Mid Foot Arthritis Diagnosis
any tips besides steroid shots and surgery for mid-feet arthritis diagnosis? Have bad OA throughout body - tips for pain reduction so appreciated
Just diagnosed with hip arthritis
I trust this platform will be beneficial for me as I've recently received a diagnosis of hip arthritis, and I'm still grappling with the shock of understanding its implications. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, at the age of 54, this condition has taken me by surprise.…
Hello Everyone, newbie here
Hello Everyone I've recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. After two long years of tests and scans, my rheumatologist put me on a course of steroids for 3 weeks and I had 3 weeks of bliss! Between that and my history, he decided that I had PsA. I've just had more blood work and am having a fibro scan next week…
Methotrexate help
Hi Everyone, I am 37 and I have psoriatic arthritis. Only diagnosed November 2024 after 4 years of pain. I started methotrexate two days ago. First medication I tried I was allergic to it. I have had nausea all weekend, and pains in my abdomen. I’m only on 7.5mg this week. I’m just worried going up to 10mg next Friday. The…
New diagnosis, feeling lost
Hello! I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis a few weeks ago and I thought I was coping with it but the last couple of days I'm feeling quite overwhelmed with it all. I've just started on methotrexate and I'm hoping to get some relief from it but I know that could be a while away. I'm 31 and work in the performing arts…
Morning all. ive had a scan through one or two running threads to get a feel of things. I was only recently diagnosed with arthritis on the outside of my left knee. Its a shock, Im 67, Ive been running well with a 5k pb of 28 mins in Nov, I hill walk a lot tooand even rock climbed Ben Nevis recently Im waiting for my first…
Back to work- quietly terrified!
So its time to leave my Christmas bubble and attempt to get back to work and my new reality. I am newly diagnosed with Arthritis, although that has been fairly casually done and I have yet to be given a type. It started in November with very painful left knee, then after trying to push through ( dr said wouldn’t make it…
New here recently diagnosed with hip arthritis
Feeling emotional. I'm 48 and suffer from fibromyaglia and pain from scar tissue from my hysterectomy. Pain been worse lately and been walking with a, shuffle so got an xray Found out I've hip arthritis even past few weeks seems to be getting worse. Should I try a, walking stick? I've found myself off balance so times and…
Swimming gloves for Aqua Classes
hi, just discovered this community! I am recently diagnosed with arthritis in my thumbs. I love my Aqua classes but am finding that the foam weights we use are very hard on my hands. The instructor mentioned to try swim gloves instead. The pool is heated. Any comments before I buy?? I also spend lots of time in cold hockey…
Diagnosed with grade 2 arthritits
hi, I’ve been diagnosed with grade 2 arthritis in my knees, and neck and recently in my toe making it difficult to walk. The pain has started to get worse and now waking me up. Is this expected at this stage? I’m finding it painful to walk most of the time. This has caused me depresssion as I was a very active person. I’m…
Fatigue. Advice please
Hi everyone. I'm 52 and was only diagnosed in late July so very new to this. Feeling very low as in bed for the 3rd day in a row unable to shake off overwhelming fatigue. Sleeping more than being awake in the day, despite sleeping all night. Any tips on how to hasten a recovery and/or to avoid this happening in the first…
I’m new 😊
Hi everyone, I have finally been diagnosed with OA after two years of hospital visits , along the way I also have an osteoporosis diagnosis and PFPS, a great gift for my 60th , I have constant pain and stiffness in both my knees and I hate to think how much l have spent on pills, potions and miracle knee braces and to be…
Being Passed from Pillar to Post, thought I'd stop in.
Hey every one, I hope you are all doing as well as you can be and if you are having a struggle day that you at least have a cuppa! My name is Ryn, I'm here looking for help/advice/answers/community I'm currently being passed from one team to another with neither team talking to one another so feeling very helpless. I'm…
New to rheumatoid arthritis
Hi I'm 54 and have recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The future feels really scary to me at the moment. I'm not on any long term meds yet but will soon be taking hydroxychloraquine. I just wonder what type of life can I expect. Will I lead a relatively normal life with this disease. I feel really anxious…
New friends
Hi everyone I am Jan, I have Anykylosing spondylitis,I got diagnosed last year, I am 64. my husband is my carer. i live in Northumberland and love talking photos when I can get out. i did have other hobbies but not able to do them. i am friendly, outgoing, sense of humour, well you have to with this condition. i lost…
Non Specific Arthralgia
Hello, I recently visited my gp to ask for help in discussing my pain with work and he said the Rheumatology report notes I have non specific arthralgia, could anyone help with what this means please? At a previous appointment with Orthopedics I was advised I have wear and tear (i think this means osteoarthritis?) in my…
Struggling with a new diagnosis, pain, work, staying positive
Hi All, Hope today finds you well. I'm 54 and, until last July, was very active - running and yoga were my go-tos. Then, in a beat, it all stopped with a diagnosis of severe arthritis in the right hip. In March last year I became aware of a niggle, a pain I'd never had before when stretching after a run - deep in the groin…
Friends in NI?
Hi there, Just a post to see if there are any Northern Ireland based people on here! I'm based towards Larne. 31 but with the personality and hobbies of an 87 year old woman 🤣 love plants, dogs and reading. Wanting to go back to the gym but terrified of busting myself more lol. Currently awaiting a formal diagnosis, but…
Saying Hi!
Hi there, First time poster! I'm currently awaiting a formal diagnosis but the consultant has confirmed I have inflammatory arthritis of some type. I'm currently 31, I injured my left knee 7 years ago simply by crouching down. I tore cartilage, worked with an orthopaedic consultant on and off until my right knee became…
Osteoarthritis in teens
My daughter, age 13, has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in two joints in her feet, caused by tarsal coalitions, which are inoperable. I'm finding hard to find any parents/carers of young people with osteoarthritis... is there anyone out there?! She can only walk very little with crutches, and is using a wheelchair…
‘Mild’PsA - new diagnosis?
Hello everyone! 35 years after suddenly finding myself in intense pain and unable to walk unaided I might have a diagnosis! I was told all those years ago I had slipped a disc- nothing of note on X-ray and of course I did not question this. over the years I have had periods where I need a stick to walk, but I learned to…
Back to Work
Just finished my first week back after a long Christmas break and last week's OA diagnosis. Yes, I've been aware of soreness in my hands for some time but this week felt worse and I'm very sore this morning. I'm trying to decide if it suddenly flared over the holidays or if now knowing what it is has made me more aware of…
My New Diagnosis
Hello everyone, So, I'm a music teacher and have recently started experiencing stiffness and pain in one finger. Having taught older adults and helping my mum I had a horrible feeling I knew what it was but saw the GP yesterday to check I was still hoping he'd say it was an infection or injury but, unfortunately, my fears…
Understanding My Diagnosis
Hello, I wondered if anyone could help me please - after an ultrasound my GP says that I wear and tear and arthralgia - does anyone know what this means? He said it is pain in the joints abd tgat he'll refer me for Physio. Many thanks
Recently diagnosed college student
As the title suggests, I’ve just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I’m in second year of college with mock exams coming up in a couple days and I have no idea how I’ll be able to write for 3 hours straight, and on some days twice in the next two weeks. I’ve been struggling with hand pain silently and struggled just…