Should I take hydroxychloroquine for palindromic arthritis?
Hi all, I was recently diagnosed with Palindromic arthritis afte 2 years of symptoms. I currently have a really bad flare up in my right hand. I was prescribed hydroxychloroquine but only "if it gets worse". I am not sure what that means - a single flare? or over several years? I was only given 1 month's supply. My GP…
Hello, new here
Hi, my name is Mel and I have lived with arthritis for about 10 years. I am hoping to be able to get hints and tips on managing my pain. Looking forward to interacting with you.
Should I be Suffering In Silence?
Ive been having pain in my right ankle for the past 8+ years. I had an ankle operation in 2017 & reattachment of my ligament. Surgeon identified early arthritis and some bone damage/degradation. Ever since I've been self medicating to take away the pain and mostly limiting the impact on my ankle. Working from home helps as…
Facing ankle fusion as an active sporty person?
hi all, I’m new here! 42yr old mum of young children (5&7) and have inherited osteoarthritis from my creaky mum! Unfortunately post traumatic injury, the arthritis in my ankle has reached ‘end stage’ and the surgeon has recommended a fusion. As an active person who has lived with and sucked up chronic pain for years and…
Total Hip replacement pain - THR
Good evening. I am CERTAIN I am being a stress head for no reason so apologies in advance for being a drama queen but I've made the mistake of Googling this and of course, I am now worrying! Dr Google is not helpful at times 🤣 I had a total hip replacement on 26 October (2.5 weeks ago). Things are going OK with the wound…
24, Diagnosed with RA at 22. Issues with treatment
Hi all, I was diagnosed around 2 years ago and unfortunately have had a really difficult time at the Doctors and wondered if anyone shared the same issues? When I was given my diagnosis, I was told on the phone by my doctor on a call that lasted around 30 seconds. Following this I was obviously shocked and had lots of…
Using stressball for hand arthritis
I have recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hand and I am using a stressball for exercising the fingers. I am wondering if I might be over-doing it. Is there any guidance as to how frequently I should be using the stressball ?
Bad knee flare up advice and new medication
Hi Im 26 years old I have rheumatoid arthritis and I’m really struggling at the moment and I need advice, I started a new medication called leflunomide 5 weeks ago I’ve felt sick every day since I’ve taken it and I’m having a terrible time with my knee, I can’t walk on it, I’ve done all the things the hospital have told me…
Full Rehab Journey After Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
This is a raw, personal account of the my rehab journey following a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing operation on May 23rd, 2024. Initially, I was going to do a weekly update but what scuppered that idea was when my consultant, brilliant that he is, told me two things while my legs were still numb from the anaesthetic. The first…
should I have surgery?
Hello, first of all, I am using an English translation program, so I apologize for the mistakes in my writing, get well soon everyone, I have been diagnosed with advanced hip arthritis, doctors recommend prosthesis. The interesting thing is that I have no pain, yes I can walk long distances but with my cane, I have slight…
What causes this pain?
A few weeks ago, I had gout, but currently, I do not have it, and my uric acid levels are normal. Now, I experience a sharp, throbbing, burning pain that periodically manifests around the left metatarsal area. My doctor diagnosed arthritis after reviewing my X-ray, but I am somewhat skeptical since the pain appears to be…
Arthritis based TMD
Hello, I am 39 and am looking to connect with other people who have arthritis in their jaw. I have had arthrocentesis, steroid injections and wear a splint but I have found no releif. I feel very alone and am desperate to meet other people with arthritis specifically in their jaw to get advice or just hear how you are…
Pain relief
Good afternoon everyone I hope you are well. I am apart from this unbearable pain in my right knee. I was diagnosed with mild arthritis in my right knee about 10 months ago. I've took all sorts of pain relief, sprays and creams to help ease or relieve the pain. I also got arthritis in my left knee at the beginning of this…
Sore foot
I was wondering if anyone can offer some insight. I have inflammatory arthritis. I have got like small blisters and “blemishes” on the underside of my toes and bottom of my feet. Could this be RA related and worth mentioning to my rheumatology team or is it completely unrelated? Thanks.
Combination Arthritis
I’ve had osteoarthritis since I was 17-55 years ago, I’m 62 now. Since then but over 35 years ago I’ve also been diagnosed with Rheumatoid & Psoriatic Arthritis and I have spondylitis in my neck and lumbar spine. I have 2 full metal joints and had over 25 steroid injections with under 5 working. I’m on maximum medications,…
Hi everyone recently started methotrexate 10mg injections weekly I haven’t felt much relief at all yet but trying to be patient! Could anyone tell me how long it took for them to kick in? Thank you!
A new podcast about arthritis - starring you!
Dear All, I’m starting a podcast about arthritis and I need your voices to help bring it to life. A freelance science/health filmmaker in my early 50s, last year I was diagnosed with severe arthritis and you and this forum have been an invaluable source of understanding, information and support. In fact, you gave me the…
Use your lived experience to get involved!
We have several opportunities for people with arthritis to get involved in. Please have a look at each activity and see if it is something you feel you could contribute to, we always value your experiences.
Hi all, after trying 3 types of dmards, am still on methotrexate but I now have an appointment to start the process with a view of going onto biologics. Can anyone give me any info on what is involved in the process? I know that I’ll need an mri and 4 inflamed joints (I think). Also, what biologics are there to try please?…
Looking for solutions and need some advice...
My grandparents suffer from arthritis meaning they can no longer complete most tasks at home and need a lot of help, especially during celebrations and family events. I was wondering if anyone has tried using gadgets to help them out and whether they are worth trying so I've made a google form for some feedback. Feel free…
Hello 👋
Hi, I'm Liam. I am 28 years old and from Scotland. I got diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis in January of 2024. My dad had Psoriatic Arthritis too so its very much a hereditary thing. To be perfectly honest, it's made everything a lot more difficult these days. I find it hard to walk, stairs are difficult and it can take a…
Osteoarthritis in both my feet!!
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed at the very young age of 19 with Osteoarthritis in both my ankles and front foot. I have uncontrollable bone spurs that have made my life completely change! I am now waiting for surgery number 6 to have them removed. Unfortunately, after this surgery my consultant has informed me that there is…
Bodged Op
Hi All, Not sure if anyone would be able to help. I had an guided steroid injection in both hands at the end of October. This particular operation didn't go as it should. Without going into to much detail it went wrong from the start. My local pals were worse than useless and the answer was basically we will learn lessons…
Pain relief
Hello I'm currently using naproxen to help me cope with the pain and swelling I get in my right ankle can anyone recommend a different pain relief drug that works for them please. thanks