Val's Cafe
Toni, I've always said Shrowsberry.
Thanks for the wine, I'll offer it the workers next door as I am T-total. I hope you find some good info for Lucy on TheRos website. Thought you might find this of interest, From the VIVA Health website. (it's long)
"Adequate calcium intake is important but it’s the overall diet that matters. It is a known fact that countries with the highest calcium and animal protein intakes also have the highest fracture rates. The World Health Organization calls this calcium paradox and states: “The paradox (that hip fracture rates are higher in developed countries where calcium intake is higher than in developing countries where calcium intake is lower) clearly calls for an explanation. To date, the accumulated data indicate that the adverse effect of protein, in particular animal (but not vegetable) protein, might outweigh the positive effect of calcium intake on calcium balance.” (WHO/FAO, 2003) A large-scale study on calcium intake and bone health found that calcium intake above 750 mg a day didn’t offer any protection from fractures and high calcium intakes increased the risk of hip fractures (Warensjö et al., 2011). This study involved over 60,000 women whose diets and health were followed for up to 19 years.
The UK recommended daily intake of calcium is 700 mg for adults and the latest studies revealed that vegans get enough calcium from their diet to meet this recommendation. See chapter Nutrition Status of Vegetarians and Vegans for more information.An extensive review by Lanou (2009) resulted in a conclusion that: bones are better served by attending to calcium balance and focusing efforts on increasing fruit and vegetable intakes, limiting animal protein, exercising regularly, getting adequate sunshine or supplemental vitamin D, and getting 500 mg calcium a day from plant sources.A number of studies investigating the impact of diet on bone health have demonstrated the beneficial effect of fruit and vegetables on bone mass and bone metabolism in men and women across all age ranges. For example:
Adolescent girls consuming more than three servings of fruit and vegetables had healthier and better bones and were losing less calcium in urine than girls consuming less (Tylavsky et al., 2004).
A population-based study examined the association between fruit and vegetables intake and bone mineral density in 670 postmenopausal Chinese women (Chen et al., 2006). Analyses showed that high intake of fruit and vegetables was significantly associated with greater bone density at all locations measured."
Egg Salad Lettuce Wrap
4-6 Romaine Leaves
6 hard boiled Eggs
1 Green Onion stalk chopped thin
1 Tbs Shallots finely chopped
1 Tbs Dill Pickles finely chopped
¼ cup Mayo
1 Tbs Honey Dijon Mustard
1 tsp Tarragon
Salt and Pepper to taste
Add eggs to medium saucepan and fill water just above eggs.
Bring to boil, the reduce heat to a high simmer for 10 minutes.
Run eggs under cold water and peel.
Add eggs to medium size bowl and mash with a whisk or fork.
Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well.
Scoop egg salad onto romaine leaves and serve.
Aidan, this omelette is beautiful, I also like the butterfles. Work next door is progressing, they are mending a damaged sofit, which causes the guttering to pour when it rains. I think he wants it to slope more, as they don't have a down pipe on their side.
Sending love and sparkles to all. We didn't have any rain, in spite of the very black clouds."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Toni
Kathleen how much longer is it going to be noisy next door.((((())))
Aidan I hope you have had a good day and your Dad((((())))
Toni yes I remember Cris's dog 5 years gone quick((((())))
we have been to a friends funeral today.
take care love to Barbara Carol Mig (((((()))))
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi to all - started off damp and grey, but has brightened up, as well as warming up :? :? Several "moments" so far :roll: :roll:
Coming up 6 years Toni, goodness, I remember Cris's lovely doggy going missing and the long searches for her
I always think of butterflies as earth Angels, something someone said to me many years ago and I believe it to be true t115006
We try and get Dad to eat as well as possible. He will often say, oh I will just have an Eccles cake - but we usually wangle it to a sausage or bacon butty, then something sweet, he loves ice cream
I could not let the side down, going into a T room and not having cake, it would be unspeakably rude. :shock: :shock:
Mother up to one of her spells again, stirring the tea :shock: :roll: :roll:
We like posh and genteel, plus we love Pom, so it is finalised.t4591
We can always have the doors widened as required
I am sure you will be tripping the light fantastic after your podiatry - well, maybe not tripping........... :shock: :?but feeling more comfy
Dad has his podiatry tomorrow morning.
Yes, Mother has been swapping sweets for super low calorie ones, at siesta times, much to Sleeks dismay :shock:
Yoga like Pepe used to do his Yoga, on the ironing boardt4591 must see a pic - pretty please.
I am hoping that siesta time will be more fruitful today. I will be loving my chillow that's for sure.
Safe journey home for Paul. Hope the weather is ok for leaving NY. He will be in at silly o clock and then all over the place with times and sleeps.
Is it choir tonight, I hope so, the Sisters are about to pop. No speaking until choir, so expect some serious high notes. :shock: :shock:Just give their wrists a tap, if they look to be going into Las Vegas Mode
I am sure Barbara will be there if she can. t4591
Welcome, to the omelette
I bet the cart looks lovely, any more pics of it in its different guises
Kath is on the Shrows bury side I seeI am with you on the Tee total front Kath. Have been for years. Having a drink, with the drugs I am on would be a huge no no.
That article is very interesting indeed. Ta mi duck. Also for the egg salad lettuce wrap.
How were the noise levels today ? I hope not too intrusive, or too early :shock: :shock: t4591
Hi Joan and Sue - sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I remember you mentioned a friend had passed away. I trust the funeral was fitting and went ok. They are always so difficult times. (((())))
Thank you for the hugs, Dad was ok when B went round with his tablets this morning.
Hi Barbara, Carol and all our friends. Hope you are all ok and no doubt busy away. Let me know if the pool is filled Barbara, if so, I am coming over to yours.
Time I was pottering again. Neighbour was on his way back from his nosy round, sorry, afternoon stroll...........he said, nice warm day, thunder later, then walked off:shock: :shock: He is always on a mission
Will catch up again later on. It might be a little cooler then. If not, the AC is going on.
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Creme BruleeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all I did read all your post but will forget most I am sure :?
Welcome to the cafe Crinkly..we are a little mad but it does hepI see the others have updated you so jump in when ever you want..calorie free cake is the best part
Joan my eyes ..well one at the min is quite bad but think I can manged has long has the other stay the same..s0ome hugs for you Sue an d the doggies..(((())))
Kath I like the egg salad lettuce wrap ..I use to do that with boiled ham instead fo bread..sorry forgot what the other recipe was.. :?
Toni you summed us up well..glad to hear Pauls hand is going down and he will soon be home..and I say Shrowsberry...and the bite I had were Mosquitoes so very sore I could hear them but didnt feel them bite..its was when we got home it started to swell..I look forward to seeing the seat that Charley has made how kind of her
Lucy is such a trouper ..bless her ..hope she is appreciated at work
Aidan thankyou for all the sparkles the pic of the sun is amazingand the creme brulee and the choc lava cake..I have over indulged..not like me one bit..
Glad you had a nice time at the T rooms..and so nice that dad is eating and enjoying it..I always sit near the cake counter..just to make up my mind..not always easy :shock: we put the pool away and gave it a clean..Niamh wasn't best pleased...but its ready for the holidays..
Carol I love the pics and how nice the lodge looks..and lovely Weymouth..not long then till you go to see your GGS..
Thankyou everyone for asking about my OH he went for the results and they haven't got them ..not sure if its the holidays or what..but he has to ring next week..nothing worse than waiting..
Right that me finsihed and its just started to pour down
Love to everyone
t111055 t115006 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all - it's still very warm here, plenty sunshine and clear skies now.
I think you must have had our share of the rain Barbara t111055 t111055
Sorry that your eye is bad, some soothing waters for you
Over indulged, nah, no such thing, not in here, or any coffee house or T room for that matterYou are more than welcome to all the treats.
Good to know that you like to sit near to the cake counters too, a lady after my own heart t4591It takes time to decide, after we have eaten them all in our minds
We do keep a close eye on Dads eating / drinks etc. We guide him and get things in the supermarket, that we know he likes and are super easy to prepare. He will be nattering the hind legs off a donkey, so we get all the goodies he needs. He lets us carry on, he knows he would never remember, bless him.
Oh I bet Niamh was not best pleased at all, with the pool away, after a clean. Only another week until the holidays, it will get plenty of use then and you can sit with your feet in it
Did you order the chillows - I am loving mine. It was choir practice, but maybe best to give it a miss if your eye is not good.
The surgery seem to be dragging out the blood results :roll: :roll:
First thing Monday, on the phoneVery true, the waiting is horrid, for all things medical. I can fully understand having been on the opposite side of the bed, so to speak, on many occasions. :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, Sleek was over at Siesta and their sleepy spell seemed to work quite well today. :animal_busy: Mother said Unkell Paul (apparently she has adopted him) will bea in a big broomstick with lots of uther peeples, when he comes bak from am-erika :shock:
Mother forgot to put the spell on the sweets, so there was much munching going on, whilst watching Love Island on catch up.
Hope his flight is on time, no delays at JFK, usually a bit quicker coming back across the pond, with the jet stream. Safe journey t115006
How was choir practice? I hope the Sisters behaved, no jazz hands :? :?
Hi Carol - hope you are both ok, Friday lunch and afternoon coffee with your friend? It will be a while since you saw her, so plenty to catch up on
Hi to everyone else, in, around and about t4591
Time I was pottering again. Up a bit earlier, for Dads podiatry appt. Then the GC, shopping and home once more.
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Cheese stuffed mushrooms - make way, Kath is en route :shock:XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aidan the cheese stuffed mushrooms were delightful thank you I left PLENTY for Kath. I know she is rather partial...
we had a shower (quite heavy) yesterday afternoon when I was at my neighbours practising for choir yesterday afternoon. Stopped well-before I left luckily
Paul will be landing soon yes he is Tosca's Unkel nowHoping all is well 2am our time I've had no updates so fingers crossed I am expecting him home to sleep by lunchtime. Out tonight at a fundraiser for the Children's hospice. With Pom and her husband.
The sisters behaved at choir, but no Barbara :? now I understand why bless her.
Sleek on her yoga mat. She's doing a mixture of aerobic (the wheel) and muscle strengthening (yoga) exercises. Pepe got her into yoga I believe.
I hope Dad's podiatry goes ok. I enjoyed mine they look like a 17 years-olds now!!
Earth angels is lovely!
Tosca is clever stirring the tea for youSleek was very pleased she forgot the slimming sweet spell and made the most of it
Love Island is getting really good now so long as the 'sensibly clad' spell works! :roll: :shock:
Barbara we missed you at choir, but you wouldn't have missed us! No choccy biccies
I hope the cooling lake with butterflies helps ((()))
Niamh will be breaking up soon and the pool can be out then long termPoor OH patience isn't always a male virtue
Present company excepted...
Paul didn't feel the mozzies bite either so sounds the same :roll:
Kath so far we are all shrows bery! so very posh we are. Aidan is widening all our doors!
That information is very interesting we are being educated thank you.
Thank you also for those lettuce wraps. They look lovely! Kari can't have any so I will have her share
Next door has required an awful lot of work hasn't it? I hope he solves the drainage issue.
Joan and Sue I am so sorry you had to go to your friend's funeral I hope today is happier for you both ((()))
Better get something done!!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Barbara Toni
. Aidan we haven't had any rain yet. I hope you all have a good day((((((())))) Dad((((((())))
. Barbara sorry about your eyes is it worse when reading((((())))
. Toni it will be nice to have Paul back. Have a good weekend.((((((()))))
. take care love to Carol Kathleen Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Well, week 6 is almost over. One large wall and two short ones have been removed, the whle house has been rewired including a new main board, bathroom ripped out, kitchen ripped out, ditto replaced on both counts. Tiling done, soffit repaired. New front door fitted, outside safety lights fitted back and front. 7am start every day except Sundays, and there's still banging and clattering, and the electric saw is on the go now. There's enough rubbish outside to fill a small council tip. Oh, three bushes have been removed from the front garden. There's still the back garden and possibly they might replace the French windows, as the current ones aren't very secure as the hinges are external!!! So if anyone asks "why is Kath tired, weepy and fed up?" Just let them read this. :shock:
Joan, we had rain during the night, it kept Chris awake as he sleeps near the window. I didn't hear it as I'm on the opposite side of the room. I hope your friends funeral went smoothly and brought comforting memories. t111055
Aidan, I'm sitting surrounded by dainty dishes of cheese stuffed mushrooms and don't know where to start. They look too good to eat.I don't think you need to widen our doors as I keep expecting the whole place to collapse after all next doors shenannigans. It's gone very dark, and my ouchies are in need of bush baby administrations PLEASE. :?
Toni, I bet you will be glad when Paul gets home. I'm glad you found the info interesting. Thank you for saving me some mushrooms.
Much love and ((((hugs)))) to Barbara and Carol.
Vegetarian red bean chili
1 can (16 ounces) red beans, rinsed and drained
2 cans (8 ounces each) no-salt-added tomato sauce
2 cups water
1 can (14-1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained
1 package (12 ounces) frozen vegetarian meat crumbles
1 large onion, chopped
1 to 2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese, optional
In a 4-qt. slow cooker, combine all ingredients. Cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours or until heated through. Serve with sour cream and cheddar cheese if desired.
Editor's Note
Vegetarian meat crumbles are a nutritious protein source made from soy. Look for them in the natural foods freezer section.
Nutrition Facts
1-1/3 cups (calculated without sour cream and cheese): 201 calories, 3g fat (0 saturated fat), 0 cholesterol, 1035mg sodium, 27g carbohydrate (5g sugars, 9g fiber), 17g protein.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..a lovely breeze out there..but quite humid..
Poor Kath no wonder you are weepy and tired its relentless..fingers crossed it will be over with very soon..and thankyou for the red bean chili..half and half I have at the pub..chips and rice..
Joan you get wavy lines with this eye prob and if I cover one up I cant see faces..just hope my left ones will be ok for now..hope Sue is ok and Pepper and
Toni I hope that Paul has a safe journey home and on time..glad you missed the rain it was very heavy no watering the how did I know there would be no choccy biscuits at choirI stayed in the shed
what a good cause the children hospice is..same has any they need all the money they can get..
Aidan I love the spell stirring the tea.. :shock: and thankyou for the cheesy mushrooms very tasty..and the waterfall definitely help my eye..I have just found out it runs in the great GD and my cousinhope dads appointment went to plan or was it your feet.. :? our doctors is usually on the ball with results..I am thinking many people have gone on holidays so maybe that has delayed them...I will make sure he rings Monday..
No I didnt order the chillows to be honest I forgot..will have another look..
we have just been shopping in our nearby some bargains has I am pleased..and OH gone to pick Niamh up...
Love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t115006Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all - rather humid, so the AC is on. Enough with the melting moment :roll: :roll:
I knew the cheese mushrooms would be a favourite Toni and I am sure Kath has got plenty, she is surrounded by them
Good job you dodged the rain, practising for the choirI am glad the Sisters behaved, their vows of silence paid off.
Unkel Paul should be safely home now and fast asleep, so he has the energies to go to the fund raising for the Hospice, this evening, with the lovely Pom and he OHMother said Unkel Paul and Anty Toni are going out - you are both adopted now :shock: Mother is not one to adopt peeples lightly, even GDad was a difficult decision, because he steals her chair at the week end
Pepe did indeed get Sleek into the yoga routine, with super long cat stretching exercises. Mother can do little stretches, then wobbles. She did have her claws trimmed the other day, much to her disdain. :roll: :roll:
Lovely pic of her Sleekness, looking very slim indeed t4591
Dads appt was to change the dressing on his toe - Matron is not aware of the problem and need for a dressing, that he cannot get wet............. :? :?
Reception rang when we got home, two more appt for next week, for dressing changes :shock: Bill is going in with him on Monday, to find out what the score is.
Mother is kind, stirring the Tea, I can get on with other things while she does that
I am assuming the clothing spell worked, as there were no gasps, at Love Island.
I think there was a latte morning at the Nymphs cafe, for all puskins, (not land cats though).
Hi Joan and Sue - the rain seems to be hit and miss at the moment, with a forecast of nice weather for a few days. Hope you have had a better day and managed to get out and about into town.
Dd you have a meal out at the pub?
Thank you for the hugs, they are always welcome t4591 (((())))
It sounds very much like a total re build of the house attached to yours Kath :shock: :shock: 6 weeks of it, oh no wonder you are fed up and weepy. We need to get you out on a little trip to the Co Op, for a sit on the benches. Listen to the birds and not the hammering and clattering from the builders
You keep piling up the cheesy mushrooms, put your feet up and I will pop the kettle on for you.
The bush babies should be there already. The Possums will be with you shortly, they are just having some watermelon
How cute ARE they t4591 t4591 t4591 I hope they can help with the ouches, as much as possible, along with some gentle ((()))
Has Tesco been with your deliveries, best he doesn't knock on the door, or it might fall in :shock: :shock: :? :? Love to both t4591
Thank you for the red bean chilli, perfect with some garlic breadta mi duck.
Hi Barbara - it is humid, hence we are being chilled - I cannot do humidity............... :roll: :roll:
Apparently we had a fair downpour last night. I didn't hear anything, B said it was clattering on the roof. No watering needed, until tomorrow.
Many ((())) for your poorly eye. t4591 t115006 Mac degeneration is indeed a hereditary problem, with several genes affected, (according to research).
I know your GP is good, so it must be a back log of results, with others being on their holidays. It does get a bit hectic at the Drs, during the mid summer holiday times.
Thank you, Dads appt went to plan, we just need to find out what his dressing on his foot, is actually for - that will be Monday's task
Glad you found some bargains at the shopping mill. Niamh will be with you and the paddling pool will need filling needs to keep cool.
Hi to Carol - hope you have had a pleasant day. From watching Wimbledon, the weather looks set fair and very warm. Hi to Mr T
Hi to everyone else, in and about.
GC was very pleasant. Beth was on, so we had our specials, Dad had bacon and eggs on toast, then ice cream. They had the choccy orange fudge cake, so I had to have some
Caught up a few things at home. B has done Mothers "facilities", all bleached and sparkling. Ready for litter throwing later. We have gone back to Catsan, the other one is pretty useless, so don't bother with it Toni. It is cheap, for a reason, which is more often the case :roll: :roll:
Right, time I was pottering again. Will call back later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan
Chocolate Cookie Cups, with Ice CreamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I have popped the ice cream cookies, back in the freezer, if I eat any more I will pass out :shock:
Still recovering from the tennis, Roger was on his game, beating Raffa to gain a place in the finals. I thought the last game was never going to end, sweaty palms :? :? :shock: :shock:
It is a more pleasant temperature tonight. Looks like some settled and fine weather ahead. Garden will need watering today.
I hope you had a good evening at the fund raising event Toni. Did Paul manage to get some sleep, after his flight home?
Sleek was telling Mother that Mummy and Daddy had gone to a funkcheon :shock: :?
Hi Barbara - was Niamh in the paddling pool, or is that on hold until the holidays - love to all t4591
Hi Carol - did I see you with a wheelbarrow, heading to the shed - gathering some spare hours? Is it Church open morning today ?
Kath, I hope the Possums and the Bush Babies helped to ease some of the ouches. t4591 t115006
Quiet evening, just catching up with tennis and golf.
Dad will be here this morning, for his lunch and a hair cut.
I need to find some sparkles
Time to potter some more. Lots of love to all t4591 t4591 take care XXXXX Aidan
Parmesan Hash BrownsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Will pop back later.
We made the 'do'! it was a lovely night but v emotional.
Totes emoshe.
Got home midnight up at 12:45 Lucy had a seizure then another at 4am. Shhhh! don't say a word she's keeping it off the internet :? Sick everywhere and I'm supposed to be singing today.
Toni xxx
Grabbing some Parmesan hash browns and several of those creamy cup cakes t45910 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni
. Kathleen I have seen people renovate their house and then sell it (((((()))))
. Barbara that cannot be nice having wavy lines.((((((((()))))
. Aidan sorry your Dad has a sore toe (((((Dad)))))Aidan Bill((((((())))
. Toni sorry Lucy had a seizure twice I'm sorry((((())) you had a good day other wise((((())))
. take care have a good weekend love to Carol Mig(((((())))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..says 21 here but feels quite cool..mind you with the back door open it blows through
Aidan what about the tennis..all I can say is brilliant..I remember when they were both in the final ..this was on par..or better..if I could have jumped out my my seat I would have done
Thankyou for the icecream cups I'm afraid there were only 2 left for the freezer.. :oops:and the Parmesan hash brown delicious
I am glad to hear you got your chocolate orangfe cake at the GC would have been ignorant not to have any after them getting it in for you
I am sure B will get some answers on Monday regarding dads foot..(())and thankyou for the sparkly pic I love pool to cold Niamh says.. :?
Joan I think we get used to dealing with whatever we are both so kind ...and both dealing with so much...(())
Toni I am so sorry to hear about Lucy ..oh bless sending many hugs and love..((())) must be so scary for you all..but she will get there whatever they throw at her..xx
glad the charity evening went well..such a good cause ...x
Niamh has been down for bacon buttys and gone back..I will just have half hour shes says...
Batter move
love to everyone
t4591 m0150 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Joan, have you ever watched "Homes Under The Hammer"? I do, people buy houses at an auction at a cheap price, renovate them then either sell them on at a profit, or rent them out. Many of them do it as a living and have a portfolio of houses they rent out to tenants. That is what the chap who bought the house next door did (although not at auction) It can be quite a lucrative business.
Barbara, yes it's cool her, but the air feels damp. Just the type of weather that sets my RA and OA off. :roll: And my Sjogren's is pretty bad today as well.
Toni, I'm glad you made the night out.
Aidan, The bush babie and possums are wonderful, can I keep them a bit longer please.Parmesan hash browns - gorgeous thank you and for the ice cream. I'm glad dad is eating well, and he enjoys his food.
Basic chocolate cup cake
8 fl oz (230ml) soya milk
1 tsp vinegar
5 oz (140g) caster sugar
3 fl oz (90ml) vegetable oil
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 oz (125g) plain flour
1 1/2 oz (45g) cocoa powder
3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 350F/175C/gas mark 4 and line muffin pan with paper or foil liners.
Whisk together soya milk and vinegar in a large bowl and set aside for a few minutes to curdle. Add sugar, oil and vanilla extract and beat until foamy.
In a separate bowl sift together flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt. Add in two batches to wet ingredients and beat until no large lumps remain (a few tiny lumps are okay).
Pour into liners, filling three quarters of the way. Bake 18 to 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Transfer to cooling rack. Eat while still warm or allow to cool completely and ice with chocolate 'buttercream'."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all - very warm, but at least there is a bit of a breeze.
Hi Toni, not a word will be said, of course there are things that should stay offline - but I will send some
to all and I have lit a candle, for everyone. Much rest and recuperation and L will be t4591
Glad you got to the fund raising last night. Very emotional, gosh,then you had a busy night too. Some strength will not go amiss t115006 Mother is sending a spell of "oomph" over to yours :shock: :shock: quite what one is..........there could be sparkles. xx
Hi Joan and Sue - Thank you for the hugs, we will find out what is the problem with Dads toe on Monday, when B goes in with him on Monday at the podiatrist in our local hospital.
Hope you are having a nice week end and the weather is ok for you. (((())))
Hi Barbara - nearly 26 in the lounge, so the AC might be going on, if it doesn't cool off a bit. :shock: :? Mind you, I have had the dryer on low, which has not helped :roll: :roll:
The tennis was brilliant, as we the Ladies final today. SO glad that Simone Halup won, she played lights out tennis and blew Serena off the court.
Now have the doubles on and looking forward to the Men's final tomorrowIt has been a great two weeks.
Next tournament starts Monday, on Tennis TV
Only two ice cream cups left, don't worry, I have made some more, they are in the top of the freezer, should anyone have hot flashes - (I might be first in) :roll: :roll:
I spied the choc orange cake as soon as we went into the GC. Made sue Beth put a slice by, for safe keeping.
We will be finding out what is wrong with Dads toe - with them ringing us to make two more appts, there must be something amiss. He is not for showing it to me though. :roll: :roll: Not to worry, we have ways of gleaning information
Too cold for the pool, no, fill it up, I will get in, somehow :? :?Only the Good Lord knows how I would get out, there could be a lot of splashing and floundering
Oh bless, I will just have half an hour in bed, after her bacon butty, Niamh is just a poppet t4591 t4591
Hi Kath - we used to watch Home UT Hammer, some of the Landlords had 100 and more properties :shock: :shock: which is a wee bit greedy if you ask me......... :roll: :roll:
Very lucrative, if you can get the properties for a song, then flip them round to rent out. I don't think I would want the responsibility of it all.
It is achy weather, I am with you on that. Of course you can keep the Possums and Bush Babies, as long as you have some watermelon or other juicy fruits, they will be more than happy. Some (((()))) to help as well, with the ouches and the sjogrens too.
Chocolate cup cakes, perfect, ta mi duck, I might get some clotted cream from Toni's stash
Hi Carol, hope you and yours are all ok. Sending ((())) and t4591
Hi to everyone else, in and about. Time I was pottering a bit more. Some laundry to sort.
Will pop back later. Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Its been a busy few days since we have been back. it was my knitting group on Wednesday afternoon, then mr T and myself went to an end of term summer play by the school that use our church premises during the week it was very good. they did wind in the willows. Then on Thursday it was the fortnightly church meal in the evening. Yesterday we had our usual dinner out and after I met up with my friend for knitting and coffee.
Aidan no it was not open morning today that is usually the last 2 Saturdays of each month. However we have the annual summer fair in the road the church is in so we will have the church open to the public with all the usual things we have on open mornings after the morning service for about 4 hours. I love Crème Brulee. Some butterflies are so colourful. yes it was me with the wheelbarrow heading to the shed.
Hope everyone is doing ok. hope you are all having good weather our has been so good for the past couple of weeks my chillpillow is fantastic keeps me nice and cool at night. day times have been really warm and humid. really playing havoc with my Hay fever and Asthma. our little Graycie did a sponsored Toddle waddle for her nursery yesterday so of course Great Nanny and Great Granddad have sponsored her
Joan and Sue sorry for the loss of your friend hope the funeral went well.
Barbara Weymouth is very nice the Chalets are really lovely there are only 8 of them that are brick ones on the site. they call them the cottages. 1 day under 2 weeks now before GGS is due so not long at all getting rather excited now. its making me feel old though all these GC and GGC.
just before I go some piccies for you
another of Graycies nursery school photos 16.43.39.jpg?dl=0
Weymouth harbour bridge up for sailing boats to come through.
Dorchester High Street
Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Thank you everyone the patient is much better. Slept most of the day only meds and liquids taken. Sleek on duty when Mummy needed the loo ot to make a cuppa!
Aidan by the heck did I need Tosca's oooomph spell!!!
Tomorrow is another day.
Thank you all for the hugs and candles and best wishes
I especially loved the little baby owls t4591 t4591 t4591
Night all xxxxxx0 -
Hi to all - It's very warm. Indeed :? :?
Hi Carol - we guessed you would have had some busy days and it was you, gathering some spare hours from the shed. Sounds like you needed them :shock:
The summer play sound to have been a success. I love Wind in The Willows, remember reading it umpteen times at schoolMole was my fav character
I remember seeing pictures from the last Summer fair on your roadYou will have a busy Sunday, I hope lots of people come in t4591
Glad you enjoyed the creme brulee. The butterflies have just started to visit the garden now, some of the buddleja are out, which is their favourite nectar supply, but we do have as many other plants as possible, for the bees and the butterflies m0150 t69044
Loving the chillow, just as you do. It does make a difference when it is so warm. You will be a fair bit warmer than us up ere in't north :shock:
Some t115006 for your hay fever and asthma, not nice at all, the pollen levels have been super high the past few weeks. A shower or two of rain, to settle it all down, would not go amiss.
I want to do a "toddle waddle" - I could just about manage that. :shock: :shock:Way to go Graycie t4591 t4591
Less than two weeks now, until your GGS is due. Exciting
Thank you for the lovely pictures. t4591 t4591
Hi Toni - good to hear that the patient is improving and has slept, apart from fluids and meds. Bless her. Sleek was most concerned as was Mother & Daddy's too.
The "oomph" spell is rarely used apparently. Mother is the only one who can use it, as an elder of magical things. It does carry some power t115006 t115006
You are more than welcome to hugs, candles and all thoughts prayerful. t4591 The baby owls were just too cute.
High time I was up and pottering again, I am melting here. I will go slap a cool flannel around :shock:
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 Take care XXXX Aidan
Yogurt Breakfast TartsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni
. Barbara do you have wavy lines in both eyes((((((((()))) I'm sorry
. Kathleen yes I have watched the programme. How are you feeling now(((((()))))
. Aidan your Dad knows you will know what is wrong with his today least it's being looked at love to all((((((()))))
. Carol you have got a busy life ((((((((()))))
. Toni how is. the patient is it Lucy((((((())))))
. thank you everyone for your thoughts of my friend she went in hospital for a hernia op and did not wake up I knew her 30years.
take care all love to Mig((((((())))))
. Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone
That's better! Lucy stayed in the spare room between ours and Charley's instead of in her basement. I checked on her in the night, but she was sleeping well.
Joan yes the patient was Lucy she'd has 2 nasty seizures the night before and it took it right out of her too. Vomited loads too bless her. So sad loosing such a good friend ((())) for you and Sue.
Aidan thanks for the breakfast tarts very nice (added some rhoddas to be on the safe side!!!)
I put the aircon on with the spare room open for Lucy before bed. Got ours down to 18 againYou are still loving your chillow I see. Doesn't it make you too cold at times? It did me when I tried Lucy's once. She only used it when she had a high temperature.
Tell Tosca the Ooomph spell was great it worked all day until the second I put my head on the pillow and then - flat out!!!
The little owls were so sweet Lucy could see them blinking away. Definitely irresistible I agree t4591
Dad's toe sounds a bit worrying doesn't it? Is he diabetic? Well at least there are apts booked in and B will get to the bottom of it.
I think you have need to STAY OUT OF THE POOL!! we don't want to have to winch you out do we :shock:
Hello Carol! Some pics to look at hang on a sec...
another Grayce pic in that frame! She looks lovely bless her.
That bridge opening up gosh! and I love Dorchester it looks so lively. I think you have some fantastic memories from the holiday
Aw well done Graycie I hope she raised plenty of money and the nursery did when it's all added up
You've certainly hit the ground running since you got home. I hope your friend was a bit more polite than usual? 13 days to go...12 today?!!
Kath so the bloke next door has a 'portfolio' of rentals does he? Ooo-ooo-ooo! Go him! So long as you get his number to ring if there's any problems.
Yes I survived the night and Tosca sent me a rare Ooomph spell to keep me going yesterday too
The weather is definitely problematic and has been for the lungs too as well as the bones :roll: I love your little possums! I'm sure they have a very good temporary home with you t4591
Thank you for the vegan cup cake recipe with no eggs :shock: very good!
Barbara thank you Lucy should be back to normal now today apart from the piece of tongue missing :roll:
Go Niamh - I'll just have half an hour indeedA teenager already
It isn't nice out there this weekend she's quite right . Anyway Aidan might get stuck! Hopefully it will be better soon.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Well as we are probably all sat in front of our various boxes to watch the Rogavitch Show, concentration will be focussed. I've decided that if I ever need a wheelchair, I want one like those the wheelchair tennis doubles players used. The seat is molded to your botty and it becomes part of you. Sounds comfy.
We had a wonderfully peaceful day yesterday, as no-one came next door and as yet (1pm) all is still quiet.
Toni, poor Lucy, and poor you. I hope she has a restful Sunday, I've sent a couple of the possums over as they are so sweet, and Lucy will love them They come with their own watermelon (Aidan's advice).
Aidan, your buddleia must look wonderful now it's covered in Butterflies. We only get Cabbage Whites on our garden. I hope you find out what is wrong with dad's toe. My dad had a biopsy on a lump on his arm a few weeks ago, they STILL haven't given him the results, and his GP is on holiday. :? We could do a toddle waddle together, or in my case, a toddle wobble.Thank you for the breakfast tarts, very refreshing.
Joan and Sue, 30 years is a long time, you must have some lovely memories of her.
Carol, Wind In The Willows, that sounds brilliant hope the seats were comfy. More delightful photos, thank you.
Is Barbara in the shed again?Good grief Barbara, what did you find in there?
Saag Aloo (Vegan )
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp of curry paste
2 onions finely chopped
6 peeled potatoes, chopped into cubes
1 cup (156g) of frozen spinach
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1/2 pint (284ml) water or stock
1 can coconut milk (optional)
Add the oil and paste along with the onions in a pan. Cook until onions are soft.
Add the potatoes and cook for 10 mins, then add the tomatoes and cook for 5 mins.
Add the stock and coconut milk (if using) and cook for 20 minutes, until the curry is thickened.
Add the frozen spinach and cook until the spinach is cooked through, then serve."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - Before 3pm and I am here, wonders will never cease.
Super humid, so the AC has been on since 11. 20 is way better than the 26.5 we had yesterday in the loungeChilled out nicely.
Hi Joan and Sue - we will find out tomorrow, about Dads foot / toe. I know the lady podiatrist who is doing his dressing, so I will ask her, it is a need to know, as Dad won't remember what she advises him :?
How sad that your friend did not wake up from the surgery on a hernia.Did she have other health problems ? You knew her a long time, must have been a big shock. (((()))) t4591
Hope you have had a nice week end.
Hi Toni Good to hear that Lucy slept well, in the spare room, very wise, to be near at hand.
It will have taken it out of her, having two seizures in fairly close succession. Bless her t4591 t4591
Good that you had the AC on, to keep the rooms cool, better for all and especially Lucy. No, the chillow is just right, I don't get cold with it at all. I did think that my spondylosis would flare like mad, with it being cool, but no, it seems to be ok. The gel warms up after a while.
I am up and down like a Yo Yo, with the tennis............Roger was about to break and get the first set................... :roll: :roll: Was :roll: Now one set down :? :?
Wise to put some Rhodda's on the fruit tart, just to be sure
Tosca is most pleased that the "oomph" spell worked well. It was a spell from ancient alchemy, still does the job
Glad Lucy liked the little owlst4591 t4591 some t115006 t115006 for her sore tongue too, big ouch.
I am not going to try to go into Barbara's paddling pool, it is not a good look, being winched out :shock: :shock: :? :?
I did rather like this idea though, come winter, instead of ninny walking
Sleek was keeping Mother informed of all health matters, she wanted to stop at home, just to make sure that Lucy is ok. They will have a catch up in the morning, probably a trip up to Pendle for some morning mists.
Hi Kath - yes, we are all glued, rooted, pottered, perched, poised, pensive and hoping that Roger can win one more time. The crowd are slightly partisan to say the least.
We did see some of the wheelchair tennis, it is amazing, just amazing, their skill and dedication. All possible credit to them.
And a quiet two days, so far...........................sssssshhhhhhhh. It is what you need, both of you. t4591 t4591
Lucy will love the Possums, they do indeed, arrive with their own watermelon supplies
So your Dad is still waiting on that biopsy, it seems ages ago now. What is the big delay ? ? Is there no one he can speak to at the surgery, another GP must be covering his patient lists. Grrrrrr.
We can join arms and do a waddle toddle - mind you, we need all our arms, for various aids.............if we had a double walker, that would be ideal :shock:
This is taking forever to write, with the tennis stresses :shock: :roll: :roll: Another set point gone........................
I think Barbara kind of forgets the time, when in the shed........... :? :? nothing to do with the cider or gin
Thank you for the Saag Aloo, don't mind if I do, ta mi duck
(((()))) for any ouhies, some of the possums are still there I believe and one of the sloths has arrived, to aid relaxation. They are just SO chilled out.
Hi Barbara, I bet you are watching the tennis and getting just as worked up as the rest of us. Love to you all t4591 t4591
Hi to Carol- A busy day, with the street fair on. Hope the weather has been fine for you. Hi to Mr T
Right, I cannot concentrate any more. It is no good, I will have to go watch the rest of the game...................................Just let me get a cake to go with a cuppa.
Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Cake
Lots of love and sparkles to everyone. Will call back later t4591 t115006 XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Well, we are exhausted, after the longest men's singles final in history.
Credit to both players, they played their hearts out. A wee bit sad that Roger could not convert a match point, but, there has to be a winner. I think his wife, Mirka, had eaten her nails down to her elbows. :shock: :shock:
I hope everyone is as ok as can be, a trifle warm :? :roll:
Hi Toni - hope you are all ok and Lucy is improving, after much rest and recuperation :animal_busy: :animal_busy: Sleek said she will be over this morning, to take Mother on a trip up to Pendle, in the cooler early morning air.
Hi Barbara - love to you all, hope Niamh is enjoying her time with you, bacon butties and an extra half hour in bed
Hi Carol - you will have had a busy day, did the fair go well? I bet it was hot for everyone m0150 m0150
Hi Kath Your quiet week end will have been a welcome break from all the racket of refurbishing next door. Hope any ouches are minimal
Big hi to everyone else in and about.
We are up at silly o clock (for us anyway), Dads appt for his dressing change with the podiatrist, is quite early. I am on my fact finding mission, while B goes to the surgery to gather Dads monthly blister packed pills, puts some juice in Beatrice, by which time we should be out of our local Hospital and ready for the GC
Earlier to bed in the Bubbles household :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
Lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006
Take care XXXX Aidan
Blackberry Sourdough Scones With Lemon Glaze (pinkies out)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Very sunny here m0150
The 'girls' are already back Aidan....they foresee a hot afternoon :shock: so will be over at yours with Mrs Darcey watching Love Island - unseen bits :? Sleek is worried about the title, but I think it's only footage we haven't seen.
Heaven knows what was in that latte this morning
I was taking the cart money into Church yesterday evening you know and...who came to the vestry door? None other that Miss Slimkins her very own selfbless her saying it was time I came home. She told her Daddy that it's the room they store vests in for the winter.....let her tell Tosca that and she'll soon be put right
Aidan best of luck finding out what is going on....can't infected else there'd be antibiotics in said blister packs?????
Lucy and I were early to bed too last night Paul just finished some paperwork and soon joined us.
I love that amazing heart it goes POW!!! Well it would if it made a noise
Thanks for the blackberry sourdough very tasty especially with the cream I added. Little forks and pinkies....then lick the dish clean
Thanks Lucy needs that for her sore tongue. Made her an omelette for dinner rice pud and a little soft choccy desert later. Today should be better. She drank loads too. Need to go into work probably tomorrow bless her.
Now I have an idea! Would our penguins let you have a slide on their ice?? It would be bliss, but would need to angle the slope so you landed in your chair :?
Sleek kept in touch with Tosca over the crystal ball and had a rest when I took Lucy to see her Nan (Father's side) because I hadn't told her. She worries too much if she hears over the phone. She needed to see her in real life.
Oh the tennis. A fabulous match it was - epic even. Shame Rog didn't win, but he is knocking on a bit now sadly
BTW the oreo cookie ice cream was spot on for cooling us down yesterday afternoon
Kath thank you the possums are in Lucy's arms in bed - I just checked on her. I'm going through that scary time of fearing what I will find when I open the bedroom door....had enough of that before. Plenty of watermelon skin in the bin :? . It's also Lucy's favourite!
I hope your Dad gets his results soon. I suspect all should be well as usually it would be flagged up and another Dr would be in touch if it was a worry. Fingers crossed firmly.
We love saag aloo!! Thank you so much
I think Barbara needs to be locked out of the shed for a bit!! I've checked and the stocks (not hours no!) are running low. Brandy it was this time
Joan sending you and Sue more ((())) Such a sad time
Love to Carol and to mig of course.
Toni xxx0
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