Should I be Suffering In Silence?
Ive been having pain in my right ankle for the past 8+ years. I had an ankle operation in 2017 & reattachment of my ligament. Surgeon identified early arthritis and some bone damage/degradation. Ever since I've been self medicating to take away the pain and mostly limiting the impact on my ankle. Working from home helps as…
Facing ankle fusion as an active sporty person?
hi all, I’m new here! 42yr old mum of young children (5&7) and have inherited osteoarthritis from my creaky mum! Unfortunately post traumatic injury, the arthritis in my ankle has reached ‘end stage’ and the surgeon has recommended a fusion. As an active person who has lived with and sucked up chronic pain for years and…
Can you help - shoes?
Hi there, new to the community and wondered if anyone can give their advice please? I was diagnosed with ankle arthritis 6 years ago and it is now at an advanced stage. Sadly, I can’t have a new joint or arthrodèses as over 30 years ago, I had my left knee fused following a skiing accident. I wear a brace on my ankle to…
Hello 👋
Hi, I'm Liam. I am 28 years old and from Scotland. I got diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis in January of 2024. My dad had Psoriatic Arthritis too so its very much a hereditary thing. To be perfectly honest, it's made everything a lot more difficult these days. I find it hard to walk, stairs are difficult and it can take a…
Ankle replacement views
Hello, I hope someone can help. I'm really interested in hearing from anyone who has had an ankle replacement and how they're getting on. I have a left ankle fusion which has been great. My right ankle needs surgery and I've been told I can have either another fusion or a replacement. Amazing since this was not an option…
Osteoarthritis in both my feet!!
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed at the very young age of 19 with Osteoarthritis in both my ankles and front foot. I have uncontrollable bone spurs that have made my life completely change! I am now waiting for surgery number 6 to have them removed. Unfortunately, after this surgery my consultant has informed me that there is…
Any suggestions for reducing naturally bony spurs on ankle?
I have some osteoarthritis in my right ankle,with some bony spurs (osteophytes) on the top/ outside of the ankle, which give me some discomfort. I've been following the exercises for Toe Feet and Ankles on the Versus Arthritis website, Can anyone suggest specific exercises to reduce naturally bony spurs? I want to avoid…
Osteoarthritis of ankle - how to manage aching at night in the early hours?!
Hi! I'm a new member! I'm Mike, an active 69 year old living south of Watford UK.I used to do a lot of long distance running , up to about 10 years ago; I had to stop running as I'd worn away my left ankle cartilage, and had bone-on-bone arthritis. I had a successful Left Total Ankle Replacement at the Royal National…
Pain relief
Hello I'm currently using naproxen to help me cope with the pain and swelling I get in my right ankle can anyone recommend a different pain relief drug that works for them please. thanks
RA in Ankle
Hi I am having real trouble with my right foot and ankle. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis earlier this year and I have been taking methotrexate which seems to be working as the rest of my joints are fine now but the only joint that is playing up is the ankle. Has any of the community have similar problems or…
Ankle Support?
The OA in my ankle has become a lot more painful in the past couple of months. I am no longer prescribed Naproxen, which has probably made matters worse. Does anyone know if an ankle support will help? And does anyone know of one that actually does? I don't want to waste time and money buying things only to find I'm no…
Now in a powerchair
I’m now in a powerchair 24/7 due Knee / ankle Arthritis on same leg !! Unable to weight bear !! New journey !! Turned another direction !!
Should I give up and go by taxi
How often should I take a taxi. A sort of inflammatory Arthritis is in nearly every joint I have now except my spine. Toes, ankles, knees, hips. I shuffle to work and sometimes limp. If I shuffle its good exercise and I loosen up, but about once a month it might be the opposite, too painful in my ankles then I take a taxi.…
Feel sick all the time
Hie I have osteoarthritis on both ankles. I hve been feeling sick for a couple of weeks now. I feel like its flu but then it disappears. Have a headache as well and my whole body feels painful. I went to see a few doctors and they think i have anxiety or i am depressed. They acknowledged that my ankles relly look bad and i…
Post-traumatic ankle arthritis
Hello, I posted here 8 years ago, when my PT arthritis began. In fact I had forgotten I had even posted before I signed on again today! Just made me realise how long I've been suffering with this. Basically, 16 years ago at 46 I fell out of a loft and broke many bones in heel and ankle. Had an operation to insert metal…
Osteoarthritis in left ankle
Following surgery ten years for a distal tibia and fibula fracture (plus four metatarsal fractures ) I have an IM nail and fixings. I've always had swelling around the left ankle since the surgery but now I've been told that there is some arthritis in the ankle. There is some stiffness in the ankle and I'm wondering how…
Pain in Ankles
Over the last couple of years I have developed new pains in both my ankles. The pain / Dull Ache is on the outside of each ankle where the Tibia & Talus meet. I went to see a consultant about this over a year ago and he was not convinced it was Arthritis, he didn't really say anything apart from that. The main places I get…