Val's Cafe
Daily Poem (I had to post this one again, seeing as how our garden has gone off in Rebecca's brown bin. This morning she painted both her fence, and ours. So we are looking neat and tidy now. 😀)
Gardeners Lament
We cleared out the garden today:
it really was time
as the weather was fine
and the grass was looking like hay.
The Roses were all overgrown:
while the Dandelion weeds
had spread all their seeds
among the Potatoes we’d sown.
The Slugs and Snails had a rave:
they all gobbled through
every plant they could chew.
There wasn't that much left to save.
And so we built a bonfire:
chucked everything on
our gardens now gone.
One allotment
half acre
for hire!
Toni, I don't actually know the lady who wrote yesterdays poem. She put it on Facebook, so I nicked it. HEHEHE, I knew you'd like it.
Carol, what a to do with your gardeners. I love the photos of the GGC. Kian is walking, how lovely.
Joan and Sue, I hope you are both enjoying the sunshine, Vitamin D should help your Osteoporosis.
Thai Green Curry
You can make this authentic, fragrant Thai green curry from scratch or do the quick version if you're short of time. Either way, it's delicious :)
Alternatively you can use 4 tsp of vegan Thai green curry paste (eg Blue Dragon) instead for a quick version
- Handful coriander
- 2 sticks lemongrass, outer layer and ends removed then roughly chopped
- 2 shallots or 1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled
- 5cm of galangal or ginger, peeled
- Juice of 1 lime
- 3 green Bird's eye chilli (or use any chilli of your choice)
- 2 tsp brown sugar
- 2 tbsp rapeseed oil
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 x 400ml tin coconut milk
- 200ml vegan stock
- 6 kaffir lime leaves
Choose at least 3 of the following veg options:
- Handful of baby corn, sliced in half lengthways
- ½ head of broccoli, broken into bite-sized chunks
- Handful of water chestnuts
- 3 medium carrots, diced
- 1 aubergine, cubed and roasted
- 2 sweet potato, cubed and roasted
- 200g mangetout
- 100g green beans, trimmed and halved
- 200g mushrooms, halved
- 2 handfuls vegan 'chicken' pieces or tofu (cubed), fried on either side (at the end if using this option)
- Decorate with Thai basil (ideally) or regular basil, fresh coriander and fresh chilli
- Serve with Thai sticky rice or jasmine rice, lime wedges and vegan Thai crackers (eg Sainsbury's)
- Blend all the ingredients in a high powered blender or food processor until smooth.
- Heat a little oil in a wok or large frying pan, on a low-medium heat then add the paste. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Add the coconut milk, stock, kaffir lime leaves and veg of your choice (leave out the 'chicken pieces' or tofu until the end).
- Bring to the boil then simmer until the veg are cooked to your taste.
- Taste the sauce and if necessary add more soy sauce, sugar or lime juice to balance the flavours.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon al...I am melting..
Aww Carol what a saga..yes you have dint thr right thing getting it off your chest..dont you just get some odd workmen..suppose my t was doing his best but it's that man thing again..I know all about they say from another planet.. the photos are so lovely if the girl how nice they are dressed and Kian has grown so much...
Yes you try and keep calm..choosing the garden can be used fully gery soon and bot by others.. xx
Kath the poem is brilliant you know the lady that wrote it.
I always dream if being near the sea..
What kind neughbours you have..I think there is a lot if good come out if this virus...ans bad of course..
Gemista wow it really looks good thankyou xx
Joan thankyou my brother hadn't rang yet with any results..fingers crossed..dud you say you had clip on sunglasses..I wish my oh would get to all if you xc
Toni so Charley hasn't heard anything yet..she really us playing with them..I just wish they would find something else.. good luck to them
Ooh a soft boiled egg thankyou
Right I'm off to get my chillows my bum is on fire..
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Well what a difference today as to how I have felt after my little rant last night . I am so glad I did that and I felt so much better and I gave myself a good talking too. And determined that today I woul not let my day be spoilt, nothing has been done in the garden today As I said this morning and mr T has not entered into the garden today so maybe he learnt his lesson when he had to explain to the bossman that he had had to let the neighbours into the garden. As I told her I was not going to do it and made sure I was nowhere near the window when he first came. Hope fully it will be finished except for the shed. I shall be really glad when it is done it taken twice as long as it should have and has cost mr T more than it should have. In the bossman was talking to me later at the kitchen window and was saying something about money and I couldn’t really hear him as he is a very quite spoken person and I am not hearing very quite things at the moment, I think I may have a build up of wax in my ears and it is affecting my hearing. When we Can I need to see my doctor to see about if I need them syringed. So I sent mr t out to speak to him but said to mr t I think he may be going to ask for more money, and mr T Went out to speak to him and said to him before he asked that there was no more funds to give him anymore. anyway he told Mr T that they would be here tomorrow and will be finishing off tomorrow. He still then will have to come back when the shed part is available to erect that which has been paid for.
Kath yes the garden has been a bit of a traumatic time to say the least.
Yes Kian is growing up so quickly. he has been standing alone since he was about 8 and a half months, then he went a couple of weeks taking one or Two steps then sitting Down again. But in the last few days he has really got going I do have a little video but I can’t see to post it on here. Glad you like the pictures.
Barbara You have no idea how much better I felt after letting my feelings out on here. As for the odd workmen you sure do get some odd ones. And as for Mr T I am used to his acting on impulse and not really thinking before he dose something if it’s in his mind to do it it has to be done there and then. Yes my gorgeous little Kian has really grown quite quickly. And he seems to be a real smiler. GD loves dressing the girls the same if she can get all their sizes.
I hope everyone one has had a good day. And the weather has been kind to you.
Love and sparkles to you all.
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning everyone!
Joan the puppy is 10 weeks old!! isn't she adorable? She is called Florence. Charley and her GF are going back to that house tomorrow again and to another one which is the same but not as 'done' as that one, but cheaper so we'll see.
Carol bless you to be fair it really has been a nightmare that garden honestly it has. I cannot believe the slabs are taking that long to 'go off'! Really that is long time especially in this heat.🙄 I bet the neighbours have just got a bunged up shower themselves in their own shower not anything to do with the main system else you would have seen it first🤔
I love the wedding anniversary plans you and Mr T have in place all spot on a bit like we did for ours on 24th March (I know 2 mins after lockdown!!) we had a HUGE picture with crystals in it as it was out crystal anniversary and a meal together candles the lot! You will have the best day ever I'm sure ❤️
Kian!! WALKING?!! Wow!!! Bless his heart he is advanced isn't he? I bet you can't wait to see them all soon I hope.
Hmmmm......asking for extra money now are they? Not good at all they quoted it's their fault if they haven't finished on time and he's had to pay extra wages. Ok maybe one day extra due to the slabs which you unsettled...
Sooner you can see your Dr the better get your ears checked over now here you are some ((())) take care and we really don't mind we all rant from time to time don't we? that's what friends are for.
Barbara that woman is playing with them you are right. I wish they would go off that house, but at least they have a plan B house now which they are viewing tomorrow and viewing their original house again too so they'll have a direct comparison.
I hope that it's good news with your bro you know. They say no news is good news i think you would have heard if it was bad don't you? ((())) for you typical man not thinking you would be worrying and waiting🙄
It's going to be another scorcher so I am leaving you this
Kath I think I love Rebecca what a great neighbour to do both sides of the fence and put rubbish in her bins so you are at least tidy I bet that feels better.
That poem feels like me every winter when i look out and then in the spring when we have to start all over again. Ah...the poem is stolen! You tea-leaf 😁😁 it was a good one though wasn't it?
would you like some sand?
We need to see pics of Carol's garden don't we?
I love the recipe I think I will have to make my own Tai green curry because Paul is of a delicate disposition 😳
Right some breakfast....
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Good morning everyone
. Kath how is Anita doing (((()))) love to your Dad (((()))) how are your pains I hope they are not to bad (((()))) love to Chris (((())) have a good weekend (((())
Carol I'm sorry it would be good if you could roll the weeks back wouldn't it ((())) have a good weekend (((()))
Barbara I hope your brother gets his results soon (((())) love to Mr B ((((()))) have a good weekend (((()))
Toni I hope Charley and her friend get good news this weekend comparing the two houses (((())))
one of Sue's carers went into a supermarket and the manager said could you take your uniform of you are upsetting the customers because you have been with people she won't go in there any more.
have a good weekend (((())) love to all ((()))
love to Bill Mig Chris Yvonne (((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
The Sunlight on the Garden
by Louis MacNeice (1907 63)
The sunlight on the garden
Hardens and grows cold,
We cannot cage the minute
Within its nets of gold,
When all is told
We cannot beg for pardon.
Our freedom as free lances
Advances towards its end;
The earth compels,
upon it Sonnets and birds descend;
And soon, my friend,
We shall have no time for dances.
The sky was good for flying
Defying the church bells
And every evil iron
Siren and what it tells:
The earth compels,
We are dying, Egypt, dying
And not expecting pardon,
Hardened in heart anew,
But glad to have sat under
Thunder and rain with you,
And grateful too
For sunlight on the garden.
"The sunlight is presented as something transient; it cannot be caught. It represents a beautiful moment. The light grows cold, it dies, with a certain kind of inevitability. The speaker tries to catch the minute but he cannot. Almost paradoxically, he also feels trapped within time. He says that ‘our freedom as free lances advances towards its end’. The words ‘lances’ and ‘advances’ give the poem a military feel, as if there is a group of soldiers marching towards their inevitable death. This is strengthened by the reference to Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra in the third stanza: ‘we are dying, Egypt’. Time drags him along towards an end he cannot escape.
The speaker therefore starts commemorating the time when ‘the sky was good for flying’. Slowly, he starts accepting the end of the sunlight and instead of protesting against it he is grateful. It is only in this last stanza that the true nature of the poem clearly shows: it is a love poem. This poem was written while MacNeice recovered from a divorce and it is often seen as a reflection on that. In the first stanza he sounds bitter and laments that he cannot hold on to their relationship, but in the last stanza he seems to have accepted what happened and he expresses his gratitude for the time he has spent with his wife.
Why is it so striking?
Even before trying to analyse this poem I found it very powerful. Not only because of its subject matter, but also because of its tone and the strong feelings it conveys. According to T.S. Eliot (an amazing poet himself) “genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood”. We do not need to understand every word MacNeice wrote to understand the emotions behind it. His text is appealing in its almost musical use of both end rhyme and internal rhyme. Moreover, his poems are often seen as being both very personal and provokingly universal. ‘The Sunlight on the Garden’ may express his or your feelings, but it can also be paralleled with people’s anxiety over the political situation in England at the time. All of these components together make the poem as striking as it is."
Hello everybody, hope you don't mind my little poetry appreciation, but I thought you might like to know what such a pretty poem really means.
I haven't spoken to Anita thi week, but I'm assuming she is fine and still waiting for her results. I will ring dad tomorrow, so hoping he too is well.
Tin Can Spaghetti Bolognese
This is one of our weekly staples... cheap, nutrious and super easy. It also tastes amazing... comfort food at it's best :)
- 1 tbsp vegetable or olive oil
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
- 285g fresh mushrooms, washed and sliced (or other veg of your choice... fresh, tinned or frozen)
- 400g tin of green lentils, drained and rinsed
- 1x 400g chopped tomatoes
- 75ml red wine (optional, you can use a dash of vinegar instead)
- 350ml vegetable stock
- 2 tbsp tomato puree
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tsp sugar or syrup (eg maple or agave. Optional)
- 280g spaghetti (dried is usually vegan, fresh pasta normally contains egg)
- Heat the oil in a large non-stick saucepan and fry the onion until soft.
- Add the mushrooms (or other veg) and the garlic to the pan and fry for 5 mins until soft.
- Add the lentils, tomatoes, wine, stock and tomato puree to the pan and stir thoroughly. Season to taste.
- Bring to the boil and then turn down to simmer for 40 mins, stirring occasionally.
- Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti according to packet instructions.
- Take the bolognese off the heat and serve over the drained spaghetti.
- To serve, top with grated vegan cheese or nutritional yeast flakes (optional).
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all..the bet was down today for over an hour..its so scary when that happens sometimes I wish I hadn't got so into it..
Kath the poem is brilliant..but not so easy to analyse..for me much to read into it..that makes it very clever...
Thankyou for the tin can spag bill.. I like to Anita and I hope you and Chris are coping in this hot weather..I'm not xx
Joan nothing off my brother yet..he died this sometimes but I am sat here worrying..hope you Sue and doggies have had a nice day xx
Carol I am glad today is a little better dont give them a penny more..they should knock something off for all the hassle..
Mr B went to the doctors about his ears..I made him...hahaha..but they said they dont syringe anymore you have to ho to an hearing clinic ..mind you that might just be our doctors..hope it's all stright forward when the shed arrives.. and so nice what you have done for your anniversary..xx
Toni thankyou for the was lovely and fluffy....:)..nothing off my brother yet..I have tried texting....I an glad the girls have plan b house..I am sure they will get the right one whatever..
..its so warm..last night I could hear splashing and it was my neighbour and daughter in the looks so tempting..
Right love to all
Barbara0 -
Awww imagine that splashing in the pool on a warm evening Barbara! I bet you wish that was you and Niamh though 😕 are you going to see her now that we can have people in the garden?
There will be a hose-pipe ban soon if this goes on 🙄 BUT I am loving it. carefully cooling the house down in the morning then shutting curtains fans and aircon on in bedroom to keep it that way for the evening late afternoon.
Men eh? Your bro not a thought that you'd be worried [probably got his phone off as there's no work pressure or anything ATM.
Joan Bill sends a big HI to you I told him you send love to him every single day. What on earth! I am fuming your carers do not go to people with COVID🤬 just normal people like Sue who need a hand. She should tell the papers! Our Aidan would have had something to say about that.
Kath thank you for the poem I did get some of it as i was reading it sunlight being in the title and I did think it was a love poem from the last verse, but the analysis was really, really helpful although you do help us out when we need poems interpreting anyway that was great. Lovely poem.
I hope Dad is ok and had his meal from his club again this week bless him and his food box maybe? I imagine Anita is just trucking along recovering now. I hope it's not too long before she gets her results.
Thank you for the spag bol - LOVE it one of my faves but sadly Paul doesn't like pasta the meany. I have it when he's away on site! First thing I do!!
I caught up with Bill yesterday. He is doing well. Talks about Aidan frequently and is in a far better place now than he was in December. He is doing much the same as everyone; a bit in the house and a bit in the garden and a coffee over the fence and chunter with Mandy. Who is also doing very well.
He said he appreciates knowing we all hold a special place as he does for Bubsy his name for our Aidan ❤️❤️❤️
Now some food what did Aidan have on a Saturday? Croissants so we shall too!
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Morning everyone sorry I’ve not been around for a few weeks we are all well will try and read back later.Im so excited we’re having some decking laid today,not a big area just enough so we can have table and chairs out,our garden is very uneven so it’s been difficult,our eldest son is buying the table and chairs it’s a present from last Christmas.Meanwhile I’ve been doing a lot of crocheting and sorting my yarn stash out,didn’t realise I had such a lot.They are both baby blankets in the making though the bottom one my Aunt took a liking too so I think I will make it bog enough for a lap cover,she’s just gone into a care home.Take care all and stay safe. X Mig.
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@mig!!!!!! Lovely to see you 🙂 and hear your news.
If you can you'll have to show us a pic of your decking. Lots of us are working on ours too ATM. You'll be able to see the family socially distanced of course.
Blankets are lovely (it's easy to collect lots of wool isn't it!) and what a great idea to grow the one your Aunt loves so much for her to take with her to her nursing home.
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Good morning everyone
Kath you find good poems thank you (((())) love to Anita ((()))Chris ((())) and your Dad ((()))
Barbara perhaps your brother does not know you are worried (((())) I buy drops to get wax out of my ears love to Mr B ((()))
Toni good luck to Charley and her friend for to day (((())) I've to Tia ((()))Lucy ((())) you and Paul (((()))
.Mig I'm pleased you are doing alright (((()))
love to Bill ((()))Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Yvonne ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (I wrote this on Friday 29/05/2020)
I’m sorry dad, I can’t visit today
I’m not allowed to leave home.
I’m shielding you see and I have to stay safe
so I’m sat sitting here on my own.
the country’s locked down from Fife down to Dover
and I don’t know when it’ll be over.
it might be six months dad, it might be a year
but don’t worry about me, I'll be still waiting here.
Just listen to Boris and all of his cronies,
and don’t let your mind fill with fear.
Just think of the days when we’ll sit and gaze
while sharing a bottle of beer.
Hello all, Oh I am so glad Bill is keeping well Toni.
There's plenty of Dandelions round here, but I don't think I'll be eating any. I'll stick to lettuce. 😀
mig, those blankets are gorgeous, such a lot of work gone into them
Joan, I rang dad this morning, he had some Prawn sandwiches from his club, with cake and a drink. They bring him something every Tuesday and Friday. He saves them for tea.
Barbara, I haven't heard from Anita either, but she's spoken to dad, and is popping to top his food cupboards up. So she must be feeling OK. Still waiting for her results.
Sending hugs to everyone.
Chickpea & Pineapple Curry
A gorgeous combination of sweet and savoury flavours with a lovely bit of heat and a creamy coconut sauce. Adapt the flavours to suit your taste, adding more spices, coconut milk and seasoning if you fancy. At only 35p per portion this recipe is perfect if you're on a budget... easily sourced ingredients, healthy and delicious too :)
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- ¼ - ½ tsp chilli powder
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- ½ tsp turmeric
- 1 tin (485g or 260g drained weight ) pineapple rings or pieces, saving 80ml of pineapple juice
- 1 tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 80g frozen peas
- ¼ - ½ tsp salt
- 100ml/⅖ cup coconut milk
- Heat the oil in a medium sized non-stick saucepan. Add in the onion and garlic and fry for a couple of minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon, before adding the spices and frying everything together until the onion is nice and soft and browning with the spices.
- Drain the pineapple from the tin, retaining 80ml of juice. If you have rings, chop them into pieces.
- Tip the pineapple, chickpeas and peas into the pan and stir. Add the salt.
- Cook everything together for 5 minutes, before pouring in the pineapple juice and coconut milk. Stir again, bring to a high heat briefly, and then turn down to simmer for 10 minutes, with a lid tilted over the top of the pan.
- Add more seasoning, a sprinkling of stock powder or chilli powder if desired.
- Serve with basmati rice or chapati, plant-based yoghurt and lime pickle (optional). You can also top with fresh coriander if you like.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Afternoon all..I am melting again...and sat on my chillow..hahaha
Toni we will see Niamh tomorrow..she understands more now about not being able to hug...bless her
I would love to jump in next doors pool..did I say jump....hahaha..lifted in
I am so glad Bill us doing ok I will leave it a few days and text him..I hope that he can get his business off the ground very soon..xx
Joan my brother is a one off..but he will text or ring in a few days..the poor carer..its awful I know a few have had abuse..some awful people out there..but plenty good ones xc
Kath the poem is brilliant wonder if your dad has seen it..ooh prawn sandwiches how nice for him..glad he is looked after..
Chickpea and pineapple curry sounds so nice.
Thankyou xx
Mig its always good to hear from you... the decking will be so nice for you to sit out..Carol is doing something similar but flag stones..
The crocheting is beautiful..I am loving the colours..well done you ..I hope you and your family are keeping well xx
Met a lovey man today off facebook selling I needed more plants and cant queue for I messgaed him and he said I have many available.. he had the most glorious garden with 3 ponds one like a lake..he is disabled and that is his hobby ..he has 2 carers there to help him..and uses a scooter.. so I am a happy bunny now..just need someone to plant them...hahaha
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone lovely out there, but i think breezier today which is no bad thing!
Joan I went out in my bike yesterday - not far just a little way it was wonderful Paul was on his walk already so i went past him and could be rescued if needed!
Guess what? they liked the new house better so will forget the other one and go for this one. If their offer gets accepted I will PM you the derails so you can have a look.
Kath FABULOUS poem I hope your Dad likes it. I would if it was about me :) Lockdown has certainly got your creative juices flowing! Good to hear he has seen Anita - that tells me she is doing just fine. Need those results though to feel safe ((())) for you.
Prawn sandwiches then? Blimey they haven't been mean have they? Good idea to save them for tea in this weather butties are ideal.
I think I would be happy to try dandelion leaves wilted in a curry....maybe the chickpea and pineapple one. It looks lovely another I will DEFINITELY try.
Barbara you will see Niamh!! Oh please send her all our love and get the pool out ready for her. She is a good girls and has had plenty of time to understand social distancing. Such a shame I bet you want to squeeze the life out of her. I'm welling up just thinking about you being reunited.
Yes Text Bill in a few days that will be lovely. I know he will appreciate it. Bless his heart...what that man has been through is more than I could have coped with. Shakes head sadly....
Your bro will be in touch when he's good and ready. If not you will have to get in the car and get Mr B to drive round and knock his door after Monday 😉
Right some scran
The leaves aren't dandelion they are spinach! Veg option always available 😘
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Good morning everyone
Kath lovely poem very true (((())) love to Chris ((())) Anita ((())) and your Dad (((())) Anita's doing well ((()))
Barbara you enjoy the time with Niamh ((((()))) perhaps you will be able to see her every weekend (((())) love to your brother (((()))
Toni I bet that was lovely going on your bike (((()))) with Paul running behind to rescue you (((())) Good luck to Charley and her friend (((())) Thank you Toni I can imagine the house (((())) love to Lucy ((())) Tia (((()))
Love to Bill ((((())) Carol (((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((())) Yvonne ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem 4 May 2020
Abingdon is a leading independent day and boarding school for boys aged 11-18. Full and weekly boarding is available from age 13. Abingdon Prep School is a day school for boys aged 4 to 13. The two schools together make up the Abingdon Foundation.
We are over 750 years old
As part of their English lessons, boys in the Second Year have been writing some beautiful poems reflecting on the coronavirus crisis.
'I look at the world: Covid 19 Edition' by Oliver Veal
I look at the world: Covid 19 Edition
I used to look at the world and there was so much to see,
but everyone in it was stuck on a screen,
I walked this way, blue light. That way, blue light.
All on social media, obsessed and uptight.
I look at the world and there is less to be seen,
there isn’t much to do now but look at your screen,
the shops are empty, so are the streets,
Our time in isolation is just obscene.
I will look at the world after all of this is done,
there will be kids in the park, having lots of fun.
The shops will be packed, to go outside we’ll be keen,
and hopefully, we will stay off our screens.
I'm pleased you enjoyed my poem. I decided to search for other lockdown poems, and I found work by young boys at the Abingdon School. I will post one every day until I've used them all. They are tremendous. I have sent an email to the Headmaster, I'll let you know what he says.
I'm smiling at the thought of Niamh and Barbara being able to meet up in the garden, even though they won't be able to hug.
Toni, another delicious breakfast, I love Spinach. thank you. I do hope the girl's are successful with the house they are looking at.
Joan, yes Anita is doing well and has taken my poem to dad's today when she takes him some extra shopping. He really enjoyed the Prawn sandwiches, which surprised me really. He's usually a cheese and ham person.
Holly has a new rotary washing line, oh the things we get excited about when we have little to occupy us. 🙄
Onion Tarte Tatin
This savoury version of the classic French dish is amazing! Caramelised, balsamic onions, white wine, thyme and cheese make for an amazing combination of flavours. Be prepared to devour this in one sitting!
- 300g puff pastry block (eg Jus-Rol. Use GF if necessary)
- 50g/2 oz vegan butter or spread (our favourite is Naturli)
- 1-2 tbsp thyme leaves, finely chopped
- Pinch salt and pepper
- 3-4 large onions, peeled and sliced into 1 inch chunky rings (keep all of the rings whole)
- 60ml/¼ cup vegan white wine
- 60ml/¼ cup vegan stock
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1 tbsp syrup (eg maple or agave etc. Optional)
- 100-150g/4oz vegan cheese of your choice, grated (we used Violife Prosociano and it was delicious!)
- Soya milk for brushing (or other plant milk of your choice)
- Preheat the oven to 190ºC (fan)/375ºF/Gas Mark 5.
- Roll the pastry out to around 0.5cm thick and cut a circle around an oven-proof frying pan (ours is 12" diameter), leaving around 1cm excess around the edge. Put in the fridge while you make everything else.
- Using your oven-proof frying pan, melt the vegan butter/spread then add the salt, pepper and thyme. Arrange the onion chunks in the pan. Cook them over medium heat, on one side, for around 20 minutes until they start to get nice and brown.
- Turn them over and add some chopped up onion to fill in any gaps. Cook until the other side has browned.
- Pour the veg stock, balsamic vinegar, syrup and white wine over the onions. Cook until the liquid has reduced by half (approx 5 mins).
- Remove the pan from the heat and then sprinkle the grated cheese over the onions. Lay the puff pastry over the onions in the pan and tuck the edges of the pastry just underneath the onions by around 0.5cm (following the outline of the pan to keep a circle).
- Brush the pastry with a little soya milk then place the pan in the oven and bake until golden brown (around 20-25 minutes).
- Remember the pan handle will be really hot (we've forgotten this a fair few times!) so use an oven glove or tea towel when flipping! Place a large plate over the top of the pan and flip it over allowing the tart to slide onto the plate, onion side up.
- Serve with salad or steamed veg and enjoy :)
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Evening all
Toni did you mention a such thing here..I wish there was...the shed us out of bounds...hahaha..
Ih a nice full English breakfast ..not that I can eat one these days but love eggs and will share
We went to niamhs house..dont think it will work here just yet..she will want the little girl from next to play..we wire mask...and just watched her in the pool..she is so good we had to time her under the water..hahaha
I am si please the girls like the house better..its one if those things really you can think the first one is it..I cant wait to the.virtual tour ..I used to love my bike but sadly its not safe here..good thinking going the samecwats has Paul just in case xx
Joan yes we hope to see Niamh regular now..I just hope the virus numbers continue to fall..the photo you put on facebook is lovely is that Lexi or pepper..xx
Kath I bet the school really appreciate the email.
What a good poem I look forward to the others
It was do lovely swinging Niamh her face lit up..we could stay long because if the heat..but better than nothing ..
The balsamic onions sound nice..I use balsamic viniger I will try this..thankyou xx
Rught I got through to my brother..his tumour has not grown so really good news..they hooked him up to the trial drug for an hour.or so...and then the transport was waiting for him.. oh and his bloods were ok..short and sweet that's him...
I will have to move.
Love to everyone
Barbara0 -
Morning everyone sunny again today and the breeze has dropped 🙂
Well Barbara I think a really good weekend for you! Your bro is doing so very very well I just can't believe it! Aidan would have been over the moon too though he would have wanted far more medical details. Short and sweet is fine when it's such good news 🙂
You seeing Niamh too wonderful! Bless her heart showing off in the pool is she one of the years back to school today? I don't think she is so seeing you will have been the highlight of her week as I am sure it was for you all too🙂
Today the girls should hear about the house I hope. fingers crossed.
Kath that poem was brilliant and so very very poignant! Screens, screens, screens everything blue before and afterwards they will love playing out in their playgrounds far more I'm sure. Bless them poor kids they have done so well and yes the head certainly deserved an email commending their efforts.
I am very glad to hear Dad has added prawns to his diet and enjoyed them I am sure they are good for him. I am sure he will love your poem and good you've heard from Anita which reassures you she is well too 🙂
I love onion tart and that one looks fabulous!, but I don't have an oven proof frying pan.....😕 so I will have to finish mine off the right way up not upside down. I'm sure it will taste as yum.
Hi Joan. Today we will find out about the house I hope fingers crossed for Charley and her GF.
I thought it would be safer to have Paul out on the same route when I went out on my bike yes i LOVED it you used to love yours too didn't you?🤗
I hope all is well with you Sue the dogs and the carers ((()))
I's so warm again today I've gone continental breakfast!
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kath yes little things please us ((())) that's good Anita is doing alright (((())) and your Dad (((()))) and Chris ((())))
Barbara sue put the photo's on Facebook of pepper Lexi is cream colour ((())) I'm pleased your brother is doing well (((()))) love to Mr B (((())) and Niamh ((()))
Toni good luck to Charley and her friend for the house (((())) love to Paul ((())) Tia(((())) Lucy ((())) and your neighbour (((()))
love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((())) Yvonne ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem
As we know it
People avoid each other,
We all are in our own bubbles,
No one meets your eye,
No one greets you by the hand.
We look back to the shadows of former freedom,
The times when we were the masters of our own,
Our future is controlled by our leaders,
Their decisions affect our lives.
Our loyal medics protect us,
Gratitude binds us and we clap for them as one body,
They stand by us in these hardest of times,
They are the heroes of the front line.
We are all caught up in the battle,
There will be casualties,
There will be pain,
But we will all rise after as one, stronger than ever.
Times will be tough,
People will be in pain,
We will all make sacrifices,
No one will forget this.
Even if we feel alone,
We still can overcome this time,
We will pull through.
We will stand up and fight.
But this is life as we know it.
Rupert Mathieson
Hello all, isn't that poem tremendous. I received this email today:
"Dear Kathleen
Very many thanks for your email. We are very happy for you to share our boys' poems on your website, but would like to ask the boys themselves for their permission if that's OK. As we are not in school but working online at the moment, it may take a little time to do this, but I will let you know as soon as we have it. I'll be back in touch with you.
Best wishes
Victoria Adams
PA to Headmaster"
Toni, I am blown away by the talent these young boys have, they are about 14-15 years old.Yes, the screens struck me too, as most youngsters that age live their lives through some kind of screen.
TODAY, wow, that is quick, I'm so excited for the girls.. ☺️
Barbara, I bet Niamh could hardly sleep for excitement knowing you can see each other regularly. I don't feel comfortable with the decision that we who have been shielding can now go out. I don't trust the numbers, and I know many shielders who feel the same. 😕
Joan, Lexi and Pepper are so beautiful, thank you for sharing their photos on Facebook.
Love to all my friends here in the cafe.
Tofu Katsu Curry
- 400g brown/wholegrain rice
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 onions (finely diced)
- 5 cloves garlic (finely diced)
- 4 carrots, peeled and chopped
- 4 tbsp plain flour
- 2 tbsp medium curry powder
- 1 tsp garam masala
- 1200ml/5 cups stock
- 1 tbsp vegan syrup (eg maple, agave)
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 tbsp soya sauce
- 800g/28-30oz firm tofu (eg 2 packets of Cauldron or similar)
- 240g/8-9oz panko breadcrumbs (eg 2 packets of Blue Dragon or use GF breadcrumbs if necessary)
- 5 tbsp plain flour (or use GF if necessary)
- 5 tbsp water
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
- Fry the onion in a little oil until soft and golden.
- Add the carrots and sweat for 10-15 minutes (with the lid on) until they soften and begin to caramelise.
- Add the garlic and stir for a further minute.
- Stir in the flour, garam masala and curry powder and cook for a minute.
- Pour in the stock slowly and gradually to avoid lumps.
- Add the soya sauce, vegan syrup and bay leaf. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes so the sauce has thickened but is still pouring consistency.
- You can either keep the sauce chunky or pass through a sieve if you’d like it smooth.
- Unwrap the tofu, drain and place in a colander. Cover with a clean tea towel or kitchen towel, then a plate. Place weights or tins of food on top. Let it drain over the sink and leave for 30 minutes minimum.
- Slice each block of tofu in half lengthways.
- Mix the flour and water into a paste in a wide bowl and set aside. Add a little more flour or water if necessary, to create a thick, smooth paste.
- Empty the panko breadcrumbs into a wide bowl and set aside.
- Dip each chunk of tofu into the flour/water paste and make sure it is thoroughly covered.
- Immediately dip the tofu chunks into the bowl of panko breadcrumbs. Again cover thoroughly, pressing the breadcrumbs into the tofu.
- If you don't want to deep fry your tofu then heat the oven to 180ºC (fan)/350ºF/Gas Mark 4 and cook for 20 minutes (or until golden), turning once. OR
- Heat a medium saucepan half full of vegetable oil on med-high heat or use a deep fat fryer.
- Lower the tofu chunks into the hot fat and cook for a few minutes or until golden brown and crisp.
- Remove each piece with a slotted turner and place on kitchen roll to soak up the excess oil until ready to serve.
- Serve on a bed of rice.
- Slice the tofu and drizzle with the curry sauce.
- Optional: garnish with chillis, carrot and spring onion.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all..I'm melting again...I keep thinking the heating us on..
Toni thankyou I do like a continental breakfast that you can help yourself..
Yes my brother dosent talk freely let's say..I know our Aidan would be really pleased... bless him..
Niamh is a little love..not at all cheeky..well not yet...I am so very pleased for the girls...xx
Joan I get mixed up with the little doggies.. right that was pepper..they both have such lovely coats..hope you are all doing ok..xx
Kath the young people are really talented..the poem is brilliant.. very clever indeed..
And its nice the head teacher got back to you...I bet they are really proud of there pupils..
Thankyou for the katsu curry I buy that has a healthy meal has mange two in and rice
I know how you feel ..I am so scared when we do go out and wear masks all the keep safe xx
Still no rain here..and when you think about all those poor people that were flooded not long ago...
Right I will make a move..
Love to all
Barbara0 -
Kath I think doing what you have been doing just dropping stuff outside Holly's house or talking 2m away from the doorway is fine absolutely fine. I am not planning on doing much more and I think that applies to an awful lot of people shielding or not! So ONLY do what you yourself feel comfortable with that is my opinion ((()))
My second box of gloves arrived yesterday🙄 I might just be extra cautious!
That poem is so mature isn't it outstanding!? Lovely of the Headteacher to reply isn't it? Do we have to wait now for any more of the children's poems? I rather suspect they will want hem on line if they are already in the public domain. They must be proud.
Tofu curry! Did you know I didn't sued t like it, but Kari introduced me to a smoked one from tesco and it's lovely really tasty. I might just give it a go. If i was still eating cheese I would have used paneer that stuff holds it#s texture so well when you cook.
Joan I hope all is well with you all including the carers? I have good new! Charley and her GF actually definitely gt the house! They are over the moon. I have sore bum bones from going on my bike. I have some padded shorts, but i can't find them!
Barbara the girls got the house! Isn't it exiting?! They are full of plans it's 14,000 cheaper than the original one, but a postwar pre-fab so might need cladding in bricks if it's not too expensive.
Let's hope Niamh doesn't go through that cheeky phase most girls do eh🤞 Long may she stay as she is
It is hot and was supposed to be cooling down I thought!!! Aidan would have the fans the aircon the lot on!
It's already sunny outside....we shall see eh?
At least you know now that your bro is doing well. Imagine how pleased your parents and big bro would be looking down on him.
I am hungry and as it's still hot i think we should have another buffet - ours in guaranteed germ-free 100%!!!!
Today I am 'on duty' taking in the money from the Church Porch. We just have some books and jigsaws for sale in there as we can't have the cart this year.
Love to everyone
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kath poem very true the boys are clever so are you ((())) how is Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and your Dad ((())) love to Holly ((()))
Barbara that's good your brothers tumour has not grown (((())) love to you ((())) and Mr B (((())) and Niamh ((()))
Toni that's good Charley and her friend have got the house ((())) I wonder how long it will be before the other house is sold love to Paul (((())Tia ((())) Lucy ((())) I hope you do well with the sale (((()))
love to Bill ((())Carol ((())) Chris ((())) Mig ((())) Yvonne ((()))
take care
joan xx0 -
Daily Poem (I'm sure the boys will agree, so I'm posting them anyway 😉)
Some say its beer some say its a virus
so let me tell you some tips for the coronavirus
You cannot stay in bars or clubs
and don’t think about going to pubs
First it was good we were kept off school
but now it seems we were all fools
Now I’m staying in quarantine
and spent my birthday as a teen
I paced the house back to back
and saw this shiny black plaque
Now the trees are bright green
This is life with Covid-19
William Sue
How poignant, "I spent my birthday as a teen" the confusion and loneliness in that one line says it all. 😪
Barbara, I think you must be a puddle by now, you've melted enough.
While I'm pleased your brother's tumour hasn't grown, it would be better if it actually shrunk and vanished!
Toni, THE GIRLS HAVE THE HOUSE, YIPPEE, that is such good news, well done them. I love pre-war pre-fabs. I want one.
Joan, we both had a bad night last night. Chris ha breathing problems and pain down the right side of his back. Firat we thought it was Pleurisy, then we thought it might be a pulled muscle in his back, now we are thinking it might be hay fever. We are definitely!!!!
Breakfast Muffins with Apple & Peanut Butter
A great way to start the day, these muffins are easy, cheap to make and taste great! Give yourself the morning boost you need :)
- 150g muesli mix
- 100g caster sugar
- 160g plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 250ml sweetened plant milk
- 1 apple, peeled and grated
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 3 tbsp peanut butter
- 20g sultanas or raisins
- Pinch salt (optional)
- 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
- Heat the oven to 180°C (fan)/356°F/Gas Mark 4. Line a muffin tin with 8 paper cases.
- Mix the muesli with the light brown sugar, flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a bowl.
- Combine the milk, apple, oil, nut butter and raisins in a jug and mix well.
- Stir this liquid mix into the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon. Divide equally between the cases to about 3/4 full.
- Bake for 25-30 mins or until the muffins are risen and golden. Optional: Drizzle some vegan syrup on the top of each one eg maple or agave.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all..very hot again ..but I think changes are on the way tomorrow..we do need rain..
Toni I am so please for the they will be looking for ideas now carpets furniture..its really exciting..and for mum ..who I am sue cant wait to help..
Thankyou for the buffet is to warm for hot food..
Hope you took lots of money for the church..xx
Joan yes my brother is pleased..small mercy I think.. how are you and Sue finding this heat..I hope you are all doing pepper and Lexi are sleeping most of the time. Xx
Kath I think my brother is glad its not grown did shrink at first so has stayed at that.
Last year they gave him 6 months that meant he wouldnt have had Christmas with his girlfriend ..I am so sorry Chris is in all that pain..and struggling with his breathing.. sending many healing hugs for you both((())) ..I am glad you posted the poem it does pull at the heart strings.xx
I have my chillows here and one will be going to bed with me..
Hope all that are missing are well..
Love to everyone
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