DD has broken her arm



  • Mormodook
    Mormodook Member Posts: 130
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh no DD ! What terrible luck . Get well soon - sending a gentle hug x
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I hope every thing goes well today DD , Dont be to sto ic if they say "We want to have you in for a few days"..they might you know because of other stuff going on keeping the shoulder still as the bones start to knit ,Some brilliant ideas re the toilet paper and the bubble wrap ....A couple of emergency tots and arnica tablets wouldnt go amiss either we are all rooting for you and hope they can give you some good pain relief rest up your doing brilliantly I know you dont do hugs ((())) but your havin em anyway oh all things sartorial I often wear my clothes back to front just cut all the sleeves out of 2nd best clothes amd Mr DD .s BEST SHIRTS on tuesday :lol: only kidding of course they do their best even if its just cup of teas and cuppa soups Marrianne :)
  • DebbieT
    DebbieT Member Posts: 1,033
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All the very best for today DD!! I really do hope they have some ideas that can help you.

    Xxx xxX
    Healing Hugs
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm back and am pleased to report that I have broken it thoroughly, to be precise in three places, one horizontal and two vertical. :D I have to return next week for another Xray to check that none of the bits of bone between the breaks have slipped or dropped (if they have then surgical intervention will be required) so to ensure they don't I shall be keeping the arm as still as possible. There is nothing to be done, the bones should knit in 6 - 8 weeks (hmmmmm, I'm on immumo-suppressants which reduce healing speed) so we'll see. They have given me a better sling in that it's broader and more padded so hopefully that will ease some of the strain on my neck.

    Hey-ho. :roll: I managed a shower and hair wash but not moisturiser or deodorant, dressing myself is an interesting event and I have to go now. See you later. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello DD
    i'm so sorry what else is there for you to do.
    please take care((((((((DD))))))))
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi DD,just catching up and so sorry to see your news. How utterly frustrating and annoying. I hope it mends quickly.
  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So, I reckon that means we were both right. The bone is fractured, broken, bust, kaput and the term which begins with a 'b', ends with the colour of post boxes and has the name of a boot manufacturer plus an 'e' in the middle. (Yup, it's cryptic crossword time, folks.) How thorough, DD! I suppose we should just be pleased you didn't land on your head. You'd have made Humpty Dumpty look like a doddle of a jigsaw puzzle.

    Perhaps we could have a 'Design DD's new Wardrobe' competition. As you often have trouble overheating maybe a leotard? (Leopard skin, of course.) Mr SW will be round to do the photo shoot.

    So, you showered today :o Now, don't get too ambitious. Showers are notorious venues for accidents. You may be superwoman (And, frankly, right now I think you're doing a fair impression) but remember you don't really have any magic powers. Two broken arms would make even the leotard tricky.

    Oh well - KBO as we say in the trade. You're doing great.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • kentishlady
    kentishlady Member Posts: 809
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you have made it home successfully, DD. We all know what you are like, but please don't even attempt to try and do things that you know you shouldn't. Yes, you will miss being able to drive, but I no longer do either. Do you have any public transport near to where you live, would that be an option for you?

    Take care and rest as much as you can.

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sending big hugs from all the Migs,wish I could be there to help . XXX Mig
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well done DD,Yes keeping it as still as possible will be difficult ,so if you opt for leopard print leotard :lol::lol: no danceing or high kicks ,Do you think they might drop the immo/suppres .. albiet temporaly while your healing ,dont know if your own defences might kick in for a while bringing all those white cells into healing mode rather than attacking the other parts ,thinking about if they have to fix you internally to ......Hopefully though with the padded sling you will be able rest it well and it wont need anything more ,Did you say you would be alone tomorrow ? Well we are all here for you as you are for us so keep resting Marrianne :) \
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One of the rheumatology nurses rang me to discuss how I am going to manage the injections (I am to carry on with the humira & meth ) so basically it'll be him and me working together, him to pinch & me to stab and depress the plungers. I have enough going on at the moment and don't think I could cope with a flare so we will plough onwards and sideways. :|

    I won't be venturing out anywhere as yet though, today has been rough thanks to two car journeys and my lurching against the door as he took a corner too fast (I did solve the seat belt though, I pulled it down with my teeth, gripped with the right hand, pulled down some more and plugged myself in :D but I won't be bussing anywhere as IBC does not believe in seats at bus stops (and I can't do a rollator one-handed). I have to do some repeat blood tests so I shall book a slot at the GPs and pay a friend to taxi me there and back.

    If I want things to get better then I must do as they say and be a patient patient. Rocket science it ain't! :wink: DD

    PS My bruising is superb, it encircles the entire upper arm and has now spread down the back of my forearm. Get in!
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh DD could you mange to be a patient patient this doesn't sound like you ...I am glad you are managing the injections between you...get some arnica gel on those bruises...xx
  • dibdab
    dibdab Member Posts: 1,498
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Witch hazel is good for bruises too- but they at least serve as evidence of your misfortune and should earn you lots of sympathy when viewed by visitors :lol: .

    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

    Deb x
  • Sharon2960
    Sharon2960 Member Posts: 329
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry to hear you're in pain with another problem - keep your chin up. At least it's winter and the weather doesn't exactly inspire outside excursions!
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You don't do things by halves, do you DD? And, as usual, you find solutions to all the problems that come with it. 6 weeks? At least the weather should be better for you to get out and about by then.
  • phoenixoxo
    phoenixoxo Member Posts: 625
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The bone is fractured, broken, bust, kaput and the term which begins with a 'b', ends with the colour of post boxes and has the name of a boot manufacturer plus an 'e' in the middle.


    Nice one, s/w :)

    Healthy healing, DD :)

    Best wishes,
    PsA (psoriatic arthritis) and other things since 1990. Happy to help when I can :-)
  • thistlegirl
    thistlegirl Member Posts: 229
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry DD I am not very switched on at the mo but I wanted to check in and see how you are doing.
    I know you will go through this with your usual style, I hope you are able to rest tomorrow.

  • fortuna
    fortuna Member Posts: 149
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have only just seen this post and am so sorry to hear your news. There are a lot of people who will miss your help and advice. Take things slowly, even more slowly,
    Best wishes for sleep tonight,
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    DD 6-8 weeks, you'll be healed just in time for a trip to a park to see the spring flowers blooming. :) I'm sure it's very frustrating not being able to do things for yourself but fingers crossed your bones will heal well. It'll be interesting to find different ways of doing things.
    sending good vibes, ritwren.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, how are you doing? I passed a night ('nuff said) but hopefully today will be OK.

    Barbara, I won't have trouble with being a patient patient, I've had much practice at so being but what is irksome this time around is that it is ALL MY FAULT. :x It would be good to be able to 'blame' a surgeon but I can't! :lol: I have managed a 'wash' - a damp flannel wedged under my right armpit whilst that arm saws back and forth, and I have managed to dress myself in my jimjams. :D I feel very growed up. :lol: The one-handed typing, however, is very wearing so I'm off now for a rest.

    To each and every one of you I send my thanks for your continued messages, they make such a difference to morale and I am truly appreciative. DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • kentishlady
    kentishlady Member Posts: 809
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi DD. Glad to hear you are coping as well as possible. We just don't realise how much we do that needs the use of 2 arms until we only have the use of one! Take it very easy and rest it as much as possible. Beryl. (((())))
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning DD ,thinking of you and sending hugs (((()))) Mig
  • bubbadog
    bubbadog Member Posts: 5,544
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    DD I love that you can still laugh and make jokes about the situation! Your a star for doing that! I think Mr DD should be banished to either a spare bed or settee so he doesn't injure you anymore than you have. 6-8 weeks or even possibly more if your correct about the meds your on slowing your healing. You will have to find things to keep you amused, maybe read a few books? You just take care, try and keep out of trouble! Sending you a soft (()).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello DD
    I hope you have a speedy recovery Mr DD must be good to you. you have a needle think what you could do.
    take care ((((((((DD))))))))
    take care
    joan xx
  • villier
    villier Member Posts: 4,426
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad to see your humour is still intact :wink: it is amazing how you find ways to do things one handed, the old saying where there's a will there's a way, hope the pain is getting a bit better................take care...........Marie xx
    Smile a while and while you smile
    smile another smile and soon there
    will be miles and miles of smiles
    just because you smiled I wish your
    day is full of Smiles