Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone it's raining!! The garden is almost sighing with relief I can hear it!!🤗

    Joan thank you the sale went well it's on-going in the Church porch we didn't put our village cart out this year because we didn't want to attract too many people so the porch just has things we need during lockdown. Books puzzles eggs etc. I hope everyone is well in Swindon ((()))

    Kath another great poem shame his 13th birthday was in lockdown. Mine didn't bother me nothing special at my age, but the poor lad needs his mates😕

    I can PM you the derails on Charley and her GFs house and you can have proper nosey if you like? It's a proper post-war pre-fab. I love it too. they are now facing the usual hassle, but seems no more so than usual for a house move. We've helped with deposit of course as we have/ will with each of ours.

    Kari had exactly what Chris had!! WOW!! I was really worried i thought she had COVID! it was maybe 2 weeks ago - she has very bad asthma. She thought pleurisy too amongst other things it went off after a few days slowly i'm afraid.

    Yummy MUFFINS!! Thank you something sweet for me :) Might bake them given the weather ::)

    Barbara I think it's amazing that they have kept that tumour stable for so long a real miracle. I know what Kath means though it would be even better if it went for good, but such a miracle.

    The girls have some money over for improvements and are thinking maybe of getting the decorating done before they move in for the sake of their pusskin Rosie who as you know has had a lot of upheaval


    fun times ahead!

    Didn't take a lot of money for Church yesterday, but over the time the Porch has had stuff in it we have taken over £1,000!

    Well I think today will be a jigsaw day although I have a videocall planned for later on. 🙂

    we can have a warmer breakfast this morning so going for your favourite.....porridge!

    with super-sweet strawberries!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I'm sorry Chris is in so much pain can he have a phone consultation with his Doctor (((())) love to you both and Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara yes I remember you saying your Brother won't see Christmas (((())) he's done so well ((())) the heat has been lovely.

    . Love to Toni I hope they are alright ((((())))

    Love to Carol Mig Bill Chris Yvonne (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    The impossible is no longer a distant thought

    Escaping reality is not something that can be bought

    Loneliness is becoming the normality

    Luxuries we once knew are merely a vanity

    Our weakness and our pain

    Makes us wonder if we were ever sane

    The earth has spoken and we are listening

    The stars are awake and are glistening

    We will once again, go back to the past

    Ignore this experience and pretend it never last

    Generations to come, will recall are expressions

    Our failures now, will be a history of our transgressions

    Humans now have the courage to forget

    But let’s be sure this is not our biggest regret

    We are a dot on this deadly path

    Be kind and caring and always make sure you laugh!

    By Sion Actur

    Barbara, where is everyone else? my goodness how things have changed. I'm so pleased that your brother is doing so well. His girlfriend must be over the moon. We are still suffering a little, we have settled on constipation as being the cause for Chris's pain. But I'll gloss over that. 🙄

    This poem is very deep, and really intelligent. They are ALL possible great poets of the future.

    Mutta Thoran (Keralan Coconut Scramble)

    This is a veganized version of a traditional Keralan dish and a delicious alternative to your standard tofu scramble! 


    • 400g firm tofu (approx.), drained and pressed (or pat dry with kitchen roll or clean tea towel)
    • 1 clove garlic, finely diced 
    • ½ tsp black mustard seeds
    • 1 dried red chilli (ideal), roughly chopped or a pinch chilli powder
    • ½ tsp turmeric 
    • 5 tbsp dessicated coconut 
    • 2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
    • 3 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
    • 2 fresh curry leaves (optional)
    • Fresh coriander (optional) 

    Serve in a wrap or chapati with mango chutney, lime pickle or even vegan mayo... get creative! 


    1. Using a little oil in a medium sized saucepan, lightly fry the mustard seeds until they start to pop. 
    2. Add the garlic and fry for a further 30 seconds. 
    3. Add the rest of the spices, stir through and fry for a further 30 seconds. 
    4. Add all other ingredients (apart from fresh coriander), gently stir and then heat through for five minutes. 
    5. Serve in a wrap or chapati. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..yeah some rain.. :)
    Kath wow the poem is so good..I think this planet was telling us something..we were saying the other day how 2020 will be remembered
    Poor Chis..pain from constipation can mimic so many things and is so painful I have peppermint capsules at the ready..I am intrigue by the scramble..xx
    Toni thankyou I have missed my porridge while it's been warm ...I think the girls are right how nice to move in when its all decorated..and then Rosie can settle into her new home..I am excited for have all done well for the church..I am sure after lockdown things will pick up..
    The trial people are really pleased with my brother especially has it was advanced.. can you imagine if they catch it nice to know there are new drugs out there..xx
    Joan I know you and Sue feel the cold..glad you have enjoyed the was a bit hot for me brother is very lucky to get the trial drugs.. .xx
    The garden didn't get much rain but its looking better..
    We had sad news today one of the sister from across the rd has died of the virus..her sister is in hospital with sad....:(:(
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Oh dear Barbara how old was the sister who died? That is so sad I hope the other one wins the battle bless her ((()))

    I thought exactly the same about the cancer your bro has - imagine if it works on early stage! Dare i say it almost normal life expectancy with only slight limitations on eating possibly😮 At any rate I think you are all very grateful for the trial drug 👍️

    I know not as much rain as we'd hoped for and is that it? It's definitely chillier, but are we due any more rain.🙄

    Yes decorating and getting ready ahead will give them a good start and Rosie less upheaval. They are planning to make Rosie her very own 'cat house' in the garden so she can be safely outside too.

    Kath couldn't you see me yesterday look I am there above you. Is that poem another COVID one by the children? If so it's very good if not it's very relevant! Some of it really hits home just now.

    I have my Tesco order coming at lunchtime today yippee! I am so exited little things eh? Actually i am exited because Paul is going to make cocktails!! No idea if they will be any good, but I got him the shaker and whatnot a bit back. They can be made alcoholic or not too 🍹 Mostly I am looking forward to my beyond meat sausages!

    One of those chopped up would go so well with that scrambled egg which looks lovely. I have all the ingredients except fresh curry leaf. Thank you 🙂

    I am very glad Chris is ok now bless him prune juice is the answer just a small glass ((()))

    Still waiting for Anita's results?

    Joan how are you? Did you get much rain? We had a good bit, but not sure it's been enough for the garden. When we've had enough please can we have some sunshine back!

    and a nice cuppa

    Love to Carol and mig and @chris8 hris8 hope everyone is well

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath that's good you know what Chris's pain is I have lactulose. (((()))) love to Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara I'm pleased that is working for your brother ((())) how is Mr B (((()))) sorry about the sisters sad I hope the other one survives it (((())) we have not had any rain yet I hope we can get back from a walk before it starts.

    Toni Charley and her friend must be so pleased they are going around with smiles on their aces (((())). Love to Paul Tia. ((()))Lucy (((())). Toni do you remember Prefab kid he lived in a house like Charley's I think (((()))

    . Love to Carol (((())) Bill ((())) Chris (((())) Mig ((((())) Yvonne ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (final one from our lovely boys sadly. I wish there were more).

    It was in the year 2020

    Where a virus outbreak was to occur

    Every family to them self

    To live alone through summer

    Inside in despair

    I would tell myself

    It was a once in a lifetime occasion never to happen again

    At the end of this outbreak

    People would look frail and lost

    Having forgotten normal life

    Uneasy to step outside

    Losing relationships and friends

    I would tell myself

    It was a once in a lifetime occasion never to happen again

    I woke up in my dreams

    Thinking of the summer i’m used to

    Lost in the future

    Instead spending summer inside

    Lonely with a deep urge to go outside inside of me

    But I would tell myself

    It was a once in a lifetime occasion never to happen again

    By Henry Haynes

    The yearning in Henry's poem is so painful, and you sense his anxiety and despair too. 😢

    Well Toni, you are there now, but I couldn't see you yesterday. I told Chris what you said. Streangely enough we had a can of Prunes in our food parcel last week end, I wanted to keep it as I love them, but Chris gave it away. I think he's had second thoughts now. Although we've been eating grapes and oranges, and Chris has taken Sennokot tablets. I've told him it's because he never drinks water, just coffee and Dr Pepper (not together).

    Barbara, it drizzled constantly all day yesterday, but it was very light rain. I'm saying prayers for your brother, and hope things continue as well as they are.

    Root Vegetable Bhuna


    • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
    • 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
    • 1 red pepper, finely sliced
    • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
    • 1 tsp ground cumin
    • 1 tsp ground turmeric
    • ½ tsp dried chilli flakes
    • 1 tbsp medium (vegan) curry paste 
    • 400g (14oz) can chopped tomatoes
    • 2 handfuls of fresh or frozen spinach
    • ½ roasting tray of leftover roasted root vegetables, including carrots, parsnips, red onion and butternut squash, roughly chopped
    • Juice of ½ unwaxed lemon
    • Pinch of sea salt flakes


    1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium–high heat and cook the onion and red pepper for 2 minutes until softened.
    2. Add the garlic, cumin, turmeric, and chilli flakes and cook for a further 1 minute.
    3. Stir in the curry paste and chopped tomatoes, then reduce the heat to medium. Simmer for 8–9 minutes, then stir in the spinach and cook for a further 2 minutes.
    4. Stir in the leftover roasted root vegetables and squeeze over the lemon juice. Season with sea salt.
    5. For the perfect roasted root vegetables, drizzle sunflower oil over peeled carrots, parsnips, quartered red onions, and butternut squash, then roast at 200°C/Gas mark 6 for 35–40 minutes, turning once. Allow the leftovers to cool fully, then refrigerate for use the following day.
    6. Suitable for freezing.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all just a tiny bit of rain here..
    Joan thankyou.. I hope the sister survives..but she might be heart broke I suspect ... they are both in there 90s..and were very well till this..xx
    Toni.. a perfect egg..thankyou and another lovely teapot.. I have a thing about them and dint even own one hahaha....wouldnt it be wonderful if the trial works for others in the early stages...the sister are in there 90s..I know I shouldn't say it but they belong together.. bless them..
    So Paul is making cocktails..ooh practice makes perfect..I have only ever had one years ago..goid that Risie will have her little house outside then she can hide away...and have some quiet time..xx
    Kath another brilliant poem.. like you say dint you just feel for the young ones...I just hope it never happens again ....
    Prunes work for me..the peppermint capsules I mentioned disperse the traps wind..first thing they try if you end up in hospital with tummy pain..
    And brother is getting on with life..xx
    Has I am typing its stated to pour down...well I never...
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Showers yesterday, but l saw some sunshine too...twice! I hope there's more today because Charley and Annie are coming over for fish and chips for tea

    I had a rough night I need some help from Clarence and Florence ASAP Paul is away on site (back tonight) I went to go to bed and you know what/who was blocking the way into my bedroom! I spent an iffy night o the sofa, but Sleek kept an eye on me bless her!🐱

    Joan the beams on their faces whenever they videocall yes! I will see them tonight they are going to sit in the garden and eat fish and chips. Funny you should mention Prefab Kid (I didn't remember it sorry) I am reading a book set in the war and they are talking about prefabs having hot and cold water!!!

    Kath Such an emotional poem the poor lad he is clearly distressed and his parents have said 'it's a once in a lifetime event' to try to reassure him. shame that's the last one.

    A small glass of prune juice is all you need. Prunes themselves are yummy. Aidan would remember these, but in France you can buy pruneux super yummy! They are fresh sort of slightly strewed prunes.

    Grapes and oranges are good too as is water and I also have a pear if l can get them.

    I love that curry I think I have everything to make that.....not sure about curry paste, but I can make my own I think🤔

    Barbara I am glad you've had some rain our gardens were desperate. What did Niamh think of the pond? I bet she loved it :)

    Gosh will that poor sister want to be here alone 😕 oh dear me in their 90s and this da*n virus is ending it like this🤬

    Rosie is priority for Charley and now Annie which is so sweet she is their baby ..

    Glad you enjoyed your egg and I to adore those teapots!! I'll find another in a minute 🤗

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath lovely poem yes I could feel the sadness in his voice ((())) how is Chis feeling now ((())) love to Anita (((())) and your Dad ((()))

    . Barbara how is your pond doing ((((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your brother ((((()))) yes I can understand how the sister would feel (((())))

    Toni that's lovely Charley and her friend (((()))) coming for fish and chips ((())) Prefab Kid he lived in a prefab he had a Ankle replacement when he was on the forum.

    I hope you all have a good weekend (((()))

    . Love to Carol (((())) Mig ((())) Bill ((()) Chris (((())) Yvonne ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (I discovered this on the WEA )

    Ode to Sally by Sylvia Anne Jones

    I am dangling by a daisy stalk

    From a precipice today,

    Awaiting news of your Friday class

    And feeling some dismay

    I really want to take your class

    I’m sure that you can see

    That the thought of it not happening

    Is worrying to me

    I don’t care where it happens

    Whatever it involves

    I’m sure the good old WEA

    Can get any problems solved.

    I’d do the class upon a cliff

    Looking out to sea

    Vertical or upside down

    It’s all the same to me

    I’d hack through the Amazon jungle

    Write poems in a clearing

    Or dangle from an abseil rope

    From the Sistine Chapel ceiling

    I’d climb an Egyptian pyramid

    Write a poem at the summit

    In luxurious surroundings

    Or I’d be prepared to slum it

    Inside a crater on the moon

    I’d write a Villanelle

    An oasis in a desert

    In an igloo where Inuits dwell

    A shooting star,an ice planet

    With methane lakes upon it

    I’d don a scuba diving suit

    And promptly write a sonnet.

    With all the sadness in the world

    Poetry is great

    We share ideas and many words

    To which we all relate

    I love the people in our group

    I’m sure that you can tell

    That they will all be waiting 

    For news of your class as well

    Please send a pigeon with

    Good news

    Strapped on his right leg

    Or perhaps it would be quicker

    To email us instead

    So I hope the lovely WEA

    Will sort things out with speed

    And with some ingenuity 

    I know that they,ll succeed. 

    Hi all, I received an email from the Abingdon School yesterday. Three of the boys agreed to me using their poems, but I used all of them, so I've been a bit naughty. I haven't asked for permission for today's poem. The WEA (Workers' Educational Association) has been going since 1903. You may have groups in your own area.

    Toni, I think you must have posted while I was still typing yesterday, which is why I didn't notice you, SORRY.

    I've been hunting for Clarence and Florence, Clarence is possibly hiding in our jungle of a garden, Florence might be in lockdown with Carol and her family. Perhaps Rosie could get in touch with them for you, I believe they are using Zoom to stay in contact. Trust spids to be on the web!

    Joan, the poems the boys wrote are so mature for their age (about 14 I think) I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading them. Chris is feeling better thank you. Dad was fine last time I rang him, and as far as I know so is Anita. Love to you and Sue. XX

    Barbara, so you had rain too, it was really wet here, and cold. Still rather chilly today so I'll look for something warming to eat, Toni is keeping us well fed with eggs, so off I pop to look through my recipes.

    Simple Chilli

    This is a great one for making at the start of the week and freezing for quick meals!


    • 1 large onion, finely diced (or use frozen)
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped (or use frozen)
    • 2 red pepper, roughly chopped
    • 2 sticks celery, sliced
    • 2 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
    • 2 tsp ground cumin
    • 2 tsp ground coriander
    • 1-2 tsp chilli powder
    • 450-500g/2 cups soya mince (supermarkets and health food shops will have this… see freezer section)
    • 3 stock cubes (mixed with tiny bit of boiling water to dissolve)
    • Salt and pepper, to taste
    • 125ml/ ½ cup red wine or boiling water
    • 1-2 tbsp tomato purée (optional)
    • 1-2 tsp sugar (optional)

    Serving suggestions: avocado, baked sweet potato, brown rice, fresh coriander, guacamole, jacket potato, lemon or lime, refried beans, salad, salsa, tortilla chips, vegan cheese, vegan natural yoghurt, vegan sour cream, wraps


    1. Fry the onion in a little oil until soft. 
    2. Add the celery, carrot, pepper and spices and fry for a further 5-10 minutes. 
    3. Add the garlic and fry for 1 more minute. 
    4. Add all of the remaining ingredients, bring to the boil then leave to simmer for around 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Afternoon all..sunny but cool here
    Toni is it your back that was keeping you awake or everything..sending some healing gentle hugs...(((()))
    It will be nice to have the girls around for tea.
    Hope it disent rain but I think you have your awning si that will be nice
    Thankyou for the boiled egg and another nice teapot :)...niamh hasn't seen the pond..we went to them..I am sure she will be fishing in it soon..hahaha..xx
    Joan my pond is nearly done we need to set stones and plants round the edges to disguise it...i bet you and Sue are missing your cafe..I know we miss ours..I just wonder if they will reopen again.. love to all of you xx
    Kath another great poem.. oh you have been naughty.. but never mind to late is Chris feeling now..I hope the pain has eased..I only need 3 prunes and I am away....thank god..I like chillies in my jacket potatoe thankyou..xx
    Today I will be pottering..
    Love to all
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Oh Barbara that made me laugh 3 prunes. My lovely neighbour buys them in packets rather than tins so she can use just the right number and the others do not 'go off'!

    It didn't rain for our fish and chips but we had to sit in front of the garage underneath the sort of overghanging bit. We sat inside the garage with the door open. We will be the talk of the village as some neighbours saw us😁 It was just so blustery it was the only way to get any shelter at all!!

    Still we all laughed and laughed and laughed which was great. Much talk about house plans too all lovely i went to bed with a smile on my face.

    Bad night was due to sleeping on the sofa due to a s****r in the bedroom doorway blocking entry the night before. Paul was at work and finding Clarence is a nightmare ATM 🙄

    I hate to say it but the season is here....

    Niamh will love your pond and yes probably look for fish in it!!!

    Hi Joan it was lovely having fish and chips with the girls! If you look at what i said to Barbara we laughed so much it really has lifted my spirits and they have all been tested at the home so as safe as possible ATM.

    Yes!! Prefab kid on here did have his ankle done. I must read those books 😊

    Kath great poem for today did make me smile. Fast paced and very witty (not like Chris Whitty! my friend wants to buy a Chris Whitty T shirt!)) I remember when I used to go to night classes I used to be devastated if they closed mine due to lack of numbers.

    I've left a message on Rosie's answerphone and an email so fingers crossed. I think the season is here😮 Paul was back yesterday so I slept in our bed.

    We had fish and chips in front of the garage (most sheltered from the blustery wind) last night it was GREAT! we had such a laugh. Mind you I am still clearing up sort of. I had to give them blankets it was so blustery so they had to be washed. The cutlery and plates in the dishwasher and I already had Paul's work clothes to wash and towel from his shower! Till it was worth it.

    Love that chilli I make one similar, but will give this one a go it really looks YUM!

    More eggs I think so get the prunes out folks!

    must find a teapot fro Barbara too

    One for ME!

  • Talula
    Talula Member Posts: 7

    Good morning all, I hope you are well, have a great weekend x

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath that's good Chris feels better ((())) love to Anita ((())) and your Dad (((())) I hope you find your cat ((()))

    Barbara I had prunes yesterday yes they work the rest are in the fridge for today I don't like the dried ones. ((()))

    love to your brother and his girlfriend (((()))) Lexi is 10 to day.

    Toni I bet that was lovely having fish and chips in the garage with blanket's keeping you warm yes it did not matter people seeing you you enjoyed it that's all that matters (((())) love to Charley and her friend ((())) Paul (((())) Tia ((())) Lucy (((()))

    Talula have a good weekend ((())

    love to Bill ((())) Carol ((())) Mig (((())) Chris (((()))) Yvonne (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    A noiseless, patient spider,

    by Walt Whitman

    I mark’d, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;

    Mark’d how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,

    It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;

    Ever unreeling them—ever tirelessly speeding them.

    And you, O my Soul, where you stand,

    Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,

    Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing,—seeking the spheres, to connect them;

    Till the bridge you will need, be form’d—till the ductile anchor hold;

    Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.

    Sorry Toni, but he's a smily spid. 😉

    My food parcel didn't arrive yesterday and we don't know why? I rang dad this morning, he and Anita are well. In fact Anita cleaned his house right through - hope she didn't do herself any harm, she has an appointment next week. Hopefully for her results.

    Talula, hello luv, hope everything is good with you and yours.

    Barbara, Chris is improving, funny you should mention prunes, last week in our food parcel there was a tin of prunes, and I was hoping we'd get one this week, but we didn't get anything! I'm sulking now. 😒

    Joan, So you enjoy prunes too, they are good for you. Love to Sue. XX

    When I get a theme in my head, you won't shift ir.

    Cauliflower & Hazelnut Savoury Crumble with Smoky Prune Purée



    This recipe shows off the wonderful power of the cauliflower and three beautiful ways in which it can be cooked. It works best with all three but for a simplified version just choose one of the cauliflower cooking methods and then present with the prune puree and hazelnut crunch. 

    Smoky prunes

    • 100g dried pitted prunes
    • 10g/2 teabags lapsang souchong tea (tea with smoky flavour) or Earl Grey tea
    • 200ml boiling water

    Roasted Cauliflower

    • 1 small/medium head of romanesco (bright green cauli)
    • 1 sprig rosemary
    • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed
    • 5 juniper berries
    • Rapeseed oil, salt

    Smoked Cauliflower

    • 1 small/medium head of white/purple/orange (your choice) cauliflower
    • 3 tbsp of hickory smoking chips, eg Lakeland
    • Big pot of heavily salted water

    Pureed cauliflower

    • Stems of above cauliflowers
    • 100g of cooked cannellini beans
    • 2 shallots
    • 1 small leek
    • 500ml of vegetable stock or water
    • White/black truffle oil

    Hazelnut crumble

    • 50g hazelnuts, roasted and coarsely ground
    • 100g stale sourdough bread or ready-made breadcrumbs
    • 6 sprigs of thyme, leaves picked and finely chopped
    • Zest of 1 lemon
    • Salt, pepper

    To serve

    • Nasturtium leaves, or rocket, or watercress
    • Smoky Prune Purée (or whole prunes)
    • Olive oil
    • Lemon Juice



    Smoky prunes

    Make this first then continue with the other parts of the recipe

    1. Make a strong tea and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then place prunes into a small pot. Pour over strained tea and cover the pot with a lid. Leave to infuse for at least 40 minutes up to an 1½ hours.
    2. Once the prunes have swollen up you can either use them whole (amazing!) or blend them into a purée, using a blender. Use it to drizzle on the plate when serving the whole dish. 

    Roasted Cauliflower

    1. Start by preheating the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4.
    2. Using a paring knife (small sharp knife for peeling), carefully cut each floret off the stem. Save the stem for later use.
    3. Place florets and crushed garlic into large mixing bowl and toss them with oil.
    4. Layer a deep baking tray with baking parchment. Spread the herbs and spices evenly in the tray and layer the florets on top. Cover the tray with tin foil and bake in the oven for 15/20 minutes.
    5. Next, remove the foil and let it roast for another 5/10 minutes - until the cauliflower has turned a slightly golden colour and is just tender to touch. Remove from the oven and let it cool down and infuse until ready to serve.

    Smoked Cauliflower

    1. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. The water must taste as salty as seawater.
    2. Using a paring knife carefully cut each floret off the stem, saving the stem for later use.
    3. Once water is boiling add the florets and cook just for a few minutes. Have another pot or a bowl with ice-cold water ready - this is meant to 'shock' - chill! - the florets once cooked and stop them cooking any further. It needs to be very firm, not tender as it will be cooked more later on. 
    4. Once cooled down, transfer cooked florets onto a kitchen towel and pat dry.
    5. To smoke the cauliflower, prepare a pot and a sieve or a colander that are similar in width. Place a piece of tin foil at the bottom of the pot and place hickory chips.
    6. Make sure to seal the edges with wet paper towel, and have a properly fitting lid, to make sure that all the smoke is trapped inside.
    7. Turn the heat up to a maximum volume and wait until the chips start smoking.
    8. Once they are smoking, place the florets in the colander and put over the smoke, covering them with tin foil or a tight lid. Reduce the heat to a lower medium and let it infuse for 10-12 minutes.
    9. Once infused, transfer the florets into airtight container until ready to serve.

    Puréed Cauliflower

    • Put a medium sauté pan on a medium heat. Slice leeks and shallots and sauté for 5 minutes. 
    • Roughly chop the leftover stems from all the cauliflowers used earlier and add to the pan, along with cannellini beans and stock/water.
    • Bring to a simmer and cook until both beans and stems are tender. This usually takes about 10/15 minutes.
    • Once ready, transfer the content into a jug blender and blend until smooth texture, adding truffle oil for silkier texture and extra aroma to your liking. You may want to sieve the pure through a fine sieve for finer consistency.
    • Adjust the seasoning by adding salt and few drops of lemon juice.

    Hazelnut crumble

    1. Blend the stale bread to coarse breadcrumbs. Place onto a large tray and place in the oven at 180ºC/350ºF/Gas Mark 4, stirring them every 5/6 minutes until lightly toasted and dry.
    2. Once ready, take out of the oven and let cool down.
    3. In a mixing bowl place all ingredients together and thoroughly incorporate (mix very well), adding salt and pepper to taste.


    1. Take a handful of nasturtium leaves (or an alternative) and arrange on the plate. 
    2. Take a small amount of all of the other ingredients - including the whole or puréed prunes - and arrange in a way that is beautiful to you...there are no rules! 
    3. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice over the leaves. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..rain and sun again..but very windy
    Toni what a lovey few hours you had..laughter is good for the soul and everything else..I bet those fish and chips tasted so good.
    Especially with all the chatter about houses..:):)..another nice breakfast.. yes I buy dried prunes..always have them in glad it made you wouldn't want to know me if I had 4 Hahaha
    Oh I see what kept you awake...I was looking at the suction thingy but I don't want to hurt them...xx
    Joan Happy Birthday to Lexi..aww bless 10 years old did ..dud he or she get a treat...
    I hope you are all doing ok and thankyou ..I will pass your love on...xx
    Kath I thought that was one of your poems till I saw the name at the top..ooh I am glad its smiley at least...hahaha..not right you didnt get your parcel..honestly they would let people starve I am sure..hopefully when it arrives there will be prunes in it....:)
    Thankyou for the Cauliflower & Hazelnut Savoury Crumble with Smoky Prune Purée..that should make me go..hahaha xx
    Hi Tulula..I hope you are doing ok..and managing lockdown xx
    No dinner for us today..we had cake delivered from a french lady..she is only young and trying to get her business off the they are good..:)
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Good morning @Talula thank you very much I am doing fine atm. How about yourself how is lockdown treating you? I had a lovely fish and chips (chips and onion rings for me with mushy peas I don't eat fish or meat! ) on Friday with my eldest and her GF. It was so cold and blustery that we had to eat it under the porch of the garage well over 2m apart!! Still had the best laugh I've had for 12 weeks 🙂

    Joan yes Paul reckons we'll be the talk of the village, but i am just happy we saw the girls and sort of had a meal together. Friday is our usual curry night, but Pom had organised a fish and chip delivery for teh villagee so we had that instead.

    10 year old Lexi?

    Belated happy birthday wishes to her 🤗

    Kath I was a bit scared and zoomed past the pic of the sp***r and scanned the poem, but after you said it was smiley I peeped back and yes he was ok. I think Clarence has been or sent someone because no more 8-legged visitors in the bedroom. Paul is on site another night next week so we shall see what happens then😮

    No parcel?!! I am shocked what on eath is going on?

    I LOVED the cauli recipes I really love cauli it's a great veggie ☺️ Imagine you sneaking prunes in there too😂

    Hi Barbara well done that lady for trying to get a business off the ground at such very very tough times I wish her all success! Hope you enjoyed too!

    If you had 4 prunes I wouldn't see you would I?hahaha! The packets are better than tins as you would have to eat more than 4😮

    I had onion rings chips and mushy peas YUM -eeeeeeee! Loved it. It was just great laughing ad seeing them for a while. They have dropped off bits, but really not been able to do more than say hello from the doorway, but this was fabulous!

    Paul is taking me a ride in the van again this morning....not sure where just out not anywhere exiting just out and we'll stay in the van.

    Oooh! Guess what i bought yesterday? a ladies wee bottle! So I can go for longer rides! Paul will leave a space in the back of the van😁

    Full english (veg/vegan options available) and high-bow reading not compulsory either!!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath I'm sorry you didn't have your delivery (((()))) Good luck for Anita for her results (((()))) love to your Dad (((())) and Chris (((())))

    Barbara sorry you had more rain ((())) will you be seeing Niamh ((())) love to your Brother (((()))

    Toni thank you for your wishes for Lexi she behaves like a puppy running around.

    Is that a small village you live in (((())) love to Charley and her friend (((())) Paul ((())) Tia (((())) Lucy ((()))

    that's good you having a little bottle (((()))

    . Love to Bill ((())) Carol (((())) Mig (((())) Chris (((())) Yvonne (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem

    The Whitsun Weddings


    That Whitsun, I was late getting away:

       Not till about

    One-twenty on the sunlit Saturday

    Did my three-quarters-empty train pull out,

    All windows down, all cushions hot, all sense   

    Of being in a hurry gone. We ran

    Behind the backs of houses, crossed a street

    Of blinding windscreens, smelt the fish-dock; thence   

    The river’s level drifting breadth began,

    Where sky and Lincolnshire and water meet.

    All afternoon, through the tall heat that slept   

       For miles inland,

    A slow and stopping curve southwards we kept.   

    Wide farms went by, short-shadowed cattle, and   

    Canals with floatings of industrial froth;   

    A hothouse flashed uniquely: hedges dipped   

    And rose: and now and then a smell of grass   

    Displaced the reek of buttoned carriage-cloth   

    Until the next town, new and nondescript,   

    Approached with acres of dismantled cars.

    At first, I didn’t notice what a noise

       The weddings made

    Each station that we stopped at: sun destroys   

    The interest of what’s happening in the shade,

    And down the long cool platforms whoops and skirls   

    I took for porters larking with the mails,   

    And went on reading. Once we started, though,   

    We passed them, grinning and pomaded, girls   

    In parodies of fashion, heels and veils,   

    All posed irresolutely, watching us go,

    As if out on the end of an event

       Waving goodbye

    To something that survived it. Struck, I leant   

    More promptly out next time, more curiously,   

    And saw it all again in different terms:   

    The fathers with broad belts under their suits   

    And seamy foreheads; mothers loud and fat;   

    An uncle shouting smut; and then the perms,   

    The nylon gloves and jewellery-substitutes,   

    The lemons, mauves, and olive-ochres that

    Marked off the girls unreally from the rest.   

       Yes, from cafés

    And banquet-halls up yards, and bunting-dressed   

    Coach-party annexes, the wedding-days   

    Were coming to an end. All down the line

    Fresh couples climbed aboard: the rest stood round;

    The last confetti and advice were thrown,

    And, as we moved, each face seemed to define   

    Just what it saw departing: children frowned   

    At something dull; fathers had never known

    Success so huge and wholly farcical;

       The women shared

    The secret like a happy funeral;

    While girls, gripping their handbags tighter, stared   

    At a religious wounding. Free at last,

    And loaded with the sum of all they saw,

    We hurried towards London, shuffling gouts of steam.   

    Now fields were building-plots, and poplars cast   

    Long shadows over major roads, and for

    Some fifty minutes, that in time would seem

    Just long enough to settle hats and say

        I nearly died,

    A dozen marriages got under way.

    They watched the landscape, sitting side by side

    —An Odeon went past, a cooling tower,   

    And someone running up to bowl—and none   

    Thought of the others they would never meet   

    Or how their lives would all contain this hour.   

    I thought of London spread out in the sun,   

    Its postal districts packed like squares of wheat:

    There we were aimed. And as we raced across   

       Bright knots of rail

    Past standing Pullmans, walls of blackened moss   

    Came close, and it was nearly done, this frail   

    Travelling coincidence; and what it held   

    Stood ready to be loosed with all the power   

    That being changed can give. We slowed again,

    And as the tightened brakes took hold, there swelled

    A sense of falling, like an arrow-shower   

    Sent out of sight, somewhere becoming rain.

    I thought we'd have a more cheerful poem today. I've decided I'm better at discovering poems than I am at writing them.

    Toni, a ladies wee bottle? Sorry, I'd need several and even then I'd leak! 🙄Yes, no food. If we hadn't had a Tesco order, we'd be in a sorry state. But I felt bad there was nothing for Holly or my other neighbours. 😔

    Joan, does Lexi still play with her favourite toy? Or does she have another one now she is 10? TEN! that's quite old for little doggies, how old is Pepper?

    Barbara, I hope my prune recipe worked, no, I wouldn't want to stand close to you after that. IWe could social distance though. Hahaha.

    Chestnut, Mushroom & Red Wine Pithivier

    Beautiful to look at, rich, tasty and easy to create, this pithivier makes for the perfect Christmas centrepiece or if you're feeling fancy on a Sunday! Pithivier is named after the French town of Pithiviers, where the dish is commonly assumed to originate.


    • 640g puff pastry (2 x sheets eg Jus-Rol) (use GF if necessary)
    • Vegan butter/spread for frying
    • 1 red onion, finely diced
    • 2 leeks, ends removed and finely sliced
    • 400g/5 cups button mushrooms, halved
    • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    • ½ tsp cayenne pepper 
    • 50g/4½ tbsp plain flour (use GF if necessary)
    • 2 tbsp tomato puree
    • 200g/1¾ cups vacuum packed chestnuts, roughly chopped
    • 3 tomatoes, roughly chopped
    • 10 sundried tomatoes, finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp dried or fresh thyme, finely chopped
    • ½ tbsp dried or fresh rosemary, finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 175ml/¾ cup vegan red wine (use 1 tbsp red miso and 175ml boiling water if doing alcohol-free version)
    • 500ml/2 cups vegan stock
    • 1 tbsp soft brown sugar
    • 150g/1 cup pre-cooked quinoa or lentils (add this at the end)
    • 2 tbsp soya milk for brushing 


    1. Preheat the oven to 190ºC (fan)/375ºF/Gas Mark 5 and line a large baking tray with parchment. 
    2. Using a large dinner plate and on a floured surface, cut one of the pastry sheets around the shape of the plate. 
    3. Take the next pastry sheet and again cut around the shape of the plate but this time leave 2cm of extra pastry around the edge. 
    4. Place the smaller circle on the lined baking tray and set aside. 
    5. Fry the onions in a little vegan butter until soft and golden. 
    6. Add the leeks and fry for a further 5 minutes. 
    7. Add the mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes. 
    8. Add the garlic and the cayenne pepper and fry for a minute. 
    9. Remove from the heat and stir through the flour until all the vegetables have been covered. 
    10. Place back onto the heat and then stir through the tomato puree and add all of the other ingredients apart from the pre-cooked quinoa/lentils and soya milk. 
    11. Allow the mixture to simmer, stirring regularly, for around 15-20 minutes. 
    12. Add the quinoa or lentils to the mix and stir through. The consistency should be thick but not too thick. Add a little more stock if necessary (you don't want it to be runny though).
    13. Transfer the mixture onto the bottom layer of pastry and leave a good couple of inches of pastry free around the edge. 
    14. Cover with the bigger circle of pastry and seal the edges with your fingers. Brush the edges with some oil. 
    15. Brush the pastry with soya milk. 
    16. To create the sun pattern, make a tiny hole in the centre and then score wavy lines from the centre to the outer edge of the pastry using a sharp knife. 
    17. Place in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until crisp and golden. 

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..the sun has just come out and its lovely....
    Kath I was on that train journey then..yes a proper uplifting poem ..I do like a good wedding..
    Ooh yes we would have to social distant..and have a breezy day...hahaha..
    Now what was the recipe.. cant remember the name but it looked good.. by the way has you food arrived..xx
    Joan we had rain today but the sun has just come out and it's a lovely evening to all of you xx
    Tony I didnt know you didnt eat fish..but onions rings are good with mushy peas and chips..what a lovely village you live nice of pom ordering all the food..I know it was your turn last week ..Sunday dinners..
    Arnt we easily pleased these days of lockdown.. you enjoy you ride out with Paul and your lady wee thingy..I have seen them..well different ones ...a good idea..
    Right think I will have a potter in the garden before the sun goes in
    Love to everyone
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Hello everyone

    Yes it is me back again after so long away I’m afraid I have no excuse. Except that I have recently put an app on my iPad of jigsaw puzzles, and I can create my own puzzle using my own pictures and I have just got carried away with it. Weather has not been very nice the last few days here. We have had a few showers. Our garden is now complete except for the shed to be built the part that was stolen from the Gardner’s van has yet to arrive .but all the paving is done and we have now been able to use it. A picture for you of mr t and myself on the first day we could use it.

    It will look much better when the shed parts are not stored in the gravel border at the side and we can put all our little garden ornaments back where they should be and add some Large pots of flowers along there as well.

    Yesterday was a bit disappointing as youngest daughter was going to visit us and sit in the garden with us socially distancing of course. But the weather was not garden weather so we cancelled it and we will try again next weekend as she has to go back to work tomorrow she works in a special needs school. She is not looking forward to going back as she dose suffer with asthma and cannot wear a face mask as it affects her asthma

    Kath I found Florence she was hiding from the virusy thing and garden peeples cos they were trampling all around the garden And she had to keep safe, she tells me she hasn’t seen Clarence yet because they are all keeping safe from the virusy thing. But she will call up Rosie who will send them out to check on Toni. In their Hooman disguises. With added face masks that Rosie has made for them 😷😜

    We have brought ourselves an early 50th anniversary present between us which arrived on Monday this week a nice wood Westminster chime clock for our mantle piece here is a photo of it.

    Hope you are all as well as can be expected I have not caught up with the posts properly yet . Well that’s a little update from me. thank you for those that have been following and commenting my shared posts on Facebook of mr t playing his keyboards fo us all to enjoy.

    Some children have gone back to school our GGC are all still off as in London the have started off with only reception and years 1 and 6. Lillie is in year 3 and Faye Ashley and Graycie are only in nursery at the moment which hasn’t gone back yet. I think Graycie May be due for reception in September I’m not sure.

    Love and Sparkles to you all


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone

    Carol i am not blaming you jigsaws I have done PLENTY over lockdown although it does set my shoulder-blades off. Imagine being able to 'make your won'!

    The garden looks fabulous! When you have your flowers out in post and the shed up you will soon forget how annoying it all was. Shame the weather stopped you seeing your daughter. She should have needed to see you too with having to go back to work. She should be safe enough with the babies, but better dodge the parents if she can.Good luck to her.

    Our school was back last week years 1 and 6 only and lovely to see 🙂 I hope it's not too long before yours can go back bless them i bet they are all desperate to see their friends.

    Your anniversary carriage clock is rather wow! I love it I bet you are both chuffed to bits. You will certainly never be able to forget this anniversary will you? 🙄

    All seems to be well with the s*****s but we shall see tonight when Paul is away in Scotland....they know you know....!

    Joan Lexi behaves like puppy well that is exactly what you want it means she is well and happy 🐕️Paul is working in Aberdeen today and tomorrow and he will call and see Lucy on his way back with a large box of goodies from me. If I have a wee bottle i can go up when we're allowed. I would be too scared to use service station loos. We are a very small village yes.

    Kath what a fabulous poem I love it! Definitely very heart-warming and cheering. Imagine all those weddings on one train journey!

    That is a shame not being able to give Holly anything out of your box that you don't need. Did hers arrive for her Foster daughter?

    Hahaha! You made me laugh there about needing dozens of wee bottles and still getting caught short! I rather think that's where tena come in!!!😁

    What an amazing main coooourse! The year before last i had an M&S Christmas centre piece like that now I can make my own!! Woo-woooo!

    Barbara I also love train journeys they are fabulous so restful although they wouldn't be ATM would they🤔 This darn virus.

    Yes it is a lovely village. Just lovely. We all try to help each other out. When I get a tesco order I add anything for my lovely neighbours/Pom and the same when they order fruit and veg from the farm shop.

    Because Paul is working up in Scotland he will see Lucy on his way back down tomorrow and i thought i would never get up there without needing a wee when we are allowed and service station loos would scare me so....hence a bottle a ladies one!! Kari has a 'she-wee' for when she used to do marathons and fell walking and advises practicing over the loo😮

    I hope you had enough sunshine for you to enjoy some time outside. I'm sure it will pick up again soon teh weather.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    The very teapot for our Aidan he always had the washer on! He would have been like me with Paul's uniform ATM boil wash with some dettol stuff too!

    Just got the eggs on!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath thank you for the poems and food ((())) love to Anita (((())) and your Dad (()))) yes Lexi still plays with her toys dachshunds an live to a good age sue had one who was 16 years I don't know what that is in our years.

    Carol I'm sorry you could not see your Daughter (((())) our gran had a clock like that. Love to Mr T thank him for his music ((((()))

    Barbara we have rain in the afternoons ((())) love to your brother and his girlfriend (((())) and Mr B (((())))

    Toni did you have a good ride yesterday ((())) love to Paul ((()))Charley and her friend ((())) Tia (((())) Lucy ((()))

    love to Bill ((())) Mig (((())) Chris (((()))) Yvonne (((())) Tulula ((()))

    take care
    joan xx