Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..think we have some of the cyclone from india..gosh 3 fence canals down.. no rain tho...
    Toni I forgot about the virtual viewing ..coming into it's own now..will they be living far from you..I hope not.. a proper posh breakfast there.. :)..
    Joan one eye is not to bad at the min...thankyou for asking..I hope you are all keeping safe and well..are the carers doing ok..xx
    Carol that's workmen for oh is the same has mr T are they twins hahaha least you can maybe see the end of it now just in time for more good weather..then you can relax outside..xx
    Kath another Pam Eyres..I live her accent..:) I have never tried but toast bit heard loads about it..has Holly been around..its good to know there is someone to help out when needed..xx
    Love to everyone..
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Joan I would love to view the houses, but the online videos are really good. I can PM you all the one she chooses if you want to see them? I wouldn't put them publicly because they say the actual address house number and all! Do I think the virus will go that easily? No, but I do think we will get better at treating it and also that they will in time get a vaccine.🤞 ((()))

    Kath great poem by Pam Ayres not at all maudlin, but perfect and actually exactly what nature would want us to to when we go.

    Love that nut roast thank you it looks yum. Aidan would have enjoyed that too wouldn't he? Think i will message Bill over the weekend. It's a bank holiday - hope that doesn't mean any James Bond on TV!!

    I am thinking and hoping that they caught Anita's cancer super early and are hoping there will be no stray cells to worry about because I know 'they' do not like opening us up again do they? and who wants extra surgery. I can see your point and would probably do the same. I am not a risk taker.

    Perleeeaase do not tell me you ate dog biscuits not even the black ones😮😮🤢

    No beer in the breakfast I think so posh Italian apple juice maybe.....😏

    Hi Barbara I thought of your fence panels in the wind it always happens to you doesn't it? Better not have damaged your stream?🤔

    What a not so nice day it was yesterday and the wind is still here today too. TESCO are coming though at 12-1 so i am exited! checked it's PM not am Carol!

    If Charley plumps for one of these houses I was saying to Joan i can PM you the virtual tour. They actually say the address - house number and all so can't just pop it on here.🙄 All of the ones they are looking at are nearby and also close to their work so all good 👍️

    We had a chippy tea last night about 14 of us! Lovely it was too and are also having Sunday dinner on Sunday. Paul is collecting it only for us our lovely neighbours and Pom and her hubs. Taken a leaf out of your book 🙂

    Right love to @chris8 I do hope all is well Chris you have gone quiet.

    Some food....

    Hope you like the banana dolphins I made!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I remember Pam Ayres I wish I'd looked after my teeth. thank you for explaining about Anita's pop I understand (((()))) When I had my cyst took out they had to check it was all out that was on the borderline.

    I hope you all have a good weekend (((())) love to Anita (((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Love to Barbara ((())) and family Toni and family (((())) Carol and family ((())). Chris (((()))

    Bill Mandy Mig Yvonne (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon giidnezs my plants in pots are mostly on there sides...
    Toni a nice mixed fruit breakfast.. I could eat fruit all day..but darnt...
    I would live to see the virtual toyes if the house s..I spend many an happy hour looking round them and dreaming like Aidan did...bless him
    Ooh chippy tea for the order was appreciated.. we like to shop local..and Synday lynch is ordered.. tell you its nice not to have to cook..not that I do anyway...hahaha..we have a very nice restaurant that is around 5 miles away who are not doing I have my eye on it..:) you enjoy...xx
    Joan I hope you are all ok..have you had these strong winds..our drive looks like autumn..xx
    Live to mig Chris Kath Carol and anyone else that pops in
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (as it's so windy, I thought this would do)

    I rang dad this morning, he had a food parcel with quite a bit of fresh veggies. Cauliflower, broccoly

    i, green beans and carrots. a few tins, rice and pasta, and bread. I took Holly's bag over on my walker this morning too. I was scared I'd get blown away. As well as the food, I found 8 packs of Always sanitary pads, which I obviously don't use any more. She was very glad of them. I hate chucking things away if I think someone might find a use for it.

    I'm pleased to know you are all safe and well. Barbara, did you get a delivery slot? This might interest you.

    "Hundreds of disabled people can now be added to Tesco's priority shopping list after legal action was taken by a disabled mother unable to buy food.

    Joanne Baskett, 48, who cannot leave her house, says she was discriminated against because she could not secure an online shopping slot.

    A further 318 people sent claims to all of the UK's major supermarkets for breaching the Equality Act 2010.

    Tesco has now agreed to add all those people to its priority list.

    The individuals were not named on the Government's Extremely Clinically Vulnerable list, but nevertheless felt their access requirements should be taken into consideration by supermarkets."

    They now include those with Agoraphobia, visually impaired, and others not included on the government list. If anyone things this might affect them, just give Tesco a ring and explain your situation.

    Toni, I booked my next slot at midnight last night, June 19th at 12-1pm. Glad you got one. Thank you for the lovely fruity breakfast.

    Joan, I hope you and Sue are safe and well, and managing to get the dogs out for a walk.

    For anyone interested, David Olusogo has a new series starting., can't wait.

    Tomato, Garlic & Rosemary Focaccia

    This is a fun recipe and adds an extra special something to that summer evening. Tear, share and enjoy with friends and family.  


    • 500g/4 cups strong bread flour 
    • 7g fast action dried yeast 
    • 1 tbsp sugar 
    • 350-400ml warm water 
    • 2 tsp salt 
    • Olive oil 
    • 1 tsp flaky sea salt 
    • Bunch rosemary sprigs 
    • 200g cherry tomatoes 
    • 1 bulb garlic 


    1. Pop the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl, combine and make a well in the middle. 
    2. In a jug, mix the yeast, sugar and water and leave for a couple of minutes. 
    3. Pour the liquids onto the flour and combine until you have a dough. 
    4. On a floured surface, knead the dough for 5-10 minutes until soft and smooth then cover and leave for an hour. 
    5. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. 
    6. Wrap the garlic in kitchen foil and pop on the middle shelf to cook for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and once cool, squeeze out the cloves and set them aside. 
    7. Put the cherry tomatoes in a bowl, drizzle with a little oil and a pinch of salt and set aside. 
    8. Oil a baking tin (approx. 25cm x 35cm) and then place your dough into the tin. Stretch it so that it fills the bottom of the tin and leave it to prove for another 30 minutes. 
    9. Increase the oven temperature to 200ºC/390ºF/Gas Mark 6. 
    10. Make uniform dimples in your dough using your thumb. Press a clove of roasted garlic in each and have fun placing cherry tomatoes and rosemary in each dimple as you wish. Or scatter the rosemary on top... get creative. Drizzle over some more olive oil, a tablespoon of water and 1 tsp flaky sea salt. 
    11. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden. While the bread is hot, drizzle over some more olive oil. Share and enjoy.  

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Not quite so windy by not so nice yet.....still it's early.

    Morning Joan. I am very glad to hear that they tested your cyst thoroughly before giving you the all clear. We pray for the all-clear for Kath's Anita now too. Love to you and Sue ((()))

    Barbara your pots might stay up today I put mine inside 2 days ago but will brave bringing them back out today i think🤞

    Keep your eyes on that other restaurant I think a change is as good as a rest as they say. It's also the lack of washing up that makes a delivery so lovely isn't it? We have Sunday lunch today for myself my neighbours Pom and her hubs. We are collecting it for us all at 1.45pm.

    Guess what?! Charley and her GF have put in an offer!!! If anyone wants to see it i will try to PM the virtual tour to you.

    Yes Aidan was always finding amazing 1million pound houses wasn't he?! Bless him.

    Kath what a perfect poem for the weather we have been having! Windy is indeed right and although we might not see it we certainly can see it's effects!

    Well done you going over to Holly again I am so pleased for you 🙂 I bet she loves seeing you at the door. I bought STs for all my girls when this business started because idiots stock-piled those too.🙄

    Dad's food boxes are getting better all those veg! They have to get them out super-quick Mikey says. He goes in a huge lorry and picks them up and then they get put in smaller lorries for distribution.

    What great news that we are finally going to be able to get food! It was so discriminatory and unfair. Why should we loose our independence and dignity over a shopping slot?! Pom and I were only talking about this on the phone a bit back.

    That Focaccia looks fabulous and I have the ingredients too!!

    Do you know I might just watch that David Olusogo program it looks good. Never watched it in the past so I can start with one of those series!

    Today Paul is taking us out for a drive again and timing it so that we can pick up the Sunday lunches on our way home. Sleek says if we will both be out she is going to have a party and invite all of her cat friends. Mrs Darcey, Rosie and the kittens Oreo, Jessie and Tommy Thumb.

    We will have a Costa coffee or Starbucks drive thru too🙂

    Love to @chris8 @mig and @Turbogran .

    Some's Sunday so full-english (vegan veg options available)

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara yes it's been windy here we have pot's blowing everywhere. how is your brother ((((()))) enjoy your meal (((()))

    Kath I don't like throwing things away either I think they might come in handy. Love to Anita and your Dad (((())) and you and Chris (((())))

    Toni I bet Charley and her friend. are excited I hope they get it (((())) love to Tia (((())) Lucy ((()))you and Paul (((()))

    . love to Bill Mig Carol Chris Yvonne ((((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..yes the wind has eased now..what on earth did I type yesterday...something pots hahaha...
    Kath thankyou for the info on the shopping..I really have struggled..will have a look at that..we dint like cluck and collect..
    The poem about the wind is so was very strange yesterday.. it look like autumn hear..
    Thankyou for letting us know about the house through time..I really enjoyed the last series..and sorry cant spell his name.. but has a really good voice for it :)..
    Focaccia something else i have never had...thankyou..
    I bet Holly appreciated the pads they are so expensive.. and you made it there and back..good for you..xx
    Toni you can WhatsApp me the link please..would live to look around..must say the house must have felt so right for them to put an offer in
    Oh has just gone to pick our sunday lunch up..this pub dosent deliver but they have made it really safe...yes no washing up..hope you enjoy yours xx
    Joan so you had the high winds..we still havnt had any rain so have to water the plants..
    Love to all of you xx
    Now i forgot breakfast thankyou Toni..and Jarb the parcel dad got sounds so good..we have a neughbour that got a useless one..all tinned stuff
    Right I'm off..just ignore the typos...hahaha
    Love to all
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (Loosely based on a Celtic legend)


    Rhiannon traveled all day long 

    through the wooded vale 

    and out across the heathered moor 

    with skin so pale. 

    Her coal black eyes stared straight ahead, 

    she never looked at me 

    as she rode along the winding path 

    that led down to the sea. 

    I saw her lips move constantly 

    as though in silent prayer 

    until she reached the water's edge 

    and vanished there. 

    She left no footprints in the sand, 

    as though the surging tide 

    had swept them all away 

    when the sea breeze sighed. 

    Throughout the night I searched in vain 

    along the lonely shore 

    but never found a single sign 

    so looked no more.

    But if ghosts really do exist

    and spirits roam the earth so free;

    then at some future point in time

    when one such spirit will be me,

    I'll stand upon this tranquil shore

    and gaze across the land

    until Rhiannon rides once more

    along the drifting sand.

    Toni, OOOh that breakfast, so tasty. Thank you. So Charley and her g/friend have made a bid, let's hope they are successful. Don't cats have to social distance then? \perhaps they will, food dishes 2 metres apart, and no sharing mackerel lattes. enjoy your drive to pick up your lunch. 💕💝

    Joan, Chris says we're turning into hoarders. But I think Holly and her sister appreciated the sanitary towels, as they can be expensive and as Toni said they are an item people stockpiled. I've sometimes had problems with getting my Tena Lady pads. 🙄

    Hazelnut Pesto Pasta

    You can use this pesto in lots of different ways and change it up with wild garlic if you fancy some foraging. Simple, healthy and a lovely fresh flavour.


    • 400g wholewheat spaghetti
    • Salt 

    Hazelnut pesto

    • 150g hazelnuts (with or without skins)
    • 80g fresh basil OR 60g wild garlic and 20g fresh basil 
    • 2 cloves garlic, peeled
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice
    • 200ml olive oil
    • 1 tbsp syrup (eg maple or agave)
    • Salt and pepper to taste

    Optional serving suggestions: fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, vegan Parmesan or Greek-style cheese


    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4. 
    2. Heat a panful of water for the pasta.
    3. Place the hazelnuts on a baking tray and roast in the oven for 5-10 minutes. Be careful they don't burn. 
    4. If the hazelnuts are skinned, go to stage 5. If not, put them in a clean tea towel and rub them together to remove the skins. 
    5. Place the hazelnuts in a blender and then pulse until roughly chopped but not smooth. 
    6. Add all the other pesto ingredients into the blender and pulse, but leave fairly chunky. 
    7. Add the spaghetti to the boiling water, then simmer according to instructions on the packet. 
    8. Drain the spaghetti and stir the pesto into the warm pasta. 
    9. Serve with optional serving suggestions. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • chris8
    chris8 Member Posts: 57
    Hi all hope you're all well!
    Hey @frogmorton thanks for the asking how I am, just been busy with life stuff and Home projects. Anything to keep me busy and occupied lol hope your alright Toni x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone :)

    Thank you Joan the girls are very exited! I also hope Charley and her GF get the house they are hoping to get a phone-call today. I haven't crossed that typing out! Not sure how i did that!!! Finally the wind has dropped 🙂

    Kath I am very glad you enjoyed breakfast yesterday. I will love the pesto past it's one of my favourites...well to be fair ANY pasta!! Paul will be away overnight on Tuesday and Thursday nights too so I will be ramming it down because he isn't keen. Very odd man indeed🤔 don't you think?

    I love the poem I think you may have posted it before because it feels familiar, but is totally worth another read. Imagine falling in love with a spirit rather lovely that. Don't think even in life anyone felt like that about me😁

    Yes STs were stockpiled - were Tenas then too? We feel a little like hoarders too we have a lot of UHT soya milk as Tia Charley and my bro all get it for me now! So I have passed some on to the food bank as well as some Oatly choc milkshake and some custard for any vegan children/lactose intolerant folks who can't be as picky as me.

    Sleek says cats don't have to observe social distancing rules, but they already have tests and have been since January! She says no-one shares fishy lattes although apparently Tommy used to when he was younger. I think they all spent time moaning about their 'peeples' never leaving hem alone now even for a minute🙄

    Chris8 so long as you are ok. I hope the family stuff is ok family stuff and nothing to worry about ((())) for you. What is the latest home project you are up to I wonder🤔

    I'm fine thanks. All is well here and the sun is out so you must get some vit D

    Barbara I thought your eyes were causing you trouble yesterday and maybe you were on your phone?

    I will whatsapp the video of the house as soon as it's a civilised hour not before 7 am!

    Our Sunday lunch was fabulous and so much we are having it again today. What an absolute treat it is no peeling cooking and hardly any washing up at all! Pom and Steve and our neighbours all said the same. Such a lovely village all helping each other out like this.

    I suppose tinned food can be useful as in it keeps well. Also the veggies don't need peeling. Paul's Mum used to like them when she got a bit older🤔 Foodbanks will have that sort of stuff won't they?

    How is our Niamh doing? I was wondering?

    Love to Carol I am sure she is busy busy videocalling with such a big family. Mig too I hope is keeping well and safe.

    Gone continental breakfast meets 'afternoon tea' today!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara how is your brother doing ((())) did you enjoy your Sunday dinner (((())) I hope your eyes are not to sore ((((()))

    . Kath I hope Anita is recovering well ((())) love to your Dad (((())) some times you are pleased you saved things they come in handy again ((()))

    Chris8 I hope you had a good weekend (((()))))

    Toni yes I hope Charley and her friend get the house they need the house after all they are going through (((()))

    . Love to Lucy ((())) Tia ((())) and Paul ((())

    love to Bill Mig Carol Yvonne (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (for my friend Daisy Cat, Miss Sleek) 🐈️


    Cats sleep


    Any table

    Any chair

    Top of piano

    Window ledge

    In the middle

    On the edge

    Open drawer

    Empty shoe

    Any body's

    Lap will do

    Fitted in a

    Cardboard box

    In the cupboard

    With your frocks


    THEY don't care

    Cats sleep


    Eleanor Farjeon

    Toni, when you highlight a word on here, a bar appears with options such as B for bold, I Italic, and S for strike out. I think you must have done that in your previous post. 😊

    Barbara, I do hope you are all right, did you enjoy your Sunday lunch. Oh just wait until Niamh can come round to yours for her roast.

    Joan, you are absolutely correct, you do sometimes find saving things is the right thing to do, as they ca really come in handy. If not for you, then for someone else. The flowers my neighbour gave me were a thank you for food I gave her out of our government food parcel.

    10 Minute Banana Blossom 'Fish'

    It's National Fish & Chips Day on 7th June so to help save our beautiful oceans and marine life, we've created this incredible banana blossom 'fish' which can be made in 10 minutes! Have a look at our gluten-free batter here


    Banana blossom

    • 2 tins banana blossom, drained and rinsed well (you can buy banana blossom from Sainsbury's, Holland & Barrett, online and Asian supermarkets)
    • 2-3 tbsp seaweed sprinkles/flakes (eg Clearspring Nori Sprinkles)
    • Juice of half a lemon 
    • Small bowl of plain flour for coating 'fish'
    • Salt 

    Beer batter 

    • 200g/1⅔ cups plain flour 
    • 1½ tsp baking powder
    • 275ml/1⅛ scant cups vegan beer (chilled) or use sparkling water or alcohol-free beer
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 1 L/4 cups vegetable oil for deep frying

    Optional serving suggestions: chips, lemon wedges, coleslaw, peas, mushy peasvegan mayotartar sauce, tomato sauce. Or for healthier options serve with quinoa and salad. For quick sides, use convenience versions of all options mentioned.


    Banana blossom

    1. Heat a large saucepan (just under) half full of vegetable oil on a medium heat or around 180˚C and while you're waiting for it to heat up, start making everything else.
    2. Carefully separate the whole pieces of banana blossom and spread them out onto a large plate. Discard the smaller pieces (which have separated off) and set aside to use in another recipe or to put in a salad or stir fry.
    3. Pour the lemon juice evenly over the banana blossom then cover them with the seaweed flakes (add more if necessary) and a good sprinkling of salt. Set aside while you make the batter. 

    Beer batter

    1. Mix the plain flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and then when fully combined whisk in the beer.
    2. Dip the banana blossom pieces into the bowl of plain flour then into the batter and lower carefully into the hot oil. Fry until crisp and golden. 
    3. Repeat this stage until all pieces are cooked. 
    4. Squeeze fresh lemon over the top and serve with optional serving suggestions. Enjoy :) 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..its been a bit to warm..and still no rain..
    Toni we facetimed Niamh yesterday..she said can I come round if I wear a mask..not be long now hopefully ...but it will still be scary meeting up with people..
    I have everything crossed that Charley and gf get that call...and I'm so glad your Sunday and monday lunches were good..I have got quite used to it..hahaha..xx
    Joan my brother just porters in the garden he get his scan results this thursday I had the week wrong..thankyou for asking..I hope all is well at yours xx
    Kath I am fine thankyou I think we might have posted at the same time yesterday..I like the ghost poem...very clever did you write it..
    The flowers from your neighbour are lovely and its so nice of her....
    Now banana blossom ..not heard of that but love beer you have made me hungry with the photo...xx
    Chris..I say it again busy us good...,:)..xx
    Right I need to move to cool down
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone 🙂

    Charley should have news today about the house....

    I hope!

    Joan luckily the house is empty and has a new unused kitchen in it! It's lovely very similar to Kari's 😁 They do deserve a nice home and it will be cheaper than renting too.

    Kath thank you for sussing out how I ended up crossing out those words!! Got it!  The S sign!

    Lovely getting flowers and lovely being able to help people isn't it even when you are trapped inside. You are naturally a 'giver' so this won't be easy for you ((()))

    Sleek says that poem could have been written for her! She loves it. So do I come to that. Two kitties in boots adorable I want them! My Mum's old cat used to get inside used tissue boxes even though they were half her size!

    Loving the fish and chips! Banana blossom f anyone is wondering is from a banana plant and doesn't taste sweet it has the texture of flaked cooked fish. I also use Jack fruit which has a solid texture and looks a bit like cooked salmon. You can get both in tins in Asda.

    ((())) to Anita and Val.

    Barbara you could actually meet Niamh now in a socially distant way of you go for a walk I think....but would she want a hug??? I bet you miss her dreadfully 😕

    Thursday for bro's results then?

    At end of play yesterday Charley and her GF had had to up their offer but the Estate agent thinks they should get it this time.

    So you have got spoilt now with all those meals being cooked for you😋

    This afternoon I am supposed to be helping plant the flowers on the Church Wall with ONE other lady. She will start one end I will start the other and keep at least 2m away from each other. We aren't doing much this year and it's easy because the wall is perfect height no bending required.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath how is Chris is he feeling any better ((())) love to Anita (((())) do you have a cat now (((())) love to your Dad(((()))) and Holly ((()))

    Barbara how is your stream coming a long ((())) love to your brother (((())) yes the carers are still coming they are nice and friendly .love to Mr B ((()))

    Toni I hope Charley and her friend get the house (((()))) more shops are opening I'm looking forward going when the cafe's and toilets open. I hope it don't take to long to do the wall. love to Lucy ((())) Tia ((()))and Paul ((()))

    Love to Bill Mig ((())) Carol (((())) Yvonne ((()))Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    Where Did I Go?

    by Kath

     Once I was human

    a long time ago,

    Someone with strength

    and get up and go

    That person has vanished

    I don't know where to,

    I just cannot find her

    Please, where did I go?

    My life is such sadness

     to think of my past

    the girl I once was

    but that didn't last.

    I look in the mirror,

    and I no longer know

    Just who I am,

    Oh where did I go?

    One day I'll come back,

    but be different somehow,

    be stronger, be bolder

    be calm and I vow

    I won't make a mess

    of my new life, oh no,

    but just tell me please,

    where did I go?

    I won't give in to pity

    or pass on the blame

    for all my mistakes

    that was me, just the same.

    I'll keep going forward

    move on, so you know

    as long as I find out

    just where I did go.

    Toni, how exciting, the girls must be on pins waiting to hear about the house. (Aidan would agree).Everything crossed for them. Thanks so much for the fried egg and toast. yum.☕️

    Barbara, poor Niamh, I think things must be so confusing, even for a clever girl who only wants to hug her nanny. 🤔

    Joan, Chris, probably has some kind of Arthur, plus his spine is crumbling, he has DVT, type 2 diabetes, and Glaucoma. So he will never get better. Just like the rest of us on here. 😔

    Easy Vegan Turkey-less Roast

    Oh wow! This roast is just heavenly and the ultimate centrepiece for your Christmas dinner! It's actually very straightforward to make and is sure to impress friends and family... not to mention saving some beautiful turkeys in the process :) 

    Someone else went wild for this roast and just couldn't wait to get her paws on it! 

    Don't forget... vital gluten flour contains 75g of protein per 100g so a great way to meet your RDA! 


    Wet ingredients for the roast

    • 1 onion, finely diced
    • 2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    • 200ml/scant cup soya milk or other plant milk of your choice
    • 160ml/⅔ cup vegan white wine (use equivalent in plant milk if you want an alcohol-free version)
    • 1 tbsp syrup (eg maple or agave)
    • 1 tbsp dried or fresh sage, finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp dried or fresh rosemary, finely chopped
    • ½ tsp smoked paprika 
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 4 tsp vegan stock powder (eg Marigold), dissolved in 1 tbsp boiling water and stirred thoroughly
    • 2-3 tbsp white miso paste 
    • 100g/3½ oz firm tofu, drained
    • 60g/⅓ heaped cup chickpeas, drained and rinsed 
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard (optional)
    • 2 tsp lemon juice (optional)
    • Pinch freshly ground nutmeg (optional)

    Dry ingredients for the roast

    • 285g vital gluten flour 
    • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast 
    • 70g chickpea/gram flour 


    • 130g (approx.) of your favourite dry stuffing mix (make according to the packet but set aside and don't bake it yet!) OR use 1 batch of our Apricot & Chestnut Stuffing recipe (again don't complete the baking stage)


    • 3 large sheets of dried yuba (dried bean curd skin – buy this online or from Asian supermarkets. Make sure you get the spongy bean curd skin and not the hard crispy sheets). This stage is optional


    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC (fan)/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.
    2. Fry the onion until soft and golden then add the garlic and fry for a further minute. 
    3. Add the garlic and onion to a blender and then add all the other wet ingredients. Blend until smooth. 
    4. In a large mixing bowl, thoroughly combine all of the dry ingredients, mix well.  
    5. Pour the blended wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients and combine with your hands until you have a dough. This is your seitan dough. 
    6. On a floured surface, knead the dough for a minimum of 10 minutes. 
    7. With your hands, stretch the dough into a rectangle around 1 inch deep. 
    8. Fill the middle of the seitan dough with your stuffing, fold up each end of the dough around it and then roll it up lengthways so that it's fully sealed. 
    9. If using yuba skin, run each sheet underneath the tap to rehydrate. Wrap them around the seitan until it's fully covered and then tie in three different places with baking string (it will look a bit of a soggy mess at this stage but don't worry it soon crisps up in the oven!). 
    10. Wrap a large piece of foil around the seitan roll and twist at both ends to seal tightly, making sure it's watertight. 
    11. Place the seitan, wrapped in the foil, onto a deep baking tray with about half an inch of water. Place in the oven and cook for 45 minutes, turning once halfway through. Add more water to the pan if it's dried out. 
    12. Open the foil and check to see if the roast is golden. If not, put it back in until it's crisp and golden. 
    13. Once the roast is crisp and golden, remove from the oven, take off the foil and transfer into a dry baking tray. Brush with a little oil and put back in the oven for 5-10 minutes. 
    14. Serve with roast potatoes and all the trimmings! 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone a lovely day ahead i think 🙂

    Joan I didn't get back in the house until 5:45!! The wall looks pretty good though it wasn't easy getting hold of the plants, but the soil (if you can call it soil!) is so dry clearing it ready was the hardest bit. At least it's done now.

    Kath the seller is mucking the girls about i think. She accepted no lower offers they had to offer full asking price! house prices are dropping atm due to COVID!!! and she still wants the agent to show more people around before accepting their offer. We want them to walk away suspect she is after getting them in a bidding war with someone else and pay OVER the asking price.

    Found a couple of alternatives for them to look at although we shall see 🤬

    That vegan roast looks amazing - I thought you'd posted a meat one! it's seitan I see...i've always wanted to try making that. I had a seitan hot dog at the vegan fayre in Burton last year it was a-ma-zing! The dog looks very interested in the food!

    Poor Chris it can't be easy for him he has a lot going on. Good job you have each other! Guess what i watched on telly last night?!!

    Love to Barbara and Carol and mig as well of course to Chris8!

    I hope that pic posted it's the Rev Delphine's legs with their new addition to the family Florence!

    Some breakfast?

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath it's so hard for both of you that's the problem things get. worse as you get older(((()))). I know I want to cut the brass like I used to but I can't even walk a cross a room with out holding on to something your mind can do it your body can't love to Anita (((()))and your Dad (((()))

    Toni that's not right the right house will come along for them ((((()))) you stood looking at the wall thinking I did that (((())) love to Tia (((())) Lucy (((())) Paul (((())))

    love to Barbara (((())) Carol (((())) Bill ((()))Chris ((()))Yvonne (((()))

    . I went on the radio this morning to ask when the shops open will the toilets be open he said we had not thought about that.

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all sorry I dudnt post eyes wernt good I forgot to wear my sun glasses outside.. so served me right..
    Toni I do hope that Cgarkey and gf get the house..its the same with our beighbours the buyers backed out but now she has 3 is holding see what they can get..but it's hard on buyers..I think Scotland is the best were you put in a secret bid..yeah my brother will know something thus thirsfay ..fingers crossed..he never lets in that he us struggling..just like my eldest brother.. good for you planting all the you are really proud of yourself.ooh I love the little puppy.xx
    Joan I am glad you like your carers it must make all the difference when you have to have them in your enjoy this nice weathet on your scooter rides.but wear sunglasses... xx
    Kath such a sad poem..but you must be a strong lady....Sending you both love and you say none of us will get better.. blimey the roast looks so good vegan can look like leat is amazing..just shows we dont need it..but my oh wouldnt di without..and now thanks to Toni I know about the banana blossom..:)
    Right better rest these eyes ..and wear my sunglasses..
    Love to everyone
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (written by a local lady, not me).

    I'm desperate for a seaside trip,

    I'd gladly go today,

    but government has said we shouldn't,

    and that we must obey.  

    How can I quell these coastal thoughts 

    now swimming in my head? 

    When a sudden "lightbulb" moment comes, 

    I trot off to the shed.  

    I'm armed with spade and deckchair, 

    my brainwave feels in reach, 

    If I chuck some shells and sand around, 

    could be my personal litte beach.  

    I'm chilling out, my eyelids closed, 

    transported to the Med, 

    when it suddenly starts raining, 

    now feels more like Skeggy beach instead! 

    Well at least I've had a little trip, 

    if only in my mind, 

    it would have been for longer, 

    if the weather had been kind.  

    I hope it won't be too long, 

    till we can holiday for real, 

    to help rid all this doom and gloom, 

    and give our life back some appeal.

    by Donna Bowley

    My next door neighbour Rebecca at number 23, has chopped all our overgrown shrubs, so I cansee over to Holly's flat. We also have a Rebecca at number 21, so I have a Rebecca either side of me. ☺️. The one at 23 I've known since she was 12. She's now in her 40's. She's the one with Agoraphobia. Holly had a food parcel this morning, from social services, as she is fostering her 14 year old sister.

    Blimmin' house sellers. I hope the girls get a better deal with somebody else.

    Gemista (Greek Stuffed Peppers & Tomatoes)

    Gemista is a traditional Greek recipe that’s bursting with fresh flavours and colours. It’s perfectly suited to being meat-free because then the flavours of the wonderful vegetables and aromatic herbs really shine through. There are hundreds of gemista recipes in Greece - almost every family has their own take on it. But this vegan version, with the addition of fragrant capers, the bite of the toasted almonds, and the hearty puy lentils, just takes it to another level. This is by far my favourite gemista recipe because it’s also so easy. You don’t even need to boil the rice first, there’s plenty of moisture in the vegetables and filling mixture to cook the rice in the oven, plus that way it absorbs even more of the delicious flavours!And this vegan gemista recipe packs over a third of your recommended protein intake and around half your daily iron. And that’s before you even add any salad or other sides.


    • 3 bell peppers
    • 3 large ripe tomatoes
    • 4 tbsp almonds
    • 100g uncooked medium-grain rice
    • 1 x 250g pack pre-cooked puy lentils
    • 1 red onion, finely chopped
    • 3 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 small carrot, finely chopped
    • Handful fresh mint, chopped
    • Handful fresh parsley, chopped
    • ½ tsp dried oregano
    • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 2 tbsp capers, roughly chopped
    • 2 tsp caster sugar or sugar alternative
    • Pinch of salt and pepper to taste
    • 4 tbsp olive oil
    • 4 tbsp tomato puree


    1. Preheat your oven to 180C (360F).
    2. Roughly chop your almonds then lightly toast them in a small frying pan for a few minutes without any oil, until they start to smell fragrant. Remove from the heat.
    3. While the almonds are cooling, cut the tops off the peppers and tomatoes. De-seed the peppers and discard the seeds. Scoop out the inside of the tomatoes using a spoon, then chop up the tomato flesh and add to a large mixing bowl, with any juices.
    4. Add the toasted almonds and all the remaining ingredients to the mixing bowl, and stir thoroughly to combine.
    5. Arrange the hollowed out peppers and tomatoes snugly on a baking tray or dish, then spoon the filling into the vegetables, until level with the cut. Put the tops back on the vegetables, place the tray / dish in the oven, and bake for 60-70 minutes until the rice is cooked through and the vegetables are soft and tender.
    6. This vegan gemista is best served warm rather than hot, and goes brilliantly served with just a simple green salad!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening everyone

    I know I haven’t been around for a bit But well to be honest it has been a hellish couple of weeks, and everything seems to have got to me And there has been many a time when I have been on the border of tears 😭 the work in the garden has been fraught with problems. They say they are coming at one time and don’t arrive till later.then they have had problems getting some of the things they have needed. Yesterday I think I nearly hit breaking point with it all. On Monday the boss man tells Mr T that they would not be working in there until Thursday but that we could sit out there if we wanted. So Mr T puts up our new patio set out there so that at least for a couple of days we could sit out there . I was looking forward to that but what happens yesterday morning they turn up, well I am standing near my kitchen window which was open because, they have had the plug for the machine they need to cut the paving slabs I. Our kitchen socket. And the guy who had been laying the paving says has someone been walking on the paving out here (what was going through my mind to say at this point was. well how do you think the table You have just put you bag on get out do you think it flew out there by itself 😂😂) So I say yes your boss told us we could sit out there. What had happened was the paving had gone loose at one end of the garden because the cement hadn’t dried. They were still working at 7 o’clock last night waiting for mr bossman to come back and a neighbour in the next part of the block knocks and complains about the noise so mr t had to stop them working. Then today they We’re not due in but Mr T being Mr T decides he needs to put some putty in the kitchen window. Where it has worn away It won’t hurt if I am careful walking on the slabs he says. The neighbours above us have got a bad smell in their flat and are saying the drain is blocked well mr T being Mr T them invites them into the garden to check so that is three people walking across peeing that should not be walked on . 🙄🙄🙄. At this point I give up. This is a couple that are sitting on the communal grass area in front of the flats on Sunday and also on VE Day with friends and the like who don’t live on the estate and not social distancing either. Then he thinks I am Getting paranoid🙄🙄 sorry about this rant but I needed to Get if off my chest as they say and this was the only place I Felt I could do it without him seeing it. Anyway enough of that how is everyone doing I hope you are all well and enjoying the warm weather. The calls are slightly less frequent now however yes we are still getting them about once a week. I have had some gorgeous pictures of all the GGC over the last couple of days when they have been out on little walks I. Quite places. Here’s a couple to cheer us all up

    my gorgeous little ladies Lillie ,Graycie and Rubie love it when GD dresses the all alike.

    Then of course the other Little princess and the 2 handsome princes Faye, Ashley and Kian who in about 10days will be 10 months old. getting a big boy now.

    love and Sparkles to you all. ❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Aw Carol! That garden has been a real pain in the rear end it was supposed to have been finished by last Sunday! Mr T clearly didn't learn by the mistake did he? 🙄 I hope no slabs need re-laying since he had a party in the back garden! I know I am exaggerating! I wouldn't have let people in the garden who haven't been distancing they aren't safe at all😮

    Best to tell us and get it off your chest the last thing we need is to argue on lockdown. ((())) for you I hope things are better today and they finish very soon.

    The girls look adorable in their matching outfits I also love them all matching I used t do the same with Charley and Lucy when they were little for special occasions too♥️ AS for the other 3 gorgeous children wow 10 months?! when on earth did that happen?! Time flies even in a worldwide pandemic.

    You take care and remember we are always here.((()))

    Barbara I imagine your neighbour isn't trying to push her prospective buyers above asking though is she? This lady hasnt got any other offers she wants the agent to miracle buyers out of the air then create a bidding war if she can. They are going to view another one (much cheaper) with the same potential on Saturday then doing a 2nd viewing at the house they want. We shall see eh? I agree about Scotland that is the way to go.

    Today i shall keep my fingers crossed for your bro. 🤞 I know he doesn't say much he has done so very well so far hasn't he? in fact he is a miracle. Long may it last🌈🌈

    The puppy is so sweet but of course we can touch yet 😕

    Kath that poem is really good! What a clever friend you have and please thank her (r him) for sharing it with us 🙂 Oh the sea-side! sigh.......

    Stuffed peppers are one of my favourite things to eat you know I have always loved them, but the recipe is one of the best. A few things I would not have thought to put in so I might order some peppers on my next Tesco order (4th) Thank YOU!

    How lovely of (23) Rebecca to cut your bushes down so you can see Holly's place now! Do you know you have a great little community there a bit like our village 🙂

    Joan yes I must admit I do keep looking at the wall (it being opposite does help!) I think you're right Charley should think that; 'This is not the house for us'. I hope she likes the other one they are viewing on Saturday better ✌️

    Finished another jigsaw yesterday!

    Fame at last you on the radio! Wahay! I can't be out for very long either i would need a wee!😯

    Love to @chris8 and Mig

    Some food.....dippy eggs methinks

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara good luck to your brother (((())) love to Mr B ((())) I have not got any clip on Sunglasses for my glasses. I hope your eyes are not to sore (((()))

    Kath you have nice neighbours there good (((())) how is Anita ((())) love to your Dad (((())) and. Chris ((()))

    Carol you need Alan Tichmarsh there he can do it while you have a holiday ((())) love to everyone((()))

    Toni old luck to Charley and her friend for the house you never know they might get a phone call from the lady at the house they like ((())) love to Lucy (()) Tia ((())) Paul (((())) how old is the puppy ((()))

    Love to Bill ((()))Mig ((())) Chris ((()))Yvonne ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Good morning or is it not sure yet latest saga for the garden they have turned up this morning and the paving near the gate is not yet setting so they can’t do anything else today.

    Toni as for the garden party 🤣🤣🤣mr T had to admit to the bossman that he had to let the neighbours look at the drain. The thing I don’t understand is yes it’s a shared drain for our side of the block so that’s 3 flats, we are on the bottom so we tend to get all the muck from flats above. It is usually our flat which has problems first with water backing up into our shower. but we haven’t had any problems and no bad smells. So it must be between them and us. Mr T did however pull quite a lot of leaves out of the drain. So hopefully it has solved the problem. Yes our Gd loves dressing the girls all the same if she can get all the sizes.

    However today I am not going to get into a mood about anything I am going to keep calm. Gonna be hard but I am going to do it.

    On the good side because all our golden wedding anniversary events have had to be cancelled out for the time being we have been looking into a couple of ways we can mark the actual day. One is having a meal delivered from the restaurant where we used to have our fortnightly church meals. mr t will organise that closer to the time which is not until the 4th of July so 5 weeks from this coming Saturday. And instead of buying each other a present we are going to join forces money wise and buy ourselves a lovely Westminster chime mantle piece clock 🕰 already been ordered and will arrive a month before our anniversary but that doesn’t matter as we both know what it is anyway. While send a picture when it is in place. And hopefully when all is ok 👌🏽 to do so we will have a family celebration then 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    Had a little video sent on Facebook to day from my GD-I-L of our little Kian walking If I can get it to work I will Try to post it in the meantime here is one of him standing up solo.

    Taken yesterday. He’s been standing on his own for about a month and a half now and in the last couple of days has started walking around everywhere. I really cannot wait to see him again, well all of them really I have not seen them since a fleeting meet up back in February when we were at youngest GDS 18th, it was only fleeting visits to the little people’s then because they were not allowed at the party due to Restrictions at the venue of the Party.

    Joan I reckon Alan Titchmarsh would have been better 😀😀😀only problem is we can’t go on holiday at the moment what a shame ☹️☹️☹️

    May pop back in later and forgot to say thank you Toni for your Kind words about my rant last night but it was good to get it out in the open.

    love and sparkles and hugs to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx