, they don't bother me at all. The spid--s, that is a different matter altogether :shock: :shock: :? :?

    Have a nice time at the Club :D:D

    Hi Toni - I was about to say how was choir practice, but I am still on Wednesday, not Thursday - bless, it's a shame, not knowing what day it is. :roll: :roll:

    I hope the ouches are improving after your wonderful time at Wimbledon. Today has been good, well, not good for Heather Watson and Kyle Edmund, but, some excellent matches. Did you see the Duchess when you were there - I think HRH was in the box, as was the Duke.

    Sleek came over to watch Love Island on catch up, all person's fully clothed, for Mothers modesty's. Lots of sweets were eaten and shrieking was loud and long. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    I think they are both off up to Pendle this morning, then a crab latte :mrgreen: at the Nymphs cafe'.

    Still no sounds on the PC, after its latest update :roll: :roll:

    Internet is holding its own at the moment, it seems to be during working hours that is goes iffy. We are guessing that Openreach are sorting the new lines out, into the all singing all dancing box that we now have on the site :) We will be posh

    Time for some sparkles - from the Nymphs, to us all


    Hope everyone is as ouchy free as possible t4591 t4591

    B and I are going out, just the two of us :) Not far, just a nosy round.

    Time I was pottering, I am setting like stone.

    Love to all t4591 t4591 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Italian Breakfast Scones with Sun Dried Tomato and Basil

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone - what a lovely day :D I think the aircon will be out later though.

    Aidan I am sure I saw Camilla but not the Duke and Sue Barker was on the other side. The lady by me had some binoculars and was busy 'spotting' anyone of note :lol:

    I'm so glad you loved the pics. It really was a fabulous day I feel so lucky :D

    Yesterday I was forced to take things easier and feel a good bit better today thank you. The nymphs' sparkles are very good :) I went to practise singing with my neighbours yesterday at their's. Choir is indeed tonight!! I wonder whether the sisters are back....

    The 'girls' did indeed watch Love Island I've heard all about it and Sleek knows I'm behind!! Cats eh? :roll:

    they are back from Pendle and yes crab breath is pretty strong. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    The Italian scones were yum thanks with some best butter on them :D

    Sounds as though they are working on your 'phone' lines there if it's worse 9-5 :? B will sort the sound out on the PC if anyone can.

    I hope the two of you enjoy your trip out just the two of you t4591

    well done and Happy Anniversary t4591 g058.gif

    Next year will be the biggie then. How have you done it? As all couples should by accepting each others' faults and taking the rough with the smooth t4591

    ENJOY yourselves!

    Thanks Joan sadly we weren't near enough to the front to be on the telly, but it hurts your neck that close anyway :roll:

    Barbara Paul thinks we should go to the seaside the two of us just for a couple of days as we can't really have a holiday until after the wedding this year :(

    are you ready for choir tonight?

    Thank you Kath :) It was a selfie which I am rubbish at, but never mind a pic of Paul online is a super-rarity! Shhhh! don't tell him!!

    That vegan pizza was lovely thank you :) Kari had some too :D

    See you all later

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol Toni
    . Kathleen you are a brave strong lady you survived the big C you are a fighter. ((((((()))))))
    . Barbara how is Niamh doing have a good day ((((((())))
    . Aidan it's good Wimbledon has fine weather. Love to your Dad and B (((((((()))))
    . Carol no way 5 pound a day a phone is good enough((((((())))))
    . Toni was Wimbledon better than last time you went thank you for the photos.((((((((())))
    . take care love to Mig ((((((())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, consider it done, Rosie was singing and dancing at the thought of giving orders"to the hairy guys" c075.gif She was singing "The man with the child in his eyes" and sounded remarkably like Kate Bush. - Who knew?

    Joan, mine was only a little 'C' (3cm). Not like dear mig's. Although it had invaded my vascular system and lymph nodes. I had one in my arm pit removed along with the left boob. So my chest looks a bit lob sided. :lol:

    Toni, a couple of days by the sea sounds good to me, you've earned it my lovely f140.gif

    Aidan, yes it is warmer again, I haven't put me cardi on today. When I was a kid, our outside lavvy was full of Harvestmen which we thought were daddy long legs. When it was dark I'd take a torch out with me so I could check where they all were before using the loo. They don't build web though.
    SPID ALERT p010.gif

    thank you for the Italian Breakfast Scones with Sun Dried Tomato and Basil.

    Vegan Baked stuffed apples
    4 apples
    1/2 lemon (juice only)
    2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    100g goat's cheese, leave the rind on
    2 tbsp red onion, peeled and finely diced
    75g chunky fresh breadcrumbs
    1 tbsp hazelnuts, roughly chopped
    Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/Gas 4. Cut the top off 4 apples and use a spoon to scoop out the core, leaving the apple whole.
    Take a small slice off the bottom of each apple so it will sit securely. Rub all the cut apple pieces with the juice of half a lemon. Prick the apples a few times with a fork then rub over 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil.
    In a bowl, mix together the rinded goat’s cheese and red onion and season. Stuff this into each apple and stand them in a baking dish.
    Place the chunky fresh breadcrumbs in a bowl with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and the hazelnuts. Season and mix then press this over each apple.
    Replace the apple tops and roast for 25 mins until golden. After 15 mins, take the tops off so the breadcrumbs can brown. Serve with mixed salad.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - better late than not at all eh :)

    Now, just need to find who turned the heating UP. Goodness it is warm :? :?

    I am not surprised to have had the AC on Toni, it said 20 degrees, but it feels hotter as it is very humid to say the least and I have had umpteen "moments" :roll: :roll: :roll: throughout the day.

    How lovely, to see Camilla and Sue Barker. I like the ladies stye, using her binoculars to check up on all the glitterati :lol::lol:

    I could tell you enjoyed the day, it was tangible :) Centre Court too, amazing

    Not a bad thing, to take it easy, even if it was enforced, due to ouchies.
    The sparkles were very special, we are very lucky to have one from their secret abode t115006 t115006

    Yes, the Sisters are back from Las Vegas and should be at choir practice with you all. They were part of a tribute to Sister Act, lots of high voices and jazz hands :lol::lol: 8) 8)

    Cats, oh yes, they know for sure. Love Island was enjoyed, again. Some of the top clothes were more skimpy, not sure if Sleek is trying to ween Mother out of her Dowager Duchess mode :shock: :lol::lol:
    Cat breath is very special, I quite agree :roll: :mrgreen::mrgreen::lol::lol:

    Glad you enjoyed the scones, they were rather moreish - I had 4 :)

    B took the bin bag down to the BIG bins that we have on the park, the nearest ones are next to where the new green phone box has gone in. There was a man, doing things with wires and B asked when we would be up to high speed. He said, that depends on BT getting their act together, he was just doing the copper wiring. :? :?
    Still no sound from my PC, we have some USB speakers that I can plug in, until such time as the "issue" is sorted. B will conquer it eventually.

    We did enjoy our day out, new car chosen. I am going back on the motability scheme, in early August. We are going to get a Merc, B class, like ours, but bang up to date and almost space age. Beatrice doesn't mind. Now we will try and sell her, at a loss of course, but, that's how it goes. She is a lovely car and we have spent a good deal on her.

    It seemed to take forever while we were out. No coffee and it was nearly 2pm !!!!! :o:o:o We could see the big COSTA over the dual carriageway and could not wait to get there :lol::lol::lol: We could have had any drink we wanted in the Merc garage, but water was most important. You could help yourself to any of the drinks in the fridge, soft drinks, water, orange juice etc etc, plus T and coffee. Very nice.

    Oooh, yes, have a little trip to the seaside :) That would be lovely. Buckets and spades at the ready.

    Hi Joan and Sue - Wimbledon is having perfect weather this year. I remember the times it was a wash out, with water pouring down the steps and Cliff, singing to the crowd :lol::lol:

    Thank you for the hugs, they are duly returned to you both XX (((()))), with sparkles.

    Some super special sparkles from out of this world


    Hi Kath - I see Rosie has jumped into action, to organise the removal of spid--s from Carol's chalet - we don't want them spoiling their holiday, hairy legs and all :shock: :shock:

    Who knew indeed, she has a fine voice. Maybe Rosie would like to join Barbara at choir practice. I loved Kate Bush 8) 8)

    No, cardi's off today, far too ot mi duck. Now, I don't mind the Harvestman spid--s, we had them in France and they didn't bother me, I could pick them up. It is to do with the black legs on the house spid--s that freak me out.............

    My God Mother had an outside loo, it was always cold and spooky......... :? :? :shock:

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast scones :) More than welcome

    Now, what delight do we have.............Baked stuffed apples, thank you kindly. I will pinch a little clotted cream from Toni's vast supply :)

    Hi to Barbara - hope you are all ok and Mr B is not in too much discomfort. I am guessing Niamh has been with you on Wednesday, did you have the paddling pool out, or is that for the week end :)

    We could all sit by this pool, maybe throw ourselves in :)


    Hi to Carol - hope you are enjoying each day, by the sea, with more sitting out on your patio m0150 m0150

    Love and strength to Mig, as always t4591

    Off to the GC this morning, have not seen Beth for a couple of weeks, we have been in when she has been off. Maybe a Beth special, we will see if Dad fancies any brunch.

    Time I was pottering. Rather ouchy at the moment. Wed evening my back, neck and shoulders would not stop going into spasm, it was horrid. Just have to wait until it stops :roll: :roll: :roll: We carry on :)

    Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Breakfast Parfait With Raspberry Orange Compote - ooo, posh

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone another gorgeous day here :D

    Aircon was on here in our bedroom too Aidan it was showing 26 - 18 by bedtime. Barbara didn't get to choir nor a fair few choir members :shock: (the sisters kept doing their Vagassy style though and the choir mistress couldn't work out who was doing it!!!)

    Turned out to be a very good practise though so that was good. We are playing for some Syrian refugees on Saturday week and they are singing for us too :D Then it's the next villages Church's patronal service on 28th :roll: Aidan might know the name of their church from this...

    Yes I shall take some binoculars with me it's not on the prohibited list next time I go t Wimbledon (hark at me!!).

    Sleek did say with regards to Love Island and Mother's eversion to the hooman flesh...…"Itt iz the twenty furst senchery Mummy"

    Breakfast parfait thank you so much :) Might need to briefly nip into the booth for a clean up; the little glasses prevented face planting, but when I tipped them up to get the last of it,,,well you can imagine!!

    B will crack the sound issue given time.

    I do hope you can find Bea a lovely, lovely new owner and if nothing else you had FUN in her and improved her along the way for her next owner. She also showed you the perfect new car for you this time.

    No coffee :shock: Here you go c060.gif

    Thanks Kath a couple of days by the sea is vital just now. Would you all like to come along?

    Whatever size your tumour is irrelevant they can be so aggressive and invasive you have done soooo well. t4591

    Serious s****r alert! One in Lucy's bin :shock: Please send soldiers down to the basement ASAP.

    Those vegan stuffed apples were YUM! ta :)

    Joan yes Wimbledon was better this time it was cooler and I didn't struggle with the crowds. There were extra seating areas and the flowers this time were gorgeous :D

    Paul bought me a 'proper' Wimbledon cap in pink too t4591

    Think Barbara must have had Niamh around and of course Carol should be busy busy having fun on her hols :D

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello it’s me again
    I hope everyone is as well as can be expected
    Joan is dog walking I am about to wash up then we are off for our meal out
    I will speak to you next week
    Love to all
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We've had an armed seige! :o Here in LE. Not my end of town, but the top end. There was a robbery in the Post Office up there, and the police (15 car fulls) closed three roads off at 4pm Thursday and they've only just opened them, 9.30am Friday. Nobody was allowed on or off the estate, the schools up there were shut as was the Co-op. Two people have been arrested. :shock:

    Hi Sue, another lovely day, I hope after shopping you can get out in the garden with Pepper. m0150

    Toni, I'd LOVE to come to the seaside with you, I'll get the bus ready and we'll see how many we can squeeze on there + cats, dogs, picnic baskets, sun protection and old uncle Tom Cobley and all.
    p065.gif By now your basement should have spid troops marching around looking for trespassers, so relax.

    Aidan, I'm glad you are going back on the motability. I hope you get Bea a lovely home. Winder cleaner has been. About the outside loo, I used to tie me skipping rope up on either side of the door frame and pile cushions on it for a swing, OOO we knew how to mek us fun in them days. Roller skates, skipping rope, two ball and scooter and we was 'appy as Larry. :lol: Thank you for the Parfait With Raspberry Orange Compote.

    Barbara, are you in the pool? can I join you please? Smashing and cool in here. I've brought 2 huge towels to dry us with when we start to go wrinkly. t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    Fish on Friday: My Guilty Pleasure – Fish Finger Sandwiches for Tea - especially with salad cream, sweet chilli sauce and rocket Mmm.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - bit cooler today, which is fine. Nice breeze and plenty of clouds about. Humidity is high - there, that's the days weather forecast done :? :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni - good that you managed to chill the bedroom down to 18 degrees. We were going to put ours on, but it got too late to be clattering about with the window grills and fans on instead.

    Apologies for the Sisters doing their Sister Act clapping and jazz hands, they are still on a roll, after their visit to Vegas. Kept the choir mistress guessing though :shock: :lol::lol:
    Glad it was a good practice, I am sure the Sisters will calm down, they are en route back up to the Western Isles, for some down time.

    How lovely to be singing for the refuges and then they will sing for you all.
    Isn't it All Saints, the Patronal Service. St James?

    Absolutely, some binoculars are essential, to spot everyone at Wimbledon :)

    Sleek is right and Mother has been muting about the twenti furst cenchary, then she went back to sleep :roll: :roll:

    Ooooh, you were in a mess, with the parfait, it does tend to come out in a rush, when you tip the glass upside down :o:lol::lol:

    I have a sound bar for the pc now, out of B's wardrobe of many electronics ( a bit like Sleek and Mother's houses, a tardis, once you get inside ). :)

    I hope we can find Bea a new owner, if not, then she will be the deposit on the new Merc.
    She has shown us the perfect car for us, bless her. She is a darling. t4591 t4591

    Thank you for the coffee, I said to the lady in Costa, it has gone 2pm and I have not had a coffee, I am in a bad way :lol::lol::lol:

    We would all LOVE to come along, puskins and all pets included. I think Kath is driving the Bus around at the moment. :shock: :shock:

    A Spid-- in Lucy's bin, oh the bin would have been up in the air and me out the door. Eeeeek :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I was watering the garden this afternoon, while it was cloudy. I was being dive bombed by wasps, :? :o noted that they were all coming and going, under the eaves at the front, obviously a nest. B has sorted that out, we cannot have them in the roof. Long range spray. No bees were harmed, would never harm bees.

    GC was lovely, Beth was in, so we had two Beth specials and Dad had prawn sandwiches with salad and potato salad, which I wanted to pinch off him :lol::lol:
    No orange fudge cake (it's just not on), so I forced myself to a scone instead :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan and Sue, hope you both had a lovely time out at lunch. Is there a fav meal that you like :) Lots of love and (((()))) to you both, as always

    An armed siege Kath, oh my, nowhere is safe. Scary times we live in.
    I am glad the Police (all umpteen of them), managed to arrest two people, after evacuating the area. :shock: :shock: :? :? Thank goodness no one was hurt t115006

    Kath, come back with the Bus, should you be driving :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: I am just packing my voluminous swimming costume, with fake whalebone supports. :? :roll: m0150

    I think if you could ask Rosie to send the Clarence and Florence, to do a once over, it seems that the rogue spid--s are on the loose, with the warm weather encouraging them :roll: :roll:

    We are glad to be going back on the Mot. Scheme, it does give peace of ind, at least until they start sending me for yet another assessment, after October 2020 :roll: :roll: the battle continues.

    I didn't have a mountain of toys, I spent most of my early childhood in the sand pit, with the dog, sharing her bones :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: imagine that now, elf and safety would be up in arms and Mother would have been locked up for letting me play and get mucky. Judy, the dog, used to guard me, she never left my side when I was little, so Mum n Dad said.

    We always had big gardens at the Rectory's, so up trees, making dens, then as I got older, keeping the lawns cut and everywhere tidy :) as well as washing everything in sight. Mother taught me well. t4591 t4591

    You were a proper little tom boy where you not. :lol::lol:

    Good, the bus is back, thank goodness and you are in the pool with Barbara, going all wrinkly :lol::lol:

    It is a lovely pool and what a view


    Mmmm, fish finger butties, with all the trimmings, thank you SO much, love them...............ta mi duck t4591 t115006

    Barbara will have been busy with Niamh, hope you are all ok and that Mr B is less ouchy t115006 t115006

    Carol will be catching some rays and watching the world go by, on her jollies:)

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering about, sort the washing.

    Should we have something sweet, to go with our fish butties - yes, why not.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Will call back later XXXX Aidan

    Devils Food Cake :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    We still have fantastic weather have had a few clouds today but still hot We had a nice day in Dorchester yesterday very pretty area. Then we come back to Weymouth and had a nice cup of tea and crumpets outside a little tea shop by the harbour. proper tea In a teapot with knitted tea cosy dainty cups and saucers had to make sure the pinkie’s were out :lol::lol: very posh we were. Will post piccies when I get home as most are on mr Ts iPad. We then later we had a lovely evening meal for our anniversary al fresco style again near the harbour. Today we have had an easy day says mr t easy day ha walking about a mile on a gravel pathway, from the camp site to a peaceful little complex by Portland harbour, and of course after a while it was the same back. My legs and back really ache now. They will be ok after a rest. Thanks for the spid army Rosie Spids all removed now. Hope you are all doing ok while we are away only 2days left now as we travel home on Monday don’t really want to come back but alas we must

    Well that is all for nowlove t4591 t4591 and sparkles t115006 t115006 to you all
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Im late allsorts going on here at the min..
    The weather is lovely though and a nice breeze thank goodness..sorry I wont remember everything but here goes.. :?
    Aidan thankyou for all the goodies especially the devils cake :D and I see you are getting a new car on mobility and why not you now know you like the merc..and I am sure Bea wont mind one bit..hopefully BT will be there in no time and you will be flying :D must say I cant tell wasp form worker bees ..I hope whatever you can get them to leave the pool is just like our..honestly... :lol: Niamh came after school but said the water was cold...but had a good hour in it on weds..
    glad to hear you get out just the two of you and had a good day..and coffee eventually :D
    Toni sorry about choir it was a bit to warm :o but will be there next week..going to the seaside is so relaxing..and no airports to hand around..glad you got that well earned rest
    Joan and Sue hope you enjoyed your meal out..I bet Pepper and Lexi are waiting for you when you get home :D
    Carol I am glad you have good weather and Happy 49th Anniversary...its our 50th this August :shock: ..must say it sounds idyllic were you are ..
    Kath a siege.. :shock: glad it wasn't near by ..most places are getting bad these are welcome to come into the pool but we need to get the bugs out first.. :o
    have a good evening everyone
    m0150 t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) Warm evening, well, it is in the lounge :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Carol - good to hear that you are having wonderful weather, you picked a good week, without a doubt.

    Dorchester is a very pretty town. Then back to Weymouth for T and crumpets. Proper T, only the best, teapot with a tea cosy too. Pinkies out, naturally. Finest china, :shock: :shock: oh, I would have asked for a melamine mug, knowing what I am like :lol::lol:

    A delightful evening meal to celebrate your Anniversary, al fresco. Perfect, watching the world go by and the boats in the harbour t4591 t4591

    An easy day, walking a long way on gravel paths - then you have to come all the way back again. That was Mr T's take it easy day.

    I am not surprised your legs and back are aching. Time for some nightly sparkles, to help with any ouchies - one of the Nymphs, who have Butterfly wings, a rare treat, to see them t4591


    Look forward to seeing the pictures when you get home. Much easier to sort when you have your own internet. Good to hear that there have been on more spid--s in your chalet. Rosie swung into action.

    Enjoy the remaining time away t4591 t4591

    Hi Barbara - don't you worry about being late. If there are things to sort and do, that takes priority. As long as you are all ok t4591

    There has been a pleasant breeze, much better. I must say I am loving my chillow at the moment.

    You are welcome to the goodies. Kath and I seem to keep us well stocked with all things wonderful. That Devils Food Cake, it never stops appearing, so you can eat as much as you like - I did :? :? :lol::lol:

    We are looking forward to August time, when we get the new car. Beatrice will go to a good home, she has many miles left in her and has been super well looked after. Not quite sure where to advertise her yet. We don't want tyre kickers coming round, wasting our time, we have enough to do.

    Openreach are around and about, their vans keep appearing, with people doing "stuff" in the magic green box. Might take a little while yet, until our speeds go up and up :)

    Hopefully the wasps will have gone by this morning. Honey bees and bumble bees are fine. Hover flies too, they are very nosy and come right up to you for a look :D:D

    I thought the pool was the same as yours :D:lol::lol: So the water was too cold on Friday. At least she had a splash around on Wednesday. Will it be bacon butties this morning :)

    It was nice to go out, just us two, looking at cars. We told Dad that we are getting a new one on the scheme again, he was pleased.

    Hi Toni - hope you are all ok, no more spid--s in bins........when they start moving paper about, that's when I get the heebie jeebies :shock: :shock:

    Sleek came over to see Mother at siesta time. They put a spell on me and watched Love Island and SYTTD Atlanta, ate lots of sweets, then fell asleep :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    I am guessing a trip to gather morning mists is on the cards. It is light so early, they are up and off, well, Mother is bundled up and sleeps for the most part, in her sidecar :lol::lol:
    Gdad is coming for lunch, so Mother will not be happy about him being in her chair :roll: :roll:

    Was looking forward to Andy and Serena play in the doubles, then it was postponed due to bad light :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was moving again.

    Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Veggie Bread Cups

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Not such a nice start to the day today, but it was a tad too hot here yesterday :roll: How on earth did you make these lovely bread cups...?

    Aidan I'm not sure where you should advertise Beatrice either :? is there a merc garage who would take her rather than have all the palaver. You wouldn't get her true value of course :? I bet it was nice just the two of you on your own. All the caring you do it's easy to forget you are a couple! t4591

    They collected early mists yes and took Mrs D with them too She sat on the back of the broom with Tosca asleep in the side car. More crab lattes were consumed :mrgreen: She chattered away all the way there and back about how hot it was yesterday and tiring and about how much work her Mummy had been doing in the garden too :D She is a proud pusskin.

    The sisters had me in stitches doing their 'sister act' singing :lol:

    It will be St James' (the next village's Church patronal service). Sleek's Church is All Saints. She keeps the grounds clear of krecherz. Well done working it out! 10 out of10!!!

    Tosca showed Sleek the cupboard of many wyrz. She was a bit sacred some of them made her jump when they fell (looked like snakes :shock: ) so Mother flicke her tail and put everything back in order spit spot :)

    The bit was hastily thrown, but my friend was here and she went outside - yes I was there by then ninny knees! - with the bin and I had to 'run' back in :shock: horrifying experience it was.

    Imagine no chocolate orange cake at the GC :shock: Almost as horrifying as my experience above :?

    That 'magic' devils food cake was to die for it just kept on coming back!!

    It was a bit warm for choir Barbara...I was by the open door which was great until someone else wanted it shut :roll: m0150

    The pool was too cold for Niamh??? :shock: I am shocked. Think I might buy us one :wink:

    I hope all that's going on is ok ((()))

    Carol I am so pleased to hear how you're getting on :) I think it all sounds lovely! Imagine in England dining out al fresco for your anniversary t69044

    I know sometimes things do ache after doing something, but it is often worth the payback.

    Clarence and Florence had to help here an enormous 8 legged person in Lucy's waste paper bin which I was emptying :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Glad they sorted you out too :)

    Kath you are a good driver yes load everyone in even Clarence and Florence and Rosie too!

    Imagine that an armed siege glad all guilty parties are under arrest and no-one died. Must have been a bit scary though :? A bit too close to home :shock:

    The troops appear to have sorted out Lucy's basement than goodness!

    That's a posh fish finger butty there. I hope everyone enjoyed them :)

    I hope the meal out was good yesterday Joan?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Carol Barbara Toni
    . Kathleen have a good. weekend we don't like sitting in the garden to boring ((((((()))))
    Aidan what colour car will you have.have a good weekend all of you((((()))))
    . Carol you picked a good time for your holiday((((((())))
    . Barbara how old is Niamh have a good weekend all of you((((()))))
    . Toni how is Charley (((((()))) have a good weekend all((((((()))))
    . take care love to Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, at 7.30 this morning we heard next doors front door. Half an hour later the hammering and drilling began. There's an old radiator dumped on the front garden along with some other bits. On Thursday after the window cleaners had gone, Chris went to lock the main gate at the end of the alley and as no-one was in next door he managed to get a look in the living room. No plaster on any walls, and no radiator (presumably that's on the front garden) So we haven't a clue what they are doing now. :shock:

    Toni, so Tosca is just like Mary Poppins - SPIT SPOT :D Bless and I see Sleek was a bit sacred. There I go, pointing out typos. :lol: Yes, not a bad driver considering the only driving I ever did was to roll dad's car down the drive and into the garage with the engine switched off. :lol:

    Aidan, thank you for the butterfly sparkles and the veggie bread cups.

    Hi to Barbara, Carol, Joan and Sue. It's considerably cooler here today, got me cardi on again.

    Buttery Vegan Brioche
    Sponge mixture:
    60 ml tepid soy milk
    2 tbsp plain white flour
    1 tbsp instant dried yeast
    The dough:
    160 g plain flour
    32 g soy flour or gram flour
    2-4 tbsp soy milk
    32 g golden caster sugar
    1/4 tsp salt
    6 tbsp vegan margarine
    Whisk together the ingredients for the sponge mixture and leave for a few minutes until the mixture starts to bubble slightly, now to add the dough ingredients.

    Sift in the plain flour and soy flour and add the soy milk, caster sugar and salt. Stir together until well combined then stir in the vegan margarine, 2 tablespoons at a time, until well incorporated and you have a nice wet dough.

    Knead only for about 2 minutes in the bowl to ensure everything is combined well. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in the fridge to rise very slowly for about 8-20 hours (I left mine overnight).

    After the dough has been sitting in the fridge for about 8 hours or more, remove from the fridge, punch down and roll into a ball and separate the dough into 8 even pieces.

    Roll each piece into a ball and place evenly apart on the base of an 8″ round cake pan. Cover the cake pan with a tea towel leave to prove for 1 1/2 hours in a warm place before baking brush with soy milk.

    Bake in the oven at 180c/350f for 20-25 minutes until the bread turns a glossy dark golden brown on top.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all :) A warm and now a very sunny day, after a misty start.

    Windows open, washing out on the airer, ironing done (yes, I am bonkers) :shock: :roll: It was a tad mild !! Calming down a bit now.

    Hi Toni Yesterday did get very humid and apparently we had a shower of rain overnight, so our neighbour said. He was taking a bucket of water to remove the layer of muck that came down with said rain - I dare not look at Beatrice :roll: :roll:

    The bread cups were rather fiddly to say the least, but, I managed :lol::lol: (as if, it would be one big mess if I tried those :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: )

    The Merc garage will take Bea from us, but, with the 1K deposit, we would only get a few hundred back and say goodbye to a few thousand. Maybe that's what will be. It would save all the hassle of people too and fro, umming and aaahing :roll: :roll: I could use Facebook buy and sell, but then everyone and anyone can come see you and find out where you live etc.
    I know that's a bit OTT, but, there are some rogue people about.

    It was lovely to have most of the day out, even if we were super late with our coffee - we both had to have extra shots :shock: :shock: It was a lovely COSTA, very swish and lots of choices in the food department :)

    Mother said she was pretending to be asleep, but heard all the chatting from Mrs Darcey, about the heeeeet and how bizzy mummy woz in the gar din.
    Mother did wake up for her crab latte' - she said she is going to try the cod roe frappucino tomorrow :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Where the Sisters a bit like this, at Choir practice :lol::lol::lol:


    :D:D Glad I did well for the Patronal Service, All Saints and St James' - Always a nurse and always a Vicars Son :) Kreecherz have to removed from said Holy places.

    The Church that my Dad did many services at was St Micheal and All Angels up in the Dales. GORGEOUS t4591 t4591 (he was long retired, but people wanted him to take the services ) Bless.

    I am not surprised that Sleek was scared by the cupboard of many wyerz :shock: - Daddy has been in there today, searching for a power lead for another little laptop that he found on the net, for £20, bargain.

    Mother has had to go in and spit spot, again. Giving Daddy "looks" for scaring her bestie buddy :? :?

    I would have thrown the bin as well, then gone into ninny mode, a bit like you did :lol::lol::lol:

    How fortunate that your friend was there - goodness, it could have been even more scary.

    All our bins have been done, by B, no way am I going near them, until I know Clarence and Florence have been round.

    Mother's tray all done, have gone 1/2 and 1/2 with some Bob Martin Cat litter and Catsan. The Bob Martin one is £5 cheaper per bag, compared to Catsan. We will see how it compares, quality wise. Mother seems to have approved her "facilities" with much shrieking. No doubt there will be a room covered in it later, when Sleek comes over.

    I know, no Orange Fudge Cake - speechless, totally :shock: :lol::lol:

    Now, if we had that Devils Food Cake, we would be well away - never ending supply. I will suggest it at the GC.

    So you had a nice cooling spot at Choir, until a n other, wanted the door shut - there's always one :roll: :roll: :roll: who can feel a draught.

    Hi Joan and Sue - we don't like sitting out, especially in the sun. Boring, as you say :lol::lol:
    I don't need to be irradiated either.

    Our choice of car colour, is Mountain Grey :)

    Hope you are having a nice week end (((())))

    Hi Kath - at silly o clock, you heard the banging and clattering from next door - one rad in the garden and some other "stuff". :roll: :roll:

    Well done Chris, for investigating. :D:D No plaster on the walls and certainly no radiators - I thought they were well on to nearing completion of said works :shock: :? :?

    Mother does have the spit spot spell, but does not really like to use it on hoomans mess - she had to on sacred Sleek. What you like, spotting those typo's :lol::lol: I always have to go and change sprakles, to sparkles, I just cannot type it sometimes.

    You seem to have handled the bus very well, nice and smooth ride :)

    You are welcome to the sparkles and the bread cups :) no probs mi duck

    A cardi :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: but, if it cooler, then who am I.............

    Ta for the Brioche. I will have to think of something to go with it, as an option - I love brioche

    (((()))) for any ouches that may be lurking. t115006

    Hi Barbara - hope you and yours are ok and there is a little less going on t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591

    Carol will be soaking up the rays on her patio by the sea :) Not wanting to come home though, so I won't mention that :? :?

    Time I was pottering again. Tennis has been good, Jo Konta is about to win her match, Andy and Herbert lost their match, but Andy is still playing later with Serena, it's all go................

    I will pop back later - Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan

    Just whipping some cream, for the brioche

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am trying very hard not to eat ALL the whipped cream and brioche :? :?
    I have probably had more than enough already :mrgreen::lol::lol:

    Hope everyone is as ok as possible, having enjoyed another summery day. m0150 m0150

    Caught up with the tennis, some great matches have been on. shame Dan Evans didn't win, after slogging it out for 5 sets :? :? Serena and Andy sailed through their doubles match, as did Roger and Raffa

    Sleek has been over, discussing the new litter with Mother. The Jury is out at the moment, it is a bit light, for playing quidditch :roll: :roll: but very easy to scatter around the room :? :lol::lol:

    They caught up on Love Island, well, Sleek did, Mother nodded off :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    Hair cut today, so I will be looking a lot younger :D:D

    Garden will need watering, housekeeping will be in, doing bedding. That will be more than enough. Otherwise a day of rest. No tennis today, so will watch some of the Tour de France :)

    I won't dally, I need to move about and potter.

    Some night sky sparkles t115006


    Everyone take lots of care, love to all t4591 t4591 XXXX Aidan

    Strawberry Oat Bars

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,235
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan
    . Kathleen I'm sorry your neighbour's are so noisy you need to make a bit of noise (((((()))))
    . Aidan it's been good weather for Wimbledon good. love to Dad((((()))). Have a good day(((((())))
    . take care all love to Barbara Carol Toni Mig(((((((()))))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    morning everyone :)

    Sunny again today after some later sun last night. A new family had thrown us all a garden party. This afternoon, after village clear-up this morning there's a BBQ in the next village I've been invited to (from choir) :roll:

    Paul came back from Mikey's stag do (early I know but wise!) well just the paintballing part, covered in mozzie bites :shock: hand swollen to twice it's size :shock: Luckily there were a few Drs at the do so one came over with something better than the piriton we have. It's still up this morning but he's due another tablet.

    Worst thing is he's in America for work tomorrow :?

    Hi Joan I hope all is well with you all? Charley is doing well and has been working hard :)

    Aidan ta for the strawberry oat bars t4591

    Sleek is totally caught up on Love Island and very happy she is too even if Mother did sleep though it :lol: Apparently she's denying it and said she was 'only resting her eyes' again :lol: the new litter is approved of Sleek says I can buy it too 'if yoo want tooo Mummy' :) It is good for litter quidditch. t4591

    Well the whiff this morning!! cod roe Frappuccinos :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: Still they enjoyed their trip out on a lovely bright summer morning. :D

    A quiet day for you then today? After your haircut please do put your 'I am Aidan' badge on so we recognise you :wink:

    We had rain yesterday morning and quite a bit too. I took the chance for a cuppa with Kari before getting on with ironing and housework - yes me too!

    Yes that is exactly how the sisters were :? :? very slightly OTT :? :? :?

    Of course you got your Saints right I would expect nothing less from a vicar's son! St Michael and All Angels sounds such a lovely Church. Of course your Dear Dad was much in demand. His services were fun :)

    It's a good job Mother isn't scared of wyrz unlike her bestie buddy :roll: men eh?! (£20 is a bargain!)

    If we could we'd have been up on atable with that large 8 legged person in the bin in MY HAND!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: k050.gif

    I think it may well be wise to sell Beatrice with the dealer at least that way there will be no weridos at the door nor getting trapped in for no-shows :roll: Also she will be assured of a good home.

    Kath the brioche was lovely especially with Aidan's whipped cream ;)

    Of course Sleek is sacred as well as scared!!! :lol::lol::lol: :oops:

    Noisy neighbours are really gutting the place. Chris needs to keep an eye whenever he can...underfloor heating?! That would be posh and expensive too :roll:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all im here at last :)
    Aidan thankyou for the strawberry bars.. :D nearly healthy :lol: and thankyou we will get there
    Bet you cant wait for your new car ..August is not far away..and space grey sounds nice..but I know what you mean about selling things I dont like people coming to the house that I dont you say there are some strange people around..let me think hair cuts all done..nice in this weather..yesterday was brilliant for the tennis Nadal ..Federer..Murray....
    Toni who got bit was it you are Paul ..Mosquitoes are horrible things and keep on bitting.. :shock: how nice of the new neighbours to have a party for everyone..and then the next village..boy you are busy.. :o but enjoy..and thankyou... :)
    Carol we have only been to Weymouth once and Poole and Sandbanks..would love to live there when we win the lottery :D ... its so lovely and sitting on the front at Weymouth..nothing nicer..
    Kath I would have had my face to next doors window has well.. :lol: I dont like missing anything..must say they have lots to do yet..just hope there is not a lot of banging..
    Joan Niamh is 7 in August..and dont we know about it.. :lol: she is organizing her cake already..a dragon...hope you are all doing ok and enjoying this nice weather..xx
    Sorry my post are getting shorter but my right eye is really trying not to stare at screens..
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591 m0150
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, I know we have to make noise some times, especially as my neighbours are practically rebuilding their house. But 7.30 in the morning????

    Barbara, you wouldn't need to press your ears against the wall, they are so thin - the walls, not your ears - you can hear the proverbial pin drop. I fear there will be a lot more banging. Thankfully they're not here this morning. :roll:

    Toni, a garden party, how lovely. Poor Paul, I hope the swollen hand soon recovers. It's amazing that your hand wasn't bitten, with such a huge brute of a spid in Lucy's bin. :shock: I'm glad Rosie and the gang were able to move it on.

    Oh Aidan, I almost didn't recognise you with your hair cut. Very dapper. t4591 Enjoy the cycle race, and thank you for the Strawberry Oat Bars, very yummy.

    The recipe below is taken from the Royal Osteoporosis Society's website, so it's good for bones. Perhaps you could swap the tuna for grated Vegan cheese.

    Tuna Panzanella with Rocket
    150g Ciabatta bread, chopped into bite size pieces
    250g Cherry Tomatoes, halved
    1 Shallot, halved peeled and finely sliced
    1 Yellow Pepper, halved, de-seeded and sliced into thin strips
    1/2 a Cucumber, thinly sliced
    160g tin of Tuna, drained
    60g Rocket
    35g freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
    1 small handful Fresh Basil Leaves, roughly chopped
    4 tbs Olive Oil and a little extra for drizzling
    1/2 a Lemon
    Salt and pepper


    Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees.

    Take your chopped ciabatta and spread in a single layer on a baking tray. Sprinkle evenly with grated parmesan cheese, a grind of black pepper and a drizzle of oil. Place on the top shelf of your oven for 10 mins or until the cheese is melted and the bread pieces are golden.

    Meanwhile, take a large bowl and add your halved cherry tomatoes, sliced shallot, yellow pepper strips, and sliced cucumber. Add half of the olive oil season with salt and pepper and mix through.

    Flake the tuna over the top of your vegetables followed by the rocket and the remaining olive oil.

    When your bread is ready, remove from the oven and mix through your salad. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and scattering of basil.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - Intermittent sunshine, quite a pleasant temperature, so the tumble dryer is on, just on low, to dry ones delicate super smalls :? :? :lol::lol:

    How lovely to be invited to a little garden party Toni, by the new neighbours - pinkies out, Earl Grey T please :)

    And a BBQ in the rival village................. :? :? maybe show ones faces for a wee while, then you will have to leave as Paul is up early doors. :animal_busy:

    His poor hand. Mozzy bites are horrid and they do come up in huge lumps. Could be all manner of kreechers that had a nip as well.

    Anti Histamines and lots of arnica gel, or aloe vera gel. Have a safe journey across the pond t4591 They will have a good deal more choice over in the States, for such things as bites and stings - they grow big bugs over there :shock: :shock: :? :?

    You are welcome to the Oat Bars :)

    Mother does a lot of eye resting, bless her old bones. Sleek is very patient with her and makes sure she is comfy at all times. So the new litter is approved of, good o. We will get some more, if the girls don't mind it.
    So it is good for quidditch, hence it was all over the bedroom this morning :shock: :roll: :roll:

    The whiff from the Cod Roe, mixed with hot lactose free frothy milk, was reminiscent of a bad chemistry experiment :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I am wearing a badge, with my name on, so the neighbours know who I am. :lol::lol: Hair feels SO much better.

    Housekeeping has been aka B and the beds are done, with Wishy Washy Bubbles, happy in the kitchen :) t115006 t4591

    Glad the pressing was done yesterday, I see you have been bizzy too, see, I am writing puskin speak :roll: :roll: :shock:

    The Sisters are calming down a bit, Mother Superior rang and said that some quiet time in the Nunnery is bringing them down from their Las Vegas high. :? :lol::lol:

    The Church at Hubberholme is simply a country idyll. Dad was always have a packed church, people from far and wide, across the Dales. He was well loved by them all. t4591 t115006 t115006

    Thank you, I did try to remember my Bible and the Liturgical Year. I was never pressured at any point, but I did like playing for the services :)

    Oh the spi--- in the bin, I would have shrieked for England and been a huge Ninny and tried to get away, waving arms and crutches.

    I think the dealer would be the best option, for Beatrice. As you say, we are not akin to having strangers coming to "view" things. Going with a stranger on a test drive, errrrm, no thanks. I might be over dramatising, but, you just never know these days. Which is a sad reflection on modern society. :? :?
    Cut our losses :roll:

    Of course Sleek and Mother are sacred and scared :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara The Strawberry bars are super healthy, slow release carbs and fruit too, with a tad of sugar :? :? Good, you will get there, you know you are in our thoughts, all our friends on our forum t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    No August it not long away now, excited to be getting a new car on the scheme again. No, we are not fans of people coming to the house, total strangers.............not that they do, but we are not giving them the chance :)

    Hair feels wonderful, or lack of it :) The tennis was great yesterday. Watching the golf from N Ireland today, it is on in the background, I could not sit and watch it, I would be so chair shaped :roll: :roll:

    I would have been at Kaths neighbours with you, both of us pressed up to the glass - not wanting to miss a thing :D:D:lol::lol:

    Niamh is organising a cake, a dragon cake - this one is amazing


    Sorry your R eye is bad, some extra (((()))) and anti ouch sparkles t115006 t115006

    Hi Kath - no, that is silly o clock in the morning, workmen should usually start around 8-30 - 9am

    Sounds like our last house, we could hear them stir their tea :shock: :shock: Not sure what was between us, a rizzla paper I think :? :? :shock:

    Good job I had my name badge on, now that I am looking SO young :D :shock: :lol::lol:
    Cycling turned to golf in the end, it was just time trial in the cycling, so rather boring...................

    Glad you liked the oat bars :) at least one of our five a day

    The tuna panzanella is just perfect mi duck, ta luv. Vegan cheese would be fine too.

    Some ozone for us all, from the waterfall and pools - very good for us


    Carol will be enjoying her last day on her holidays. The week has gone in a flash - :shock: :shock: :roll: Looking forward to some pictures :)

    Time I was pottering a little. Bit more drying to sort out.

    I will pop back later. In the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Cherry Upside Down Bread Pudding

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    been a bit cooler here today but still hot. Last day today on the way back home tomorrow. Not looking forward to packing again later this evening ready to leave, as we have to be out of the chalet by 10 am. Aidan yes your right neither of us want to come home unfortunately we must. The time has gone far to quickly. Now we have 2 weeks 4 days until the arrival of the new GGS that’s if born on time. So I will try to find somewhere to stay For a couple of days so that I can see him, trouble is finding somewhere that has an available room at the end of August beginning of September. Had same problems last year when Rubie was born.
    The little cafe/tea room was lovely and yes we have have photos of the pinkies out :lol: the young lady who served us took a picture of us together. She was the one who recommended the place where we had our meal in the evening. We have had a great week with the weather not a spot of the wet stuff. It’s been wall to wall sunshine. m0150 m0150 m0150 Toni glad Rosie and gang got of the 8 legged. person from Lucy’s bin. Yes evening meal alfresco in the uk doesn’t sound right does it.
    Joan yes we have had good weather all week it has been great.
    Aidan yes walking along a gravel oath with the walker an easy day. The bonus of doing it though was the lovely peaceful siting the harbour area with the much needed coffee and some lunch. The bones and joints were ok after a nights sleep.
    Well it is time to potter a bit love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 .
    Stay positive always👍xx