Feeling tired
Hi all Newly diagnosed OA of hips and spine (I’m 34). And although I’m happy I know what’s causing my pain and I’m going through different medications to help without feeling too stoned. But what can I do to counter act the tiredness? I had like 8 and half hours sleeps last night and I’m now yawning and feeling I could…
Hallux Rigidus, self-manage or clinical interventions
Hello I've got quite severe Hallux Rigidus in my right foot, with a couple of bone spurs at the bottom of the toes. After many years running, I am now limited to walking which is uncomfortable even in shoes that have specialised insoles made by my local hospital. For the last year, I have attempted to self-manage the pain…
Recent diagnosis of OA
Hi everyone. I am posting here because I found out this afternoon that recent pelvis xray results came back, and they have shown that I have osteoarthritis in both hips, tailbone and lower spine. I am female and only 30 years old but do have a family history of OA with early onset. Results show there is overgrowth at the…
What causes this pain?
A few weeks ago, I had gout, but currently, I do not have it, and my uric acid levels are normal. Now, I experience a sharp, throbbing, burning pain that periodically manifests around the left metatarsal area. My doctor diagnosed arthritis after reviewing my X-ray, but I am somewhat skeptical since the pain appears to be…
Struggling to manage frequent flare ups
Hello, my first post! I’m Sandi, a retired nurse, aged nearly 60. I live with psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis. Currently taking Benepali injections for the psoriatic arthritis, plus celecoxib and paracetamol for pain. I’ve recently completed the Nuffield joint pain course and joined the gym afterwards but I’m…
Being unable to walk
I dislocated my left knee just over a year ago, since then I have constantly been in pain and the pain is now also in my right knee. I'm finding it very difficult to walk and sometimes even straighten my knees. I think from dislocating my knee I now may have OA, I am hoping to get diagnosed as soon as possible. I was…
Dip joint fusion. Should I do it?
Hi everyone. I am 50 yrs old and have had oa (hands, fingers, feet, shoulders and lower back and neck), and fibromyalgia for many years. Along with other health issues. My Ortho consultant has offered me dip joint fusion surgery. I was all for it, but reading up about it, the recovery seems quite harsh. I still work 4 days…
Osteoarthritis in teens
My daughter, age 13, has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in two joints in her feet, caused by tarsal coalitions, which are inoperable. I'm finding hard to find any parents/carers of young people with osteoarthritis... is there anyone out there?! She can only walk very little with crutches, and is using a wheelchair…
Advice about using a computer mouse
Hi all, my first posting. I've recently been diagnosed with OA and am trying to make life a little easier. I use my laptop very frequently - I'm a researcher - and need to look at a different mouse to the one I'm currently using. At the moment I'm using the traditional type of mouse I've used for many years and now getting…
Sleeping after hip replacement
Hi I am trying to gather as much information as I can in case (as seems likely at some point in the not very distant future) I have to have a hip replacement. It is something I have been trying to avoid for some years as I have a real dread of surgery and hospitals. I live on my own and the stairs in my house are steep and…
Newly Diagnosed, not sure how to continue living.
Hey, I got the dreaded Osteoarthrosis diagnosis yesterday, on the left hand all of my thumb and 2 wrist joints, on the right 3 PIP joints. I'm 28. Very light arthrosis, no erosion yet. I work as a designer and i'm a gamer so i use my hands a lot, been having troubles with my hands and arms for 13 years now. That coupled…
Working from home: Sit-stand desks
Hi, just seeing if anyone out there who works from home, who has OA in the hips, is using a sit-stand desk ? and whether they've really benefitted from having the option to stand whilst working rather than being seated all day ? I spend 95% of my time WFH, my work is PC based, nose to the screen 8/9 hours a day. My OA is…
Naproxen side effects
I was prescribed Naproxen back in March for moderate OA in my knee. After a couple of weeks I noticed I had cloudy wee and I also developed thrush so stopped taking it. I was referred to my local pharmacy who suggested the symptoms were more likely to be caused by the antibiotics I was also taking at the time but to speak…
Recently told I have OA
Been recently told i have Osteoarthritus its in my hands knees feet wrists and neck.I think i must be having a flare up at moment as it hurts so bad.As anyone got any ideas how i can ease this pain.Doctor has only given me some gell im alergic to ibrufen and asprin.
Lifting weights at the gym
Hi, do any of you sufferers with OA of the neck work out with weight at the gym. I’m 55 & my body if starting to get flabby & I feel I need to work out. Afraid lifting weights might cause me to have migraines/neck pain but maybe if I was to build up the weight very slowly. I don’t know? Any advice would help. Thank you.