Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone m0150

    Kari is trying to come over again today on her electric bike if weather permits fingers crossed.

    Tosca is quite right, Aidan, Daisy (AKA Sleek, Miss Slimkins and Diddicat) is quite a private girl about her names. Most chosen by herself. You do NOT want Pig's trotters for feet do you :shock:

    The did indeed go to see the nymphs they found some frosted spider's webs on Pendle (Sleek has a frost alert on her phone :? ) so they are being spun as I type. Then they went to see the Castle. Mother is partial to visiting old billdings so Sleek says.

    Another good sleep? Well that is fabulous :D long long long may this continue. t4591

    I started on some sinutab (cheap version) for my headache hopefully I'll feel some benefit soon too.

    More nesting going on here too all cut glass now clean (carefully) I bet you were mortified to ruin yours :cry: Hands are rather sandpapery :? Adding some shea hand cream from the body shop several times a day to no real avail.

    I love the Autumnal blessings I hope they help Barbara's bro and the little robin for Kath t4591

    The breakfast tart! Well Monsieur you are spoiling us!! Very nice I only had half of it :D

    Barbara, my very good friend whose hubby had head and neck cancer had a PEG through his belly it worked REALLY well for him and saved the life of many people I know who have disabilities so severe that they aspirate (inhale) ordinary food. It is very likely to work for your bro honestly fingers crossed

    I am glad Macmillan came out they are so reassuring. I wonder whether you poor bro is having panic attacks too - I know I would be. These are for you ((())) t69044 t4591 t115006

    Thank God for Niamh I want to see the abominable snowman too, but lack a child to take with me :oops:

    Hello to our Carol :D I can hear in your online 'voice' that you are more yourself I am pleased.

    WOW! for finding the lost special bracelet!!

    I wonder whether you will enjoy a little time to yourself when Mr T goes to see Kian and the gang? I do when Paul is on site with work :wink:

    You do rather pack a lot in don't you? :lol: I would be dead on my feet! Still you are coping and I reckon rather well!!

    Well done to Lillie!! I am so proud of her :D Pics please when you have time :)

    Sending you some ((())) and t115006 too take care.

    Kath your Dad sounds proper sorted! Blimey all is well in hand now :) Anita is a good sister and daughter, but I suspect you are a bit upset that you aren't well enough to actively help.

    When my Mum was very ill and on her won I went every day and Kari (in Scotland at the time as you'll remember) felt quite helpless.

    I was fine though as was Mum and her telephone calls to us both was plenty of support t4591

    I tell you what! You'll have to ask Holly to write down the girls' names so you spell them right for their Christmas card!! How's that for a plan?!

    I let everyone have their fill of your pasta so I could finish it off :oops: thank you pot clean and away now :)

    Hi to Joan and Sue I hope you both have a lovely day out it's sunny here! m0150


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone we have snow at the end of the month so they say
    . Toni sorry you still have the migraine ((((()))))
    . Aidan how is your Dad doing((((())))and you need some((((()))))
    . Barbara sorry you are going through so much(((((())))
    . Kathleen sorry about your feet ((())) they can be good but they do get in the way at times(()))
    Carol I hope you have a good day(((()))
    . take care love to Mig((((())))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, when my sister Anita was about 7 years old, she could get her foot up to her mouth and bite her toenails. How I wish I could do that. :lol:

    Toni, weather here is quite pleasant at the moment, I hope Kari manages to get out on her byciclette. Yes, I do feel rather guilty that I can't help dad. In fact I haven't actually seen him for about a year. :shock: but Anita used to be a carer in a nursing home and she is a good cook. She's a granny herself now. Ben and Emily (another Emily) have baby Alexander but Anita has only seen photos as they live in New York. :?
    We've already got a countryfile calendar for Holly(ie) and intend to add chocolates for the girls. We think Holly took the little one to the docs this morning as we saw her come home carrying her instead of her being in the pushchair. We also saw Martin go past on his way to our next door neighbour.

    Aidan, I won't say owt about you expecting, it's all that pasta you ate. You'd be a very rich man though. :lol: You just stick to fur babies. Oh bless, thank you for the lovely Robin and the breakfast tart. What a beautiful Autumn Blessings message.

    Barbara, I am so sorry to hear the latest developments in your brothers health. Macmillan are wonderful, I ordered an Inspirational Journal from their website. It cost £12 and looks fantastic. You might see my post on FB, it arrived this morning and fit through the letter box.
    I hope Niamh enjoyed The abominable Snowman film.

    Carol, I'm so glad you found the missing bracelet and you bought M&S undies. Did you feel envious of Aidan's blue negligee erm parachute. ? :lol:
    Way to go Lillie, baton twirler extraordinaire. She'll be on telly one day will that one. Bless.

    Savoury pancakes with garlicky mushrooms
    For the pancakesVegan savoury pancakes with garlicky mushrooms on a rustic table on a neutral background

    100g (3½oz) plain flour
    200ml (7fl oz/generous ¾ cup) unsweetened soya milk, chilled
    Generous pinch of fine sea salt 6 tbsp sunflower oil
    For the garlicky mushrooms
    1 tbsp sunflower oil
    200g (7oz) button mushrooms, some sliced, some whole
    3 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
    6 tbsp soya single cream
    Small handful of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
    Generous pinch of sea salt and black pepper

    Method :
    Start by making the pancakes. Whisk together the flour, soya milk, and sea salt in a bowl until smooth.
    Heat 1 tbsp oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Test if the oil is hot by adding a drop of pancake batter to the pan: if it sizzles and becomes golden within 30 seconds, it is at optimum temperature. Add 4 tablespoons of the batter to make one pancake and swirl the batter around the pan to coat the base evenly.
    When the pancake is golden after 2–3 minutes, carefully flip it over to cook the other side. Drain on kitchen paper then keep warm in the oven while you continue to cook the other pancakes, using 1 tbsp of the oil each time.
    For the garlicky mushrooms, heat the oil in a separate frying pan over a medium–high heat and cook the mushrooms for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
    Add the garlic and cook for a further minute. Remove from the heat and stir in the soya cream and parsley. Season with sea salt and black pepper.
    To assemble, place the pancakes on serving plates and generously load on the garlicky mushrooms. Fold the pancakes over and serve while hot.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All mouths shut here, lest Mother turns my toes into trotters :shock: :? :?
    Diddicat has wonderful names Toni, Mother is highly impressed and that is not often said lightly, from the Dowager Duchess herself :lol::lol:

    I thought there might be a frost, it was very chilly last night with an eerie moon shining through the trees, looked amazing, but, if you try and take a picture - it looks like a white dot :roll: :roll: you need a super all singing camera for shots like that.

    Sleeks frost alert will have gone off, much colder atop Pendle. Mother does like old buildings, hence her love of her houses en france t4591

    I know, another little nap, must be getting dozy in my old age :roll: :shock: :lol::lol: or more dozy.......

    Diprobase is wonderful for our sandpaper hands. I used to get it on prescription, but you have to buy it now. :roll: All chemists stock it, the big pump dispenser lasts for ages, was about £13 I think. Way cheaper than buying the small tubes :D:D

    I hope the Autumnal Blessings help, there are plenty, for everyone. t4591 t4591 Some more, from the owls in the woods :)


    You did well with the breakfast tart, I ate the other half, so had to make another batch :? :? :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    How is your headache? I hope it has gone away (((())))

    Much fussing and laundry - housekeeping has been through like a whirlwind :) What a star m0150
    I did some pressing, had to open both windows as I was in my own summertime again :roll: with the dryer and the iron on. a couple of hours later we were perished :roll: :roll: just the kitchen open now, with the mesh in of course.

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the hugs and kind words. Dad is not too bad, very forgetful. A week on Monday we go to see the Consultant to get the results of his brain scan.

    Hope your ankle is not too painful and the weather is just autumnal, not pouring with rain. (((())))

    I used to be able to bite my toes Kath, I would snap into a hundred pieces if I tried it now :shock: :shock:

    Anita is doing a good job, keeping an eye on Dad. I am sure there is no concern that you are not able to have the input you would like. We each have our own limitations t4591 t115006

    I hope Holly's little one is better soon - and Martin is in the area, doing his rounds :)

    I would be silly rich if I was expecting, :shock: :shock: it was indeed, the pasta, I over did thing a little. :roll: :roll: I could do with that big blue nightie again :shock: :lol::lol::lol:

    I am glad you liked the Robin, we have quite a few here, they try and organise the sparrows, lots of shouting and clicking - the sparrows take no notice :lol::lol:
    Some Blessings never go amiss. t4591 t4591

    Ta for the savoury pancakes, they look lovely :D:D:D

    Hope the ouchies are not too troublesome t115006 t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok, have your heard from your Brother today, his first day on the trial? Praying that it goes ok for him and keeping the candles lit. t4591 t4591

    Carol will be out and about :) You can certainly pack things into a week - I would be like Toni, in a heap. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Time I was pottering again - sitting for any length of time is not an option. I will call back later. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Old Fashioned Rhubarb Pudding Cake - we might need cream and or custard :D:D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all you are all so kind ..I know you all have your own problems...but thankyou
    Aidan..thankyou..I think it will be a peg one in his eldest brother had them, 3 to be exact, but none worked.I had to connect the food..that was complicated ..then it failed..but I am sure they will for my baby brother..anyhow today he was seen by a professor who is doing the trial'' he is the first one on it and it starts tomorrow..all his scans show it hasn't gone any it will will be blended foods and at least its food..
    sorry I am lost has to what people have posted but I love the little Robin... :D and the lovely blessing..with the owls..we have one nearby can hear it but never seen is cold but at least today has been sunny..then not long ago we had an awful storm ..hope you dont get it..
    Carol I am glad you found your bracelet and not long for Mr T to go and see Kian and have a cuddle :D
    Joan I am always aware we all have our problems..and you are always so kind..thankyou..xx
    Kath I bet you are a big help to Holly..its so nice to help her out like you do ..has she helps you..and I am glad Anita is there to look after dad..I will go and have a look at the journal..we have made our will with McMillan...they have done so much for me and my family..
    Toni its good to know the tube works for your friend you say so many people need them..maybe you are right he might be panicking..
    I hope the migraine has now left you alone..(())
    Niamh loved the film but was falling could borrow her I am sure she would go again :)

    we are losing our big M&S in Wigan..and Morrison' we will have to go to Bolton..we have out little M&S food nearby ..just hope we keep it :o
    Right will leave you for now
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a bright moonlit night :)

    Hi Barbara - you are most welcome, it is the least we can do, to help, with prayers and well wishes.

    I guessed your Brother would have a PEG fitted. I know it must have been heartbreaking for your eldest Brother, who had PEGs that failed. That is always a risk, but they are the best form of getting nutrition, if swallowing is an increasing problem.

    I am glad he has met the Professor of Oncology, who is conducting the trial. Your Brother is the first to go onto it. Starting today - the cloak will be there and we can all be in more than two places at once.

    The scan results are positive, in that the cancer has not increased in size. I am sure they will be doing regular scans, during and after the trial. I pray that it helps t4591 t4591 t4591

    Worry not about all the postings, everyone is ok. :D:D You have more than enough to cope with at the moment.

    Kath liked the Robin, he was sent to sing to her, but I could not add the sound, even with all our technology :? :roll:
    Autumn Blessings, oh, we can have them in abundance - hang on a tic.


    We have owls a plenty in the woods. In ten years, we have seen three, one Barn Owl and two Tawny Owls - they are amazing birds, silent in flight, but they can make a racket once they all get shrieking and hooting :shock: :lol::lol:
    Mother says they are very wise and very special birdies. t115006 t4591

    It has been a pretty nice day, quite warm at one point. We did have some rain at siesta time, but not a great deal. The storm must have been local to you t111055 t111055 :shock:

    Loosing your big Mark's :shock: - I did read they were closing some stores. I am sure the simply food will be ok, if it is like the one in Skipton, it is a gold mine.

    Bless, Niamh was falling asleep at the pictures, I am sure she would go again with Auntie Toni :)

    Any nearer to getting Mr B to the GP's :? :? :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni - another little sleep at siesta :o:o Whatever spell Mother and Sleek are casting, seems to be a good one.

    Wed night was quite unsettled, restless legs - at one point, Mothers bed, slid off my bed, with Mother in it..... :shock: :shock: .......she was NOT a happy puskin I can tell you. :? :roll: No doubt Sleek will have heard about it, in great detail. :roll: :roll:

    B is busy away with his jewellery making, I can see pearls and measuring going on. Magnetic clasps arrived today.

    Hi Carol - hope you have had a good day - Today will be lunch with Mr T and then coffee in the afternoon. It must be this week end that he goes to see the family in Ramsgate t4591 t4591

    Hi to everyone else in and about - hope everyone is as ok as can be and taking care t115006 t4591

    Into town today, T Room is calling - they will wonder where we have been. Some shopping, after brunch, then a week end at home. I have booked a hair cut :D I feel like Tressie at the moment :lol::lol:

    Time I was moving again. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to all


    XXXX Aidan

    Mini Pumpkin Bread Loaves, with Butter / Sugar topping :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Café dwellers :D

    Tonight Paul and me are going to Stratford for a meal out with his sister BIL, brother and SIL. This is because he won't be seeing them as he used to when his Mum was alive. we're staying in a hotel tonight there's a treat.

    Aidan what's for breakfast? ooh those dear little pumpkin loaves! Lovely thanks :) I've got the best butter ready.

    The T rooms will be going into liquidation!! get over there ASAP :lol: and I can see what you mean your hair is due a cut! Tressie indeed :lol:

    Mother was fuming at you 'kiking' her bed on the floor :shock: :animal_busy: she is thinking about withdrawing the sleepy spell she is (n't) using on you :? be careful restless legs behave!

    Sleek is very proud of her names indeed. Though she had wanted add Ragamews to the list..... t115006 t115006 t115006

    They did get some frozen webs on Pendle and Sleek got some more today and brought Tosca a take-away fishy latte. I expect you can smell it :mrgreen:

    I love the Owls!! they are indeed noisy when they get going, but so amazing :D and Squirrels I love too g050.gif

    Saw yet another rabbit with myxomatosis on my walk failed to catch it yet.

    Thanks for making extra tart it was necessary :wink: The headache is under control with the psudoephedrine I am sure it was sinuses.

    I managed some ironing to not much as Kari came over :)

    Ordered bar stools for the kitchen from Arighi Bianchi also some lovely new PIRs for outside 3 of ours aren't working :(

    That rhubarb cake was as light as a feather perfect with some clotted cream t4591 c085.gif

    Kath it's hard when you can't physically help isn't it :? just being on the phone helps. Poor Anita not seen Grandson New York though! What an experience for them and these days we have skype and facetime too if they can set it up?

    You can see plenty from your window can't you? that's good I hope Holly's littley gets better soon ((()))

    Kari and I loved the pancakes thank you very much t4591

    Joan! Snow did you say snow?! That is unusual this side of Christmas :shock:

    I thought yesterday was Friday OOops :oops: but it's today I hope you and Sue have a good day out.


    Toni xx

    You think Niamh would come t the pictures with me? I bet she'd rather Sleek came with her t4591

    glad you made choir last night a good sing and a biccie is ideal to take you mind off your worries.

    I am so heartened to hear the tumour is still the same size t4591 I could indeed be your bro panicking given it's no worse. BUt I know I would panic in his shoes...

    The cloak is taking us al along to the start of the trial. Sleek and Tosca too. If a PEG needs fitting Sleek has volunteered and says she will 'get it ryt ferst go'. Nourishing soups and stews that's a good idea. And Lucy had a creamy peach smoothie (macmillan) which was super-fattening.

    Aidan said Niamh would come again to the pictures :)

    Don't worry all is well with all of us I will let you know if there's a problem. A quick post to reassure us you are ok is all we need ((())) t4591 t115006 t69044

    You'll keep your M&S foodhall I am sure.
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Toni, I've just read your post but my brain threw it all away as it does everything, so I have to read back again. :? I think Sleek has the right to add Ragamews to her name. I'm sure Pepe would be happy with that.
    A hotel my goodness, how posh.
    Anita and dad Facetime with Ben, so are often having a natter.

    Aidan, I didn't know you were colour blind, mind you I didn't know I was either. 'm sure I didn't used to be - although dad has always been so. That's why he was rejected from the air force and the railways. Well that and the fact he'd had pleurisy as a teenager. So he became a winder cleaner with one of his brothers and then a floorlayer. I'm following Toni around to try and nick a bit of extra butter for me Mini Pumpkin Bread Loaves. Ta ducky.

    Barbara, a lot of the disabled children I've worked with were tube fed. Some for supplementing normal food, others because they had no esophagus or a damaged one so actually eating the way we do would be dangerous. My late nephew Billy was like that. He survived to 13 then got Pneumonia. a025.gif Has your brother got a Maggie's Centre near him? They too are tremendously supportive for ALL cancer patients, and supply Macmillan literature.. if you're interested this is their website to search for centres. There's one in the grounds to the hospital where I was treated. It's shaped like an apple. :lol:

    Carol, It was nice to hear from you again and very comforting to hear your needles clicking. u045.gif

    Vegan Lasagne

    4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    1 large onion, finely chopped
    1 small aubergine, cut into roughly 1.5cm/⅝in dice
    1 medium courgette, cut into roughly 1.5cm/⅝in dice
    1 red pepper, seeds removed, cut into roughly 1.5cm/⅝in dice
    250g/9oz small chestnut mushrooms, thinly sliced
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    100g/3½oz dried red split lentils
    2 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
    2 tsp Italian seasoning or dried oregano
    1 tsp sugar, any kind
    1 vegan vegetable stock cube
    150g/5½oz fresh young spinach leaves
    9–10 dried lasagne sheets (ensure they are egg-free)
    salt and ground black pepper
    For the white sauce
    3 tbsp sunflower oil
    100g/3½oz plain flour
    800ml/1¼ pint unsweetened almond milk
    3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
    1 bay leaf (optional)
    ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
    salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.

    Heat the olive oil in a large, non-stick saucepan and fry the onion for 3–4 minutes, or until softened and lightly browned, stirring. Add the aubergine, courgette, pepper and mushrooms and fry for 12 minutes, stirring regularly.

    Add the garlic and cook for a few seconds more, then stir in the red lentils, tomatoes, Italian seasoning, sugar and crumbled stock cube.

    Refill one of the tomato tins with water (400ml/14fl oz) and pour into the pan. Stir well, bring to a simmer and cook for 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Add the spinach leaves, a handful at a time and cook for 1–2 minutes more.

    While the vegetables are simmering, make the white sauce. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan. When it is hot add the flour and cook, stirring all the time, for 1 minute. Stir in the milk, yeast, bay leaf and nutmeg and season well with salt and pepper.

    Bring to a simmer, whisking constantly with a metal whisk over a moderate heat for 4–5 minutes, or until smooth and thickened. (Use a silicone covered whisk if using a non-stick saucepan.) Adjust the seasoning to taste – you’ll need more black pepper than you might imagine.

    Spread a third of the vegetable mixture over the base of a 2½ –3 litre/4½– 5 pints ovenproof lasagne dish and cover with a single layer of lasagne sheets. Top with another third of the vegetable mixture (don’t worry if it doesn’t cover evenly) and a second layer of lasagne.

    Pour over just under half of the white sauce, after removing the bay leaf, and very gently top with the remaining vegetable mixture. Finish with a final layer of lasagne and the rest of the white sauce.

    Bake for 35–40 minutes, or the pasta has softened and the topping is nicely browned and bubbling. Stand for 5 minutes before cutting to allow the filling to settle.

    Recipe Tips
    To freeze, cool completely and then cut into individual servings. Wrap well before freezing and thaw thoroughly before reheating in a microwave or oven.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - a pleasant day, few spots of rain, but nothing more.

    Hi Toni - hope you have a lovely time in Stratford with the family, especially as you won't be seeing them as much since Paul's Mum passed away t4591 A night in a hotel too, lovely, they had better serve CAKE. :D:lol::lol:

    The loaves were a little moreish, so I baked another batch, we can never have too many :)

    Fortunately the T rooms were open as usual, they had not gone into receivership :lol::lol:
    Brunch was very nice -

    See, I do look like Tressie - look at me, hair is just TOO long


    I was very careful not to be restless last night, I didn't want Mother going flying again. I knew she would have expanded on things and said she was kicked out of bed :roll: :roll:

    Mother is more than happy for Sleek to add Ragamews, as an "addition" by deed powl :) t4591 t115006

    There was a whiff of fish, had to open the kitchen window :mrgreen: It was super chilly and a frost on the hill would have been perfect for the icy webs.

    Oh poor rabbit, I thought they had got rid of myxematosis, it is a long long time since I saw a rabbit with it. :cry::cry:

    Good to hear that the headache is under control - our sinuses are a right pain, for causing all manner of upsets. :roll: :roll:

    Did Kari come over on her new bike :)

    Bar stools from argi barghi - very nice indeed :) Hot pink? :shock: :shock:

    Rhubarb cake was delightful, perfect with oodles of cream :)

    Hi Kath - your brain does what mine does, what are we like :roll: I can read something two or three times than think "what did I read" - it's the pills, they make us foggy and groggy.

    Are we colour blind? I didn't know if you could see the Rhino in the picture, it means you are colour blind :shock: :shock:

    So Dad is colour blind, shame he could not get into the forces. I remember having pleurisy, oh boy was it painful.

    I hope you managed to gather some butter from Toni :o:lol::lol:

    There is a big MacMillan area in Blackburn Hospital, they do an amazing job. Our friend David Emanuel is an Ambassador for the charity. t4591 t4591

    Vegan Lasagne, forgeous, ta duck, I will have take a couple of pieces for later XX

    Hi Barbara - we have been under the cloak and kept our thoughts and prayers for your Brother t4591 t115006 and of course some for you all. t4591

    Will Niamh and Daddy be over tonight, for the sleep over :) Keep you on your tootsies.

    Hi Carol - hope you have had a pleasant day t4591 t4591

    To you as well Joan and Sue - out and about gathering what you need. Did you have lunch out, with your friend? (((())))

    Not done a lot since we came home. Just pottered and now it is nearly T time and siesta.

    Where is my autumn picture - hang on a sec

    Mother chose this one - is that a witch on a broomstick on the mug :o t115006


    I will pop back later on. In the meantime, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 Take care XXXXX Aidan

    Walnut Toffee Tart

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I found this site that tells you if you have normal colour vision, it says mine is normal :D
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all and a big thankyou for your good wishes and love ((((()))))
    My brother and gf are just on there way home from 11 this morning ..they have patient transport thank goodness.. I kept in touch via text and he seems in good spirits...
    Toni I am so please you are having a night away to see Paul's will give you a break from everything (())
    Kath thankyou for the info i will look at make me so sad to think if children so poorly.. i bet you really cared for them..(())
    Joan i dont want snow yet..i hope you are all ok and nice and warm (())
    Aidan that's his first chemo out the way..i will know more tomorrow.... it was a long session glad the tea rooms were open for you..they can't close when you are in town...
    Poor mum ..what a shock she must have had..I can just imagine the look on her face..bless
    Yes Niamh us here,but coughing away...I think she might be keeping daddy awake tonight..
    Right will leave you all for now
    Much love and thankyou again
    t4591 t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - :) Quiet evening here, just the owls hooting :D:D

    Hi Barbara - Your Brother has had a long day, on his first chemo run. I am taking it as a very slow infusion, which is quite normal - time just drags on, even worse if you can see a clock :?

    Glad he was in good spirits and they had arranged patient transport home t4591 t4591
    You have all been in our thoughts and prayers - They can rest up at home now and you will find out more over the coming days.

    I hope you can rest a little easier now that the first part of the trial is over. I can imagine you have had some restless nights t4591 t4591

    It was busy at the tea rooms, but we got our favourite table, after throwing a couple out :shock: - not really, they stood up to leave and Bill was in there like a shot. :lol::lol:

    We enjoyed our brunch, Bill has enjoyed his Birthday, t4591 not one to go overboard with celebrations and we won £117 on the lottery too - over the moon we were.
    The lovely lady in Sainsb who is on the ciggy / lottery counter, sang happy birthday to Bill, then was shrieking when she said we were winners. :lol::lol::lol: Tell the WHOLE shop why don't you :o:lol::lol: Bless her she wanted to sing happy birthday over the PA system :shock: :shock: :shock: no no no, no need for that :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Poor Niamh has a nasty cough, t2507 time for tixylix :) Did Daddy manage to get some sleep :? :? Hope she feels better very soon t4591
    Love to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Toni - hope you both had a lovely evening catching up with family, over dinner. Did the hotel have a comfy bed, they better had.
    Sleek was telling Mother that Mummy and Daddy were with fam illy peeples in lawz :shock: :lol:

    I think Mother has forgiven me for sending her and her bed flying, the other night. :animal_busy: :animal_busy: Extra sweets being given on demand :)

    How is Tia liking her new job, after the first week? Hope it is going well for her t4591

    Hi Carol - Trust you are both ok and Mr T must be packed and ready for off to visit the family :D:D Safe travels to the seaside t4591

    Hi time for our Autumn picture


    Dad will be here for coffee and croissants this morning, as is normal for a Saturday. He is due a hair cut as well. Then I hope it is my turn :)

    Time to potter. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in and about. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Catch up later XXXX Aidan

    Cinnamon Apple Puffed Pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I hope you all have a good day I've just looked at the posts I cannot read it all now
    Barbara I saw your brother has had his first chemotherapy I hope it was not too bad(((((())))and to you((((())))
    . Toni enjoy your weekend(((((())))
    . Aidan I hope all is well with you and your Dad(((((()))))) to you(((((())))
    Kathleen thank you for the meals((((())))
    . I read Bon Marche has gone in to administration
    . take care love to Mig(())))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, Chris read about Bon Marche. It was quite a shock. They were taken over by Edinburgh Woollen Mill at the beginning of the year. I loved both stores when I was able to get to them. They are still trading and there have been no job losses but time will tell eventually.

    Hi Tressie - sorry, Aidan. The resemblance is remarkable. :lol: Thanks for the link, I can see most of the numbers/shapes, but a few had me stumped. I can remember doing them at school and I had no problems so my eyes have definitely gone wonky. Reading about it, perhaps some of my cones have died? Dad has the common red/green blindness. Talking of dad, I rang him this morning. The other thing he was offered was an extra step by the back door. The man came, but nothing has been done. He gets his walkers tomorrow. That toffee tart and steaming mug look inviting, thank you.

    Barbara, I'm glad that your brother's first chemo went well. I was lucky with mine, 3 drugs together and it only took about an hour. We'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers as it progresses. I expext he was exhausted when he got home, bless.
    I'm sorry to hear Niamh is poorly too. Sending hugs for her and daddy. (((((( 024.gif024.gif))))))

    Hope Toni had a safe journey. Thinking of mig and Carol. 060.gif

    BTW, I'm watching Midsomer Murders and Tom Barnaby just said "I've just spoken to Bubbles" What yer been up to mi duck? :lol:

    Vegan Potato Rösti
    Serves 4

    2 lb (907g) potatoes, peeled
    1 large yellow onion, very finely chopped
    2 tsp sea salt
    1/2 tsp black pepper
    4 1/2 tbsp olive oil
    3 tbsp chopped fresh chives
    2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

    Bring a saucepan of water to a boil, add the potatoes and parboil for 4 minutes.
    Immediately remove the potatoes and place in cold water to cool. Once cool enough to handle, roughly shred them into a bowl. Add the onion, salt, pepper, 3 tablespoons of the oil, chives, and parsley.
    Heat the remaining oil in a nonstick skillet over a high heat. When it is very hot, add the potato mixture, pressing down firmly with the palm of your hand. Reduce the heat slightly, then cook until golden brown, about 7 minutes.
    Ease a spatula under the rösti to release, then invert the rösti onto a plate. Slip the rösti back into the pan to cook the second side. If preferred, the second side can be cooked under a preheated broiler.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all and a ----


    Hi Joan and Sue - hope you are both ok (((()))) Thank you, aslways for the hugs, for us and for Dad. We send the same to you both t4591
    Dad wasn't sure what time it was this morning and appeared just after we hat got up - neither awake, nor fully functional - he said am I early - don't worry Dad, come on in.

    He had his hair cut and enjoyed his croissants with jam and cheese (his favourite). Watched some PGA Golf and stopped till about 1 ish.

    He has been passing blood again, so I have stopped his biboroxiban until we can get him in to see the GP on Monday. The decision to stop it is only temporary, the GP must decide and way up the negatives, which are quite high :? :?

    He says he feels fine no pain etc. He said, I just cannot remember anything at the moment, bless him.

    I did read about Bonmarche' going into Administration - but all the shops are open and staff are still in post. MIL loved Bonmarche', as do tens of thousands of people.

    Hi Kath - See, you don't recognise me now that I have had my hair cut too - I know, I am so much younger, but it is me, honest :lol::lol::lol:
    I could not bear being Tressie any longer - MUCH better now.

    Glad you tried the link and it sounds like you did very well. The photo receptors do decrease with age, usually the rods more than the cones and night vision can be affected as we get older. :roll: :roll:
    It's all to look forward to, these "golden years" :roll: :roll: :roll:

    That is good, if Dad has been offered an extra step, oh they won't rush, there will have to be umpteen assessments in triplicate :? :?
    Walkies arrive on the morrow, that's good. Anything that helps him, is a bonus t4591

    Glad you enjoyed that toffee tart and a big cuppa :) Sticky though, but well worth the mess :D:D

    Bubbles, in Midsummer, well, they never told me I was in it, how rude of them - using my name willy nilly :o :shock: :lol::lol:

    Vegan potato rosti, looks and sounds delicious, it will go perfectly with out cauli / broccoli / french been homemade pots. Bill likes making them.

    Hope any ouchies are not too bad t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi Barbara - did you sleep better last night, or was there much coughing from poor Niamh.
    I hope you Brother and Gf are resting today, after the marathon first chemo session yesterday. With it being a trial, they would want to monitor things more closely, which might account for the added time taken.
    Lots of love t4591 t115006

    Hi Toni - trust you are back home safely and you had a lovely time at the family meal. Sleek was over, early doors, gathering mists, which were plentiful - Mother stopped in bed. Sleek brought her a little bunch of heather, bless her t4591 t115006
    Mother popped it into her spell book, for pressing. t115006 t115006

    They plan to watch Gok and then Curvy Brides Boutique later on.

    Hi Carol - have you a busy day today, with Mr T going to visit the family, there will be packing to check, Men are no good at packing :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: Excepting moi, of course :)

    Hi to Mig and Christine, Crinkly and Kerrin, Elizabeth and DD, SW and Toady, Mell and Tony and all our friends t4591 t4591

    Time for another potter. I will call back later on. Leaving lots of love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Sticky Stem Ginger Puddings

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello café friends

    Sorry to be so late in, but not only did we eat out in Stratford with Paul's siblings and their spouses, then we got back here unpacked (I ran the hoover around!) and had to be out to meet Tia's new in-laws for dinner!

    Curry it was and now we are finally home. PHEW!!!

    I can see me being no use to anyone tomorrow!! Poor Paul is back in Plymouth at work!

    I will have to catch up tomorrow properly just wanted you all to know I'm ok. Sleek has had a lovely time spoiled by Charley and told me she brought some heather back for Tosca. Bless them they do love each other t4591

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..on my phone again..but can enlarge the text easy enough..
    Aidan I love watching the leaves fall off the tree in your calming..and thankyou for the apple pancakes..poor dad not remembering much..bless him..and I hope him losing blood again is nothing least he has matron in charge..((()))
    The Tresdy doll really took me back first boyfriend ..I was 15 :shock: used to call me tressy.. :lol:
    Oh and Happy Birthday to Bill..sorry its late xx
    Niamh is still here and going home tomorrow..
    They put my brother on the drip at 12.30..and had a few he said ...and was off them at 9.30..he has chemo tablets for home plus other tablets..I still dont have a clue what the trial meds are called..anyhow we dropped off some shopping for them today and he was fine with his anti sickness meds..thankyou again t4591
    Kath I am so glad your dad is getting the help he needs..I didn't realise there were different chemos..but so glad it helped you ..and thankyou t4591
    Joan you are so kind ..both you and Sue..thankyou fir the hugs.. t4591
    Toni had her night away with Paul..what a shame he has to go away..but glad you enjoyed the break... t4591
    Better go ..I'm off to bed early
    Love to everyone
    t4591 t69044 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all - t4591

    You have had a busy time Toni, :shock: family get together then home, hoover and out to meet Tia's in Laws - blimey, you will be needing some serious rests today - promise, there will be ouchies, I can tell, some (((()))) and t115006 t115006 and a plethora of pain relief, should help.

    Paul will be hitting the ground running, back at work off to the southern coast I see t4591

    As long as you are ok, there would have been messages flying if you had gone AWOL :shock: :lol:

    Sleek was most pleased at being spoylt and yes, she loves Mother, very protective of her. In hooman years, Mother is now over 130 years old :shock: :shock: :shock: Bless her paws. t4591 t4591 t4591
    Sleek will need smelling salts when she hears that. :? :roll:

    Hi Barbara - on your phone, laptop hidden away. I am glad you love the Autumn leaves. We have a visitor amongst the leaves today, a Chipmunk :)


    More than welcome for the pancakes and all the goodies, we are truly spoilt in the cafe' :D:D

    Dad says he is not bleeding now, but we will still get him in to see the GP on Monday, not my job to say stop the anticoagulants, the risks of stopping them are serious, given the clots he had earlier this year.

    So you were called Tressie, :lol::lol: I feel much better now that I am shaun the sheep again. What was the toy that you filled with plasticine and its hair grew :lol::lol::lol:

    Bill says thank you t4591 t4591 t4591 no age mentioned, but he gets free prescriptions now :shock: :o ssssshhhhh

    I hope Niamh is feeling a bit better and didn't cough all night, bless her.

    Your Brother and GF did have a long day. Several infusions over the 9 hours. Pills a plenty to take at home, I would guess some steroids alongside any chemo and anti sickness ones. Glad he was feeling ok, keep up with the anti sickness meds.
    There are loads of different chemo regimes, far more now than I remember.
    Love to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Don't blame you for having an earlier night :)

    Hi Carol - hope you are all ok with Mr T off on his family visit. t4591 t4591 He will be very excited I am sure. Trust you are feeling better each day. (((())))

    A quiet evening here - B is busy with all manner of gorgeous creations. I am happy away with a cloth :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:

    Hilde might need another polish today, noticed that a birdy had left calling cards on her mirror - how rude of them. :shock: :? Looks to be a dry week, up to Thursday. (Don't quote me on that, it is all subject to change) :? :roll:

    I will have another potter round. Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXXX Aidan


    Cranberry and Oat Muffins :) I will pop the kettle on..................

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan! belated Happy Birthday to B :Dn035.gif Free prescriptions is always good and no WAY does he look that age :shock:

    Thanks for the builders to go with my muffins and tablets. I will take it easy today can't believe Paul is having to work on a sunday of all days :roll: He has a rotten week ahead of him bless him :(

    Oh dear I see Dad had another bleed. I guess you need to see the results of biopsies before anticoag reduction is looked at. Bless him too. t4591

    Aidan Tressy had 'real' hair you could grow!! eeee! them were 't' days! Such innocent fun :D

    I absolutely ADORE the chipmunk, but won't let Sleek see it.

    By the way she knows Mother is ova an undred. She's quite proud of that fact. Her friend is the ole dist. Mrs Darcey is a bit behind, but not too far... This morning Sleek collected a load of mists with the kits all of them! Tosca had a lie-in so all three were strapped in her side-car. She reckoned they are getting the hang of their nets. Oreo is shaping up to be a potential champion quidditch player :shock:

    We had curry with Tia's inlaws and quite a good laugh. Luckily not too late as Mikey has a cold - hope none of us catch it :? Tia loves her new job and was in her uniform! She gets to drive a little dogs trust van :shock:

    The bed at the hotel was so good that I (yes me!) was still asleep when the fire alarm went off at ten to 7am!!!

    Poor Hilde! A pterodactyl must have poo'd on Paul's van too!

    Barbara Lucy's chemo regimen included 4 stages and about 10 different chemo drugs plus the steroids of course .

    The steroids might just help a lot with your bro's throat you know making it feel easier to swallow. It's like a dangerous miracle drug. I worked with someone who had a learning disability and a brain tumour? well it got to that he couldn't speak walk or swallow - a course of them and he could get up and speak - no dribbling!

    Dropping off food is a good way you can help them. You can also offer to help with sitting with him if his GF wants to visit friends/family for a break. I'll try and remember what helped me :? t4591 t115006 t69044 for YOU.

    Poor Niamh I hope she feels much better soon ((()))

    Hi Kath. I bought a back door step as soon as we moved here - not for me, but for Sleek! her flap had to be positioned very high up due to the door :animal_busy: I come in a different door.....seriously though it will help no end, but possibly your Dad's will be a proper cemented one.

    I hadn't heard about Bon Marche! My MIL used to love it there too :?

    Thank you I am safely home now and going to try to have an easy day today :)

    I wonder just what Bubbles was up to :lol:

    But I might have a go at the vegan potato rosti!

    Hi Joan We did have a good weekend, but it feels like it's over now as Paul is already back at work in Plymouth :(

    Hope you are well and enjoying some sunshine t4591

    Love to Carol, mig and Crinkly1

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning everyone I hope you all have a good day
    . Kathleen I heard Woolworths were coming back but I don't know(((((()))))
    . Aidan sorry your Dad has a bleed again((((()))). Yes you feel different when you've had a trim((((()))). Happy belated Birthday to B(((((()))))
    Barbara that's the main thing your brother's happy(((((())))) sorry Niamh is not well((((())))) thinking of you(((((()))))
    . Toni has your migraine gone (((((()))) sorry Paul is working on a Sunday((((())))
    . take care love to Carol Mig (((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, as far as I know Woolworth is now an online store, but when I typed it went to a website called But I don't think they will be opening any stores. But I could be wrong. :)

    I'm glad all seem OK, but I have Niamh's cough (I think) and I really don't feel up to a lot of typing so I will just find something nice to eat.

    Curry Pie with chips and mushy peas
    1 tsp coconut oil
    1 medium onion
    3 garlic cloves
    1/4 thumb ginger
    100g cherry tomatoes
    1/2 small butternut squash
    2 medium potatoes
    Large handful of coriander
    100g frozen peas
    80g baby spinach leaves
    1 pot of Tideford Organics Vegan Rogan Josh
    1/2 lime
    Salt + pepper
    2 x 320g sheets of gluten-free puff pastry
    4 tsp gluten-free plain flour, plus extra for dusting
    1 tbsp plant milk of your choice
    PLUS 4 springform pie tins approx. 11cm in diameter

    Heat the coconut oil in a large pan on a medium heat. While the pan heats up, peel + discard the skin of the onion, slice it thinly + add it to the pan. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring frequently until it begins to caramelise.
    Meanwhile, peel + finely dice the ginger + garlic. Then peel + dice the butternut squash + potatoes. Quarter the cherry tomatoes + finely chop the stalks of the coriander, saving the leaves for later. Add the ginger, garlic, squash, potatoes, tomatoes + coriander stalks to the pan + fry for a further 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    Add the frozen peas, spinach leaves + Rogan Josh Curry Sauce to the frying pan + simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    Next, roughly chop the coriander leaves + stir them into the pan along with the juice from the half of lime + season to taste with salt + pepper.
    Preheat the oven to 200°C fan.
    Meanwhile, roll out the pastry on a floured surface until it’s a few millimetres thick. Use a sharp knife to cut 4 circles a few cms wider than the pie tins (make sure you leave enough pastry for the tops), then line the pie tins with the pastry by pressing the pastry into the base + sides to ensure the inside of the tin is fully covered. Sprinkle a tsp of flour over the base to stop it going soggy, then fill each pie with the curry filling.
    Use the remaining pastry to cover each pie + pinch the top + sides of the pastry together to close the pie.
    Brush the tops with plant milk + bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.
    Serve with chips and peas.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all t4591 Quite cool and breezy, the trees are becoming more transparent every day - leaves blowing around


    Hi Toni - Bill says thank you and you are most kind - I agree completely, no one believes we are 60 or thereabouts :D:D Being wrinkle phobic has worked well :lol::lol:

    More than welcome to the builders and muffins, to take your pills with. Sleek said you were ress styng today- which is much needed.

    So today is the start of a pretty grotty work week for Paul :roll: :roll:

    Dad was ok, no bleeding, so start the anti coag again. Still making an appointment to see the GP though. Waiting for the results is always the worst part. A week Monday is his results of the brain scan. :? :?

    Ah, Tressy was the one who's hair grew :shock: :lol::lol: I had the Action Men, who's hair was like sandpaper :lol::lol: Their arms and legs fell off in the end :shock: well, they had wet suits to wear, so I put them in the sinks at every opportunity, not knowing they were held together with metal pins and rubber bands :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: Health and Safety, nah, we just carried on.

    Goodness, no, don't let Sleek see the Chipmunk - it would be toast :shock: :shock:

    I am glad Sleek knows Mothers age, her eldest friend and grand wizard.
    All the kits were out, gosh, Sleek was wise to strap them all in tightly, or they would be still running around Pendle. Teaching them the skills of capturing mists, which is quite an art in itself. Oreo will be the Quidditch player. Good practice then, on Pendle in the winds. :shock:

    Glad you enjoyed the curry evening with the in laws. Best that it was not too late, you might have nodded off in your coffee :shock: :? No, no colds, must be avoided at all costs, everyone is full of it at the moment :mrgreen: Hope Mikey feels better asap.

    Good to hear Tia is enjoying her job and has a little Dogs Trust van, how cool is that :D:D t4591

    You didn't wake up until the fire alarm went off, wow, must have been plumptious. Hope it was a false alarm, did you all have to nip out on your negligee's :shock: :shock:

    We have not managed to get round to polishing Hilde, a day off was important. We have those prehistoric sized flying birds around here too - what a muckment they make :shock: :roll: :roll:

    I have no idea what Bubbles was up to in Midsummer, I know nothing :? :? and saw nothing :D:D

    Hi Joan and Sue - thank you for the Birthday wishes ((((())))

    I know Woolies is online. Boyes is a bit like Woolies, don't know if you have one near you.

    Dad will be ok I am sure, it is intermittent, the bleeding, just need to know what they have found and what they are going to do.

    Hope you have both had a nice week end t4591 t4591 is the heating working ok ? ?

    Hi Kath - oh dear, we don't want you having more chest problems :shock: :shock: Is Martin due to come out soon to have a listen. Am I right in thinking they start you on AB's if you tell them you are chesty and coughing? Sending (((()))) and t4591 t4591 Some of the Possums are coming over to waft healing eucalyptus vapours around t115006 t115006

    Oh wow, curry pie, chips and mushy peas - I lurve mushy peas. t4591 t4591 ta loads mi darlin. I'll gerrem etten up :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara - hope you are all ok and having a more restful day :animal_busy: :animal_busy: We all need a catch up.

    An Autumn Lake scene, to enjoy :) t4591 t4591


    Hi Carol - how are you doing, keeping busy I am sure. Hope you are feeling not too bad and improving steadily. t4591 t4591

    Big HI to everyone else in and about t4591

    Time I was pottering some more. I will pop back later. Till then, lots of love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006 XXXX Aidan

    Autumn Damson Crunch Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all! p0121.gif

    Yes Sleek is convinced Oreo is showing serious promise at Quidditch Aidan. She can manage all the kits together and just in case she has Mother watching on her crystal ball pendent? Have you seen it? Well the kits have and you know one 'look' from Mother :wink:

    Tommy can scoop a fair bit f mist (his thumb helps) and Jessie makes lovely pretty swathes apparently, but Oreo is by far the best. Good thing really his writing and reading isn't the best....

    Paul isn't home yet bless him, but due in about 15 minutes. What a week he has ahead of him. I nipped over to see Auntie Kari and Mrs D. She says Minerva needs to 'take Tommy in hand' so Sleek will pass that on when she takes them in tomorrow morning.

    Is it the presentation tomorrow then or is that on 31st?

    The fire alarm was something to do with a shower? Was someone smoking in the bathroom? It was raining......yes me asleep at that time is unheard of!

    I can't believe you are married to a pensioner :shock: The anti wrinkle creams have certainly done their job you both look much younger.

    It has to be prehistoric birds poo-ing on our vehicles surely? the size of the splats!!

    Surely they can tweak dad's anticoagulants just reduce the dose :roll: Hope the GP helps him.

    I am actually COLD very cold tonight had to put the heating on as did Kari


    Lovely lake that one and the damson crunch cake was a-ma-zing!! Thank you very much for both :)

    Oh no Kath!! t2507 Rest up now take it easy you poor girl. Sending ((())) get well soon t4591

    The vegan curry and chips was lovely thanks.

    Thanks Joan I am sorry poor Paul had to work and he's not home yet (20 to 8 at night :( )

    Thank you my head is much better now. I hope you are well? t4591

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, on quite a chilly autumn night


    Hogwarts is always keen to have masters of Quidditch Toni- I suspect Harry will be keeping an eye on Oreo - as terms develop and skills are honed. Practice on Pendle when they are out of term, will be ideal, the Chase too, in and out of trees and clearings.

    Mothers pendant, no, I didn't know she had a pendant :? :shock: she has her large hooman size crystal ball - (which is Daddy 2s really, but she claimed all rights to it)
    A look from Mother is quite enough to bring wayward behaviour into line. She misses nothing :? :? t115006 t115006

    The big event, is on Halloween - Mother has been steaming her faux ermine trimmed cloak

    Hi to Auntie Kari - glad you enjoyed your visit :)

    Paul had a long long day, lots of travelling too :shock: I bet he was shattered when he got home. :animal_busy:

    He will need some extra energy, to get through the coming days - mind, that could count for any of us I guess, so here's some to keep everyone going t4591


    A pensioner :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol::lol::lol: Bill said I am not a pensioner yet :o:o - apparently 60 is the new 40 as it says on one of his cards.

    Thank you, we do try and keep our expression lines at bay :D:D

    I bet someone was having a cheeky ciggy in the bathroom, with the extractor on :roll: :roll:
    Asleep at 7am, goodness, you need one of their beds :D:D

    I am sure there are huge birds, up in the hills. We have ducks that fly up from the river, they can make quite a mess, from on high :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

    Will see what the GP thinks, getting the appt will be a trial, always is on a Monday morning :roll: :roll:

    It is certainly chilly, I have put the heating up to 21, just to keep us nicely "aired" without roasting.

    Eating damson crunch cake, by the lake, perfect me thinks - as long as there are no midges :roll: Glad you liked it - I made another, Barbara will love it and we did eat rather a lot :oops: :oops:

    Hi Barbara - hope you are both ok. Sending lots of love and thoughts your way, as always :) t4591 t4591

    Hi Carol - trust you are feeling ok, busy away with day to day activities - Monday is a quieter day normally, if I remember rightly :D:D

    Kath - I hope your cough is no worse, sending extra (((()))) t4591

    Off to the GC this morning, not been in a week - unacceptable really. :lol:

    Time I was pottering a bit. I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone in and about t4591 t115006 t4591 Take lots of care XXXXX Aidan

    Oven Roast Breakfast Tatties - I think there should be enough :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    . Kathleen I'm sorry you are not well(((((())))) I hope you soon feel better
    Aidan sorry Dad is still having the bleeding((((())))) how is your chest(((((()))))
    Toni that's good Tia having a Dogs trust van((((())))). I hope your back feels better now((((()))))
    . take care love to Barbara Carol Mig((((((()))))
    . Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx