Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..not much rain today but still very dark
    Carol i am glad to hear that Mr T is recovering OK.. its so good he has his own trained st John's to treat and dress it..
    Hope we all get good weather..then we can sit outside..xx
    Toni poor P having to wait so long bless..xx..thankyou for the pancakes..i had 2...
    Fingers crossed for Charley and will come together for them..yes Aidan will always be with us..bless him you enjoy your rude to work with Paul..
    Glad you have your laptop is sorted..ckever you doing it..xx
    Joan i am glad you have the same carers ..its good when you get to know them..i hope you are all doing ok xx
    Kath another strange poem but I like it..
    .so glad your tummy is feeling better..make some ginger tea next always works for came off my Indian neighbour when I got ecoli....xx
    Today I have been sorting out drawers..why do they get so full if rubbish...
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Kath I am very pleased to hear you are feeling more like our 'Kath'. All is going well with the girls' house purchase as far as I know - the seller is very motivated which is good.😊

    P has heard from the hospital finally. Yes it is cancer, but chemo is possible so next week she will actually see an oncologist in the hospital no more phone calls. Here we go again. Do you think that too when someone else gets diagnosed? I bet Barbara did with her bro too😕

    That poem was indeed very thought provoking. Makes you less angry and more accepting ifyou can cope an din general I think it's right for short-term things. Not so sure about these longer chronic type pains though🤔

    I made the Jambalaya last night! Took me all afternoon to chop everything, but Kath it was fab. I took a photo of Kari's sahe to I will try to upload it.

    Joan thank you I don't think I will really do any work just go along for the ride with Paul. If I'm lucky i will have a starbucks or Costa from the drive-thru nearby. P had her news it is the Big 'C' sadly, but there is treatment to try she will see the Oncologist next week.

    Morning Barbara hope all is well with you and your bro is ok too - what about Niamh? I also have draws to sort out - we put stuff in to keep the house tidy!

    The laptop is great just need to get spell check working! Did the choir zoom meeting last night using it and the sound was way better too. I'm gald u didn't throw it to the bottom of the garden when I couldn't work it at first😁😁😁

    I will enjoy the ride to work with Paul! Gloucester somewhere I don't remember going in the past🤔

    2 pancakes it fine calorie-free and a refilling stack.😉 I cooked Kath's jambalaya last night it was YUM I have a portion to take over to Kari's which I photographed will try to upload it.

    What shall we have this morning? It's Friday.....

    Nice and simple!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    My version of Kath's jambalaya

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Hello Kath we seem to be on our own. ((((()))) it's good you are feeling better now how is Anita ((((()))) and your Dad (((())) yes we take the dogs if the rain is not too heavy we have a big garden.. have a good weekend

    love to Toni ((())) Paul (((())) Lucy ((())) Charley (((())) and her girlfriend (((())) Tia ((()))

    Barbara (((())) and Mr B (((()) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    Carol (((())) and Mr T (((()))

    Bill ((())) catlady ((())) Mig ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem



    From childhood’s hour I have not been

    As others were—I have not seen

    As others saw—I could not bring

    My passions from a common spring—

    From the same source I have not taken

    My sorrow—I could not awaken

    My heart to joy at the same tone—

    And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—

    Then—in my childhood—in the dawn

    Of a most stormy life—was drawn

    From ev’ry depth of good and ill

    The mystery which binds me still—

    From the ****, or the fountain—

    From the red cliff of the mountain—

    From the sun that ’round me roll’d

    In its autumn tint of gold—

    From the lightning in the sky

    As it pass’d me flying by—

    From the thunder, and the storm—

    And the cloud that took the form

    (When the rest of Heaven was blue)

    Of a demon in my view—

    Joan, I haven't actually heard from Anita recently as she is back at work. As far as I am aware, her radiotherapy should begin on Monday. So she won't be able to work next week.

    Toni, well done, that Jambalaya looks scrumptious. I'll just help myself to a small serving. I certainly thought 'here we go again when Anit was diagnosed. So that's 4 of us in my family, gran, mum, me and Anita. 🙄

    BTW, thank you for the wonderful egg on toast. 🍳.

    Barbara, what were you thinking when you said (to Toni) "enjoy your rude to work with Paul.." that made me laugh.

    Hugs to mig, Carol, catlady and anyone else I've missed.

    Courgette & Chickpea Filo Pie

    A super-simple pie full of colour and richness – it tastes so good with a big dollop of houmous on the side.


    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 2 red onions, cut into 8 wedges
    • 3 garlic cloves, finely sliced
    • 3 courgettes, sliced
    • A pinch of dried chilli flakes
    • A small bunch of rosemary, leaves picked and chopped
    • A small bunch of thyme, leaves picked and chopped
    • 400g can of chickpeas, drained
    • 200g or 1.5 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half
    • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 10 sheets of filo pastry
    • Olive oil for brushing


    1. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add the onions and cook for 3–4 minutes, until softened.
    2. Add the garlic and courgettes and cook until the vegetables are just tender and lightly coloured.
    3. Stir in the chilli, rosemary and thyme.
    4. Remove from the heat and stir in the chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.
    5. Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof dish.
    6. Heat the oven to 160°C/320°F/Gas Mark 3.
    7. Lay out a sheet of filo pastry on a work surface and brush with olive oil, then scrunch it up loosely so it looks like a rose. Drop it on top of the filling and repeat with the remaining filo to cover the dish.
    8. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes or until the filling is thoroughly heated through.
    9. Remove the foil and bake for about 5 minutes longer, until the pastry is golden.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Afternoon all

    Barbara yes Mr t is lucky having his own first aiders around. The thumb is healed nicely and although I put new skin closures on it this morning I really don’t think he needs them on any more but as it is only the 6th day today and he was told to keep it on and dry for 5 days he thought he needed them on. Personally I think he is starting to milk it a bit so that he don’t have to wash up.🤣🤣men what are they like. Having said that he went for a walk this afternoon and has just rung me to tell me we have a meal out booked tonight at a restaurant near us. We said after a few weeks of lockdown when restaurants opened up again we would have a meal out again. Good job I had my hair cut this morning. Toni sorry to hear Ps news but at least she can be treated. Glad you have worked the laptop out. Our internet seems to be a bit better today. Glad the girls house is going ok this time. That Jumbalaya looks yummy. Kath it’s good you are feeling better today these bugs can be nasty. Your right that Jumbalaya looks good. Love the poems you find. Joan hope you and Sue and doggies ore all ok.

    I got my exercises from the physio yesterday so now I need to do them and not forget. Mind you I had my exercise today as my hairdresser is 1 and half bus stops from where we live and I walked both ways. I say 1and a half stops because it is in between the 2.

    Just seen this photo on Facebook this morning which GS GF put on of our Kian he is a year old in exactly 4 weeks time.

    It has gone so quickly.

    it’s time for a potter now don’t want to get too stiff if I am going out tonight.

    love and sparkles to you all.


    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all
    Will keeo this short we have niamh here and my eyes are not to good.. one comes and goes and the other us joining it x
    Tobi I am sorry to hear P diagnoses ..let all think positive that the treatment works well..(((())))thankyou for thr eggs..i like burned toast..:).xx
    Joan thankyou for all the brother is keeping busy doing the garden..hope you are all OK xxxx
    Carol how lovely if Mr T..bless.. bet he felt good booking the meal..and you had an haircut just in time...
    No washing up yet then for oh says it keeps his hands soft...hahaha xx
    Kath oooh rude... not our Toni...hahaha..glad it made you laugh...another really good moving poem..thankyou xx
    Right im off will be back tomorrow.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 11. Jul 2020, 06:12

    Hi All

    Joan I was there yesterday at 7ish.....I can see my posts, but you obvioulsy couldn't 😕Today is the day I go to Gloucester to 'work' with Paul! Well he'll work I'll wait in the van! How is Sue doing? Is her mouth still ok with the yoghurts?

    Barbara I can see your eyes aren't great. I promise I will only go a ride to work with paul today!!! 😁 Lovely to have had Niamh with you such a treasure.

    Good your bro keeps busy in the garden between showers atm 🙄 the sun is out today first good day and we are offf to Gloucester!

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast. Yes P is seeing Oncology this week and will know what and when soon. It's aggressive.

    Kath my lovely did you enjoy the jambalaya? Kari messaged me last night said it was lovely and enough for two days so that's great. I'd have eaten it in one!!!!

    I have put filo pasty on my tesco order so i can try your recipe from yesterday thank you 😘

    Gosh E.A. Poe's poem was sad! Loved the pic though - perfect!

    Will be thinking of Anita all week but especially on Monday because she'll be nervous (((()))) for you. 4 in teh family😔 toooooo many!

    Carol! gimme that boy! ASAP! Gorgeous what a smile! Nearly 1 so scary how time flies. When will you be visiting?

    Men do drag things out you'd better watch Mr T who is indeed very lucky having qualified staff to tend to his injuries🙄

    Your hair looks lovely I hope teh meal was fabulous after lockdown and you felt safe 🙂

    Yes you must do your exercises and give it a fair chance. Paul won't do his he is naughty🙄 men! He won't be told.

    Hi To Chris - I hope all is welll with you and everyone is ok at teh scheme. They are on code red at Charley's place sadly, but she had her weekly COVID test yesterday so we'll know if she is one who has it. She doesn't feel quite right.....


    Got to be croissants Aidan always had them on saturdays.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath how are you feeling ((())) love to Chris (((())) and Anita ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Carol lovely photo (((())). love to Mr T (((()) how is his finger.

    Barbara sorry about your eyes ((())) we went to the optician's yesterday it went OK. Love to Mr B (((())) and your brother (((()))

    Toni I always read where I left of the day before. Love to you (((())) and Paul ((())) sorry about Pom (((()))) love to Charley and her friend ((((())) Lucy ((((())) Tia (((()))

    . Love to Bill (((()))Mig (((()))Chris (((())))

    take care
    joan xx
  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Hi Everyone Been having problems with my posts - somehow I seem to lose them when I go to post them. Hopefully it doesn't happen this time.

    Someone on here asked what type of arthritis I have. I've got osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, plus a few other hangers on. My arthritis I can manage by distraction, but what causes me the most trouble is fibromyalgia. I don't let it beat me though, I just find another way round to do anything that causes me too much pain.

    Everything is fine in my little flat, I've Been shielding since 19th March only going for a walk round the outside of the scheme. When 1st August comes round there will not be very much change for me. I can go out, but as I'm in a village there is only one shop, Post Office and garage, I don't think I will be going far. I probably will charge up my wheelchair and go for a potter round the village. I'm trying to get the courage to go into our nearest market town by bus. That wont be for a while though.

    The most exciting event for me is at the beginning of August my daughter is coming to pick me up to go back to hers. She is going to get my grandson and his little family to come for tea so that I can see my two great granddaughters. The younger one will be coming up to her first birthday so she will have changed completely. I have had regular photos of them, but it will be great to see them all again.

    Gentle hugs ((())) to you all. I'm sorry I can't remember you all. My memory is a little dodgy now - old age.

    Take care. Stay safe. Enjoy your weekend.


    Cat Lady 1

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Evening all..we had some sun..Niamh has just gone my mask can come off
    Chris I know what you mean ..i have lost my confidence at the min ..i think this virus has shook us alk up..i have OA..2 new hips that are ok but like you I have degenerative disc disease and didn't realise till I got all my letter iff the doctor but have fibro has well..but I'm not so lovely that your daughter will pick you up and you will get to see all your family..ggc wow how old are they...xx
    Toni glad you got your ride out not rude...hahaha with Paul..
    Yes Aidan loved his crosants ..and dad would go round fir his..
    I hope and pray P can have treatment and more to the point it can give her quality if life for some years..xx
    Joan i am so glsd your eyes are OK.. mine was found in my first visit to the opticians around 3 years ago.. it was a big shock...have you had a ride out today..our cafe is open but we won't be going for a while xx
    Today we had a ride into the next town.. wore mask..but like I said earlier in am very nervous..
    Love to everyone
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Hi Joan I always read up to the day before l wonder why sometimes I am missing for you 😕 I hope you and Sue are well. Nice day today for taking the dogs out they will love it. I saw the Rev's puppy recently she has grown - at least she will walk now outside on her lead!

    Barbara I'm glad you are having rides out now - doesn't it do you good?😊 Our favourite tea room is also open, but like you l will give it a while yet. I can't wait for our holiday safe in that motor home!

    Such a relief to take that mask off i expect, but not to see Niamh go home for a while. She'll be back the little darling.

    I hope the same for P chemo is the suggestion but how where and what it is expected to do we have yet to find out 🤞

    You are right Bill's Dad always went round to their's to have croissants and real coffee didn't he bless him.

    I have to agree with you l think some Drs are quick to diagnose fibro (and their qalifications to do so a bit dubious!) so they can blame it for everything and not try to help🙄

    Chris you have my sympathy for the DDD I have had that since my early 20s added the inflammatory Arthritis in very early 40s. Ah well we keep on gong don't we? You did right to go a walk every day during lockdown. I did the same - mind you i do so every day anyway and have done for years it helps my bones. I ahve two walking poles which help for this.

    We don't even have a shop here just our Church which we use for everything! At the moment it's porch is a shop to be fair full of things to buy from books and jigsaws to water and crisps! Get out if you can I'm not sure about buses yet either though our Carol (Turbogran) has managed.

    Wonder why your posts are going awol🤔mind you we all do that from time to time!

    How lovely being able to go to see your daughter and the family! How far away are they? If you can do it we always love photos of babies and Gkids/GGkids in the café .

    Love to Kath I hope all is well not like you to be AWOL. Been on Facebook? Tomorrow is teh start of Anita's treatment I have everything crossed for her.

    Carol too. Did the meal out go well? Was it nice. Paul says the GOvt are giving us all money towards eating out I think he said mon Tues and Wednesdays!

    Right let's have some breakfast shall we?

    Got to be full English (Scottish or Welsh) it being Sunday!

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    "Got to be full English (Scottish or Welsh) it being Sunday!" Or Cornish!! Mind you I had to have toast as nothing else in 😢

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Hello cat lady it was me who asked what you had wrong (((()))) it's all send to try us enjoy yourself it will be nice to see your grandchildren (((()))

    Barbara ((())) love to Mr B (((())) and your brother (((()))) and his girlfriend (((()))) I don't like the masks so I bought one in my favourite colour yellow and feel better wearing it.

    Toni (((()))) love to Paul ((())) and Pom (((())) Sue's mouth is better thank you. We been to our favourite café when you go in you have to spray your hands the lady comes and serves you you pay and if you want the little room you spray on the way in and out and you write your name and phone number down.

    . love to Charley (((())) and her friend (((()))Tia (((())) Lucy (((()))

    Hello Mike how are you (((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Mig (((())) Kath (((())) I hope everything is alright (((())) love Anita (((())) and your Dad ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    "Hello Mike how are you (((()))" Absolutely triffic thanks - NOT! Still suffering from over-doing it yesterday pottering in my workshop for an hour or so and only half an hour's kip last night. Got some pork for dinner tonight so that will help restore the old battery, unless I nod off and let it burn of course 😁

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Started a post, but lost it. Saturday is my day off from t'interweb I have decided. Hope all are well, sending love.

    Will just post a tasty meal.

    Vegan 'Steak' & Ale Pie

    Full of lovely veg, a nice rich boozy sauce and golden, crispy pastry... what more could you want... well apart from gravy of course! 


    • 1 onion, finely diced
    • 2 cloves garlic, finely diced
    • 1 stick celery, finely sliced
    • 1 medium carrot, finely diced
    • 200g baby button mushrooms (sliced in half)
    • 2 handfuls of frozen peas
    • 1 tbsp tomato puree
    • 1 tbsp sugar (ideally dark Muscavado but any ok)
    • 2 bay leaves
    • 1 tbsp fresh or dried thyme
    • 600g vegan 'beef' pieces (eg Fry's, other Fry's chunky stripsOcadoGardein (just don't use the Szechuan sauce with the Gardein one))
    • 2 tsp stock powder or 1.5 stock cubes (dissolved in a small amount of boiling water)
    • 400ml sweet dark vegan ale (check out Barnivore for a comprehensive list)
    • Salt and pepper, to taste
    • 2 packets vegan puff pastry sheets (eg Jus-Rol and most supermarket own brands... check the ingredients)
    • 2 tbsp soya milk (for brushing)


    1. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C (fan)/390°F/Gas Mark 6.
    2. Grease either 4 foil pie cases or 1 oven-proof dish (8-10" diameter and 4" deep) and line with puff pastry (if you don't have pastry cutters, use a knife or a bowl to cut out). Don't forget to keep some pastry spare for the lid!
    3. Fry the onion in a little oil until soft. 
    4. Add the celery, carrot and mushrooms and fry for a further 5 minutes. 
    5. For best results fry the 'beef' chunks separately (according to packet) and add to the mixture but if you're short of time then go onto stage 6.
    6. Add the garlic and 'beef' chunks and fry for 10 minutes (you may need to add a little more oil at this stage). 
    7. Add the tomato puree, herbs, stock, ale, sugar and frozen peas and simmer for around 10-20 minutes until the liquid has reduced down. If it reduces down too much, you'll need to add a bit more ale or water (you want the consistency to be thick but with a little excess liquid or it will dry out in the oven). 
    8. Taste the mixture and add a little more sugar if it's too bitter and add salt if required. 
    9. Remove the bay leaves and pour the mixture evenly into the pastry-lined foil cases or straight into the oven dish. 
    10. Place the lid of the pie over the top and seal it to the bottom layer of pastry using your fingers. 
    11. Brush the top of the pie with soya milk before placing it into the oven. 
    12. Cook for approximately 20-30 minutes or until risen and golden. 

    Kath. XXX

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023

    Evening all

    Kath that happened to me last night lost post and it always happens when I get to the end that annoys me.

    Joan if it makes you feel better to wear a yellow mask go for it. I don’t mind the colour really I know it’s better to wear one and in London we have to wear them on buses. I try to have mine on all the time I’m out. It’s starting not to bother me now It’s the new normal I guess. It’s quite funny watching people who don’t wear masks because they don’t protect you, give you lots of space when you walk down the road wearing one. 😀

    Toni The meal was lovely thanks we felt quite safe we wore our masks on the bus to go down to the restaurant. When we got there we had to sanitise our hands as we entered and some of the tables had been taken away and the remaining ones spread further apart for social distancing. The waiters who were serving us all wore gloves and masks. As Mr T says we need to get out and about again but being careful of course. I hear a lot of people saying I’m scared to go out, to be honest I think most of us are it if we don’t we run the risk of never going out again. I am sorry I can’t let you have Ashley he is all mine.

    Barbara yes I have said to mr t that when we go to Ramsgate we must wear the masks when seeing the great grandchildren. We have already said that we will not meet all the different households together, but all separately, and only in the open or in a coffee shop not in any of their houses. But it will be lovely to see them all again. And although a little dubious of the train I am so looking forward to going. Mr T is washing up again as from today 😀😀his thumb has healed up nicely. Still has a plaster on it so that he doesn’t catch It on something and open it up again.

    Chris I know how you feel regarding seeing your GGD we are going to see ours at the end of the month have to brave the train but it will be worth it. Like you we have a great grandson Who will be a year old in August and also 4 days later a great granddaughter who will be 2. We have 6 great grandchildren altogether 4 girls and 2 boys. My sister has just recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia she also has osteoarthritis.

    Today has been really hot 🥵 we had our roast dinner in the garden it was lovely, I made mr t laugh cos I said when it was cooking we are having roast gammon al-la-patio. Followed by Strawberry trifle al-la-patio. 😜 Tomorrow I must go to the bank and pay in a nice generous cheque my only surviving auntie my dad’s sister sent us for our wedding anniversary. A couple of photos for you our first meal our since the 17th of March.

    And this one of Lillie Graycie and Rubie put up by GD today.

    Time know for a little potter around before I stiffen up. I am trying to get a little more exercise in after doing very little since March.

    love and sparkles to you all ❤️❤️🌈🌈

    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 13. Jul 2020, 06:30

    Cornish is no problem @Mike1 🙂

    Sorry you had to have toast😕 for breakfast, but I'm sure the Pork more than made up for it!

    Joan that's good to know that Sue's mouth is fine. So you have been to the café !!!! Wow that's great. plenty of safety measures going on there i bet it was lovely to be back wasn't it?

    Carol that is a lovely photo! You both look really happy together still after 50 years🥂 Well you've eaten out and so has Joan and Sue. Mr T is probably right and we should all take it at out own pace. the standards there seemed really hight with the staff wearing gloves and masks too.

    How French are you eating posh French food 'a-la-patio' indeed😁 Aidan would have liked that wouldn't he?

    Gorgeous photo of the girls they look like butter wouldn't melt bless them. So brown this lockdown has certainly suited them hasn't it? I think the children will have wonderful memories of time with no schook and their parents around more 🙂 So I can't have Ashley then?

    Kath you are taking a day off the interweb😮 including Facebook? 😮 I am in shock! Mind you we do all rather overdo it don't we?

    The weather here was lovely yesterday paul and I went a ride to a nearby village and had a starbucks. We will get fat keep having them!! But they are so lovely. the hot chocolate with coconut milk .....sigh

    Thank you for the boozy pie I think Paul would liek that very much. He is more than happy to not eat meat, but likes his meat substitutes if you know what I mean!

    Thinking very much of Anita today everything crossed for her. I hope she isn't afraid ((())) for you.


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236

    Good morning everyone

    Kath (((()))) I will be thinking of Anita to day (((()))) I'm not sure if it's tomorrow. Love to Chris (((())) and your Dad (((()))

    Mike have a good day ((()))

    Carol lovely photo's (((()))) is Mr T ((()) playing at the church now.

    Toni (((()))) did you have a good ride in the van. Love to Paul (((()))) Charley (((())) and her friend (((())) Lucy ((())) Tia (((()))

    Barbara ((())) I hope everything is alright ((())) love to Mr B ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend (((()))

    love to Bill (((())) Mig ((())) Chris ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    Morning all sorry about excuses I could I....:(
    Toni i will be thinking of P ..i really will ..and hope all goes well..whatever treatment she has..i bet you could be a big help with advice for her after going through it with Lucy...
    I do like our drive outs..some normality..but the traffic now is back to normal..we had it so quite for a few months..
    Thankyou for the orange segments on the pancakes..
    Your holiday in the traveller is somthing to look forward to..xx
    Joan what a good idea wearing a coloured mask you like..mine are either black or white..i hope you Sue and the doggies are OK..think we are in fir rain today after such a lovely day yesterday.. xx are you doing..must say toast is what I have in a morning..or porrige even in summer....hahaha...xx
    Carol what lovely photos if you and MT and the children ..they are so sweet..i am glad you were able to have a meal out. Was that champagne you have..:).
    Mr T is back to washing up.. good fir him..that is down to your nursing...
    You are right the mask are becoming the norm might prevent us from getting colds has well...xx
    Kath you do come up with some good recipes..the pie looks yummy..thankyou.hope all goes OK for Anita..sooner she gets the treatment the better...xx
    Its just started raining I won't be pottering in the garden..but plenty to do
    Love to everyone
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Daily Poem (☹️ Grrr)

    Controlling Anger Before It Controls You

    Mamta Agarwal

    When toxic and volatile emotions

    Are causing confusion and commotion,

    Feelings are hijacked, hot thoughts race,

    Mind gets enveloped in a rage.

    As a consequence, visibility comes down,

    It’s wise to shift gears and slow down.

    Switch on the wipers

    And clear the fog on the mind’s mirror.

    Lest you forever live to regret

    And wonder how I met with an accident.

    Take few deep breaths, and count to ten,

    As anger clouds the perception.

    Your ability to discern goes haywire

    So whatever you say backfires.

    First deal with your inner pollution,

    To stop firing deadly ammunition.

    Remove yourself from the object of your ire

    Lest you shoot arrows of fire

    And give in to your primitive instinct,

    Do something that your mood uplifts.

    When the fog finally lifts

    You’ll realise, perception does shift.

    Then you’ll be glad

    Things didn’t get out of hand.

    Anger is our worst enemy

    Causes havoc in our life and body chemistry.

    Hello everyone, I hope you are all well.

    Joan, as far as I know it is today Anita starts her radiotherapy. She still hasn't contacted me so I'm making it up as I go along. If I was able to go out into town, I would definitely wear a mask. But it's entirely up to each person to decide.

    Barbara, did you miss a day too? Can't be helped.

    Toni, WOW, those pancakes, I haven't had a pancake in years.

    Carol, those photos are wonderful, thank you for sharing them with us.

    Stir-Fried Vegetables, Rice & Tofu

    Gorgeous – a favourite with everyone who’s tried it. It's easy to make the stir-fry and sauce while the rice is simmering. Make it from scratch or use our shortcut ideas!

    Cheat Sheet - for those nights when you're time poor but very hungry!

    • use ready-cooked pouches of brown rice, eg Sainsbury's, Tilda or Uncle Ben
    • use a big pack of stir-fried vegetables
    • use Cauldron marinated tofu pieces

    Click here for tips on preparing and cooking tofu.


    Rice (or see shortcut above)

    • 350g/12oz long grain brown rice
    • 700ml/25 fl oz water
    • 2 tsp vegan bouillon powder

    Stir Fry (or see shortcut above)

    • 12 spring onions, sliced
    • 200g/7oz baby sweetcorn, halved
    • 2 red peppers, thinly sliced
    • 1 medium carrot, sliced into thin sticks
    • 200g/7oz oriental greens such as Pak Choi or Chinese leaves, shredded
    • Other suitable veg, eg asparagus, cauliflower or broccoli florets, shredded pak choi...

    Tofu (or see shortcut above)


    • 60g/4 level tbsp cup smooth peanut or other nut butter. Tahini also works well
    • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    • 1 tbsp prepared English mustard
    • Large handful of parsley (curly or flat-leaf), thick stalks removed
    • 2 tbsp water
    • 1 tsp syrup (eg agave, maple or date)
    • 1 small clove garlic, crushed
    • Pinch salt
    • Optional: 1tbsp tamari and 1tbsp sesame oil


    1. Press the tofu if not already done. If using pre-cooked rice, go to Stage 3.

    2. Bring to boil and simmer for 25-35 minutes until rice is tender and water is absorbed.

    3. Meanwhile, chop vegetables for stir-fry and put aside. If using a stir-fry pack, go to Stage 4.

    4. Fry tofu chunks in a little oil or low-cal spray in a nonstick pan until golden brown on all sides. If using marinated tofu pieces, go to Stage 6.

    5. Add a little shoyu (soy sauce) until the tofu is coated. Drain on kitchen paper and put aside.

    6. Make sauce by blending all ingredients together – then warm through gently.

    7. Stir-fry the vegetables in the oil.

    8. Chop cooled tofu into bite-sized pieces and heat through with vegetables.

    9. Serve. Place cooked, drained rice on plates, top with the vegetable-tofu mix, then the sauce.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    A quick hi to you all. I will remember your names one day. Yesterday went by so quickly and today has been a bit iffy. Fibro fog is playing havoc today. Reckon I've walked nearly twice as far today as I normally do. I go to get something, and although my flat is small, I can't remember what I went for. Have a good evening/night. Stay safe and take care. Gentle hugs (((()))) to you all. Chris

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223

    Morning everyone🙂

    Chris - I do that so much!

    At least it helps us get nearer our 10,000 steps!

    Don't worry about our names just chat to us😉 We aren't easily offended !

    Hi Joan thanks the ride out in the van was great. You can see so much more up there! Paul was on site overnight (Folkestone) and ther was a s****r in the bedroom again so I had to sleep on the sofa. My neck is cross with me 🙄

    Kath great poem. Love the different analogies. I try not to get cross anyway if I can help it though sometimes that's easier said than done. The photo of the livid mad made me smile too.

    I'm sure it was yesterday that Anita was supposed to start her'll have to chase her. P invited me round for a coffee yesterday morning which was fine until it rained! The Nurse rang to discuss her suitability for chemo. She said she would see the Oncologist, but would probably be next week now as she was only just on 'the system '🙄 It is to extend life though. It's bile duct.

    Hi Barbara glad you enjoyed the pancakes. I love them too - just never the first one out of the pan! Why is that one always rubbish?🤔

    It is lovely to have a ride out isn't it? but you are right I think the roads are as busy as ever if not worse with plenty avoiding public transport.

    P is doing well very upbeat and ready to get started. She should be able to have her treatment here at our local hospital 🙂

    Lots of spelling mistakes her, but I checked in systems and spellcheck is switched on....not happening though is it? Can get predictive text but that is more annnoying than useful.

    When will you next see Niamh? Mask on Grandma !

    Super-posh porridge.

    Love to Carol I hope all is well with you all and Mr T is back doing the washing up! You cooked it - it's his job!!!! That's the rule in this house 😉

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Good gosh. How have I managed to have time to come on here before lunch. It's only one I have to heat up in the Microwave. I did a slow cooker meal for yesterday and managed to make enough for today as well.

    That was a very interesting article you put on about "walking through the door" Toni. So that is part the reason I forget. Although it's lunchtime - I cant resist your porridge - think I've got part of my day's 5 fruit.

    Thanks Kath for your message about your facebook group. I am an avid facebooker. It has got me through my shielding. Will look for you when I go on again.

    The photos you posted Carol are lovely. Glad you had a good meal out for your anniversary.

    Just love your poem Kath and the Anger cartoon. It was just great.

    Hello to all the people I have missed. I enjoy reading your posts.

    This weather is doesn't look too good now. Very windy and dark. It was a good idea to go for a walk before lunch. Very quiet, didn't see anyone as I went round but really that was ideal cos I wont have been able to stay and chat. Everything has decided to flare. Nothing to do this afternoon - so its either my kindly, games on line or some painting. I have gone mad recently and bought several different ones. Going to try the one that's telling me I can do a painting with only 3 colours. We'll see.

    Have a good afternoon/evening. Stay safe and take care. Gentle (((( )))) to you all

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 14. Jul 2020, 11:45

    Yes Chris you aren't 'loosing it' it's part of our brains and we all do it. I think it happens more sometimes though don't you?

    I have two new jigsaws so need to finish the one i've got on the go.

    The weather is rubbish you are flaring so time to rest up and do something easy and restful ((()))

    Absolutely the breakfast gives at least 3 of your 5-a-day!